Sophie's Surrender [Viper's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Sophie's Surrender [Viper's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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As she wriggled between them, her need growing, their caresses getting bolder, she tried desperately to talk some sense into herself. She wasn’t this type of person. She didn’t do casual sex or share erotic encounters with brothers. Well, not in real life anyway.

But the more Sophie tried to come up with arguments for why she shouldn’t do this, the more she was reminded of how long it had been. She’d gone through a few vibrators over the years, but she hadn’t had a real cock inside her for a very, very long time.

Would it really hurt to just enjoy the moment?

She’d just about thrown all caution to the wind when both brothers stopped kissing and caressing her. She wasn’t quite bold enough to take over the seduction so she waited breathlessly for whatever was going to happen next.

“We need to stop,” Adrian said quietly.

“Why?” It was a silly question, especially since she was still mentally listing all the reasons why they shouldn’t continue.

“Because we didn’t come here to seduce you.”

“Well, not yet at least,” Alex added wickedly, his fingers toying with the sash that held her robe closed.

“So why”—she had to swallow twice before she could finish the sentence—“did you come here?”

“To talk. To find out if you’d be interested in dating both of us.”


“Sophie,” Adrian said, lifting one of her hands into his own, “we’re both attracted to you and want to get to know you better. Please say yes.”

She shook her head, not really in denial of their words but rather as an attempt to make her hearing work correctly. Surely having two gorgeous, successful men asking her out was wishful thinking. They couldn’t possibly have said what she thought they’d said.

“It’s okay to say no,” Alex said, cuddling her just a little closer. “You’ve known Adrian for weeks. We’ve only met a few times. I can take a step back.”

“No,” she said before she’d even given it any thought at all. Maybe it was just the boost it gave her ego but she didn’t want either man to leave. In fact, she didn’t even want to leave the apartment. “Can we order dinner and eat here?”

“You don’t want to be seen in a restaurant with both of us?” Adrian asked with a concerned frown on his face.

“Actually that sounds like fun, but tonight I just want to get to know you both without distractions.”

“That’s fair,” Adrian said with a warm smile. He took his cell phone from his pocket and started tapping the screen. “I’ll just find the restaurant online menu and you can tell me what you would like to eat.”

“I don’t really need dinner,” she said, patting her ample curves. She’d never been thin but being a baker hadn’t helped with her weight. Skipping dinner certainly wasn’t going to hurt.

Alex lifted her to her feet without trying to undo her robe—darn it—and then Adrian turned her toward the bedroom, tapped her bottom, and whispered wickedly, “We like your curves just the way they are. Go and get dressed.”

“You like…” Her words trailed away as she tried to grasp the concept. She’d dated a couple of times between her divorce and buying the bakery, but both times she’d been left feeling lacking. One of the men, who’d been the friend of a friend, had even tried to compliment her by suggesting she would be rather attractive if she lost a few pounds. Despite the fact that she didn’t think he’d meant it maliciously, it had tapped into just about every teenage insecurity she’d carried into adulthood, and had actually been the reason for her lack of interest in the opposite sex after that. At least in the bakery she was complimented on how good her food was and not how good it might be with a few changes.

She must have been staring at them like some sort of love-struck moron, because Alex pulled her back into his embrace and ran his hands over her ample curves, his warm touch searing her insides as her pussy started to throb in time with her heartbeat.

“Of course we’re quite happy to share a meal with you dressed exactly like this, but by the end of it we’ll probably be looking for dessert.”

She couldn’t help the shiver that ran down her spine at that delicious suggestion.

“I like dessert,” she said softly, almost glowing with embarrassment as she whispered the words.

“We don’t want to do anything you’ll regret in the morning,” Adrian said in a tight voice.

“I won’t regret it,” she said quickly, suddenly realizing that she intended to fulfill such a naughty fantasy.

“Be very sure, sweetheart,” Alex warned as he stood behind her and slid his hands inside her robe, his fingers gently caressing her soft flesh, “because once I get a taste of this beautiful body I’m not going to be able to walk away.”

“Same here,” Adrian said, moving to stand in front of her, his lips a mere inch from hers.

“I’m sure,” she whispered as she lifted onto her toes and rubbed her lips against his. She’d been fighting her attraction for Adrian for weeks now. Add that to the instant and very potent arousal Alex effortlessly inspired and there was no way she could deny herself this experience.

Just this once she was going to live in the moment and let tomorrow work itself out.


* * * *


Adrian worried that Sophie was agreeing too easily, but the moment she kissed him his thoughts went haywire. He fumbled with the knot in the sash, nearly growling in triumph when the material finally slid open and he touched hot naked skin.

Breaking the kiss, he stood back and admired every delectable inch. Alex had claimed her breasts, his fingers tweaking the ruby-red berries to hard little points, her breath growing more and more uneven as he intensified the sensations by alternating between soft caresses and hard pinches.

Adrian’s gaze traveled lower, gliding over her abdomen and hips, her gentle curves inflaming his desire in ways he’d not realized were possible. He’d seen many beautiful women at Viper’s Dungeon, but not one of them had inspired him to such desperation. If he didn’t taste her in the next few moments he was likely to go insane.

Lowering to his knees, he laughed softly as Alex realized what he planned and sat back on the sofa, pulling Sophie with him. He arranged her so that she lay sprawled across him, her knees hooked over either side of his thighs, her pussy wide open and glistening.

Alex gripped her chin, turning her head so that he could claim her mouth, her soft moan filling the room as Adrian caressed her slippery pussy lips with his fingers, separating the soft curls to find her clit already swollen and shiny with need.

He lifted her to his mouth, his fingers caressing the soft flesh of her ass as he ran his tongue along her slit over and over, his cock growing incredibly hard within the confines of his suit pants. He licked at her again and again, loving her reactions, honored by the honest sensuality of her response.

He pushed two fingers inside her, sucking her clit into his mouth as he caressed over her G-spot. Her wriggling increased, her need obvious, her arousal reaching breaking point. He sucked harder, flicking the trapped bud of her clit viciously with his tongue, thrusting his fingers harder and deeper, mercilessly forcing her into orgasm.

She screamed, her legs stiffening, her ass clenching, her breath catching a moment before she shook all over, orgasm pounding through her as he and Alex continued to torment her, wringing every last spasm from her before finally letting her rest.

Sophie lay sprawled over his brother, her legs open, her pussy puffy and swollen, her cream coating her thighs, her breathing rapid and erratic, offering herself to them like the beautiful goddess that she was, and Adrian couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sight.


* * * *



Alex groaned the word, his need nearly overwhelming as Sophie slowly recovered from the most amazing orgasm he’d ever been lucky enough to witness. The woman was amazingly sensual, her reactions to both him and his brother unexpected but very welcome. It proved everything he’d thought he’d imagined.

“My bag is in the trunk of the car,” Adrian said as he awkwardly climbed to his feet. It was an interesting reaction to witness. Adrian was physically fit, athletic, and almost as qualified in martial arts as Alex was. To see him so uncoordinated proved that Sophie affected his brother as deeply as she affected him.

It seemed she was the woman they both wanted to keep.

Adrian leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Sophie’s lips before moving away and grabbing his car keys. “Back in a moment, beautiful.”

She smiled serenely without opening her eyes, her contentment at that moment erasing the last few doubts in Alex’s mind. He pinched her nipple, smiling when she moaned sensuously from a touch that under different circumstances should probably have hurt.

“Which way to the bedroom, sweetheart?”

His question seemed to jolt her back to reality. She blushed a very beautiful shade of pink even as she pointed the way. Their woman might not be experienced in this kind of relationship but it seemed she was brave enough to reach for what she wanted.

He lifted her into his arms, trying not to sigh like a dork when she snuggled closer. He’d long thrived on the trust between a Dom and a sub during a planned scene, but it paled in comparison when it came from a woman he truly wanted to love.

Learning that his brother wanted her, too, had simply intensified his own emotions. He and Adrian had always been close, so sharing a woman with him was not going to be a problem—especially now that many of their friends lived similar lifestyles.

Sophie wriggled in an attempt to get him to put her down, but he held her tighter, not ready to let go of his sexy, naked beauty just yet.

“My room is a mess,” she whispered when he refused to let her leave his arms. “I really should tidy it before I let you in.”

“Is that so?” he asked, unable to hide his amusement. The rest of her apartment had been neat and tidy. So was her shop. He couldn’t imagine what her idea of mess might be and almost laughed when he stepped into the room. A few clothes dropped in a pile—probably on her way to the shower—and a damp towel over the end of the bed was not his idea of mess. It was more likely the result of their early arrival.

But she seemed very embarrassed by it so he finally relented and set her on her feet. The towel and clothes quickly found their way into the hamper, her hairbrush was moved back into what he assumed was its place, and her shoes were moved into the closet. All up it took less than a minute for Sophie to get the room back the way she wanted it.

He opened his arms and she stepped back into his embrace.

“We can stop if you want,” Alex said, when he felt the slight tremble in her muscles.


* * * *


Adrian heard his brother’s quiet words and held his breath as he waited for Sophie to answer. He would stop. He would head back into the living room and wait for her to dress for dinner if that was what she wanted. Hell, he’d leave if she asked him to.

But right now he sincerely hoped it wasn’t what she needed.

“No,” she answered breathlessly, “I don’t want to stop.” She was quiet for a moment, but then nerves seemed to get the better of her. “Ah…un–unless you do. I mean, I would understand. It’s not like I’m some great catch.”

The smack was loud and decisive. Adrian listened closely for her protest, but when none was forthcoming, he stuck his head around the corner to check what was happening. Every doubt that Sophie would accept them for who they truly were flew out the window when he saw how roughly his brother kissed her. She held on to him, straining to get closer, her whimpers of need filling the room even as Alex closed his fist in her hair and kissed her savagely.

They were both panting by the time they broke apart, but Alex continued to hold her captive by her hair, forcing her to look at him.

“You are a very beautiful woman—”

“Who should lose a few pounds,” she said in an almost teasing tone.

The smack was even louder this time, her soft groan music to his ears as his brother’s handprint bloomed across the soft skin of her buttocks.

“Repeat after me,” Alex said in an indulgent tone. “I am a beautiful woman who is perfect just the way I am.”

She giggled until Alex tightened his hand in her hair. She repeated his words quickly, seeming embarrassed to say them out loud.

“Say it again,” Alex ordered, glancing over to Adrian for just a moment before turning his full attention back to the woman held securely in his arms.

“Do I have to?” she asked, again with a soft giggle.

“Only if you want to avoid being spanked,” Alex said, his eyes darkening with his arousal as he watched the expression on Sophie’s face.

“I’m beautiful and perfect the way I am,” she said, paraphrasing Alex’s words but this time taking her time to say it properly, and perhaps even believe it herself.

“Good girl,” Alex said before leaning over to kiss her again. “Now help me undress. If I’m not inside you in the next thirty seconds I think I’m going to explode.”

“We can’t have that,” she said with a soft laugh. Sophie’s grin grew positively wicked when she glanced over and saw Adrian. His heart almost stopped beating as she sank to her knees and undid his brother’s jeans.

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