Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series (6 page)

Read Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #threesome, #hot, #menage a trois, #forbidden, #scifi erotica, #hot romance, #naughty, #steamy, #warriors, #scifi romance, #evangeline anderson, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

BOOK: Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series
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Shouldn’t be thinking this way. Shouldn’t
let her affect you so much.
But he couldn’t help it—she was
absolutely gorgeous. Adding to her appeal was the obvious fact that
she had no idea how beautiful and desirable she was. Though how an
elite could have no idea of her own devastating attraction, he
didn’t know.

“What are you going to do to me?” Kat
murmured and he realized that he and Lock had both been staring too
long, drinking in her beauty.

“Touch you,” he said, trying to soften his
voice which kept coming out too rough. “Bring you pleasure…Make you

Her eyes flew open. “You…you have to do

“An orgasm is the fastest way to bind your
spirit back to your body.” Lock spoke quietly, obviously trying to
relax her. “But we’ll be gentle, my lady—you know we will.”

“But…” Her eyes were wide with fear and
uncertainly. “What exactly…?”

“To start with, this.” Leaning closer, Deep
kissed the side of her neck gently. Her skin was as smooth as silk
against his lips and he could feel her pulse pounding out of
control just under the surface. Gods, she smelled good! He deepened
the kiss, lapping hungrily at her neck.

Kat drew in a ragged breath and he knew he
was affecting her. Looking up briefly, he caught his brother’s eyes
and nodded.

Lock knew what to do. Sliding down, he
pressed his mouth to the other side of Kat’s neck and began to kiss
and lick gently while Deep continued to do the same.

“Oh…” The soft sound fell out of her and she
trembled between them. “That feels so

“It’s about to feel better,” Deep assured
her, looking up. Cupping her right breast, he thumbed the tight bud
of her nipple. Her soft gasp of pleasure and surprise went straight
to his cock, making it feel like a bar of steel trapped between his
thighs. “Gods, I want you, Kat,” he growled, capturing her eyes
with his own, not letting her look away. “Want to feel you under me
while Lock and I fill you at the same time.”

“Deep…” Lock put a restraining hand on his
arm. “Don’t frighten her.”

“I’m not frightened.” Kat lifted her chin,
her blue eyes snapping in the dim light. “But I’m not willing to go
that far, either.”

And there’s the problem. We’re forming a
bond with a female who doesn’t want to be bonded to us. And we
haven’t even told her what we’re doing—not really. There’s going to
be hell to pay when she finds out.
Deep felt a wave of
frustration. “We’re aware that you don’t want to go too far, little
Kat,” he growled. “But know this—you
spread your legs
for us tonight, even if it isn’t to get fucked.”

* * * * *

Kat’s breath caught in her throat at his
blunt words. “I don’t see why I should…should have to do that,” she
said, wishing her voice didn’t tremble so much.

“Because unless you can come from having
your nipples sucked, Lock and I need access to your pussy,” Deep
said roughly. “Remember how you didn’t want to let me open you and
stroke your sweet little cunt the last time we were together? Well
this time you’ll have to.”

“It’s all right, my lady,” Lock murmured,
leaning down to kiss her cheek. “We’ll go very slowly if you like.
And penetration might not be necessary. It might just be enough for
us to stroke or kiss you between your thighs”

“Kiss?” Kat’s heart skipped a beat. “But I
thought…thought that you just wanted to touch me.”

“We want to do whatever we can to bring you
the most pleasure.” Lock cupped her left breast and laid a soft,
hot kiss on her nipple. “See, that’s not so bad, is it?”

, it’s not,” Kat said. “But
I just don’t know…”

“You don’t have to know,” Deep interrupted.
“All you have to do is spread your legs for us and let us touch you
and taste you.”

“We can try touching first,” Lock assured
her. “If the idea of being tasted makes you uncomfortable. Here.”
His hand slid down her trembling abdomen to cup her mound of curls
gently. “Like this. Does that feel all right?”

“I suppose,” Kat admitted doubtfully.

“Spread her open.” There was a hungry look
in Deep’s eyes as he watched his brother’s hand between her legs.
“Slip your fingers inside her soft little pussy and see how wet she

“May I?” Lock looked at her uncertainly. “Or
would you prefer that we suck your nipples some more first?”

“I’ll take care of her nipples.” Suiting
actions to words, Deep leaned over and sucked her right peak deeply
into his hot mouth, taking as much of her breast as he could at

Kat couldn’t help herself, she moaned and
arched her back, responding to the fierce suction and the burning
desire she could feel inside him. God, he wanted her so badly…

Oh my God, their emotions—I’m beginning
to feel them again!
Suddenly she realized that she hadn’t been
filled with their feelings when she first woke up. But now…

“Wait!” she gasped, trying to push them
away. “Wait, I can…can feel you again.”

Deep looked up, his full lips red from
sucking. “Of course you can. We’re touching you. Tasting you.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Kat protested.
“Your emotions—I can feel them inside me again.”

“That’s a good sign,” Lock told her. “It
means your spirit is being bound back to your body. You’re becoming
part of the physical plane again.”

“But…but I don’t like it.” Kat frowned.
“It’s so invasive. So uncomfortable.”

“You think it’s comfortable for
know how
feel?” Deep growled. “How frightened you are of
bonding with us? Because it’s damn sure
. I can tell you

“At least you’re used to it,” Kat pointed
out, refusing to rise to the bait about her being frightened. “You
feel each other’s emotions all the time, don’t you?”

“When we’re not blocking each other out.”
Lock sighed. “I’m sorry it’s so uncomfortable for you to feel us,
my lady, but it really is unavoidable. After this is over, I swear
we’ll go back to Mother L’rin and see if we can find a way for you
to put a barrier up between your mind and ours. If that’s what you
really want.”

“Is that even possible?” Kat demanded.
“You’re not just saying that so you can…keep going?”

“Mind privacy comes naturally to twins,”
Lock told her. “But it can be taught, too—at least among my people.
I don’t know about yours.”

“Well…” Kat said hesitantly. She was
throbbing all over, from the tips of her breasts to the sensitive
vee between her legs which made it damned hard to think straight.
“I guess so…”

“Then we’d better get on with it,” Deep
finished for her. “As I was saying, Lock and I need to know how wet
you are.”

“I…I don’t…”

Deep leaned closer, his eyes blazing into
hers. “Spread your legs for us, little Kat. Open your pussy and let
us see if you’re slippery with honey.”

Kat had no defenses left—she was being
swamped in a sea of lust and only a third of it was her own.
Feeling like she was drowning, she spread her legs and allowed them
both to look at her.

“Gorgeous,” Lock murmured, his admiration
radiating against her like sunshine. “So delicate and lovely.” He
looked up at her. “May I spread you open, my lady? May Deep and I
see your inner folds?”

“I don’t understand why you need to,” Kat
protested feebly.

“We need to know how far we have to go to
make you come,” Deep growled softly. “If you’re wet and ready it
might just be enough for one of us to touch you. Unless you
to let one of us taste you.”

“No, I…not really,” she whispered. “All
right. Just…be gentle.”

“Of course.” Lock and Deep exchanged a
glance and Lock said, “If we need to taste you, my lady,
will be the one to do it.”

Kat was flooded with relief. If they had to
go that far, she wanted Lock to be the one who went down on her.
Letting Deep do something so intimate seemed dangerous somehow.
Like trusting a panther to lick your face instead of biting it off.
Not that she actually thought he would
her. He was just
so intense it was frightening…overwhelming.

“All right,” she whispered again and tried
to relax as she felt Lock gently part the lips of her pussy. She
jumped slightly when he stroked a fingertip over her swollen

“You’re wet, my lady.” His deep voice was
thick with lust and she could feel his desire filling her.

“Wet but not wet enough,” Deep said in a
dangerously soft voice. “You need to be tasted, little Kat. Need to
have your pussy licked.”

Kat’s entire body was so tight with tension
she felt like she was going to burst. “You’re sure?”


“Deep is right.” Moving down the bed, Lock
positioned himself between her legs. “Open yourself for me, my
lady. Don’t worry, I’m just going to kiss you.”

Biting her lip, Kat watched as he spread her
thighs wide with his broad shoulders. Beside her, she could feel
the muscular bulk of Deep’s large body. His cock was hard and hot
against her thigh and the dark spice of his scent made her

“Watch him,” he growled in her ear. “Watch
Lock open you. Watch him taste you.”

It was the same thing he’d said during their
last joining when Lock was sucking her nipples. “Why…why do you
always want me to watch?” Kat demanded breathlessly.

“Because then I know you can’t deny it, even
to yourself.” Deep stroked her cheek, his large hand surprisingly
gentle. “If you watch, you have to admit it’s really happening,
little Kat. And that you’re really enjoying it.”

Kat had no answer for that. She watched,
mesmerized, as Lock parted her pussy lips once more and placed a
soft, open mouthed kiss on the throbbing button of her clit. “God!”
Her back arched as pleasure raced through her. But she needed
more…much more. Lock seemed to understand.

“I need to lick you, my lady,” he murmured,
looking up at her. “May I have your permission?”

“Tell him yes,” Deep directed her in a low
voice. “Say, ‘Yes, Lock, I want you to lick my pussy.’”

Kat felt her entire body heat with a blush.
“Why should I have to say that?”

Deep tilted her chin towards him and looked
into her eyes. “Because you need to admit you want it. Admit you
it. And because I want to hear you say it. Go on.”

“I…” Wetting her lips, Kat forced herself to
speak the words. “Yes, Lock, I…I want you to lick me.”

“’To lick my pussy,’” Deep corrected her.
“Say it right, Kat. Tell Lock what you want.”

He still held her eyes with his own and she
felt helpless to look away—helpless to disobey his orders. “Lock,”
she whispered, looking at Deep as she said the words. “I want you
to…to lick my pussy. Please.”

She felt a surge of lust from Deep and he
growled with approval. “Very good. I didn’t tell you to add the
‘please’ but it was a nice touch.”

“I will gladly taste you, my lady,” Lock
murmured. “I’ve wanted to do this since the first moment I laid
eyes on you.”

“We both have,” Deep said, stroking her
cheek again. “Watch now, Kat. Watch and tell me how it feels.”

Kat watched as Lock dipped his dark blond
head between her thighs again. She honestly couldn’t believe she
was doing this. Couldn’t believe she was lying here with the two of
them, naked and spread open, completely defenseless while Lock
licked her pussy and Deep watched.

She moaned softly as Lock started at the
bottom of her slit and gave her a long, loving taste. His tongue
was hot against her sensitive clit—hot and gentle and incredibly
intense all at the same time.

“Delicious,” he said softly, looking up at
her, his mouth wet with her juices. “I love the way you taste, my

“Th-thank you,” Kat stuttered as Lock went
back for a second taste. God, his tongue felt
her. He was tracing her now, circling her clit in slow, intricate
patterns that seemed designed to drive her crazy. She could feel
herself getting close to the edge almost immediately but she still
needed something…something she hardly dared name, even to

“How does it feel?” Deep demanded as Lock
continued to lick and suck her inner folds. “Do you like his tongue
between your legs? Does it make you feel like you need to be

Kat’s breath caught in her throat. How had
Deep known? But of course, he could feel her emotions, the same way
she could feel his and Lock’s. She knew it must be part of the
strange, unwanted link they shared, but that didn’t make her feel
any less embarrassed.

“I told you, I don’t want to go that far,”
she said breathlessly, trying to frown at Deep.

“You don’t have to,” he assured her. “What
you need is penetration. I can provide that easily enough without
using my cock…if you’ll let me.”

Kat bit her lip. Did she dare? She could see
the hunger in his eyes, could hear the longing in his deep voice.
But most of all she could feel the need coming off him in waves.
He knows I’m afraid to trust him. He knows he scares me.
that knowledge hurt him, somehow. Hurt him deeply.

“I know you fear me,” Deep said, as though
reading her mind. “But I swear I would never hurt you, little Kat.
Please…will you let me bring you pleasure?”

“Yes,” she whispered, giving in at last.
“Just this once, I guess it will be all right.”

“Very good.” Deep plundered her mouth
suddenly in a kiss that took her breath away. When he pulled back
he looked at her intently. “If I only get to do it once, then let’s
make it count.”

“Deep—” Kat started to say, but he was
already pulling her closer and sliding his hand under her to cup
her pussy from below. Lock stopped licking her for a moment and
looked up to catch her gaze.

“It’s all right, my lady,” he murmured,
stroking her inner thigh soothingly. “Deep’s going to penetrate you
with his fingers. Just open yourself for him and let him fill your

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