Something More (15 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

BOOK: Something More
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“Do you want to go out
the front, or have Benjamin pick us up in the back?” He looks at me with a
little smirk. 

“Well, that depends on
what you've told the reporters out there.” I peek around him again to see that
they are all still there, but now there is a fairly large group of people
forming inside that want to get out. I smirk, “Is it
for me to go
out there? I think it might be best to go out the front so the reporters will
leave the front door and these other people can get out.”

“That's my girl. Just
ignore the reporters and walk to the limo. I'll lead the way.” He grabs my hand
and we head to the door. Looking at all the frustrated faces trapped inside
because of us makes me feel like shit.

“I'm sorry,” I mutter
to people. “I'm so sorry.”

Drew and I make it to
the door and he stops just before opening it. “Are you ready?” I take a deep
breath and nod. 

There are clicks and
flashes going off and people are talking and yelling, but I try to tune it all
out. Using tunnel vision, I keep my eye on the prize…the limo. Drew is walking
pretty fast and, for the most part, I'm keeping up. Once again, I’m thankful I
don't have high heels on. We make it to the limo, where Benjamin is waiting
with the door open. Drew waits for me to jump into the car and he follows. 

My adrenaline is pumping
and I'm panting just a bit. Drew grabs hold of my hand and brings it to his
lips. “That wasn't so bad, was it?” It really wasn't, but I don't know if I can
deal with it on a daily basis.

“No. It wasn't. You
said they would eventually stop, though, right?” Searching his face for
agreement, I see nothing except the big ass grin. 

“Did I? I don't recall.”
He adds a wink this time. If he wasn't so happy, especially when he's as giddy as
a school boy, I'd make Benjamin stop the car and I'd get out. Knowing I will
dread whatever it is until I find out, I just slump into the seat until we get
to my apartment building.





We arrive within minutes
and head up to my place. As I'm walking across the threshold, Drew grabs me and
pulls me to him…his front to my back. His arms are draped around me. “Stay at
my place tonight.” He wasn't asking. He pulls my hair off of my neck, exposing
my erogenous zone. Tilting my head to one side, I offer my neck to him. He
starts trailing kisses from behind my ear, down my neck, to the collar of my

“Why would I want to
stay at your place? I'm quite happy in mine.”

“For starters, you've
never been to my place. You don't
that you won't be happy there.”
He's got a point. I'd also love to see how the other half lives. He starts
working his kisses back up to my ear, this time kissing in between his words. “I'm
going to be there...
which is another...
for you.” He ends with grabbing my earlobe between his teeth and giving it a
little suck. A moan breaks free from my lips and my eyes roll back into my
head. The ache between my legs is at full attention. It's not going to take
much to push me over the edge.

“Wh-what if I want t-to
stay here?” I stammer out. I feel him smile against my skin. He knows what he's
doing to me.

He suddenly pulls away
from me and turns me around to face him. One of his hands moves to fist in my
hair and with a gentle, yet forceful, tug, he pulls my head back so that I'm
looking him in the eyes. It's one of the many weaknesses I have for this man. “You
don't want to be with me tonight?” His voice sounds hurt and disappointed.

“Of course I do. But...”

He interrupts me. “Oh,
good. Let's get you everything you need for tonight and tomorrow.” With his
hands on my shoulders, he turns me back around and leads me…no,
me to my bedroom.

Making himself at home,
he starts to look for things in my closet. He finds a rather large tote bag and
brings it out to show me. “Will this work to pack your stuff in?”

I laugh at him. “How
many days am I packing for? A week?” Laughing still, I snatch the bag from him
and head into the closet.

He follows me and
starts shuffling through my wardrobe. “Well, let's see. Three hundred and sixty-five
times forever is…?”

Gasping and snapping my
head in his direction, I yell, “Andrew Chambers!” He chuckles, not looking
directly at me, but I know he can see me in his peripheral vision. I swat him
on his arm. “You know it's too soon, Drew.” Spotting the bag I need, I pick it up.

“I don't know that and
you don't, either. I
know that you are just delaying the inevitable.
It's going to happen. You will be in my bed every night, and I will wake up to
your beautiful face every morning,” he states with seriousness, yet still with
a slight smirk. When he puts it like that, who could resist. I definitely
wouldn't mind those things. 

“What if I don't like
your bed?” I taunt.

“Then I will buy a new
one that you
like,” he replies, nonchalantly.

“What if I don't like
your apartment?”

“Then I will get us a
new one. Or maybe I'll buy us a house. Whatever you want, baby.” 

“Just like that?” I
question, not believing he would just give up things he's had for years just to
please me. He stops looking through my clothes and turns to face me, stepping

“Just like that,” he
answers and cups my face with both hands. “I would do anything to make you
happy.” Tears threaten to fill my eyes and I try my hardest to hold them

Swallowing back the
lump in my throat, I attempt to speak, but I need to clear my throat. “Sweet
words again, Mr. Chambers. You keep that up and I will need a new heart since
you keep melting mine.” We smile at each other and move toward each other to
get a kiss. Drew lowers his hands, dragging them to the small of my back, pulling
me closer to him.

“You know, you could
hear sweet words all the time if we lived together,” he teases.

I can't help but giggle
and roll my eyes. “Oh, my god, Drew. Can we just see how tonight goes?”

He laughs. “Of course.
Let's get your bag packed and get over there already. I'm starved.”

“Well, get out of my
closet so I can get the things I need,” I exclaim and shoo him out. There is
nothing in my closet I need besides a bag since I told him this morning that I
wanted to stay in tonight. Seeing him heading for my dresser makes me smile. “What
are you doing?”

“Helping you get your
things, silly.”

“Are you so hungry that
you have to fondle all of my belongings?” I decide to see what he picks out for
me and go sit on the bed to watch. Of course, he starts with the top drawer…my
panties. Rummaging around in my delicates, he finally stops and holds up a pair
to inspect. He turns around to show me a black, lacy thong.

“You can wear these
tonight,” he says, then crumples them in his hand and brings them to his nose
and takes a deep breath. I take in a sharp breath at his semi-sensual act. He
smiles and tosses them at me, turning back around to rummage some more. They
land on the foot of the bed and I reach to grab them, tossing them into my bag.

“You want me wearing
panties tonight?” I challenge him. He turns his head to look back at me.

“For a minute,” he
retorts and wiggles his brows. “What do you want to wear to work tomorrow?”

“Well, I wear scrubs so
any pair will do. But I like to wear a cami or a t-shirt under my top, and
definitely not a thong.” Drew throws a pair of bikini underwear backwards in my
direction and closes that drawer. He opens the next drawer to find my bras laid
out just like at Victoria's Secret. He tosses one backwards to me and continues
on until I have my wardrobe for tonight and tomorrow.

“I need to get my
toiletries.” I stand to head that way and Drew follows me. As I walk into the
bathroom, I grab my toothbrush and a travel holder. Drew just stands next to
me, leaning his side on the counter.

“Rebecca, do you have
any extras?”

Looking up into the
mirror, I see his gorgeous blues staring back at me. “Do you not have a
toothbrush?” I look smugly at him.

He mocks my look. “Yes,
I have a toothbrush, smart ass. But if you have an extra, bring it to keep at
my place.” Swatting me on my rear, he stands up from the counter to start
again. “What do you need to bring?”

Starting to rattle off
my list to him, I move around, grabbing what I need as I call it out because
it’s much faster this way. He approaches me with an item…my deodorant. I open
my bag for him to drop it in. “You're going to need that after I make you all
sweaty,” he chides.

“If I'm going to be
spending lots of nights there, I should just go to the store and buy an extra
set of everything to keep at your place. Then I won't have to lug a bunch of
crap around.”

“Brilliant! Put that
stuff back and we'll stop at a store on the way and you can get everything you
need,” he says and starts helping me unload my bag. “Do you have everything
else you need for tonight and tomorrow?”

“Yep. I think so.” With
that, Drew swiftly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, carrying me out
to the living room.

“Need anything from the
kitchen or living room? Kitchen sink, perhaps?” he asks, spinning me around slowly
to get a look at the rooms.

“No. I think I'm good
to go,” I say, swatting him on his backside, like he did to me moments before.

“Well, alright then. Let’s
go. Go grab your purse and keys so we can lock up,” he says as he carries me
over to them. Making sure I have my cell phone, keys, and wallet, we're out the
door and on our way.

On the way to his
place, we stop at the closest drugstore to pick up my toiletries first. I'm
looking forward to seeing his fancy-schmancy apartment.

We pull up to the hotel
we ate at on our first date. I look over at him and he smiles, amused. “We're

“You live in the hotel?”
I question him. He gets out and then, as always, holds his hand out for me.
Taking it, he guides me out, and then reaches back in for my bags from the

“Yes, I do. It has
great amenities,” he answers as he leads me into the hotel. “It's also free.”


“Yes, free. I own
it…and several others. I’m sure you remember our lunch date,” he says, slyly. I
halt all movement and he turns to look at me. He lets go of my hand that he's
been holding and lifts his finger to my chin, gently nudging my mouth shut.

eriously? I need to
get my mouth wired shut or something.

“Relax, baby. There’s
no need to freak out,” he caresses my chin with his thumb, trying to soothe me.

“Uh, yeah, there is. I
knew you were well-off, but I had no idea...” I trail off, looking at my
surroundings. This is a really posh hotel and the restaurant seems to be really

“C'mon, baby. You can
be baffled upstairs.” He tugs on my arm to get me moving again.

A man behind the desk
says, “Good evening, Mr. Chambers.” He waves and we continue walking. We pass
the bank of elevators going to the back of the hotel, where there is a single
elevator that doesn't have a button to press.

Drew takes out a key
and inserts it, and the doors open. “You have a private elevator?” I mutter,
not believing all of this new information.

“I do. You will see why
in a minute.” We zoom up…all the way to the top, I’m guessing. The elevator
stops and the doors slide open. He escorts me out of the elevator and into a
beautiful foyer, black marble floors with white walls, and a big white table in
the center. It's the biggest foyer I've ever seen. It's open to the living room,
which has the same floors and walls. It’s very contemporary. Off to one side is
the kitchen with white cabinets and black countertops. The appliances are made
to look like the cabinets, except for the double oven, which is white in color
and blends into the wall.

In the living room,
there is a black leather sofa and a chair atop a white shaggy rug. Floor-to-ceiling
windows, overlooking the city, are on one wall. It is not homey at all. It
feels very sterile, untouchable, and not lived in. I could never live in a
place like this. It's beautiful and very spacious, but definitely not my taste.

He takes my bags from
me, placing them on the floor near the sofa. “What do you think?” he asks,
trying to read my expression.

I respond with a little hesitation.

“Rebecca?” he questions,
seeming to want my honesty.

“It's beautiful.”


“But I couldn't live
here. It doesn't seem very lived in,” I answer honestly.

“What don't you like,
specifically?” He walks around and I follow him, still taking in my surroundings.

“You really want to

“I wouldn't have asked
you if I didn't.”

“Well…there's no color
and no warmth. It feels so cold and not very inviting. Do
like it?”

“It doesn't bother me.
I'm hardly ever here to really care,” he responds and I can tell the wheels are
turning in his head.

like it?” I hope he catches on to the direction my question is going. It will
nag at me until I find out. That's just how my brain operates. A brief moment
passes and then he gives me a little smile. I think he knows where my head is

“Are you asking me if
like it?” Yep, he knows. Instead of answering with words, I
just nod. “Well, honestly, no one has really commented that I can remember.” My
heart sinks and I feel a little queasy. Other women have been here. In his bed.
Fucking him. I know, logically, this shouldn't bother me. They were in the
past, I'm in the present. But it
bother me. “Hey, are you okay?” he
asks. “You look pale.”

“Can I have a glass of
water?” I move to sit in the nearest chair and he scurries off to the kitchen
to fetch me some water. Placing my head in my hands and my elbows on my knees,
I try to calm myself down with deep breaths. He rushes back over and hands me a
bottle of Evian, kneeling next to me. Sitting up straighter, I open the bottle,
take a sip, and hope it helps.

Drew rubs my calf,
trying to soothe me. I really don't know why I had the reaction that I did. Of
course he's has women here. He's a young, very handsome, successful man. “I'm
sorry,” I mumble.

“Sorry for what,
Rebecca?” He sweeps my hair behind my ear and tucks it in place. I shrug,
looking down at the floor. He cups my chin and lifts my face to his. “What is

Not wanting to admit my
freak-out, I just plant a kiss on his cheek. With both of his hands, he takes
my face and looks into my eyes. “Please, tell me what's wrong.”

I shake my head. “There's
nothing wrong. I just had a moment.”

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