Something More (25 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

BOOK: Something More
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Drew lets my hair go
and, with one good whack, spanks me rather hard, while walking us away from the
bed and into a wall. I arch my back and hiss when the cold of the wall touches
my skin. He lets out a short growl and shoves into me, making me forget about
the cold wall and focus completely on us. He pulls one of my arms from around
his neck, lacing our fingers together and raising our intertwined hands above
my head. He does the same with my other hand, pinning both of my hands to the
wall above my head.

“Hold on tight with
your legs,” he orders. I nod and tighten my grip on him, my ankles crossed
behind him and heels digging into his ass. I'm going to get wall burn, but I
will gladly take it. Wall sex with him is out of this world.
with him is out of this world. With my hands pinned to the wall, I won't be
able to grab his hair or scratch his back. He crushes his lips to mine and I
open my mouth to let him in, his tongue immediately finding mine.

The urge to hold his
face right now is so strong, but there is nothing I can do about it at the
moment. He presses me harder against the wall, forcing my back to flatten
against it, feeling the cold again. The wall quickly adjusts to my body temperature
and the shock of the cold dissipates once more. His kiss deepens and so do his
thrusts. Each one sends me further up the wall, inch by inch, and I climb
higher and higher.

Trying to match his
movements is nearly impossible, but I manage to tilt my pelvis a little, giving
him access to go deeper. I can feel my orgasm building and I fight it because I
don't want this to end. Tightly closing my eyes, I concentrate on not coming
yet. He was right. It takes a lot of control to hold out. I might just combust,
whether I want to or not. He's hitting that spot over and over again, driving
my senses into overload.

He keeps drilling me
into the wall and I hope it will still be standing when we're done. I can't
imagine what the hotel would think of part of a wall missing. How much would
they charge for something like that?

Not being able to hold
out any longer, I let myself build back up again and it doesn't take long.
Biting my bottom lip, I whimper as I make it to the peak and then scream when I
make it over. “Oh, fuck!” Drew continues his rhythm, intensifying my orgasm as
I spiral out of control, squeezing his hands so tight, my knuckles must be

Drew has yet to find
his release, or he's really holding back. If he's waiting this long on purpose,
he's got a hell of a lot of self-control. I crack my eyes open to look at him
and he's looking right at me. All of a sudden, he clamps his eyes shut and
yells, “Fuuuck!” He finally let's himself go, slamming into me one final time
and frees our hands up. I wrap my arms back around his neck and hold him tight.
He rests his forehead on my shoulder as he empties inside of me.

When he eventually
lifts his head and looks into my eyes, there's a lone tear sitting in the
corner of his eye. I take a closer look and find a hint of a trail from a tear
that had run from his other eye and off of his nose. Seeing him so emotional
melts my heart. “Are you okay?” I ask. I know that he is, but I don't want him
to think I'm assuming he is.

Drew nods and goes to
wipe the tear away, but I grab his hand to stop him. Leaning in closer to him,
I give him a peck on the lips and then I kiss his tear. As I pull away, I rub
my lips together as if I've just put lipstick on. “I want to kiss all of your
tears, but I want to know what it's for.”



“You,” he repeats. “I
never thought there was someone out there for me. I planned to go through life
without that special someone to share it with. And then I saw you. I
you. I
you to be mine. Now, I have you and it's so much more than
I ever could've imagined. You make me feel alive. You make me feel whole. I
love you, Becca. I love every fucking inch of you, inside and out.”
Oh, my
He called me Becca. He called me Becca without it being in the throes
of passion.

Reaching up, he takes
his pointer finger and gently pushes up under my chin, closing my mouth. My
heart swells with the love I have for this man. Several moments pass as I
collect my thoughts and try to form a sentence. “I love you, too, Drew. Every
fucking, hard-ass inch of you.” We both chuckle and he backs us off of the
wall, pulling out of me slowly and setting me down on my feet. I flinch. “And
if you keep talking like that, I'm going to need a heart transplant and I really
don’t want to go through all that.”

He places a kiss on top
of my head, “Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we? But if the need arises,
I know people.”

“You know a heart
surgeon?” Of course, he probably does. His dad is a neurologist. He probably
knows all kinds of doctors.

“Well, yes, but I meant
that I know people who make artificial organs for transplants. Well, they
aren’t the ones who actually make them, but they own the company that does.
Ryder Industries.” Interesting. I knew there were artificial organs out there,
but I never think about the companies behind them.

“You don’t own it?” I
say, jokingly. He seems to own a lot of things and it wouldn’t surprise me in
the least if he did.

“Nope. Do you want me
to?” Winking at me, he grabs my hand and leads me to the shower so we can get
cleaned up, get dirty again, then get cleaned up. All thoughts of internal
organs are left behind. The only organ I can focus on is his.

Packing up our
belongings after our shower, we prepare for our morning departure so we don’t
have to worry about anything in the morning except getting dressed. I’m ready
to get back to our lives and resume some kind of normalcy. Well, normal for us

With Charlie settled
back in, Drew and I hop back on his plane to head home. He was not a fan of
Charlie's building's security, among other things, and vowed to get her moved
into a safer, nicer place. I'm glad that he wants to help and make sure that
she is safe, but he might be going a little overboard. Flying me out there,
buying her a new car, and now a new place to live? I love him for wanting to
take care of her and me.

I'm happy to see that
Alexa has been replaced for the flight home, even though I expected to see her
and her evil looks glaring back at me. “Where's Alexa?” I ask.

“I told you that was
her last flight working for me,” he says with no facial expression.

“I know, but I thought
you'd let her finish the job, at least. How'd she get back?”

“She flew home
Oh, good.
I don’t have to see her bitchy, evil looks. This
will make for a pleasant trip. A male flight attendant walks out into the main
area to greet us. He’s rather handsome.
Isn’t this a nice surprise?
catches me looking at the guy and leans over to me. “Do I need to fire him,
too?” My eyes dart to Drew’s and when I’ve made sure he can see me, I roll my

“Don’t be ridiculous.”
I shove him off balance and go take the seat I sat in on the flight out. Drew
stows his laptop, sits in the seat next to me, picks my hand up out of my lap,
and kisses the back of it.



* * * *



Waking up, the bed
feels empty so I sweep my arm over the other side. Nothing. I crack open my
eyes and see that Drew is, indeed, not in the bed. It's still pretty early when
I look at the clock. I don't smell coffee in the air, which I usually do if
he's not in bed with me in the morning. Looking around the bedroom, I don't see
his bags were he had left them.
That's strange.
I get up and start to
search for him, getting a sick feeling deep inside. There's no trace of him
anywhere. His toiletries are not in the bathroom, no clothes or shoes in the
closet, and his laptop is not in the living room where it always sits.
the fuck?

Going over to my purse
to check my cell phone, I see his card on the counter. The one he gave me when
we first met. I pick it up and run my thumb over his name. Still puzzled, I
check my phone and see that there's no messages—text or voice.
Seriously, what
the fuck is going on?

Taking my phone back to
the bedroom with me, I look around again, thinking I've lost my mind. I still
see nothing of Drew's anywhere. On my way back out into the living room, I
notice my backpack sitting there, stuffed with everything I took on our first
Our first date?

Clicking the button on
my phone to turn it on, I look at the date. It's the day of our first date.
can that be? After all that just happened?
As I'm staring at the screen of
my phone, the doorbell rings, making me jump and scream profanities. It scared
the shit out of me. I look out the peephole and see him. The beautiful man of
every woman's fantasy is just outside my door.
Oh. My. Fucking. God. It's
really the day of our first date

“Just a minute!” I yell
as I run back to my bedroom to get ready, even though I'm still confused as
Had I really dreamed all of that? You've got to be freaking kidding

Rushing around my
bedroom getting dressed and trying to brush my teeth while looking in every
mirror at the rat's nest that is my hair, I still can't believe it. I dreamt it
all. Did I dream my future or just what I want to
my future?
shit, I'm confused.
I hear a knock on the door and his muffled voice
through the steel, “Rebecca? Are you okay?” Well, shit. This didn't happen in
my dream.

“Coming!” I yell back.
I throw my hair up into a ponytail as quick as I can and run to answer the
door, still not quite ready and a bit out of breath now. When I finally answer
the door, he's leaning up against the frame just as he was the first
my dream. Those gorgeous blue eyes are piercing into mine.

“Good morning, Rebecca,”
he says and I think my panties disintegrate. The heat and magnetic pull to him
is still there and it's fierce. “What took you so long to answer the door?”

“I...I'm not quite
ready to go. Something happened and I lost track of time.”
Shit, ain't that
the damn truth.

“Are you alright?” he
asks with genuine concern in his voice.

“Yes...yes, I'm
alright. Please, come in.” I huff and move out of the way so he can step
inside. “Do you mind waiting a few more minutes for me to get ready?”

“Not at all, but you
look perfect.” His compliment throws my heart into a tailspin and I blush.
Maybe my dream was a premonition?
God, I freaking hope so.
I want to
jump into his arms right now and make him mine all over again— or for the first
time, I guess. This dream is going to fuck with my head for a while.

“I'll just be a couple
minutes. Make yourself at home.” I go back to the bedroom and call Charlie to
see if she's okay. Thankfully, she picks up quickly and assures me that nothing
has happened to her and all is well.
Thank goodness! Let's hope that's not
part of a premonition.
I tell her I will explain my weird questions later
and let her know I'm okay…I think.

Going back into the
bathroom, I check myself again. I really don't look so bad for being casual and
frazzled beyond belief. Jeans, Gators tee, tennis shoes. Hair could be better,
but a ponytail will work for today. Putting on a little eyeliner and mascara, I
spray a little perfume on and I'm done.

Everything starts
happening almost exactly like it did in my dream. Same conversations, same responses,
same touches, same places. His car is different than in the dream. He has a
black Range Rover instead of the black Hummer.

While everything is
going about the same, over our fancy dinner in his hotel, I tell him about my
dream. “So, in your dream, you had agreed to move in with me, marry me, and
didn't want more kids?”

I smile. “Yes, but you
hadn't officially asked me to marry you yet.” I hold up the back of my left
hand to him, wiggling my fingers. He laughs, catching my drift. “And I'm hoping
not all of my dream comes true. I'd like my daughter to stay safe and not have
to go through what she did in my dream.”

“Yes, I agree. That
wouldn't be good. But I will have my plane on standby, just in case.” My mouth
falls open and he reaches over to close it, but I snap it shut before he gets

“You have a plane?”

This is too much.

“Well, isn't that
something? How much of my dream will actually come true? This is all

“It's looking like
everything that has to do with
will come true.” He winks and takes a
sip of his wine.






Drew was right.
Everything has played out almost exactly like it did in my dream. Charlie's
accident didn't happen, thankfully, but we did go visit her. Drew did tell me
he loves me while at a park there, just not the one at the hospital. Every time
something happened in real life that happened in my dream, I would get a silly
smirk and Drew grew to know the look. He would smile or giggle at me and kiss
the back of my hand.

He really didn't like
Charlie's living arrangements when we visited and got her moved out of her
apartment, but no new car for her. When I told Charlie of my dream and what all
had happened, she couldn't believe it was all really happening. I can't even
believe it myself. It is a whirlwind romance all over again and I love living
through it even more the second time around, amazed at all of the similarities
between reality and fantasy.

I've never been happier
than these past few months. I still work for Dr. Thompson, but I cut my hours.
It didn't take me long to get his office running smoothly so I just go in for a
couple hours a day to maintain my desk and keep the girls, and the doctor, on
task. I spend the rest of my time volunteering at an animal shelter and at a
women's shelter. I've felt more fulfilled in the last couple months than I have
in all the years prior.

After telling Drew
about my dream on our real first date, little things started popping up that I
had forgotten to tell him and subjects that needed to be discussed. One was about
kids. In the dream, I didn't want any more kids and he had lied and said he did
when he was just trying to appease me. When I tell him I don’t want any, he is
so relieved. It is a little comical to watch his reactions. In reality, the
discussion went a smidge better since I had broken the ice with the dream
scenario. We both still don't want any more children.

Another thing that I
wish would've played out like it did in my dream is the whole Marcus part. I
really enjoyed seeing my man stand up for me and even better was Marcus getting
knocked out. There's still time for that, though. Marcus and Drew have yet to
meet. Maybe when they do, I will get to see Marcus act a fool like he always
does and get what he deserves. I don’t want him to be really harmed, but a nice
message to put him in his place after all these years of him running his mouth
and being an asshole would be nice.

A couple weeks after I
woke from my dream, Drew took me on an extended weekend getaway to Turks and
Caicos where he proposed. It was an amazingly romantic proposal on the beach at
sunset, with island music playing in the distance, barely anyone around us, and
he dropped to one knee. “Becca, you're everything I never knew I wanted and all
I could ever ask for. Will you marry me?” Of course, I cried and accepted, and
then he slid a gorgeous cushion-cut diamond ring onto my finger.
The boy did

We are still living in
my little apartment while having a weekend house built on the outskirts of
town, a little closer to the beach. We're also renovating a penthouse apartment
in a building close to Drew's work, where we will be living during the weekdays.
His old penthouse wasn't what appeared in my dream, but he thought it would be
best if we had a place that was just ours. Drew has been very considerate of my
feelings, even if they were dreamt feelings. I swear he has a handbook
somewhere on how to treat a woman. He seems to know just what to do and say to
make me feel comfortable and loved.

Planning our wedding
has been fun and costly, but Drew insists on having it on a tropical island
which means flying out not only us, but Charlie, Alyssa, and everyone else we
chose to invite. Not too many people, though. Just close friends and relatives;
a small, intimate gathering of the people we love. It's happening in a little
over two months and I don't even have a dress yet.

Drew walks in the front
door, coming home from work. “You looked deep in thought. What were you thinking
about?” He walks over to where I’m sitting on the sofa, leaning down to give me
a kiss. He takes off his jacket and throws it over the arm of the sofa, then
loosens his tie to unfasten a couple buttons.

Looking up at him, I
show “the smirk” and he laughs, causing me to shove him. I don’t even make him
wobble. “I can’t help it. My dream literally played out before me and my
life-long fantasy is still playing. It’s inconceivable.” Drew sits down beside
me, grabs my ankles, and pulls my legs over into his lap.

“I will pinch you every
so often just so you will know I’m really here.”

He runs his hand up my
leg, over my belly, and across my breast, stopping at my nipple. He pinches it
through my shirt and bra, making me yelp. “Yoww! You didn’t need to pinch me
there. That only feels good at certain times.”

“Just trying to make
sure you’re awake.” He winks at me and stands up, my legs falling to the floor.
He offers his hand to me, pulling me up off the couch and into his arms.

A few months ago, I
moved across the country to find something so rare that I've only read about it
in romance novels or watched in a movie. I don't know if I really ever thought
I'd find it, but I was determined to try. It was definitely a shot in the dark.
Then I saw him…the man of my dreams. My sexy, stalking, tall glass of water.
Now he's all mine and I plan to happily drink him in for the rest of my life.

All these years, people
have made fun of me for holding out for something more. Something more than
what I had. Something more than what I've read...or watched or witnessed. Now
that I've finally found it, I plan on showing everyone that it exists, not just
in movies or books, but in real life. Something more is out there for everyone.



































The End

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