Something Worth Fighting For (3 page)

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“It’s because I love you, Ellie Belle.” He kissed the top of my head as I stopped in front of him.

“I know, Daddy.” I hugged him tightly, patting his chest. “I love you too, but one day I’m going to have to get married so at least one of your kids will make you a grandfather.” I laughed as he shook his head.

“You just leave that up to Keller. God knows he’s promiscuous enough.”

“Watch out it might be Tobias, it’s the quiet ones, ya’ know.” I smirked. Tobias had come out to Keller and I over two years ago. He was still too scared to tell dad. Keller and I had tried to tell him that it would be fine but Toby remained guarded. As far as we knew dad had no idea about him or his boyfriend.

Upstairs, I flipped the light switch to the bathroom, slipping out of my work clothes and into my second shower of the day. In and out as fast as possible, just clean enough to not smell like diner food. I pulled on my favorite sweats and plugged in my phone. After closing the black out curtains that draped the curved floor to ceiling windows, I finally crawled into bed.

I had a mission: I was not going to dream.





Chapter Two


My phone was buzzing next to my head. I vaguely remembered tossing it to the side after I checked it for texts at least half a dozen times before finally falling asleep. I rolled over grabbing for it, shaking myself from a dream that was destined to wake me up screaming at any minute. “Hello?” I mumbled half awake, wiping the sweat from the back of my neck.

“Wake the fuck up! It’s beach time!” Darcy’s loud, cheerful vulgarity answered.

“Well I’m up now thanks to you. Get your ass over here.” I pressed my palms into my eyes, yawning.

“Be there in twenty.” The phone went silent as I stretched out like a cat. I glanced at the screen, the text message icon was blinking in the toolbar.

Good morning beautiful

I felt myself smiling that smile Atlas seemed to have a habit of putting it on my face without even trying. 

Good morning yourself handsome. How did you sleep?

Like the dead. You think I’m handsome? What are you up to?

Obviously. Going to the beach. Cooking, laundry, work. Life is glamorous.

Beach huh? Bikini?

I couldn’t help but laugh as I pulled out my black and white polka dot bikini. Laying it out on my bed I snapped a quick picture and hit send. My phone was vibrating not even a minute later.

Can I come to the beach too?

Saturday afternoon beach time had been mine and Darcy’s summer ritual for the last three years. She had brought along her boyfriend, Dean, a few times but we tried to keep it just us girls. I thought about Atlas shirtless and automatically changed my mind. Darcy would just have get over it.


You just want to see me in that bikini!!


Yeah that’s undoubtedly part of it lol


Fine but you better be showing some skin yourself


I changed into my bikini, pulling my
Victoria’s Secret
hoodie on over it. I was self conscious about my scars; not that my tattoos didn’t cover a good portion of them. Darcy had seen them before and knew the story. She teased me that I could cover it with ink as much as I wanted but that wouldn’t make it go away. I wasn’t sure I was ready to share that part of me with Atlas yet.


Deal. Master Gunny still there?

No he went out for a while. You’re safe.

See you soon.

Be careful, please.

“Ellie my darling love!” Darcy called out from the living room. Dad had given her a key after a break down my freshman year that left her calling him from base to rescue me.

“Upstairs, be down in a few.” I unplugged my phone, pulled a hair scrunchie around my wrist, and ran downstairs. “We’re going to have company today.” I blurted out upon seeing Darcy.

“We are?” She looked around the open downstairs area.

“He’s not here yet.” I gushed.

“He? He?! You met a boy?! Glory, hallelujah!” Darcy clapped. She had been dating Dean for four years and was always hoping, pushing me to double date with them. “Have you told Pops?”

“Dad met him this morning about, oh six or seven.”

“I can’t wait to meet him. He can meet us at the water. I need Vitamin D, stat!”

“I’ll text him.” I fished my bag from the hall closet, shoving fresh towels in as the rumble of a particular motorcycle grew increasingly louder. “No need, he’s here.”

“He rides?” Darcy’s perfect eyebrows shot skyward.

“Yeah,” I opened the front door waving to him from the porch, “Need a towel or anything?” I called down to him.

“If you have an extra.”

“I might can find one.” Darcy grabbed another towel from the closet as I went downstairs to get our chairs.

“Need a hand?” Atlas’ voice was in my ear as I opened the garage door.

“If you don’t mind,” I smiled, turning around I found myself pressed against his chest. “S-Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he spoke softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I placed my hands on his chest feeling his well sculpted muscles under the thin material of his shirt.

“The two pink ones are ours, you can take the blue one. Unless you want pink then I’ll consider trading.” I ran my hands down his chest as he laughed.

“Like what you see?” His tone was low, seductive, and made my mouth water.

“As a matter of fact...”

“If you two are done eye fucking one another I’d like to go to the beach.” Darcy reached around us taking one of the pink chairs. I scowled at my crude best friend as Atlas grabbed the other chairs and closed the garage door behind us.

“Apparently Ellie has misplaced her manners. I’m the best friend, Darcy.” She said as we walked through the sand toward the water.

“I was getting to it, damn you’re not that special. Darcy this is Atlas, Atlas this bitch is Darcy.” I nodded in her direction as she unfolded her chair, sticking her tongue out at me.

“Darcy Thomas.” She held her hand out to him.

“Atlas Ryker.” He shook her hand briefly.

“So what do you do Atlas Ryker?” Darcy plopped down in her chair. I took a seat next to her, inwardly rolling my eyes at the rant I knew was coming.

“I’m a Sergeant in the Marine Corps. I am part of a two person sn--”

“Sergeant?” Darcy cut him off, “You’re a Marine? Oh that’s golden, Ellie. Miss. I
will never, ever, in my entire life date a Marine because I’m surrounded by them and they are always up to no good
. I swear you are absolutely ridiculous. I can’t believe you would even consider it. No offense, Atlas, you’re good looking at all but you do not know how many times I have heard her say no to guy after guy once she found out he was in the military.”

“Enough, Darcy. Besides, what’s one more to add to my collection?” I chunked my sandals behind my head, digging my toes into the sand.

“More than just your Dad?”  Atlas asked.

“Both of my brothers are enlisted. You’ll fit in perfectly.” I shrugged, smiling at him.

“Where are they?”

“Quantico and Pendleton.”

“And Staff Sergeant Keller Grant is one fine piece of man meat.” Darcy smacked her lips together. “I’d love to sink my teeth into that.” She moaned appreciatively.

“Gross, I’ll tell Dean.”

“Go right ahead. Dean’s good looking and all but Keller... I’d throw my panties at that man in a heartbeat, climb his fine ass like a tree.”

“Christ Darc!” I rolled my eyes as Atlas snorted beside me. He was running his thumb over the back of my hand. Delicate designs that didn’t match the man they were coming from.

“Just the truth, girl.”

“Anyway...” I turned my attention to Atlas “How old is Ares?”

“Sixteen.” The side of his mouth quirked upward as he answered.

“I bet he’s one proud guy.”

“He practically lives in my too small clothes. Determined to follow in my footsteps.” He nodded, staring out at the crashing waves. His eyes reflected off the ocean changing them to a deeper blue that took my breath away.

“You’re a good role model to have.”

“I try to be. He really doesn’t have anyone else.” Atlas admitted loud enough for only me to hear.

“Well you’re doing a damn good job.” I squeezed his forearm gently.

“So what did Pops say after he left?” Darcy interrupted, obviously feeling left out of the conversation.

“The same speech he gives me almost every time I leave the house. Penis is how the Devil gets to you. Semen is poison and once you’ve had it it corrupts you and you eventually die.” I laughed. “No, just that he doesn’t want to see me hurt and he knows how young men can act.”

“What did you say?” Darcy asked. I watched Atlas perk up next to me, leaning closer to me to hear what we were saying. His hand had slid over top of mine covering it completely. 

“That all the best men I know are Marines. That I wasn’t going to live with twenty-five cats by myself and only date after I’m married.” I moved my hair away from my face, huffing with mock disgust. “Yes, he actually asked if that was an option.” I sighed feeling defeated once again. “I’m going to cool off.”

“One day, Ellie, one day.” Darcy promised, rolling over onto her stomach. I stood up, stripping off my hoodie, and headed for the water.

“Oh, dear sweet Jesus.” Atlas said loudly enough for me to hear him as he stared after me.

“Go get her, lover boy.” Darcy laughed as Atlas jumped to his feet, pulling his own shirt over his head and ran after me. I watched over my shoulder as he closed in. In one quick move he picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder, and carried me into the water.

“Put me down!” I threw my head back laughing, kicking my legs wildly.

“Only in the water, beautiful. I don’t want anyone else getting to enjoy you in that lack of bathing suit.” Atlas chuckled carrying me until he was waist deep then dropped me with a splash. I came up wiping my eyes and wet hair away from my face resembling something close to a drowned rat.

“You did not just do that!” I stared up at him, gawking as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

“I most certainly did.”

“You are so going to pay for that.”

“Am I? Bring it on little girl.” He teased putting his balled fists on his hips. I stepped back admiring his broad shoulders, abs, and the delicious partially exposed inverted triangle cut of his body. The water was dripping off of every toned muscle that flexed as his body moved. I had to be staring at him like he was a steak dinner and I was a starved tiger.

“Yes, sir.” I smiled mischievously then pounced on him. He caught me laughing as we fell back into the water. I used both hands to try and push his head under water, my legs wrapping around his waist. With all my strength behind it I finally managed to dunk him.

Atlas came up laughing, wiping his face as he kept me close to him. “You know I let you do that right?”

“I figured.” My bottom lip poked out as I pouted. He grinned, pressing his wet face against the curve between my neck and shoulder.

“I have a crush on you, Ellie.” His voice was soft, breath warm against my skin, causing goosebumps to rise up and down my arms. 

“Funny, because I have a crush on you, Atlas.” I laughed, laying my arms over his shoulders. Atlas hands wrapped all the way around my forearms, holding me still. Before I could pull back his eyes jerked downward to where his thumb was brushing against the nearly arm length vertical scar.

“I--” He blew all the air in his lungs out at once, “I’m not going to ask even though I want to, damn, do I want to. I hope one day you’ll tell me. I won’t be able to change it but maybe we can make life a little bit better for each other.” His forehead was pressed against mine but his eyes never left my arms.

“I’d like that.” I smiled up at him, eyes squinting against the sun. By his words, I realized that maybe I’m not that only one who needed someone to be there for them when the dark times come.

“Good. If you ever need...”

“I know, back at ya’.” I cut him off, sighing contently as I fell back into the water.

“You have some great tattoos.” I could feel his eyes on me, running over my arms, sides, tops of my legs.

“Thanks, no, I won’t show you all of them.” I smirked covering my eyes from the sun.

“That’s okay, it leaves something for the imagination.”

“Good answer.”

“What time do you have to work?” Atlas was now floating on his back next to me, his pinky finger hooked with mine.

“I usually work 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the summer and it depends on my schedule come September.”

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