Soul Eater (6 page)

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Authors: Lorraine Kennedy

BOOK: Soul Eater
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"Any time Agent Claremont. If you need anything else don't hesitate to contact us.” He shook her hand firmly.

Jenna was just about to the door, but turned back and looked at the man who stood behind the desk. “Detective, in your professional opinion, where do you think we should be looking for the killer?"

His solemn eyes met hers, and at first he didn't answer. Running fingers through his short, dark hair the man sighed. “I would look all around you, beyond the obvious. There is a reason why the perpetrator hasn't been caught yet. He is everywhere ... but nowhere."

"Thanks,” she told him before leaving his office. She found the detective's comment disturbing.

She was so caught up in her thoughts Jenna literally ran into Brody in the hall. He was dressed in his usual garb of jeans, and a T-shirt. A beaded headband held his long, black hair in place.

Brody's dark eyes collided with Jenna's and her pulse was instantly sent racing.

"Well hello Agent Claremont.” He gave her one of his brilliant heart-stopping smiles.

"Hi Brody. What are you doing here?"

"Just a little business I'd to take care of."

They both stood there in silence, waiting for the other to say something, but words evaded them.

"Well, I should be going.” Jenna smiled and turned away.

"Wait!” Brody's hand clasped her arm. “Can I buy you lunch?"

Jenna hesitated. By being seen with him she might compromise the case, but her gut feeling was telling her that he just wasn't the guilty party.

"Okay.” She finally agreed.

"Great, there's this great little café down the road that serves up some delicious Indian Tacos."

* * * *

After their meal, Jenna watched Brody over the rim of her coffee cup. She had to admit that he was still the hottest guy she'd ever met. Each time she was in his presence she felt as if her body was on fire. It didn't help much that it had been so long since she'd enjoyed the touch of a man.

"So how's the crime busting business going?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Jenna wanted to, needed to, talk to someone about the case, but could she talk to the Sinister Police Department's prime suspect? Finally her need to share her thoughts overcame her reservations. Besides, she was almost positive that the local police were barking up the wrong tree.

She told him about the box that she'd found on the front porch that morning and about the several missing person's reports that she'd gone over."

"Have you looked over all the files?” he asked.

Jenna shook her head. ‘No, I'd planned to look them over when I got back to Sinister."

"Well before you do, I guess there's something I should tell you.” Brody looked away from her to stare out the window at the people passing by. It was apparent that his mood had grown dark.

Jenna felt her chest tighten. She prayed that he wasn't getting ready to tell her that he'd been involved in any way.

"You'll find this when you start going over those files anyway.... “His voice trailed off.

Jenna wanted to coax him on, but she had the feeling that this was something he was going to have to do all on his own.

Brody looked back from the window and, taking a deep breath, he continued, “Not long after your family vanished, my little brother disappeared while riding his bike."

Gasping, Jenna reached over to cover his hand with hers. “Brody, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I know. No one did. Seems they didn't pay too much attention to the Indians who disappeared.” He smiled but the bitterness he felt was evident in his voice.

"And you think your brother was a victim?"

"Yes, I do. I believe most disappearances around here could be contributed to the killer, or the thing that's doing this. That's what I was doing hanging around Sinister so much. I knew it had something to do with that town and the mining."

"Is that what you still think?"

"Even more so now. You're going to find out anyway so I might as well tell you. I work for the Riverton Police as a detective. I've been working undercover."

Understanding dawned on her. “No wonder you weren't worried about being convicted in this case. Why didn't you tell them this?"

"There's something not right with that town, including the police. As much as your dad and I butted heads, I'm beginning to think he was one of the last normal guys on that force."

"I know what you mean. They have been acting a little strange."

Leaning over, Brody took her hands in his. “Jenna, I don't want you staying there alone. I'm not just saying this because I want to lay you down and make passionate love to you, though I do,” he added. “I'm worried about you being there alone. That package you got today means something. They're trying to scare you, or worse."

"I know, but I have a job to do,” she reminded him. “Besides, my partner will be here within a day or two."

"Come and stay at my ranch, make that your headquarters."

Jenna shook her head. “I think I'm closer to the culprit if I stay in Sinister."

"That's what worries me,” he told her with a smile.

As crazy as it felt, Jenna found that she was actually considering the idea.

"Just for tonight. We'll put our heads together and see what we come up with,” he prodded.

"I don't know.” Jenna hesitated.

"I won't take no for an answer,” he told her as he was standing up. “I'll feel a hell of a lot better if you're with me."

"You know Brody, I'm not completely helpless. I didn't get to be an FBI Agent by being a wimp."

They were back outside under the afternoon sun before he continued the conversation. “Under normal circumstances that may be true, but I doubt the FBI prepared you for anything like this."

Still Jenna was uncertain.

"If it will make you feel any better, I have a spare bedroom you can use."

"Okay,” she agreed. “Should I just follow you then?"

He nodded and pointed to a blue truck in the Riverton Police Department's parking lot. “That's my truck there."

* * * *

She couldn't help but feel shock and amazement. Jenna wasn't sure what she'd been expecting-a little shack, a trailer, but it wasn't what she found. Brody had amassed himself quite a spread. His house was large and in a log cabin style.

Brody walked over to her car, opened the door and held out his hand. Jenna took it, letting him help her out.

"This is wonderful,” she commented.

"Cattle can be quite profitable, if you have some business sense.” He pointed to his head.

Jenna laughed. “Somehow I just never imaged you being a business man, let alone a police officer. You're just full of surprises today."

Brody's gaze rested on her lips and then traveled up to meet her gaze. “I have many more surprises to offer."

The desire in his voice caused Jenna's breath to quicken. Her body remembered his touch and responded. Finally she forced herself to turn away. Reaching into the car, she grabbed the case files she'd brought with her.

Inside, she placed the files on a large, wooden coffee table that sat in front of a massive stone fireplace. Looking around, she admired the rustic beauty of Brody's home.

Disappearing into the kitchen, he returned with two glasses of Chardonnay. “Shall we get started,” he said as he handed her a glass.

Taking a sip, Jenna found the drink refreshing. “Thank you."

For the next few hours the two of them went over the files. With each autopsy report there was one glaring similarity. Brain hemorrhaging. Jenna came to the autopsy report for the Brodrick girl. Examining the file, she was sure it would be like the rest.

It was as she suspected. Victim died of loss of blood but there was no obvious wound. Burst blood vessels in the brain.

"Look, all the victims have had aneurisms,” she pointed out. “Why haven't the police looked into that? Also, there are no autopsy reports on any of the victims that were discovered within Sinister's jurisdiction."

"Maybe they never looked into the brain hemorrhages because there's no logical way you could contribute that to the killer, even if it was the cause of death."

"This tells us that the aneurisms happened first and then the blood drained somehow. Could fear have caused this?"

Brody shook his head, denying the possibility. “Fear could account for a couple, but I doubt all of them, especially the younger ones."

"What are your ideas, then?"

"Legend says that the Soul Eater will take possession of a body before killing it. It devours the soul and then eats its life force through the blood. The being has also been known to take the form of those souls he has devoured. It's possible that this process caused the brain hemorrhaging."

Jenna looked doubtful.

"Come on woman, you can't still believe this is a simple matter of someone with a deranged mind?"

"It is strange, I'll give you that, but I don't’ know.... “Her voice trailed off as she stared out the large living room window. “How do you explain the odd behavior of the police?"

Brody shrugged his shoulder. “I haven't figured that one out yet."

While they were working, the day had faded to night unnoticed. Brody reached to an end table and picked up a remote. The fireplace came to life, bringing a comforting glow into the room.

"More wine?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk?” she asked with a smile.

"Sure, why not?"

Jenna handed him her glass and he took it into the kitchen to refill it. Soft music filled the room and then Brody returned.

"Care to dance?” he held out one hand to her.

"I'd swear you're attempting seduce me."

"You would be right,” he whispered softly.

Warning bells were going off all through her head. She knew if she took his hand and let him pull her into his arms that would be it. She'd be lost to her own feelings.

Jenna looked into his eyes and found that she was mesmerized by the flickering firelight reflected in their darkness. His headband was gone, leaving his long, black hair to fall across his wide shoulders.

"Come on, baby doll. Let me show you what love can be,” he pleaded in a soft low voice.

Exhaling, Jenna hadn't even realized that she had been holding her breath. Who was she kidding? She'd known from the moment that she accepted his invitation they would end up making love. It was what she wanted.

She took the hand he offered, letting him pull her into his arms. He held her so close that she could feel his heart beating and the warmth of his body through his clothes. The music wrapped around them like an exotic perfume, pulling them into the rhythm of the haunting melody.

Jenna yielded to his demanding kiss, their tongues dancing and exploring. His teeth came down on her bottom lip, causing just the slightest bit of pain so that his tongue could sooth her injured flesh.


The breathless way he said her name was like a sensual caress, igniting her animal instincts.

He had set fire to her passions and they erupted into an uncontrollable inferno. The years peeled away and he was once again the center of her universe. Her hands slid beneath his shirt to the taut muscles that rippled across his chest.

As they moved with the music, Brody's deft hands slid across her body, removing her clothing, caressing her bare skin. When her clothing was gone, he pulled back, letting his eyes devour her.

His shirt came off, followed by the rest of his clothing. Brody stood before her in bronzed splendor, sculptured to perfection. She couldn't resist the temptation to reach out and touch him, his hard stomach, the mass of dark hair below his waist and his thick, rigid staff.

He pulled her roughly to him until her skin was melded against his. “I have waited so long for this."

The sensation of his hard cock against her stomach sent searing heat through her body, she wiggled against him, bringing a moan to his lips. His hands found her breasts. His fingers squeezed and twisted her nipples to bring her sweet pain.

It was too much. She had to feel him within her. Jenna took him by the hand and pulled him down with her to the plush carpet. She felt his large, rough hands on the inside of her thighs, spreading her legs. With his thumbs, he spread her swollen woman's lips to reveal her throbbing clit. His darting tongue massaged it slowly.

Gasping, she arched her hips to force his tongue along her hot slit. He obliged her, licking and lapping up her hot juices. He stopping, rearing up to gaze down at her with smoldering eyes.

The head of his staff rested gently against the lips of her love channel. Her body trembled with the need to have him plunge into her.

"Is this what you really want?"

"Yes!” she screamed.

When he entered her, she felt her pussy stretched to the limit by his huge cock. There was pain in accommodating such an enormous man, but it was luscious pain, the kind of pain that you can't get enough of.

He moved within her, gently at first but his need was mounting and he was losing control. His movement became erratic, hard, demanding. He would pull almost all the way out and then slam into her harder each time.

The tingling heat was too much and she sensed her flesh tighten around him as she felt a flood of release. He groaned in response to her swollen cunt cradling him even more tightly. Her screams of ecstasy filled the room, driving him over the edge. There was no stopping it as he erupted, filling her with his hot love.

Brody collapsed against her and Jenna's hands went up to caress his back. When he had time to catch his breath he stood, lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bed.

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* * * *

Exhausted, Jenna slept well past the time when she would have normally risen. It was the birdsong outside the bedroom window that finally brought her awake. Leaving the comfort of the huge, king size bed was difficult but she forced herself to do it.

Brody was nowhere around so she assumed he must be in the kitchen and wouldn't mind if she jumped into the shower. A door led right from his bedroom into a large, black and gold colored bathroom.

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