Read Sophie's Menage Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Sophie's Menage (7 page)

BOOK: Sophie's Menage
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She’d barely come down from her spectacular orgasm when Eric’s lust-dripped voice sank through her layers of after-climax high.

“Time for the spanking bench, Sophie. You know what that means…” he teased.

A wicked tremble of anticipation rolled through her. Oh yes, she knew what was going to happen next. It was their turn for pleasure and she couldn’t wait. She didn’t even realize her ankle and wrist restraints had been detached until Eric and Steve held her firmly by her arms and instructed her to walk.

Fire laced her buttocks and a wonderful soreness whispered through her shoulders as she took a step and then another. Her legs were jittery and if the guys hadn’t been holding her, she would surely have dropped to the floor into a helpless heap.

As they led her, she kept her eyes closed. She wanted to stay in this euphoria of having her two men back in her life, even if for a short time. A moment later they guided her onto the lush padding, and she lay belly down. Her head was positioned in such a way that her chin rested comfortably on a chin rest.

She held her breath as snaps of ripping foil split through the air.


She creamed.

“Hey baby,” Eric whispered and she tensed involuntarily as two hot palms caressed her ass cheeks.

“Open your mouth for me, Spanky,” Steve growled from directly in front of the bench. “Wrap your sweet lips around me. I have missed this for too damn long,”

The impatient tremble in his voice smoothed like silk over her senses and suddenly she had a flaming need to have him thrusting into her mouth.

She parted her lips and accepted his thick cock. His condom-sheathed shaft tasted of fragrant cherry and power and dominance as he slowly slid it into her mouth, withdrew and then pushed in again. She tightened her lips, loving the elevated veins and the erotic shiver of his flesh as he moved in and out.

Eric smacked her ass cheeks with what she identified as a thin short cane. The stinging bite of pain was sweet pleasure. Heat splayed over her flesh where he struck .

“You never wanted us to go, did you, Sophie?” Steve groaned as he engaged a slow thrust.

She wished she could tell him that he was right, but her mouth was full of his hard pulsing flesh. She tensed and shuddered as Eric stopped caning her ass and his finger nudged against her anal opening.

“Your I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude about us leaving really pissed us off,” Steve said in a thick voice.

Gosh, they’d picked one hell of a time to start up a conversation about the past. She wanted to participate in answering, but the unmistakeable press of Eric’s thick shaft against her sensitive anal nerve endings as he pressed his cock past her sphincter had her moaning at the incredible fullness. His penis was thick and hard and so wonderfully long as he sunk deep into her. The pressure was intense and intoxicating and she moaned around Steve’s shaft.

“That’s it, baby. Take us in. Enjoy what we have to offer. We aren’t going anywhere this time around.” Eric spoke in such a soft tone that the tenderness lacing his voice almost brought her to tears.

Were they staying

“You can get rid of that spanking machine in the basement too,” Steve growled as he thrust his cock into her mouth again.

Oh how embarrassing
! The only people she’d told about her toy were Marley and Claire and now Eric and Steve knew as well. Had Marley or Claire told them?

But were they serious
? Were they really staying? Unbelievable happiness bubbled within her. They wouldn’t tease her so horribly. They had to be speaking the truth.

“You won’t be needing that machine because you’ll have us,” Eric said. He began a gentle thrust in and out of her ass. The intense pressure of his impalement scattered all her thoughts of disbelief . Euphoria pulsed through her.

They were staying! They would have time to talk things through. She would force herself to communicate this time around. She just had to. She didn’t want to lose them again.

Knowing that she might have another chance with them allowed her to relax and fully enjoy their powerful thrusts. Her lips tightened around Steve’s shaft as she smiled. The sharp slap of flesh against flesh had her moaning with anticipation.

Her fingers tightened around the bench grips as their pistoning strokes grew faster and more frantic. Tension snowballed inside her. Her thighs tightened and her breathing escalated and grew rough.

Sensations spiralled out of nowhere, slamming into her hard and fast. She cried out at the impact. Embraced the explosion as it swelled and shuddered and swallowed her, thrusting her into erotic bliss.

From somewhere far away Steve cried out. His cock pulsed and jerked in her mouth and then warmth followed as he came into his condom. A second later Eric groaned and bucked hard as his orgasm grabbed hold. The guttural sounds of her men coming made her pleasure increase tenfold and she was swept deeper into the beautiful world she’d missed so much.




“Let’s relax a bit in the tub while Eric prepares some refreshments for us” Steve whispered as he dropped his condom into a nearby waste paper basket and cast a quick glance at Eric who stood naked at a nearby mini-bar fixing them drinks.

Sophie nodded and he lifted her from the spank bench into his arms. Her sweet warm curves pressed erotically against him and his cock jerked with arousal. He almost groaned out loud at his fierce reaction to her. Man, he’d always reacted wildly to her and even after having just orgasmed, he was ready to go another round with her.

Her hand swept softly against his chest and he inhaled sharply at her electric touch and at how his muscles flexed beneath her fingers. Her eyelids fluttered and as she opened her eyes, his heart just about melted. Man, she had the prettiest brown eyes. He especially loved the gold flecks that sparkled in them and the really neat dazed look she had. It was as if she were in awe or maybe she was in disbelief about something.

“Are you really staying? Or is this a dream?” she asked.

Ah, that’s what it was. She thought they’d been fooling with her about staying.

“If you want us to, then all you have to do is say it,” Steve said softly. Why the hell hadn’t she said it before they’d left?

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. A look of shame washed over her face and guilt clutched his gut. Hell, he hadn’t meant to make her feel bad.

He stepped over the rim of the pink tub. Refreshing hot water and tickling bubbles sloshed up to his knees and he set her down on her feet.

“Come on baby, let’s get rid of this dress and you can sit on my lap so we can talk.”

“I’ll do it, you relax and watch,” she whispered.

He sat in the tub sighing as the steaming warm water embraced him and the frothing pink bubbles lapped at his body. Yes, this felt refreshing. But his relief was extremely short-lived as she began to strip.

Her brown eyes glittered as she peered down at him and maneuvered her way out of the sexy spank-dress. He inhaled at her curvy figure emerged and he inspected every inch of her body. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips were swollen and red from his thrusts. Her breasts were flushed pink from the electric racket he’d used on her and her nipples were plump from his mouth. His gaze lowered to her slightly rounded tummy and lower to the intimate area between her thighs. She was nude down there. Her pussy was freshly waxed and pink and ready for penetration. His shaft hardened even more as he thought about what they would do to her next when they took her again.

She hung her dress over the edge of the tub and dangled it from her fingertips. From the bar area, Eric gave a wild, low guttural growl, letting her know that her teasing was getting to him.

She smiled sweetly at Eric and then gazed down at Steve again. He liked the feeling of love that swept through him at the incredible way she gazed at him. Like he was the only guy in the world for her.

She dropped her dress over the edge of the tub. He clenched his jaw and bit back a moan as Sophie crouched over him, facing away. As she settled down over his thighs, his skin sizzled with need. As she sat upon his lap, his cock jerked and pushed against her sweet, hot ass cheeks and his chest muscles rippled and flexed everywhere her soft back touched him.

Man, these reactions to her were almost too intense.

To his surprise, she giggled.

“What?” he asked as he sifted his hands through the water and found her hands. He intertwined his fingers with hers and held them tightly. Now that he had her back, he didn’t want to let her go. Ever.

She angled her head to look back at him. She had a sexy smile curving her lips.

“You look funny sitting in a tub full of pink bubbles,” she whispered.

“Only for you, spank-baby. Only for you.”

“There’s lots of things we would do only for you, Sophie,” Eric said as he stepped beside the tub. His cock was already fully engorged again and just looking at Eric’s shaft made his own thicken in response.

Eric held out a couple of sugar-rimmed cocktail glasses to Steve and he reluctantly untangled his fingers with hers, reached out his hands and took the chilled glasses. He handed one to Sophie and kept one for himself.

Eric grabbed a pink chair and placed it just beside the tub to an area where they could all place their glasses.

“Like what kind of things?” Sophie asked. There was an unmistakeable teasing edge to her voice. He remembered from the past that she got playful after a good round of satisfying spanking sex and he was glad that part of her hadn’t changed at all.

But damn, why’d she have to ask
question? Steve’s cock throbbed beneath her ass and Eric tossed Steve a very dark look as he stepped into the tub with his cocktail glass in hand.

A gaze that warned Steve that he was ready to go another round with Sophie too.

“If I started naming just one, Spanky, you’d be yanked out of that tub so fast it would make your head spin. So let’s just try to talk for a bit.”

Sophie nodded and went silent as she sipped her drink. She must have liked it because she made the sexiest little mmm sound that had him snapping eye contact again with Eric, who looked back at him with a couple of tense muscles jerking in his left cheek. A sure sign he was holding tight to his self-control.

They became quiet and the only sound in the room was the tinkle of water and the pops of hundreds of little bubbles in the bubble bath exploding around them.

Steve took this close up opportunity to admire the bright golden highlights in her blond curls as the strands sparkled beneath the dim lights. The highlights were the same engaging color as the flecks in her eyes. An intriguing color that reminded him of a lioness’ mane and he and Eric where the lions.

Steve shook his head at that crazy idea and pressed his lips to the edge of the cool sugar-rimmed drink. Sweetness and cold liquid splashed against his taste buds and smoothed down his throat. Before they’d both found jobs on oil rigs, Eric had been a bartender and he’d always made a damned good drink. This time was no exception.

“Time to talk, baby,” Eric spoke.

Steve didn’t miss the slight tenseness of her naked shoulders and he hoped Sophie wasn’t going to disappoint them when she found out their plans.

Chapter Five

Eric noticed how quickly Sophie’s pretty smile faded when he mentioned they should talk. Suddenly she looked uncomfortable. Had he read her body signals all wrong when he’d been making love to her just moments ago on that spank bench? When he’d mentioned to get rid of that spanking machine because she would have them, her entire body had relaxed and she’d quickly been swept into a body wrenching orgasm.

Her anal muscles had clenched his shaft so damned tightly he’d thought he’d died and gone to heaven at the arousal searing into his brain.

He may as well come directly to the point. Better to find out now if she didn’t need them. He just hoped she hungered for them, because he sure as hell wanted her back. Not just because he was jealous of the way she’d strutted out there on that dance floor with her cute ass cheeks dangling out of her dress, but he needed to know because he genuinely cared for her.

Hell, who was he kidding? He’d fallen in love with her the instant she’d shyly avoided eye contact with him when they’d first met years ago. He knew Steve felt the same way.

They’d had plenty of time to talk about it while living and working on the oil rig off the coast of Newfoundland. Unfortunately the topic of Sophie had been a sensitive one shortly after they’d left her. It had been too hard to talk about her so they’d avoided conversations where she was concerned.

When the hurt had subsided to a tolerable pain, they’d begun talking about her and had finally decided to come back. She was the woman for them. Now all they had to do was convince her and in the sorrowful way she was staring at him, it made his gut twist in despair.

Maybe she didn’t want them after all?

“What’s wrong?” he asked.




Somehow Sophie managed not to moan as the thick length of Steve’s shaft continued to throb teasingly against her left ass cheek. The last thing she should have done was sit in his lap. Every powerful muscle of where his body intimately caressed her flesh sparked a longing for more of his touches and for more sex.

And now with Eric sitting nipple deep in pink bubbles across from her, his long legs touching hers beneath the water, she found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on speaking let alone forming a thought, especially when all she wanted to do was have more sizzling sex with the two of them.

“We just found out the other night from Marley and Claire that you really had wanted us to stay back then, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to tell us,” Eric said coolly.

Stunned surprise rolled over her. Marley and Claire? Why would they betray her confidence? They must have told the guys about her sex machine too.

“Um, exactly what did you all discuss about me?”

Eric’s gaze darkened. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was suddenly angry or if his eyes were darkening because he wanted to have sex with her again. Or maybe it was both?

BOOK: Sophie's Menage
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