Something More (22 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

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Charlie and I talk,
laugh, and reminisce about old times. I bring up things she used to do when she
was little, and she talks about my clumsiness, which is always good for a laugh.
It seems like hours have passed when the doctor and Drew finally walk in.

The doctor reaffirms
that Charlie will be completely fine and that all her tests came back good.
There's no internal bleeding or punctures, brain scan looks normal, and the
bruising and pain from the broken ribs will just take a little time to heal.
Her sore throat from the tube should be better in a day or two. From everything
the doctor has said, it sounds like she's good to go home tomorrow.

Charlie mentioned that
a cop came in to talk to her while Drew and I were outside. She told them her
story and they informed her that the car was unsalvageable. Charlie, Marcus,
and I worked hard to get her that car, but it's totaled. I guess we will need
to call the insurance company to find out how much they will cover. Marcus and
I will have to discuss how to go about getting her a new one. I'm not exactly
looking forward to talking to him again.

Of course, he walks in
just as I'm thinking about having to talk to him about Charlie's car. He shoots
Drew a nasty look, which he returns.
Pissing contest.
I try to avoid
Marcus and avert my eyes to Charlie. I see her eyes widen as Marcus gets
closer, giving her a good look at his shiner. As he takes his usual spot next
to Charlie on the opposite side of her bed, Drew leans down and whispers, “I’m
going to step out and make a couple calls.” He then places a kiss on my temple
and leaves the room.

“Dad! What happened?”
Charlie exclaims as loud as she is allowed to.

“It's nothing. Don't
worry about me,” Marcus grumbles and throws an evil glare in my direction.
Charlie looks to me for answers and I briefly close my eyes and slightly nod.

Charlie turns back to
her dad. “You just couldn't be nice for a day, Dad? Why did you have to go and
start shit with Mom’s boyfriend? Just because you think you still have some
feelings for her and that she's going to come back to you doesn't give you the
right to act like an ass. After all these years, Dad? I mean, give it up
already.” My eyebrows shoot up and my eyes widen in surprise. Charlie never
says anything to Marcus about this kind of stuff. She usually just rolls her
eyes, like I do, and moves on to another subject. It's just easier to ignore

I peek over at Marcus
who looks just as shocked at his daughter's words as I am. His eyes flit to me
and then back to Charlie. “It's over, Dad. It's been over. Time to move on. Mom
certainly has,” she says.
Uh oh.
I don't want to beat a man when he's
down, but Charlie just put it out there.

Before any of us think
about opening our mouths to respond to that particular topic, Drew walks back
in and Marcus shoots me a nasty look again. He watches Marcus like a hawk as he
approaches, then focuses on Charlie. “It's all set. When you are ready and
able, you can go to this dealership and pick out a car that your mother and...”
Drew gives a quick glance at Marcus, then he hands Charlie a little slip of
paper with the name of a local car dealership, salesperson, and their address
and phone number on it, “father approve of. On me. I've already told them that
whatever you choose is to have tinted windows, as dark as you want…that the law
will allow, of course.” He’s done it again. He's waving his money around and
Marcus is going to blow a fucking gasket.

Looking up at Drew in amazement,
my mouth drops open. He smiles down at me, takes his finger, and gently nudges
my chin up to close my mouth. I then look over at Charlie, her mouth hanging
open. I burst into laughter because she looks just like me. A not-so-great
trait passed down a generation. Reaching over to close Charlie's mouth, just as
Drew does to me, I kiss her on the forehead for being so cute.

“Drew, I can't accept this.
It's too much. First this room, and now a car?” She shakes her head. “I just

“Yes, you can. And you
will. I'm happy to do this for you. Consider it a late graduation present.”
Drew gives her a wink, which is now becoming a thing between the two of them.
It warms my heart to see that Charlie likes Drew and he likes her, but his
generosity is overwhelming

“Drew, she's right. You
don't have to do this. The insurance should cover most of the cost of a new car.”
I try to talk him out of it, but the look he is giving me is telling me not to

Marcus clears his
throat and the rest of us turn to look at him. “If the man wants to waste money
buying Charlotte a car, let him. It's his money.”
What. The. Fuck?

Talk about being
shocked. This just made
mouth drop open. None of us were prepared
for that to come out of his mouth.

After we’ve all agreed
that Drew would buy Charlie's car, we make sure she is settled in for the night
and then we disperse. Who knows where Marcus is going, but Drew had our bags
sent over to our hotel earlier.

Drew uses the key card
to unlock the hotel room door, but has me open the door to walk in ahead of
him. When I swing the door open, I immediately see pink rose petals scattered
on the floor in the entryway.
He remembered that pink is one of my favorite

Turning around to look
at him, I feel a tear fall down my cheek and his hand moves quickly to catch it.
The love I feel for him right now, at this moment, is pouring out of me. He
brings his thumb that wiped away my tear up to his lips and kisses it, sending
my heart soaring. How does a man, who hasn't really ever dated before, know
just what to say and do to make my heart stop beating? It no longer beats for
me; it beats for him. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that there was
someone out there made specifically for me. But it seems he's here, standing
before me, kissing my tears off of his thumb.

“Drew, this is so...”

He puts a finger over
my lips and shushes me. “You aren't done looking yet, Rebecca,” he says softly
with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He turns me back around and I feel his
hand gently at the small of my back, where I've gotten quite used to it being.
Closing my eyes for just a moment, I let out a sigh of contentment, relishing
in the feelings I'm experiencing. Drew leans in over my shoulder from behind
and whispers, “Breathe, baby.” My eyes slowly open and I take in a deep breath
and then exhale.

My feet move me forward
following the path of the petals into the main room, where there are candles
lining every surface. The petals lead me around the spacious living area and
past a dining room. This hotel didn't have a penthouse, I'm guessing, but it
might as well be one. It's bigger than my apartment, that's for sure. Making my
way through the room, the path leads me to a closed door that the petals
disappear underneath. I turn to look at Drew, who is right beside me with his
hand still at my back.

“Open it, but don't
walk in just yet,” he says. I do as he says and stand there looking into the
gorgeous bedroom. I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the hotel room on
my way in, but the bedroom is absolutely breathtaking. The bed is a dark,
four-poster canopy draped in white linen from top to bottom, which is tied off at
each post. The bedding looks like white silk that I wouldn't want to touch on a
daily basis. More candles are set around on the nightstands and dressers, and a
trail of rose petals leads to the bed and are scattered on top of and all
around it. There is another path of petals that branches off and leads to the

When Drew gives me a
little nudge, I step in a little further and I see that it leads straight to a
palatial bathtub, which looks to be filled and also sprinkled with rose petals.
I can't believe my eyes. No one has ever done anything romantic for me in all
of my forty years.

Candles are placed
around the bathroom, just enough to be able to see and give off a warm,
romantic glow. The bath looks so inviting I think that will be our first stop;
however, I might fall asleep in there. It occurs to me that I haven't showered
in almost 24 hours, much less changed my clothes. Airplanes, private or not,
make you feel dirty for some reason.

Drew steps up close
behind me, wraps his arms around me, and speaks softly, “Pick your pleasure,
baby. Bed...,” he trails his tongue down my neck, “or bath?” I think he is the
only person who would be able to keep me awake right now. There is nothing I
want more, in this moment, than to have him in my arms and buried deep inside
of me, making me forget all about Charlie's accident and Marcus' stupidity.
I've missed being connected with him.

“Bath,” I breathe out
and turn to circle my arms around his waist. Leaning my head against his chest,
I hear his heartbeat quicken ever so slightly. As I look up at him and he looks
down at me, I can see that he feels the same way I do. There is no place we'd
rather be than in each other's arms. He stretches his arms down a little
further and squeezes my ass, bringing me in closer. I can feel his eagerness
pressed against my stomach and I wish it was deep inside.

Drew slides his hands
up my back and grabs the bottom of my shirt on his way up, pulling it over my
head. After he tosses it aside, I start to unbutton his dress shirt, trying not
to rip another one off of him. Still looking at him, the heat I see in his eyes
makes my core clench and my panties melt.
To hell with his shirt.
it open the rest of the way, the buttons fly in every direction. Drew moans and
shrugs out of his shirt, then quickly starts unbuckling his belt.

He is just as anxious
as I am and I start undressing myself the rest of the way. Seconds later, we
are in each other's arms. Naked. Ready. He swoops me up into his arms and
carries me to the bathtub, setting me down in the water. He steps in after me
and immediately sinks down and sprawls out to leave room for me between his
legs. This is not what I was expecting to happen, but I will go with it. For





Snuggling in his arms
in the warm water is heavenly. The scent of the candles in the air and the
aroma of the rose petals is a nice mixture, and it isn't too overpowering. If
we stay like this for too long, I will fall asleep and turn into a prune.

Flipping over onto my
belly, I try not to slosh water out of the tub, but I'm not very successful.
Becca fashion.
A little goes over the side and it puddles up right next to
the bathtub. Now that I'm settled, part of my ass is poking out of the warm
water, making it a little chilly.

The way I've slipped
and slid, Drew's cock is now right between my breasts with the head nestled
right in the middle. I think about squeezing my breasts together with my arms
and moving my body up and down so he would be fucking my tits, but I decide not
to make more of a mess splashing the bath water. Plus, it would get quite
chilly if there wasn't any water in the tub. My ass already feels like an ice

Instead, I slide
further up Drew's body and reach behind him for the body wash that he evidently
had set up by the hotel. Or someone. I lean over him a little further to grab a
washcloth, which puts a breast right in his face. He's quick to put my nipple
in his mouth and suckle briefly until I pull away to proceed with my plan.

Sitting on my knees, I
wet the washcloth, pour a little body wash onto it, and lather it up. Starting
with his neck, I wash his body. Moving down his chest, trailing over his shoulder
and down the top of his arm, I lift his forearm out of the water and raise it
up high to wash his armpit. He squirms just a bit at the touch.
Hmmm, a
tickle spot. I'll have to remember that.
Finishing up with his arm, I move
over to repeat on the other arm. It makes me smile when he squirms again.

Sliding my way back to
his chest, I work my way down to the top of his abs. The rest of him is under
water so I hand the washcloth over. “Your turn,” I whisper. He sits up and I
move to sit on my butt. He starts the same way I did, almost mimicking my

When it's his turn to
wash my armpit, I wriggle as he moves up, then down. He smiles as he realizes I
am also ticklish there. He doesn't stop the cloth from moving as he goes down
the side of my breast, past my ribs, to my hip, and then back up again. He
takes a detour when he gets back to the breast and he starts a trek to the
other side. He goes slowly over my breasts and as he makes his way across, I'm
reminded of a little boy playing with a toy truck…going over the mounds of
dirt, making the noises of a vehicle.

Completing his trek,
Drew repeats washing my other arm and smiles wider when he makes me wriggle
again. He glides back to my chest, paying closer attention to my boobs this
time. Circling and kneading them, he gives my nipples a little pinch as he goes
over them, making me moan. After getting my breasts good and sudsy, he makes
his way down around my ribs and then to my belly.

Once he has finished
there, he has me turn around so he can wash my back. He sweeps all of my hair
over to one side and over a shoulder so it’s out of the way. He rubs my back
more forcefully than he did the front, almost like he's massaging and washing
at the same time. My eyes close. It feels so good and warrants another moan. “Does
that feel good, Rebecca?”

“Mmm hmm,” I manage.

Drew massages my lower
back a little longer then dips down under the water and washes my ass…as well
as he can with the soap washing right out of the cloth. He pauses for a minute
and I hear the body wash bottle open, then close. He moves my hair back to its
normal resting place and scoots in closer to me. He snakes the cloth around my
waist and slides it up between my breasts. My eyes crack open. “You don't have
to wash my breasts again to show them more attention, you know.”

“Just relax, baby.” His
other hand wraps around me and he runs the cloth over my boobs again. Each hand
has a breast and each hand is kneading, while my nipples are getting squeezed
in between his fingers. I lean my head back into his chest and close my eyes
again, taking in every touch of his skilled hands.

The hand with the
washcloth leaves its breast and travels down the center of my body to my
wanting core. He spreads my folds and washes me, up and down, up and down until
I'm panting with desire. Quickly, he discards the washcloth, using one hand to
fondle my breast and the other to circle my clit. I'm already close to coming,
but I want Drew inside me when I do. I love when my muscles latch on to him,
forcing his release.

“Drew,” I breathe and
it's as if he's read my mind. He turns me around, splashing water everywhere,
leans back against the tub and closes his legs so I can scoot on top of him. My
mouth rushes to his, our tongues finding each other.

Frantically kissing, I
start grinding against his erection. When I can't take it anymore, I break our
kiss. With one hand on his shoulder, I grab his cock with the other and place
the tip at my entry. I rub it back and forth across my juicy folds, preparing
him for me. Satisfied that I'm ready, I nudge his crown into me and slowly
descend over his shaft. I'm not as lubricated as I should be, thanks to the
water in the tub, but it shouldn't be a problem in a minute or two.

Once I've taken him all
the way in, I just enjoy the fact that we are joined in this way again. It's only
been less than twenty-four hours since we've had sex, but it seems like it's
been days. I start to circle in place, feeling him deep inside me. When I
finally lift up, he is well coated and I can move up and down freely, without

As my pussy glides over
him, finding a rhythm, I realize this is the first time we're having sex since
we've said we love each other. It makes this all much more special. Staring
into his beautiful blue eyes, my heart skips a beat. I don't know how this man
is here with me right now and I don't care how it's happened. I'm just glad it

Stopping my movement, I
lean down to kiss him tenderly on the lips. “I love you, Andrew Chambers.” I
straighten back up and he follows me, wrapping his arms around me and up my

“And I love you,
Rebecca Michaels, with every fiber of my being.” He crushes his lips to mine
and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into me as tight as I can. My
breasts press against his chest, straining for attention. I push them harder to
his chest and he brings a hand around, sliding it up my torso until he reaches
his target. He cups my breast and squeezes it, kneading it, and then rubs his
thumb over my nipple roughly, back and forth. I moan into his mouth, but can't
fight the urge to throw my head back, abruptly stopping our passionate kiss.
Having been lost in the moment, I remember what we were actually doing.

Drew has his mouth on
my breast and I move my arms behind me, resting my hands on his thighs before I
begin moving again. His arms snake back around to support my back while his
mouth moves back and forth between breasts, alternating the swirling of his
tongue around my nipples and sucking on them, sometimes pulling on them with
his teeth. Everything he does to me feels so good. He's like my body whisperer.
He knows exactly what I need or want at any given moment.

He releases one hand
from behind me, still supporting me with the other, and glides it around and up
the center of my torso. I think he will stop at the top of my chest or detour
to a breast, but he continues up the middle, sliding up my throat, making my
head tilt back some more, until he reaches my jaw.
Damn, that's hot! And
it's happening to me!

Drew holds his hand
there while I ride him and he's matching my thrusts with his own. This is so
erotic that I can't stand it any longer. The tingles have started. I don't want
this to end, but I don't know if I can hold it off. His hand drifts back down
off of my throat and I sit up again, wrapping my arms around his neck. Smashing
my lips to his, I don't care that I'm about to come anymore. I know there will
be plenty more in my very near future.

I come hard and fast.
Gripping his hair in my fingers, I scream, “Oh, god, Drew!” I slump onto him while
the orgasm rips through me, my walls surging around him, bringing him to the
edge. He finds his release while I'm shuddering through mine, his short,
manicured nails digging into my flesh. This pain is pure ecstasy.

Regaining my strength
to sit up, I remove my chest from Drew's and move to hold his face in my hands.
His lids are lazy and barely open. I think we are both too wiped out for much
more activity tonight. Smiling at him, he cracks a hint of a smile back at me.
Bringing his face to mine, I kiss him ever so softly on the nose.

“Let's get cleaned up
again and go to bed. We're both super exhausted after the flight and events of
today,” I say and I notice a faint bruise along his scruffy jaw where Marcus
punched him.

Rubbing my thumb over
it, Drew grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it. “I'm fine, baby.
I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

“I know you would and I
love you for it. You've done so much for me in the past twenty-four hours. I
just...” The words cease and tears start to fall once again. He starts to swipe
my tears away and I shake my head to stop him. I swallow the lump in my throat.
“Thank you, Drew. I don't have the words to tell you how much it means to me
for all that you've done for Charlie and me. You didn't have to do anything,
yet you've done everything.” More tears fall. I pick up his hand and place it
on my cheek so he’s cradling my face. Letting him wipe my tears with his thumb,
I lean into his touch.

“Once again, Rebecca, I
would do it again in a heartbeat. Now that you've finally gotten on the same
page as me, everything that is mine is yours.” My eyes widen in shock at what's
he's said, alerting him that I might freak out. “Shhh.” He wraps his arms
around me and just holds me close to him. “It'll be okay, baby. Don't freak
out. It all comes with me. It's a package deal.” He's trying to lighten the
mood, but my thoughts are going haywire. He obviously has a lot of money if he
has a private jet, and I just don't know how to handle that kind of dough.

Listening to his slow
and steady heart rate calms me down enough to ask a question. “What do you do
for a living? I know you own a company and the hotels, but we've never talked
about what you do.” I'm just hoping it's nothing illegal or anything with
animal testing
. Maybe I don't need to know.

“I own several
successful businesses and invest in a few more. I dabble in a lot of different
areas…real estate, finance, publishing, et cetera.” Publishing makes my ears
perk up, but the rest sounds really boring to me. I sit up and look at him. He
sees my interest in this last area of business. “Yes, I own a publishing house.
I will take you there and show you around.”

My face lights up. I'd
love to see the ins and outs of a publisher. A printing press would be
phenomenal, too. The smell of fresh books in the air would make me drool. Just
thinking about it makes my mouth water. Drew rubs my shoulders, bringing me
back into focus. Laying my head back on his chest, I ask the next question. “Exactly
how much are we talking here?”

He chuckles, probably
at my lack of knowledge about him. Or my bluntness. I'm sure his net worth is
all over the news or internet, but I haven't bothered to look him up. Charlie
probably knows more about his public life than I do. “Let’s just say that you
never have to worry about any expense ever again.” He didn't answer my question
and I'm not sure I need to know the exact amount or even a ball park figure. I
love him regardless. He adds, “Nor will Charlie, or her kids, or her kid's

“Well, alright then,” I
murmur. That's a lot of money if it can last through generations of
Oh. We've never discussed kids, other than Charlie
. This
might be a little late in the game to ask, but I have to know before we go any

“Drew? Can I ask you
another question?”

“Sure. Anything.”

“Well, we haven't
discussed this before and we should, before we move forward in our
relationship. Do you want kids?” Sitting back up to gauge his reaction, I'm a
little surprised when I don't see much of one.

“I've never really
thought about it because I've never met a person with whom I would want to have
children. After seeing you with Charlie and the great relationship you have
with her, I could see having a child.”
Uh oh
. I'm forty-years-old and I
have never wanted another child, especially this late in the game. By the time
the kid is twenty, I'd be over sixty. That wouldn't be fair to them to have an
old lady for a mom, or fair to me to not be able to see the person they become.
Maybe he just answered with what he thought I wanted to hear.

“Are you just saying
that because you think I want to have more kids?” Drew looks at me a little

“Well...ummm...” He
looks down and away, and is at a loss for words. It's kind of funny, but it
also lets me know that he was just trying to make me happy by saying he wanted
kids. His face is even a tiny bit flushed.
How cute is he?

Chuckling at his
awkwardness, I let him off the hook before he tries to finish talking. “It's
okay, Drew. I don't want more kids.” He lets out a huge breath and I go on. “I
don't want to start all over again. I just want to enjoy life as it comes, with
you. Plus, I already have Charlie and she's the best kid ever.”

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