Soul Eater

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Authors: Lorraine Kennedy

BOOK: Soul Eater
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New Concepts Publishing

Copyright ©2008 by Lorraine Kennedy

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* * * *
Soul Eater
Lorraine Kennedy
© copyright by Lorraine Kennedy, June 2008
Cover art by Eliza Black, June 2008
ISBN 978-1-60394-204-1
New Concepts Publishing
Lake Park, GA 31636

This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author's imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.


The steam swirled and danced within the
lodge, filling his body with the sacred medicine of the earth—cleansing his soul. His heart beat in sync with the rhythm of the drum, luring him to the underworld. The atmosphere within the lodge changed as the darkness retreated.

Her aura was bright—so bright that it seared into his brain, tearing at his mind until he was sure he would go mad. Just when he was certain that he could take no more, the light dimmed to reveal her angelic beauty. It was her ... the one he had to find, had to protect against the darkness.

His need for her burned deep within his groin until it erupted into uncontrollable desire. Her innocence was so complete that it sent shards of guilt into his heart.

He must find her, save her ... but he couldn't take her innocence.

Soul Eater
was taunting him, tormenting him with the girl's beauty. It wanted to destroy her for she was a threat. Her light could chase away its darkness and starve its hunger. The Soul Eater's need for her was as strong as his own, but it would devour her soul, and the light of her power. The vision wavered, changing until she stood before him, seductively beckoning him to caress her naked flesh.

The mist crawled over her peach-colored skin, stroking her with its ghostly fingers. Her, dark nipples stood erect, inviting him to nibble them. Luscious full lips parted as she gasped, revealing her pleasure at the phantom's touch.

Lust overwhelmed him. He could almost feel her flesh wrapping around his swollen thickness, squeezing until he erupted within her.

The Soul Eater would use his passions against him, tease him ... blind him with lust until he was sightless to its evil ... until he forgot his purpose.

The shadows crept ever closer to his angel. Its hunger would devour her as he watched, helpless to stop it.

The vision changed abruptly. She was gone and in her place was his little brother. The sweet ring of the child's laughter filled the air. Happiness reflected in the boy's large, dark eyes.

Finally ... a new bike! He'd wanted a new bike for a long time. He'd take the dirt trail and only be gone a moment. His parents wouldn't even realize he was gone.

Night was falling quickly and with it would come the coldness of the grave.

Couldn't he see the darkness, the evil that stalked him?

Watch out little brother! Go faster ... don't let it catch you!

A slight uneasiness descended on the boy and he pedaled the bike faster, but it was gaining on him. The darkness was close to him. It would rip the life from him in its quest for the soul's essence.

The vision wavered and broke apart to become one with the thick mist of the
. He was seized by violent trembling. Terror such as he had never known before gripped his heart.

"The evil of the Soul Eater reaches through your dream to touch your heart.” The old shaman's voice brought him out of his vision. Raven Heart stared at him from across the lodge.

"I saw her,” he told the old man. “It's coming after her and it will come after my brother."

Raven Heart nodded.

"I didn't see where to find her, though."

The old man's bony finger pointed toward the mountain. “You will find her in the shadow of its lair."

* * * *

From this distance he appeared ethereal as the flames cast flickering light on his dark, features. He stared into the fire as if he could see something in the flames that was invisible to everyone else. At the moment he was alone, but for how long?

Now that she was here, watching him from only a few yards away, Jenna Claremont wondered how she would ever have the courage to approach this fantasy man who had trekked through her dreams for months now. One thing was for sure, though, if she was going to talk to him, she would have to do so soon, before Angie returned from wherever she had gone.

She wouldn't stand a chance of even being noticed next to Angie McNeil, who was older than Jenna and one of those perky blonds that just seemed to draw men like magnets.

Jenna felt herself to be plain at best next to someone like Angie. She had a mass of dark red hair, with a face marred by the occasional freckle. Would she stand a chance with an older guy like Brody?

The first time she'd saw him was over a year ago at a local rodeo. Since then, Jenna had been in his company several times, but not once had he paid her the slightest notice. He often hung out with her older sister's friends who were all college age and probably much more interesting that Tina's little freckled faced sister.

Jenna frowned at the discouraging thoughts that kept crowding in on her courage. She had to do this. For such a long time she had been waiting for this moment. Now that she was eighteen years old, maybe he wouldn't think of her as such a child.

It would be crazy not to talk to him. After all, Brody Silver Wolf was the only reason she'd risked her father's wrath to come to this party in the first place. Jenna's gaze scanned the many little campfires that dotted Mirror Lake's beach, briefly wondering how long Angie would be gone.

She knew Brody wasn't Angie's boyfriend, but she'd sure been clinging to his side tonight. It grated on Jenna's nerves when she thought of the way the other girl had been all over him since he'd arrived.

Jenna knew she was way out of her league at this party. Everyone was older than she was. The only reason she'd even known that there was going to be a party at Mirror Lake was because she'd overheard her sister talking about it with some friends. They had mentioned that Brody was planning on going and that's all it had taken to make up Jenna's mind.

Shivering, she imagined her father's anger if he ever found out where she was tonight. Though she turned of age a few days ago, he still treated her like his little girl, and Jenna hadn't been eighteen long enough for him to get out of the habit yet.

Brody was forbidden fruit, for many reasons. Not the least being that he was ten years older than she was and bad news as her father often referred to him.

Jenna's father had arrested Brody more than a few times and whenever she would ask about it, Brent Claremont would just say that he was one of those hell-raising Arapahos from the reservation. Officer John Claremont obviously had no idea that his eldest daughter was often in the company of many people like Brody, but he wouldn't. Her father would want to think of his daughters as perfect and chose not to see that which was unpleasant.

Running her fingers through her unruly auburn tresses, Jenna jumped to her feet and made her way to Brody's fire. When his gaze moved from the fire to Jenna's face, her stomach twisted into knots. She'd have turned tail and run right then and there if it weren't for the fact that it would have made her look even more foolish.

"Didn't you ride in the rodeo last summer?” She was so nervous that her voice squeaked when she spoke.

"Yeah, I did,” he answered while he studied her with open curiosity. “Jenna right? Tina's little sister."

"Yes,” she admitted. A frown touched her lips. She had so
wanted him to remember that she was Tina's sister tonight. Just once she wanted to be Jenna instead of Tina's little sister. But on the bright side, he at least remembered her.

Jenna sank into to the sand next to him. “I think you should have won."

Brody's lips broke into a smile. “I think you have to actually stay on the bull for a few seconds before you can win."

Jenna blushed, knowing that she'd just given away the fact that she knew very little about bull riding. Remembering the bottle of water in her hand, she lifted it to her lips and took several swallows of the lukewarm liquid.

"If you don't watch how much you drink you might not make it home tonight.” Brody regarded her with unmasked amusement.

"It's just water,’ she assured him, her face flushing with embarrassment.

In that moment Jenna felt more like a little girl than she ever had in her life. She knew if she didn't take desperate measures the only opportunity that she might ever have would slip right by her.

"Well maybe I could have a real drink and just go home with you then.” She smiled impishly, scooting closer to him.

Brody's gaze traveled from her flashing green eyes to her graceful neck, coming to rest on the cleavage visible above her silky blouse. Even through her innocence, she didn't miss the flickering of desire in his dark eyes.

The look he gave her made her heart pound so hard that she felt sure it would burst forth from her chest at any moment.

"Do you want to go for a walk?” Jenna asked before she lost her nerve.

Without a word, he stood up and held out his hand to her. Jenna let him lead her away from the crowd. They walked along the beach in silence until coming to a secluded cove.

Undercover of darkness he pulled Jenna to him, crushing her against his chest. Holding her yielding body close to him sent flames of lust ripping through his body. From the moment he'd laid eyes on her he'd know it was she—the girl from his vision. He had yearned for this moment but dreaded it at the same time.

His hunger for her sweet flesh consumed him, nearly clouding his reason until there was no thought but her soft body beneath his.

Burying his face in her softly scented hair he whispered. “Do you have any idea who I am?"

She tilted her head to look into his eyes. “Yes, you're Brody Silver Wolf."

His teeth playfully bit at her ear as his hand slid beneath her blouse to caress her back.

"Yes, but do you
know who I am?"

"I don't care who you're.” Her words came out in little gasps.

Going up on her tiptoes, Jenna put her lips against his. With a moan he invaded her warm inviting mouth with his flickering tongue. He held her so close he could feel her taut nipples beneath the thin blouse.

It couldn't hurt to sample just a morsel of what she so badly wanted to give him. Maybe ... just maybe she had already lost her innocence and it wouldn't matter. He'd only seen her from a distance a few times, and he had no idea even how old she was.

Your hunger will blind you, Brody. Obscure your sight to the evil that stalks her.

Pushing the mocking voice from his head, he pulled her even closer so that she could feel his rigid flesh against her stomach. She moaned in response, sending shivers through his body.

"You're so beautiful, just like a little doll.” His voice shook, revealing the magnitude of his passion.

Jenna let herself slip into the unfamiliar feelings that gripped her. Whatever rational thought she'd started out with was far out of sight. For the moment, nothing existed but his touch. He was at the center of her universe.

Gently, he pulled her down with him to the soft sand and with little effort opened her blouse, exposing her small breasts. She felt his long hair fall against her skin and his hot tongue flicking across her tingling nipple.

Without a second thought she reached down and unbuttoned her pants. Grasping his hand, she helped guide him to her throbbing wet pussy that was screaming to be touched.

"I want you,” she told him between little gasps.

"Oh baby doll ... if you only knew how badly I want you.” His deep voice was laced with obvious passion.

He was up on his knees pulling off his shirt. With uncertainty, she touched the firm ridges of his stomach and let her fingers trail down to the hard bulge in his jeans. She unsnapped his pants and gently slid the zipper down. The molten fire in his eyes set her blood boiling.

"I want you to be my first.” Jenna's voice quivered with yearning.

Brody froze. He looked as if someone had poured ice water over him.

"Are you a virgin?” he asked.

"Yes,” she whispered.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen” She wanted to lie, but couldn't bring herself to do it.

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