Snowballs in Hell (11 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards, #Romance

BOOK: Snowballs in Hell
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My father and Auric both turned to face me with puzzled faces. I laughed at them, proud I’d finally figured something out on my own before they had. “Hello. Azazel’s warning, and I quote, ‘when winter arrives, he’ll be waiting for you by the furnace.’”

“This is the work of the hooded one,” said Auric, nodding at me with a proud smile that made me preen.

“I guess the next question is if this frozen Hell thing is a spell or something else.

Have you noticed any souls missing?” I asked my father.

My father shrugged looking tired. “There’s always souls missing. Hell is kind of big in case you hadn’t noticed. I’ve had my people tracking down the souls that have been reported as having disappeared, but it takes time. Although it definitely looks like some are permanently gone, just like last time.”

“I guess the real question is, what do we do next?” said Auric.

“Kick ass,” I said with a grin. I had a meeting I didn’t plan to miss with one hooded figure and I for one couldn’t wait to let him speak to the edge of my blade.

“One thing is for sure, we have to do something soon before the magic starts claiming the promises of those still living. I’d like to kill the person who coined that stupid phrase. When Hell freezes over. What a stupid thing to say.” My dad grumbled, his way of dealing with anxiety.

“I’d better call David and Christopher,” said Auric. He walked away to grab his cell and I looked at my dad.

“We’re gonna fix this, dad.”

For a moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of fear in my father’s face. Satan, afraid?


“I have faith in you and your friends, Muri. And don’t worry, this time you won’t be fighting alone. I’m mobilizing my demonic forces as we speak.” I decided to not point out that if Hell truly was as cold as he said, that his demons would be close to useless. Like many animals on earth, extreme cold sent them into a hibernating mode. Hopefully my dad had enough mittens and parkas for all of them, or we’d be facing the hooded one by ourselves, which suited me just fine.

I had a score to settle.

* * * *

David arrived before Chris and I blushed seeing him, mentally flashing to a moment from the night before when he’d been fucking me and I’d looked up to see him, his muscled abs straining, his hips pumping…

I soaked my panties. David sniffed the air and grinned at me, a cocky smile so unlike him, that I found myself torn between slapping him for knowing I was horny and ripping off his clothes for a new round of sexual fun.

I did neither. Just turned my back and pretended interest in my boots. Ugly, practical things, but as Auric had assured me, they’d keep my feet warm even if they had never made any fashion list.

Auric came out of the storage room carrying downy filled jackets and threw them on the couch.

“Good, you’re here,” he said with a nod to David. “Christopher is gonna be another hour or so. That should give us enough time.”

“Enough time for what?” I asked.

A blue and green pair of eyes swiveled to look at me, the gleam in them unmistakable and arousing. Looking at them both standing there expectantly, I was suddenly struck by their startling contrast. One so fair and boyish looking, the other dark and dangerous. They both drew me and my magic. Heat coiled between my thighs.

“Hold on a second. This isn’t the time to being getting down and doing the nasty.

Hello, Hell has frozen over. Focus here.” I licked my lips even as I spoke, my knees trembling and tummy swirling with excitement. I couldn’t deny I wanted it, but I was determined to at least try and make it look like I didn’t.

“Strip, Muriel,” Auric ordered me.


“Or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

Damn, get naked and have a great time, or refuse and also have a great time. Fuck, I loved my life.

But a sore ass might not be the most comfortable thing when facing true evil, so with a coy smile, I stripped. Why argue with what my body–and I’d admit even my mind–


Naked, I stood there proudly, displaying my lush curves and enjoying their smoky looks and evident erections in their pants. I cupped my breasts, rolling my nipples between my fingers, loving the hungry look they got on their faces, like they wanted to make me their main course. Quickly, both men shed their clothes and the heat inside me grew at the sight of their naked, muscled bodies.

Auric approached me first. He dropped to his knees and with his fingers gripping my thighs, spread my legs. David watched us, his hand on his cock, stroking it. As Auric’s tongue found my wet gash and licked, I found myself unable to look away from David and the thick rod he pumped in his fist.

The flood of desire that raced through my body made my knees buckle and I ended up sitting on the couch, Auric still between my legs lapping at my moist core. David ended up on the couch beside me, his mouth latched onto my tit. I reached out with my hand and grabbed his shaft, jerking its velvety hot length. David bit down on my nipple and I screamed, a sound I repeated when Auric shoved three fingers inside of me and stretched me even as he kept flicking my clit with the tip of his tongue.

“Please,” I begged, already mindless with pleasure.

“Tell me what you want,” growled Auric.

“Fuck me,” I panted. “Make me cum.”

And like my words had been what they waited for, I found myself on my knees on the couch, my arms braced on the armrest. A slim rod entered my slit from behind and started a rhythm, one that Auric joined when he shoved his cock between my lips.

Fingers laced in my hair, Auric fucked my mouth, forcing me to take his long length, grunting as I sucked.

A sharp stinging slap on my ass made me squeal around the penis in my mouth, but both men seemed to enjoy it for they moved even faster. The grip in my hair got tighter, painfully so, but that only enhanced my pleasure and sent me over the edge. I orgasmed hard, my pelvic muscles spasming around David’s prick.

More slaps sounded out making my ass cheeks throb pleasantly and, to my even greater shock, making another orgasm erupt. With synchronized bellows, both my lovers came. Hot cream flooded my mouth and filled up my quivering core.

I glowed and fairly burst with magic after that explosive, sexual bout. And once I could open my eyes and breathe again it would be time to kill something.

Chapter Nine

Hell looked kind of pretty covered in a pristine coat of white snow. Instead of ash trickling from the sky, fluffy snowflakes drifted down. Everywhere I looked, I could see demons bundled in layers and the souls of the damned tobogganing and throwing snowballs, and just having a good time. I liked it.

“You know what dad, this is actually a good look for Hell.” Lucifer just glared at me with chattering teeth, which I had to admit took away a lot from the look.

The imp inside me, unable to resist, said, “Hey, I bet if we took a video of this and posted it on YouTube we could crash their servers.” That earned me another dirty look which made me laugh, that is until a snowball hit me upside the head. Turning, I saw Auric grinning from ear to ear.

“You are so dead,” I scooped up some of the white stuff and threw it back. Auric ducked and I hit David in the back of the head instead. I giggled when he turned around, but then squealed when he came racing across the snow at me. I took off running, not making it far before a hard body tackled me into a soft drift. A body that tumbled quickly off mine when somebody else dove into it.

Rolling over, I saw David and Auric wrestling in the snow, each trying to snow job the other. I laughed breathlessly and lay on my back. Spreading my arms and legs back and forth, I made a snow angel. Surely a first for Hell.

A shadow fell over me and I looked up into my father’s exasperated face.

“And to think all our hopes rest on you,” he muttered shaking his head.

I held out a hand, and my father, still superbly strong for his age, yanked me up.

“You mean I get to save the day?” I said eagerly. Now that the oppressive weight of that fear spell was gone, I felt ready to take on anything.

“If you children are done playing,” my dad said with a pointed look at David and Auric as they came jogging up. “Then perhaps we can go speak to the mages and see if they have any answers for us.”

Christopher, who’d stood by and watched our snow play, just shook his head.


Dad, head held high and trying to look every inch the lord of lies and damnation—

and failing in his fire engine red parka—trudged through the thick snow, his grumblings too low to make out.

Auric and David positioned themselves on either side of me, and to my pleasure, each held my hand. I could see Chris looking at us sideways, but he said not a word. I wondered how much Auric had told him. He and Chris were close friends, almost as close as he and David. It made me wonder why he chose David instead of Chris to complete our ménage. Did he not trust Chris as much? Did Chris find the whole three way thing gross? Or even more unlikely, did Chris not find me attractive? Nah. But I added that question to my growing list of questions to eventually ask Auric when things got back to normal–well as normal as things could get with us planning to live with another guy and my nympho magic.

Entering the palace, we shook the snow from our clothes and followed my dad into his war room, a vast space with electronic maps on every wall. His wrinkled mages were already stationed around the war table and the guys joined them. Me, I wandered over to the maps and realized each map represented one of the circles of Hell. Bright red lights kept popping up on the detailed grids as I looked at them.

“What are the red lights? I asked turning from the wall to see the boys huddled over something on the immense table.

“Confirmed missing souls,” replied my father not even looking up.

I faced the maps again and my stomach sank. The red lights kept appearing, their number staggering and each one a soul that would never live again. It made me more determined than ever to stop Azazel and his hooded master. I would avenge the souls of those who’d been taken.
Go princess of Hell!
I was my own cheering squad.

My father, the guys and the three prune faces bored me with their talk of tactics. I just wanted to be pointed in a direction so I could find something to kill. Leaving the war room, I wandered down the hall until I ended up in the rock garden, now covered in a sheet of white. It seemed like forever since I’d run here, trying to fight what my body and magic needed me to do.

And now look at me. Indulging in threesomes at the drop of a pair of pants. At least Auric seemed happy with the arrangement. I’d forsake my magic in a moment if he wasn’t.

A sound from behind saw me pulling my Hell sword from the scabbard at my side and whirling, it’s red pointed tip inches from the throat of a minor demon that had entered the garden.

The ugly beast with his stubby horns, swallowed and said not a word, just lifted a box it held in two hands towards me.

“A present? For me?” I said. Not being the trusting type, I kept my sword in one hand while reaching for the gift with the other. The minor demon seeing I had the package in hand, immediately scurried off.

Odd. I eyed the white box with its pretty red bow and wondered who it was from. I didn’t see a card. But a present was a present. Sheathing my sword, I tore open the package and ripped apart the tissue paper. When I held the contents, a red rage descended over me.

It contained a blood covered brassiere and a lock of hair that I recognized. A note accompanied the items and I scanned it, my fury growing.

I have your sister, but the person I really want is you. The question is do you love
your sister as much as your lover? Will you trade your life for hers? Or will she die
painfully, knowing her favorite little sister has forsaken her? Will you let her die cursing
your name? I await you by the furnace. Come alone or I will make her die slowly, one
scream at a time.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I paced and kicked at the snow angrily. Bambi, my sister had been taken. I already knew I had to go after her. I couldn’t stay here and do nothing. Like a surrogate mother, Bambi had always been there for me. Bandaging my cuts. Teaching me to wear makeup. How to flirt. Now it was my turn to be there for her.

The problem though was did I tell the boys or not? I loved my father, but I feared he’d sacrifice my sister to keep me safe. He didn’t feel the same way about my succubi sister as he did me, something I didn’t quite understand. And to be honest, Auric and David would probably side with him. Not many beings relegated importance to succubi. I did though.

So I’d have to face the cowled one alone. I wondered if he knew yet that his magical geas on my mind had been destroyed. If he didn’t, I could use that to my advantage.

Determined, I strutted from the rock garden and headed for the front doors. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to sneak out of the palace. I’d almost reached the entrance when Auric said in a commanding tone. “And just where do you think you’re going, woman?”

Caught. Tilting my chin stubbornly, I turned to face stormy green eyes. “He’s got Bambi.”

“So what,” Auric said stalking towards me, his body bristling with anger. “You were just going to waltz out of here, alone, and confront him?”

“That was the plan, yes,” I braced myself for the storm.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” he shouted.

“She’s my sister. I won’t let him kill her,” I yelled back and stood toe to toe with him.

“Of course we won’t let her die,” he said.

“What?” His answer took me aback.

“Did you really think I’d be callous enough to leave your sister to die? What I object to, is you going off like some idiot on your own.”

“I’m not an idiot,” I grumbled, but my eyes dropped and my cheeks flushed red at his chastisement.

Strong arms wrapped around me and his lips kissed my temple softly. “No, you’re not, you’re wonderful and loving and brave. But you forgot one thing?” I melted at wonderful. “What did I forget?”

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