Somewhere in His Arms (23 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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“Yeah, it was touch and go there for a while.”

“How close was I?”

Diane’s smile faded. “You really want to know?”

“That close, huh?”

“Uh-huh,” her friend nodded gravely. “You coded twice!”

Lucy’s hand went to her flat belly. “And the baby?”

Diane didn’t know what to say. “You’d lost a lot of blood,” she said finally. “They were more concerned with repairing the damage.”

“And what
the damage?” Lucy asked faintly, trying not to think about how the baby
up as collateral damage. She was barely listening as Diane inventoried her various injuries.

“A collapsed lung, a torn left pulmonary artery, three broken ribs,” Diane paused to take a deep breath. “And a skull fracture and concussion.”

“Give me a mirror.”


“Please, Diane!” Lucy begged. “I have to see.”

Diane dug into her purse for a compact and handed it to Lucy. “Just don’t freak out, okay? They patched you up the best they could.”

“Freak out?” Lucy muttered as she surveyed her wounds. She’d grown used to the bandage around her head but not the one on her forehead. She peeled it away and grimaced. There was a long irregular gash that looked as if it had been stitched back together by Dr. Frankenstein. The skin was a mottled yellowish purple. She hastily replaced the bandage and inspected the rest of her face. The swelling around her left eye had diminished somewhat, but she still looked like she’d gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. The once black eye had lent some of its color to her nose. The rest of her face was still puffy and discolored with fading bruises. Basically she looked like she’d gotten a
bad facelift.

Lucy clapped the compact shut and handed it back. “I guess I won’t win any beauty contests for a long while.”

“You look fine!” Diane rushed to assure her. “There’s always plastic surgery!”

“Are you implying my face could crack a mirror?”

“Who? Me?” Diane asked innocently. “I would never say such a thing!”

“How long have I been here, anyway?”

“It’s been a month.”


“Four weeks this Friday,” Diane informed her as she began straightening the bed and tucking the blanket in under Lucy’s feet. “They want to keep you a few more weeks.”

“What for?”

Diane glanced up at her. “He
your skull wide open! They want to make sure he didn’t scramble anything permanently.”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Where is
, may I ask?”

“They think he fled to Tijuana. Rudy thinks he’s sticking around to finish the job.” Lucy’s huge eyes widened even more in horror, to which Diane mumbled an apology. “They’ve got a guard and everything in case you’re wondering.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any safer!”

“And you’ve got Alec,” Diane added without being specific.

supposed to mean?” Lucy glared at her. “You make it sound as if he’s Superman!”

For the first time since this whole horror fest had transpired, Diane was actually starting to enjoy this. Lucy had no idea
she was married to! “He didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me
?” Lucy demanded, eyeing Diane closely.  If she didn’t know any better, she’d think Diane was hiding something. “What’s the big secret?”

“I think I’ll let him tell you,” Diane grinned.

“Tell me what?” Lucy repeated. “And why are you smiling like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like the cat that got the cream!”

Diane shook her head and busied herself with tidying the rest of the flower arrangements. Eddie should be back soon. She was kind of hoping he’d say something to Lucy, but considering what happened, she didn’t blame him any for wanting to keep his distance. Besides, he wanted to get away for a while. They’d decided to spend some time in Hawaii where the water was cool and the food plentiful. Of course, the monster-in-law would be tagging along. Diane was dreading the trip already. Where was Eduardo anyhow? It couldn’t take
long to get a cup of that witches’ brew that passed for coffee.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?” Lucy asked as she shifted painfully in bed. Rudy was paying for all of this. Goodness knows
insurance would only have covered the blanket!

“Did I tell you Eddie and I are going away to Honolulu?” Diane blurted suddenly, skirting the question entirely.


“Yeah,” Diane began awkwardly, “his mom decided she just had to see where
Hawaii Five-O
was filmed. She just loves Jack Lord.”

“There are beaches here,” Lucy answered glumly. “It’s okay,” she sighed. “I’d want to get as far away from me too.”

“That’s not why!”

Lucy didn’t reply, her thoughts too full of the baby and what a cluster-fuck her life was becoming. Maybe everyone would have been better off if she’d gone and kicked the bucket. It seemed she was no good to anybody. Tears filled her eyes and she brushed them away angrily. She supposed the only thing she was ever good at was feeling sorry for herself.

“Don’t do that!” Diane implored helplessly as the floodgates opened. She should have kept her big mouth shut. “Eddie has been wanting to get away for ages…” she tried to explain. Only Lucy wasn’t listening. Diane stood back, feeling like crying herself and looking around helplessly. She gathered some tissues and handed them to Lucy, who was inconsolable.

“I-I’m sorry!” she blurted and began to cry even harder. “I’m so sorry!”

Diane’s hands flew to her face, trying to think of something, anything that would erase what she’d said. But Lucy wasn’t stupid. Of course, they
leaving to get away from the reporters and the police investigators, everyone and everything seemed to want an opinion. Diane wanted to tell Lucy how Eddie would wake up in the middle of the night screaming about the blood. How he’d lost twenty pounds because he couldn’t eat. How everyone seemed to lay the blame on his doorstep. But the words wouldn’t come.

Even though none of it was Lucy’s fault.
God, she wished Eddie would get his ass up here!

“Lucy--” Diane began and then to her relief the door opened. Eddie poked his graying head in and his eyes flew to Lucy and then to his wife.

“What happened?”

Diane glanced down guiltily. “She knows.”

“Dios Mio!”
he swore. “Why did you say anything?”

“I-I d-don’t know!” Diane choked back tears of her own. “It just came out!”

Eddie rushed over to Lucy who sat bawling like a child. “There now
, chica.”
He soothed as he patted her back. “No one blames you.”

But no words he offered could comfort her. Lucy shook her head in a little denial and continued to cry. She knew she was being silly and childish and selfish, but she didn’t care. What did it matter anyway? She wished she were dead. Yes, she wished she were dead!

Alec at that moment had just stepped out of the elevator. They’d gone and practically shoved him out the door. But he was grateful. He couldn’t be there for Lucy if he was falling apart. After a few hours sleep and a long shower, he was ready to take up his newfound duties as husband.

He carried a large box of chocolates as he figured Lucy was tired of flowers. Rudy had told him she was fond of sweets. Alec felt like the worst husband in the world.
should have known that. But he’d make it up to her. See if he didn’t!

He rounded the corner and heard Lucy sobbing.
What the hell…?
He just fought heaven and earth trying to put his wife back together, he’d be damned if anyone was going to take her apart again. Alec knocked softly on the door to find Diane and Eddie in the room with Lucy near hysterics. “What the hell happened?” he demanded, sizing up the situation and growing angrier by the minute.

They turned towards him with remorse heavy in their eyes. Diane turned away from Alec’s accusing stare. “I think you’d better leave,” he said coldly. They nodded and Eddie kissed Lucy’s brow and ushered his wife out of the room.

Alec set the box down and closed the door. He wet a washcloth and went to his wife. He swiped her face with tender strokes. “Shush,” he soothed hoarsely. “It’s all right.”

“T-They’re leaving because of…me!” she croaked.

He sat down beside her. “How do you know it’s not because of
?” He tucked a lank strand of hair behind her ear. “Maybe I’m just that kind of bloke that people can’t stand.”

She shook her head. “I don’t…think so.”

“No?” he said, taking the washcloth and gently wiping the tears away. “Your face is all red,” he scolded softly. “You look like a tomato!”

Lucy laughed a little and self-consciously smoothed her tangled locks. “I must look a frightful mess!”

Alec pretended to mull this over. “You’re right, it
a little early for Halloween.”


He chuckled softly and touched the tip of her adorable little nose. “But I can live with that.”

Lucy peered up at him shyly. “Still… mad at me?”

“Was I mad at you?”

She nodded. “I think you… were.”

He reached up and smoothed her hair away from her face. It was nearly too much for him. “I think I should ask if
still mad at me!” he said a little unsteadily.

She glanced down at what he was wearing. Lord, he smelled good! He was clean-shaven and looked well rested. The sleep had done him good. He wore a green T-shirt and a navy hooded fleece jacket. And he was
with her! He came to her. In those last moments when she thought all was lost, her mind had screamed for him. “I’m sorry,” she said finally, her voice slightly muffled through the washcloth as he wiped her nose and mouth.

“Sorry for what, love?” he asked quietly.

“You know,” she glanced up at him. His blue eyes seemed faded somehow. As if he’d aged a lifetime in those few short weeks. She gestured toward his stomach. “I’m sorry…I punched you.”

“Is that all you’re sorry for?” he joked. “I seem to remember a few other things.”

Lucy couldn’t look at him. “I’m s-sorry for the other thing, too.”


“And I’m sorry for the…um--” she peered up at him helplessly.

Alec didn’t want to hear anymore. He placed a finger over her still swollen mouth. “Don’t fret so love,” he chuckled. “I had it coming!”

“No, you didn’t---” she started to protest, but was cut off by Alec’s mouth on hers.               His mouth was warm and sweet against her own and she kissed him back shyly. Her heart beat that much faster as his arms tenderly encircled her. She sighed when his lips left hers, spreading gentle heat across her cheek, and down her throat. “Oh!” she cried out when the room began spinning.

Alec drew back; frightened that he’d hurt her. “Did I hurt you?” he asked fearfully.

Lucy blushed. “The room started spinning!”

“Oh,” he grinned in relief. “Me too!”

“H-Hold me?” she asked timidly.

“Come here,” he said huskily, and drew her fragile body into his arms. His breath caught in his throat as she settled against him. His hands stroked her hair and they sat each enjoying the other’s closeness. He uttered a silent prayer of thanks and held her as tight as she would allow.

He held her that way for a long time.

“I brought you some chocolates,” he said after while.

“Thank you,” she sighed and nuzzled his chest. “What kind?”

“Um…” he couldn’t seem to remember anything at the moment. “I think they’re Whitman’s or something.”

“Don’t go,” she pleaded as he shifted slightly.

“I’m not going anywhere!” Alec swore but loosened his embrace a little, mindful of her stitches.
he added silently and kissed her hair. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away!”

Lucy’s arms tightened around her husband. “Good,” she sighed happily and closed her eyes.

* * *


It was another month before the doctors felt Lucy was well enough to be released from the hospital. Her CT scans had come back normal, her skull fracture was healing nicely, and there were no complications from her chest wounds. Her ribs were still healing, but the soreness was manageable with some heavy-duty painkillers. Lucy just wanted to be free of needles and the smell of disinfectant.

The day she was to be released, she’d finally been allowed a shower. Alec had brought over a bag chock-full of scented soaps and shampoos. How he knew she didn’t know but it was a relief to stand under the warm spray and cleanse the grime away from her body. The nurse helped her to wash and towel-dry her hair as it still hurt to raise her arms.

She dressed without assistance in the clothes Alec had included in the bag. He had surprisingly good taste and picked exactly what she would have chosen. There was a simple lavender floral dress with an empire waist and scooped neckline. For underwear there were a few pieces that she figured Tia must have helped him with. Only Tia knew she was partial to cotton and demure lace. The panties were pink cotton briefs with a lacy trim, and the matching bra contained no underwire, as her still healing chest wouldn’t allow it. The shoes were simple cream leather ballet flats and there were a pair of silky knee high hose and a half-slip to wear as well. Alec had even included a beige cardigan just in case she got cold.

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