Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series (10 page)

Read Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #threesome, #hot, #menage a trois, #forbidden, #scifi erotica, #hot romance, #naughty, #steamy, #warriors, #scifi romance, #evangeline anderson, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

BOOK: Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series
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“What effects? What is this stuff going to
do to me?” Kat waved one of the two remaining triangle fruits in
his face.

“The bonding fruit doesn’t just make you
more flexible,” Lock said carefully. “It also makes you more…what’s
the word?”

“Horny.” Deep grinned at her but it wasn’t a
happy expression. “I’ve been practicing my Earth vernacular again.
Did I get it right?”

Kat’s hand itched to slap him but she
somehow restrained herself. “You bastard,” she said in a trembling
voice. “You’re telling me that I ate some kind of aphrodisiac?
Didn’t just eat it but practically overdosed on it? And you think

“Not at all.” The grin faded from his face
and he looked at her intently. “In a very short period of time,
of us is going to think it’s funny.”

“What do you mean none of us? How can it
affect you two?”

“We can feel your emotions, remember?” Deep
tapped the side of his head. “Everything

“But it won’t just be us—though we’ll be
affected most deeply.” Lock had a grim look on his face. “It’s
going to affect every male in your immediate vicinity.”

“Okay, I get the emotions thing. But
is it going to affect everyone else?”

“Your scent,” Deep answered for his brother.
“You already smell like a female in heat whenever you’re around
Lock and me. This is only going to make it worse—
worse.” He started to pace as he talked. “You already
irresistible and now you’ll
irresistible as well.
We’re going to have to warn off every other male at the party

Lock shook his head. “I just hope it doesn’t
come to blows.”

“What party?” Kat was becoming thoroughly
exasperated. “And why can’t we just skip it if it’s going to be
such a problem?”

“The party our mother planned in your
honor,” Lock said quietly.

“Which is why none of us can just ‘skip
it,’” Deep snarled. “We have to attend and every other high ranking
male in town is going to be there as well. The mated ones won’t be
a problem. But the unmated males…”

“You’re going to have to stay very close to
us,” Lock told her seriously. “Of course this wouldn’t be a problem
if…” He hesitated.

“If what?” Kat said. “Come on, spit it out.
If you know a way to keep every single guy in the immediate
vicinity from humping my leg just because I ate the wrong fruit,
then by all means, please share.”

Lock sighed. “If you’d let Deep and I mark
you with our mating scents…”

“But you
Kat protested, in a
low voice. “When you…you know,
me. Didn’t you?” The
memory of Lock’s head buried between her thighs while Deep growled
in her ear and pumped her pussy with his thick fingers made her
feel hot all over.

“I did mark you some,” Lock admitted. “I
couldn’t help it. But I wasn’t tasting you to mark you, my lady—my
aim was to bring you pleasure, so I wasn’t very thorough. And
besides, my scent alone won’t keep other males away from you. Deep
needs to add his scent as well.”

Kat put a hand to her throat. “And how

“We need you naked and open between us.”
Deep’s eyes raked her body, making Kat shiver.

“What…what do you mean

“The same position we started in last
night.” Lock’s voice was calming but somehow Kat didn’t feel
soothed. “But you’d have to open your legs. To allow our shafts to
rub against you. Against your—”

Kat had heard enough. “Huh-uh. Sorry guys,
but no way.” She backed away from them, shaking her head. “I am
up for that. That’s too close to…Anyway, I’m not going

“All right. It’s all right.” Lock held up
his hands in a gesture of truce. “Deep and I would never do
anything to you that you didn’t want us to do, my lady.” He looked
at his brother. “Would we, Deep?”

Deep looked at her speculatively. “Not
unless it was for her own good. Which this very well may be, as you
know, Brother. After all, we can’t let her be attacked by every
stray male who smells her scent just because she’s a little
squeamish about letting us mark her.”

“No!” Lock held up a hand to stop him when
he started to approach Kat. “Stop it, Deep. You know you wouldn’t
act against Kat’s wishes, so stop pretending you would.”

“Who’s pretending?” Deep growled. “I
act against her wishes if I thought her
life was in danger and what I was doing was in her best

Kat glared at him. “Thanks for the vote of
confidence. I guess I’m just too
to know what’s good
for me.”

“No, you’re just too damn tempting for your
own good.” Suddenly Deep was right in front of her, cupping her
cheek and looking down into her eyes. “You have no idea how
alluring you are, do you, little Kat?” he said softly. “With your
full curves and your hot scent. No male in the universe could be
near you without wanting to fuck you.”

“Leave me the hell alone.” Kat jerked away
from his touch. “I’ve had enough of you for one day.” Turning, she
marched to the spiral staircase.

“You’re going to have to put up with a lot
more of me during the party tonight. A lot more of both of us,”
Deep called.

Kat didn’t bother to answer. She still had
one of the triangular bonding fruits clutched in her hand. Acting
on a sudden impulse, she flung it at his broad chest. The fruit hit
him squarely above the heart and splattered all over his deep green
uniform shirt, making what Kat hoped was a permanent stain. She was
hoping to piss him off as much as he had irritated her. But to her
intense annoyance, Deep only looked at her and laughed. Looking her
in the eye, he drew one finger through the pulp that stained his
shirt and stuck it slowly in his mouth.

“Juicy, little Kat,” he rumbled. “Juicy and
succulent and oh, so sweet.”

Kat refused to dignify his leering with an
answer. He was still laughing as, with one last glare in his
direction, she climbed out of sight.

* * * * *

Lock sighed and reached down to pick up the
remaining bonding fruit and the carved wooden bowl Kat had left on
the cushions. He knew his mother only kept such fruit in the house
to remind her of their fathers. Though she had loved their
stepfather dearly, the same Kindred male who had been Baird and
Sylvan’s true father, she had never forgotten her first mates—Twin
Kindred who had died in battle with the Scourge.

She had been overjoyed when he and Deep had
brought an unmated female home with them. After what had happened
with Miranda, she seemed to have lost hope that they would ever
call a bride. So of course when Kat had reached for the bonding
fruit, she’d gotten the wrong idea about what was going on between
the three of them.
I wish it was the right idea,
thought longingly.
Gods, how I wish it.

Putting the fruit in the bowl, he
straightened up to see Deep staring moodily up the stairs where Kat
had disappeared. The ruined bonding fruit was dripping down his
shirt but he didn’t appear to notice or care.

“Why do you do that?” he asked, unable to
keep his frustration from spilling over. “Why do you antagonize
her? Why do you push her away?”

Deep turned to look at him. “In case you
didn’t notice, Brother, I’m not the only one pushing.”

“Kat only pushes you away because you push
first,” Lock accused him. “Why don’t you tell her how you really
feel? Why don’t you tell her what you did for her? How you took her

Deep was on him in a flash, both hands
fisted in Lock’s shirt. “That is
your secret to tell,
Brother,” he snarled. “We haven’t come to blows since we were
children but I promise if you tell her about the whipping—”

“Fine.” Lock pushed him away roughly. “You
don’t have to threaten me. I don’t know why you want to keep it
from her, but I’ll keep your secret if it means so much to you. I’d
no more tell her what you did than I would tell her about

“See that you don’t.” Deep frowned and
straightened his shoulders. “I’m going to try and get some rest
before the party tonight. If you’re smart, you’ll do the same.”

“I can’t rest now,” Lock said wearily. “I
have to talk to Mumzelle and try to explain that the bonding fruit
was a mistake. Then I’ll try to make peace between you and the lady
Kat—if that’s even possible.”

“Why should you care if we get along or
not?” Deep demanded. “Just let it go, Brother. You know the minute
we take her back to Mother L’rin she’ll be asking for a way to
break the connection between us. Hell, she doesn’t even know it
exists and she’s already angry. What is she going to do when she
finds out we have a soul bond with her she didn’t ask for?”

“I don’t know,” Lock said, running a hand
through his hair. “But I don’t think now is the time to tell her.
Right now I just want to keep her from hating you. From hating

“Too late, Brother.” Turning, Deep left him
alone in the kitchen, clutching the last remaining bonding fruit.
“Too late.”

Chapter Nine


Kat was a mess. She sat on the bed with her
arms wrapped around herself and shivered. God, she hated to admit
it but those two got under her skin—especially Deep! What was it
with him, anyway? Why did she let him get to her so much?

“Drives me
she muttered,
running a hand through her hair. It was surprisingly glossy and
clean, despite the fact that she’d been out of it for so long
before she’d woken up between Deep and Lock the night before.
Vaguely, she remembered dreams she’d had. Dreams of large male
hands bathing her and washing her hair—but those were just dreams,
right? The thought of the brothers handling her naked body while
she was unconscious made her really uncomfortable.

And what about the damn bonding fruit? Her
hands still smelled of the triangular, palm-sized fruit. The scent
was tempting and incredibly delicious but Kat had no desire to eat
any more now. What was going to happen to her when the weird, alien
aphrodisiac kicked in? And how was she going to make it through a
huge formal party if she was horny out of her mind?

Not that I’d ever get horny enough to let
Deep and Lock try
on me.
Just the
idea of both of them trying to fit their huge shafts inside her at
the same time gave her the shivers. There was just no way that any
fruit, no matter how “special,” could make that kind of three-way
action anything but painful.
How would you even get in the right
position to do that?
It made her head hurt just to think about
Then don’t think about it.
But the image wouldn’t leave
her head. It was the same one Deep had sent her the night before
while she was swamped in lust. Then it had seemed almost plausible
and extremely hot. But now…Kat shivered and shook her head.
way. No way in

Sighing, she got up to pace back and forth
in front of the wide window. Then she looked down at her bare legs
and had a sudden thought—who knew if what she had on would be
considered decent or not? She didn’t need to be putting on another
show. Quickly, she shut the shade, plunging the room into
bluish-purple gloom, but not before she saw several men on the
street below smiling and waving at her. Kat did
God, some of those jerks will probably be at the party

The thought made her wince. Her time on Twin
Moons was really getting off to a great start. She hadn’t even been
awake for one whole morning and she’d already given a peep show to
strangers and eaten a whole bowl full of horny fruit by mistake.
What the hell was she going to do tonight? And what—

“My lady?” A soft rapping on the door
interrupted her mental tirade.

“Yes?” Kat sighed with resignation. “Come

“Thank you.” Lock came in and shut the door
behind him. He was alone, Kat saw with relief. She didn’t think she
could handle another dose of Deep just now. “I just wanted to talk
to you,” Lock said, coming over to the window where she was
standing. “I wanted to tell you—”

“Have you been washing my hair while I was
unconscious?” Kat blurted.

“Um…” Lock coughed and looked down at his
boots. Then he looked up and nodded. “Yes.”

“You and Deep both or just you?”

“It was my idea,” he said softly, looking
into her eyes. “But I did get Deep to help me.”

“God!” Kat started pacing again. “I
it. I knew it wasn’t just a dream.” She rounded on
Lock. “Do you know how creepy that is? I mean, I was
, for God’s sake! You two could have been doing
to me.”

“We only bathed you,” Lock said in a low
voice. “Deep and I are honorable males. We would never take
advantage of you as you slept.”

Reluctantly, Kat shook her head. “No, I
guess not.
wouldn’t anyway.”

“Deep would not take undue advantage
either,” Lock said, obviously taking her meaning. “And we draped
you in towels to preserve your modesty if that makes you feel any

Strangely enough, it did. Kat sighed and
nodded slightly. “I guess, maybe a little.”

“Try to understand.” Stepping forward, Lock
took her hand in his. “We were charged with your safety and well
being. We were acting as any males would toward the female they
cared for.” Bending his head, he pressed his lips to the back of
her hand and gave her a soft, lingering kiss.

Kat felt her heart skip a beat at the old
fashioned gesture and the feel of his warm lips on her skin. He
looked so handsome standing there, so earnest and hopeful as he
kissed her hand. When he looked up, his whole heart was in his
chocolate brown eyes.

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