Something Worth Fighting For (11 page)

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“Um...” Contemplating, I tapped my chin. “I want to go for a ride.”

“A ride?”

“Yes, a ride.”

“Like on my bike?”

“No on a horse.” I bit the inside of my jaw to keep from smiling.

“I swear to everything Ellie Grant I’m going to kiss the ever loving shit out of you just to keep your smart mouth shut today.”

“Because that would be such a bad thing to do all day...”

“On the bike?”

“Yes, Atlas, on the bike.”

“Hell no.”

“Yes! Come on, it’ll be fun!” I batted my eyelashes at him, smiling sweetly.

“Your daddy would murder me.”

“Aw, are you still scared of him? We’ve been together for months now, he’s not the big bad wolf. Please?” My bottom lip poked out. “Pretty please?”

“Dammit Ellie! How can I say no when you look at me like that?” Atlas sighed. “I have an extra helmet. I bought it for you about a month after we got together. Just in case this ever happened.” He laughed, running his rough hands down my back.

“Yay!” I clapped as he caught my wrist examining the camo bracelet wrapped around it.

“For me?” He asked with a small smile.

“To have you with me even when you’re not.” I turned it over where his last name was embroidered on.

“Ellie... it’s fantastic.”

“Good,” I giggled, sliding off of him. “Get dressed, I want to go live dangerously!”

“You already are.” He reached over with one smooth motion smacking my backside. 

“So why a motorcycle?” I asked as I buttoned up my cherry print long sleeved shirt.

“I always wanted one. I had to beg, plead, take classes, everything just to get permission. Marines and motorcycles aren’t supposed to mix. I am extremely careful, overly cautious really. I love to ride but that doesn’t mean I want die doing it. Here,” he tossed me a black leather jacket.

“What about you?” I slipped my arms through trying to find my hands. Atlas had at least a foot and eighty pounds on me. I turned my head as he dropped his towel.

“I have another one. You wore boots, I dare say you planned this, Miss. Grant.”

My name caught my attention as I turned back around. I found myself watching him get dressed. Studying his calves, the way the muscles constricted, the back of his thighs, and his perfectly round ass.

“Ellie?” Atlas looked over his shoulder as I shook my head.

“Planned, yeah, no. Hoped, yes, hoped.” I stumbled over the words.

“Were you checking me out?” Atlas laughed as I flushed. “You were! Well, well, well, did you like anything you saw?” He sauntered over to me shirtless and cocky.

“As a matter of fact I did.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“I would but such words should not come out of a ladies mouth. It might make you blush.”

“Me? You’re joking, right?” He challenged.

“Oh?” I pushed him up against the wall. “Alright then Ryker, I should start by saying you have a perfectly delectable ass. I would love nothing more than to touch, kiss, lick, and bite every square inch of your deliciously sculpted body.” I pressed my lips against his. “And working my way around until I end up here.” I ran my fingers over the crotch of his boxer briefs. “Only to stop when you’re begging me to.”

Before I could say another word Atlas moved in, picking me up and had me in his position. My back pressed into the wall, I hooked my legs around his waist as he captured my mouth. Slow, deliberate kisses, his tongue melting with my own. He growled against my mouth, his fingers digging into my denim clad inner thighs.

A soft moan escaped past my lips as he pressed himself into me. “God Ellie...” Atlas whispered, nipping at my earlobe. “I want you so bad it hurts.” His erection was digging into me through my jeans. “The way you touch me, kiss me, and oh baby, the sweet little noises you make. They make it so hard to keep my hands to myself.” He nipped my neck, tugging at the sensitive skin causing me to arch into him.

“Atlas I’m leav--whoa!” Adam swung the door open startling us. “I-- Uh... Well it’s about damn time.” Adam shut the door laughing as Atlas mumbled obscenities under his breath.

“And we were getting so far.” I leaned my head into Atlas’ chest.

“We have all the time in the world baby.” He laughed softly. “Besides, I promised you something special.” He sat me on the bed, leaving me aching for his touch. “I need to go kill Adam now.”

“Not if I beat you to it.” I muttered as Atlas finished dressing having to adjust himself more than once.

“Lets go for that ride. I think we both need to cool off.” Atlas shoved his wallet in his back pocket and cell phone in the front. With my hand in his we walked through the apartment. Atlas smacked Adam on the back of the head as we passed.

“What the hell?” Adam jumped up. Atlas let go of my hand, spinning around on his heel, staring down at him.

“Oh shit. Yeah, sorry about that...” Adam sat back down, ducking his head.

“Knocking will save your life.” Atlas glared at him.

“I said I was sorry, damn.” Adam gave me a weak smile.

“Next time it won’t be him you have to worry about.” I winked, tugging on Atlas arm trying to break the tension. They both looked at me with a smirk.

“Taking Ellie for a ride.” Atlas picked his helmet off the coffee table. “Shit.” He ran back to his room leaving me with Adam.

“Ellie I--”

“Don’t. It was an accident. Where are you and Darcy going tonight?”

“Dinner and back to her place.”

“Well if I don’t see you tomorrow before you guys leave be careful. Make sure I get him back in one piece.”

“Don’t worry about Atlas. He’s the most careful guy I know and damn good at his job.”

“I know,” I stared at Atlas’ bedroom door waiting for him.

“He wants to marry you.” Adam said suddenly. I laughed as Atlas returned with a second very pink helmet.

“I know that too.”

“So say yes already!”

“Say yes to what?” Atlas handed me the helmet.

“I plan on it, just not yet.” I smiled at Adam whose mouth was hanging open.

“Seriously?” Adam asked, eyes darting between the two of us.

“Without hesitation.” I followed Atlas downstairs to his bike, my car right next to it. He leaned against the passenger door, staring at me.

“What did Adam say?”

“Nothing that I didn’t already know.” I shrugged pulling on the helmet.

“Which was?”

“Why are you worried about it?

“I just want to know.”


“Just fucking tell me.” Atlas snapped. I stepped back, taking off the helmet and thrusting it at him.

“None of your business.” I crossed my arms, challenging him.

“It’s my business if it involves you.”

“Wow, really?” I shook my head and turned around marching back up to the apartment.

“You didn’t answer me.” He called after me.

“You really want to know, Atlas? He told me you want to marry me, asked me to say yes already. I told him I would when the time comes, without hesitation. But you just gave me a good damn reason to hesitate.” I ran the rest of the way up the stairs with Atlas on my heels.

“Ellie, baby...”

“No! You don’t get to “Ellie baby” me after talking to me like that. Nope, fuck you. You wanted to know and I told you. What? I can’t have a conversation now? So what is it? Is there something you don’t want me to know? Is it you don’t trust me? Is it you don’t trust Adam? Lets hear it!” I turned around in the living room with both guys watching me. “I don’t give a fuck if your guys are scared of you but I’m damn sure not. You don’t get to talk to me like that.”

“Ellie... I... fuck.”

“Yeah, you can’t even say it.” I rolled my eyes and walked back to his room with the slam of the door. I began gathering my things with shaking hands, tears burning my eyes.

“Go fix it.” Adam’s voice carried down the hallway as he yelled at Atlas. “God you’re an idiot. Go! Before you lose her.” I was wiping the few that escaped away when Atlas walked in.

“I’m sorry.” He sat on the bed, staring at the floor with a look of defeat.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” I picked up my packed bag with a sigh.

“Ellie, please,” he reached over for my bag. I jerked away unable to look at him as I fought off more tears. “Charlotte left me for my best friend. I told her I enlisted and she used that as an excuse. Not two days later she was having sex with Dylan. I walked in on them at his house.”

“Yeah? Newsflash for you Atlas, I’m not Charlotte! Know what else? It sucks being compared to her. I don’t compare you to Spencer do I? No. That’s not fair to our relationship.”

“Are you sure you’re not comparing us?” He asked bitterly.

“I’m positive. Want to know why? Because you’re not in prison. Hurting my feelings won’t get you locked up, lucky for you. What he did will.” I turned the doorknob in my hand. “I’m sorry Charlotte hurt you. I’m not her though. I figured by now you would have figured that out.” I wiped my eyes again wanting nothing more than to fall apart. “I told him to make sure you get back to me in one piece, to be careful, what he and Darcy were doing tonight...”

“I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry, Ellie.” Atlas’ head fell into his hands. “Don’t leave. Stay, work this out with me. Please, baby?” I had never heard Atlas sound the way he did.  The desperation in his voice was unnerving. “You’re everything I have. I can’t lose you like this, not because of my own stupidity.”

“Do you love me Atlas or do you still love her?”

Atlas was silent for far too long and my heart was feeling way too heavy for my own chest. “I told you I never loved her. I never told her that I loved her. I know that I love you. I’m just worried that you will find someone better than me. Someone that will be here when I won’t.”

“Dammit!” I threw my purse against the door as it fell, scattering its contents across the floor.  “I love you, jackass!
Not anyone else. Has wearing a helmet hardened your skull?” I dropped my overnight bag, sitting next to him on the bed. “Wow, our first serious fight.”

“It sucked,” he reached over wiping my face, “I hate that I’m the reason for that.”

“Then how about you don’t do it again?”

“Only a few more times.” He took my hand giving it a squeeze.


“Our wedding day, the days our kids are born, the day they graduate... A few more days. My heart melted a little as I leaned into him.

“Today has been a disaster.”

“I’ll make it up to you when I get home.”

“You can start now.”

“How? Just tell me. I’ll do anything.”

“Take me for that ride.”

“You got it,” he stood up, “jump on my back.”

I stood on the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Don’t you dare drop me!” I squealed as he moved away from the bed, my legs circled his waist as I clung to him.

“I won’t drop you.” Atlas paraded around the apartment. “I was thinking, I’ll leave my key with you while I’m gone. You can come study or hide or just hang out if you want.”

“That would be great, thank you.” I kissed his cheek as he walked down the stairs.

“Anything for you. I know how important school is for you and if it’s important to you then it’s important to me.” He said matter of factly, setting me on the back of his bike. “Smile for me, Ellie.” He snapped a picture then tucked his phone away.

“Wait, helmets!” I laughed watching Atlas run back upstairs and came back out with two helmets.

“Good thinking. I was too distracted by your beautiful face.” Atlas put the helmet on me and then his own and hopped on in front of me. “Hold tight,” I moved closer, wrapping my arms tight around him. “Ready Ginger?”

“For anything.”








Chapter Eight


It was the longest two weeks of my life. I worried, I pouted, whined, and clung to my phone like a lifeline. I dreaded the thought of an actual deployment. My brothers and father had been deployed multiple times and it was the same anxiety I had felt for them. But worse in a way, because this was the man who holds me, who kisses me, who chose to love me.

I had been studying in his bed, drinking warm honey lemon green tea to soothe my sore throat. I had spent hours recording songs for his birthday present. The problem was I had a major test tomorrow and it was late. It was the last test before Thanksgiving break and I wanted to nail it.

The words on the pages were all starting to run together. I knew the material front, back, and in my sleep apparently. “Focus,” I mumbled to myself, setting down my tea, and snuggling further down into the bed. My eyes were so heavy. “Maybe just a little nap...” I lost my battle with sleep.

“Shhh...” I stirred in my sleep convinced I was dreaming. “Is she here?” The door of Atlas’ room creaked open.

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