Snowballs in Hell (12 page)

Read Snowballs in Hell Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards, #Romance

BOOK: Snowballs in Hell
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“You don’t have to do this alone.”

He didn’t know about the note. “He’ll kill her if I show up with you guys.”

“He’ll kill us all if he gets his hands on you.”

Good point. Course I had no intention of dying, so it was also a moot point. “Fine, smart ass. What’s your plan then?” I asked. I expected him to bluster, but as usual Auric had stayed one step ahead of me.

“While you were off deciding to save Hell all by yourself, I learned some interesting things.”


“Like, you can draw magic from David and me, even if we’re not doing the naked tango.”

That caught my attention. “How?”

“While not as effective as the actual act itself, Mimi, the mage who examined you before, says if we are all aroused for each other, then so long as we are within sight, you can pull on that arousal to fuel your magic.”

“Let me get this straight,” I said. “If I go meet the hooded one while horny then I’ll have more magic?”

Auric nodded. I laughed and laughed some more, my mirth so strong it brought tears to my eyes.

“What’s so funny?” asked David who had joined us.

“I told Muriel about the new aspect to her magic that we just discovered.”

“Oh,” replied David.

I wheezed, trying to control my giggles.


The cracking slap on my ass cheek sobered me up quick and I stood up, glaring at Auric and David who regarded me innocently. Rubbing my posterior, I scowled at them both.

Chris chose that moment to come sauntering up. “I see you stopped her. Have you briefed her on the plan so we can get this show on the road?”

“Plan?” I seesawed my gaze between the guys. “What plan?”

“We know the hooded one is waiting by the furnace, right?” Auric spoke up. “What he and Azazel probably don’t know is there are actually two ways to get to the furnace?”

“Since when?” I asked. My father had never told me about that.

“Your dad only found out about it just now from Mimi. She found it when scrying the area. Says it’s been there a long time, hidden by the flames that are usually there.

Using it will give us an advantage.”

I now wished I’d stayed for the meeting, apparently it had been more interesting than I’d expected.

“Now, Muriel, you’ll approach the furnace from the main entrance, while David and I sneak into the hidden rear one. Chris will follow behind you after a certain interval to help guard your rear. Your father will stay here with the army and at our signal will open a portal right outside the furnace that will launch his soldiers into the fray.” That made sense. My father alone possessed the power needed to open a portal the size and duration needed to get an army through. But I bet he hated being left behind. He did so enjoy a good fight.

“Sounds good. Let’s go.” My blood pumped in anticipation, eager for action.

“Not quite yet. Chris, we’ll just be a few minutes.”

“What? Why aren’t we leaving?” Auric grabbed me by the hand and dragged me off into a chamber adjoining the main hall, a parlor of sorts for waiting visitors. David followed behind and closed the double doors.

“We just need to do one more thing before we go through a portal and kick some ass.”

I eyed them suspiciously. “I’m already full up on magic, so you can forget about having sex. Let’s go save Bambi.”

“Oh, I know you’re full,” said Auric with a naughty gleam in his eye. “We just need to make sure you’re horny enough to draw some more if you need it.” I backed up a step as Auric stalked me, sexual intent in his eyes. I hit something hard and arms wrapped around my waist. David nuzzled my ear and whispered, “This will only take a few minutes.” Then he licked the shell of my ear before biting my earlobe and making my knees sag.

Auric stood in front of me, his green eyes smoldering with lust. “Cup me, Muriel,” he growled. “Feel how much I want you.”

I couldn’t stop myself from obeying. Placing my hand over his groin, I sighed at how hard he was. I squeezed him and he groaned. David eager to not be left out, ground his own erection against the crack of my ass. He also slid his hands up from my waist to cup and squeeze my tits.

My head fell back as Auric also placed his hands on me, his calloused thumbs lifting my shirt and stroking the soft skin at my waist. A pressure against my crotch followed by warmth had me mewling as Auric, who had dropped to his knees, teased me with his mouth over the fabric of my pants.

Desire roared through me, my juices soaking through the fabric of my panties and slacks. I heard Auric grunt his mouth so hot against me. David flicked my nipples through the fabric of my shirt, sensitizing my nubs even as he kept rubbing himself against my backside.

Lost in a maelstrom of sensation, I heard myself pleading. “Fuck me. Now. Please.” Instead they both moved away from me, their breathing heavy, their cocks straining the material of their jeans.

Auric said not a word as he zipped my coat up, but he did kiss me, a hard bruising kiss, that made me grab his hair and pull.

Untangling my hands from him, he set me back. His voice unsteady, he said. “Let’s go kill the bad guy, and when we’re done, if you’re a good girl, I am going to fuck you so hard. I am going to pound you ‘til you see stars. Then I’m going to fuck you some more.”

“And while he’s fucking you,” David said from behind me. “You’re going to be gagging on my shaft ‘til I cream you.”

I shuddered, and I was pretty sure I had a mini orgasm just with their words.

“What are we waiting for?” I demanded impatiently pushing past them. “Let’s get this show on the road.” So I could put out the fire they’d started in my crotch.

Nothing like incentive to get a girl going.

Chapter Ten

Auric sketched the portal that would deposit me not far from the furnace. With one last kiss from my fallen angel, I stepped through the glowing portal into a white blizzard.


I slogged through the white stuff I no longer found so pretty. In the distance, through blustery gusts, I could see the wall of black with its single crevice that led to the furnace.

No one knew the origins of the furnace, it had always been; like a gigantic hearth that made Hell hot and dry, not to mention sifted ash down constantly. Pit scientists speculated the flames came from the earth’s molten core. All I knew was it was damned hot! I’d once asked my father what made it burn during a visit to the inferno when much younger, and my father had replied the sins of the world were the fuel that fed its fire. It made one wonder just where the sins were going now that they weren’t getting roasted like marshmallows. I also wondered how the heck I’d get the fire going again. If I killed the hooded one, would the spell vanish, lighting the furnace up again? Or would I have to do magic of my own?

Finally, I reached the opening in the rock wall and I slipped inside shivering from the cold. Auric’s plan to make me horny had failed against the elements. I knew I should be worried about that, but fuck it, I was a cocky bitch. This wouldn’t be the first time I winged it.

The quiet in the roughly hewn tunnel made the hair on my body stand up. I could sense power ahead of me.

The wanna-be master and my tormentor had already arrived.

Chattering teeth or not, I knew I couldn’t fight with the thick parka and mitts. I shed the heavy clothing and drew my Hell blade. Instantly the flames came to life inside the red metal. It also radiated a bit of heat, just not enough to stop my shivering.

With nipples protruding from the cold, and a lot of attitude, I sashayed down the tunnel into the furnace room. No point in delaying.

The cowled one stood in front of the mawing opening which used to house the flames of Hades. A ball of light hung above it, illuminating faintly the area around it.

Azazel, his demonic black face stretched in a toothy grin, stood beside his hooded master, and at their feet, in a huddled ball of misery, I saw Bambi.

She lifted her bloodied face and for a moment I saw hope in her eyes, then loving resignation. “You shouldn’t have come, lamb,” she croaked. “Run.”

“Silence, bitch!” Azazel kicked her and Bambi fell face first onto the hard floor, not moving.

My rage filled me, warm and welcome, making my body tingle in expectation. I’d originally planned to fake being under the hooded one’s spell, but without the geas of fear, I discovered, I couldn’t pretend to be scared. On the contrary, I wanted, make that needed, to inspire fear.

I was, after all, Satana Muriel Baphomet, misbegotten daughter of Lucifer, princess of Hell, and no one fucked with me or my family.

Something of my resolve must have shown in my face. Perhaps the flames I inherited from my father lit my eyes. Perhaps it was the sword I brandished menacingly, or the fact I’d pulled my lips back and grinned ferally at them.

I also glowed with power. My magical reservoir bulged, anxious for me to unleash it and my hair danced in a static mess around my head. I stalked towards them, the gleaming red of my blade swinging hypnotically back and forth.

Azazel’s eyes widened for a moment, but at a movement from the cowled figure, he straightened his spine and spat. “Stop or your sister dies.” I just smiled wider and tsked him like a naughty child. “Touch another hair on her head and I will make you scream for an eternity instead of killing you quickly.” Stupid demon, he didn’t run even though I could see from his expression he heard the truth in my words. Funny, my father hated the truth, but personally, I’d always found it rather effective, its solid ring inspiring more fear than any lie could.

A whisper of power touched me, like a faint voice, I could hear it calling to the spell that used to reside in my mind.
Fear me.
I trembled for a tenth of a second as that insidious ghostly touch on my psyche tried to wake the curse it had placed there. Too bad for it, I now feared nothing. I squashed the questing tendril and lashed back in the only way I knew I could.

“Oops,” I laughed. “Looking for your spell are you? Hate to break it to you, but it’s gone. Burned to a crisp. Kind of like what I intend to do to you. Unless you’d prefer I slowly slice you into pieces.” Choices, choices. Even I didn’t know which one I preferred.

“Get her,” screeched the hooded one finally losing his calm demeanor.

Azazel took one uncertain step forward and I braced myself, my legs loosely bent. I beckoned him, but he hesitated. And I wondered at this until I heard the scuffing sounds of movement behind me.

“Foolish bitch. You may have left your bodyguards behind , but we came prepared,” Azazel taunted.

The sound of a lot of shuffling feet didn’t move the smile from my face, for floating down from the ceiling, his grey wings spread wide, was my very own angel and boy did he look fierce. Seeing the battle light in his eye brought my lust back with a vengeance and with the blood coursing through my veins I twirled my sword and let out a battle cry and charged.

Azazel snarled and would have sprang at me if a big blond bundle of fur hadn’t tackled him. Spitting and slashing, David, the giant kitty, had also arrived.

Auric landed beside me and pulled out his holy blade, its shining steel making me faintly ill. After all, its purpose was to destroy evil things and as Lucifer’s daughter, I kind of fell into that category.

“Get your sister,” he ordered. “I’ve got your back.” A quick glance behind me showed a wave of demons advancing in a line, their fangs dripping in excitement. “Are you sure?” I asked torn.

“Your father’s forces are arriving as we speak. Now go. Do me proud, and I’ll lick you ‘til you cum in my face later.”

With that kind of encouragement, I ran for my sister, still prone on the ground.

The cowled one seemed to be doing something for I could sense power coiling about it. Screaming a war cry that would have made an Amazon proud, I dashed at him, the point of my sword leading the way. The robed one unfortunately moved before I skewered him, but at least I’d disrupted his spell.

I stood over my sister’s body and hissed at him. Sometimes there were no words that would do. The stupid bastard didn’t even flinch like any other normal being would have.

Between my feet, Bambi stirred.

“Can you move?” I asked keeping an eye on the hooded one who once again had dropped in to a trance.

“I’ll try,” she gasped.

Even as she tried to get to her knees, a thundering crash and a flash of light made us turn to look towards the entrance to the furnace room. Holding a magical staff, Chris had arrived, and using raw magic forced a path between the ranks of demons. He strode through his cleared opening, reinforcements from my father following him and joining the battle.
Yay for the good or, should I say bad, guys.

In a moment, Chris had arrived at my side and scooped up my sister. I gave him a nod of thanks and then turned to look for the hooded one. For a moment, I couldn’t find the bastard, then a shadow of movement caught my eye.

“What, leaving the party already?” I said strutting towards it. “But we haven’t even gotten to the main event. Your death.”

“Foolish girl child thinking you can stand against me.” The robed one straightened and a whirlpool of power swirled unseen around it.

Not so good.

In a moment of
, the cowled being approached me, hand outstretched. A faint remembrance of fear and pain shivered through me. I drew on my magic and lit a fire in my mind to keep its shadowy thoughts at bay. But he pushed hard against my psychic shield, draining my magic.

“Fight me, damn it!” I cried. I took a step towards it, determined to decapitate it, but my legs moved as if mired in mud and I let out a frustrated growl. Stubbornness should have been my middle name, for hard or not, I pushed against the inertia, gaining inches.

The robed one was almost within reach of my sword.

“Satana,” it whispered, its voice low and melodious. Male or female, I still couldn’t tell, but I could feel the power emanating from it. A shit load of power and all aimed at me. And stupidly, I’d come too close to it and found myself wrapped in tendrils of its magic.

Swinging my sword did not cut the magical ties that tried to bind me and the being chuckled, moving towards me now, hand outstretched again. For a moment panic rose in my gorge.

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