Snapped (12 page)

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Authors: Tracy Brown

BOOK: Snapped
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Part of Jameson was intrigued by her. Toya was a sexy, successful, independent woman with a sex drive like a horny teenager’s. And he liked these things about her. She never stressed him out, never called him off the hook, never tried to take their relationship to the next level. There was no pressure for him to define their relationship, no expectation of flowers on Valentine’s Day or presents at Christmas. It
made Jameson
to see her, made him want to crack her tough outer shell. But Toya wasn’t having that. Every time Jameson tried to get closer to her, she resisted. He didn’t know why he even cared, since Toya obviously didn’t. As he got dressed, he couldn’t help feeling dismissed. But he swallowed his pride, put on his clothes, and went downstairs. He peeked into the kitchen, where he found Toya sipping on a drink and marinating a steak for dinner the next day.

“I’m out,” he said.

“See ya!” Toya called out, not even bothering to glance over her shoulder. “Call me tomorrow.”

Jameson left with his pride slightly wounded, while Toya sang along with the song on the radio.


Misa and her
girlfriends were holding court at the bar at one of New York City’s legendary parties thrown by Gator Productions. These parties were always fantastic, packed to capacity with wannabe ballers blowing their rent money and car notes just to floss in front of the half-naked beauties in attendance. Misa and her friends hadn’t bought a single drink all night and they were having a blast. They were all searching for Mr. Right, or at the very least, Mr. Right Now. Misa had given up on Cyrus. She could tell that he wasn’t the settling-down type, and she had no time to waste. She was looking for her come up. Instead of dwelling on the chemistry she lacked with Cyrus, she took it as a lesson learned. Next time, she wouldn’t rush it. She knew that her aggression had scared Cyrus off, and she was determined not to make that mistake again. Still, Misa was in no way laid-back.

“Look at this bitch!” her friend Bobbi said, gesturing
toward a light-skinned girl wearing a pair of stilettos with straps that wrapped around her legs, a miniskirt that stopped just below her crotch, and a bra top that was spilling over with her huge breasts. “When I start dressing like a two-bit whore, please slap me!”

Misa and Jennifer laughed and agreed to do just that. All three of them were dressed sexily, though neither of them looked as slutty as the young lady Bobbi was now scowling at. Their laughter was interrupted by a deep voice behind Misa.

“Ain’t it past your curfew, sweetheart?”

Misa turned around and beamed when she saw Baron Nobles standing behind her, accompanied by a few of his friends. “Hey!” she said, her smile showcasing her newly whitened teeth. “I should be asking you that, Baron. You’re the one with a fiancée waiting patiently at home.”

Baron smiled and shook his head. “Not anymore. We broke up.”

Misa had to resist the urge to jump for joy, but her smile spread wider as she heard this bit of news. “Sorry to hear that,” she lied. She noticed Baron’s friends checking out her friends, so she introduced them.

Baron’s eyes were fixated on Misa as his friends were introduced. Misa was wearing a tight blue dress with a plunging neckline and a short hem. Her thick legs looked shiny and soft in the light of the nightclub, and he was tempted to touch them. He had known Misa for years, but only as Camille’s baby sister. During the time that they’d known each other, Misa had been married with a child and Baron had been in a relationship with a woman he truly loved. So despite the fact that he always thought she looked good, Baron had never pushed up on her. But Frankie had mentioned
that Misa was divorced now. And that was perfect timing as far as newly single Baron was concerned.

He summoned the bartender, who came right away, much to the chagrin of the other people at the bar who were eager for his attention. The bartender knew who Baron was and immediately gave the generous tipper his undivided attention. “Let me get another round of drinks for the ladies and two bottles of Cris.” The bartender scurried off to get the bottles of champagne and to refill the ladies’ empty glasses. Meanwhile, Baron leaned on the bar, looking at Misa like she was the most exquisite woman he’d ever seen.

“How’s your son?” he asked. “Frankie talks about him all the time.” Baron smiled. Frankie complained about Misa’s son all the time.

Misa was surprised. Shane never mentioned Frankie whenever he came back from Camille’s house. He always talked about what a great time he had with Aunt “Tamille” and all the games he played with Frankie’s good-for-nothing brother, Steven. But he never mentioned Frankie. “Really? I always thought Frankie hated kids.”

Baron laughed because it was true.

“My son is at Frankie and Camille’s house now, as a matter of fact,” Misa pointed out. She frowned. “Frankie’s not here with you, is he?” When Misa had dropped Shane off, Frankie had allegedly been out handling business. She looked around, wondering if Frankie was really lying to her sister. If so, she was definitely snitching.

Baron saw her scan the club for her brother-in-law and smiled, musing that women sure did stick together. “Nah,” he said. “Not at all.” He didn’t elaborate, instead opting to leave out the fact that Frankie was once again out with his sister, Gillian.

Misa turned her attention to the fresh drinks the bartender sat before her and her friends. As Baron’s cohorts took their bottles and headed back to their table, Baron looked at Misa and flashed his most disarming smile. “Wanna join us?”

Bobbi was off the barstool before Misa could even accept Baron’s invitation. The ladies followed him back to his table next to the dance floor and noticed the wicked glances from jealous bitches who had been trying to get sexy Baron’s attention all night. One of his friends asked Bobbi to dance and she disappeared with him. Jennifer was engrossed in conversation with another of his friends. Misa sat down, crossed her legs, and set her purse on the table, smiling at Baron.

“Well, damn,” she said. “I’ve known you for years and the only thing I really know about you is that you suck at playing spades.” Baron had always been a handsome mystery to her.

He laughed. “I know. I’m working on that.”


Baron flashed his sexy smile. “Plus, I had to wait for you to get divorced before I could try to get to know you. I didn’t want your man to kick my ass for talking to wifey.”

Misa laughed, imagining punk-ass Louis being bold enough to step to Baron, the live wire. “Please! Somehow I doubt that.”

Baron grinned. “I always noticed you, though. Sometimes you come to the family functions with Camille. But she sits on the sidelines and you’re always on the dance floor.”

She nodded. “True. Camille is shy and reserved.”

“And you’re . . . what? Bold?”

Misa smirked, not sure she knew how to answer that. She thought about it. “Yeah. I guess you can say that.”

He nodded. “That’s a good look,” he said. “I like women who ain’t afraid to speak their mind.”

Misa smiled hard. Baron was fine! And he was giving her his undivided attention, much to the chagrin of the chicks surrounding their table, dancing to the music as if they were putting on a show for Baron alone. “So what happened with you and your fiancée? Why did you break up?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders. Baron still loved his exfiancée, Angie, because she had proven time and time again that she loved him for who he was as a man, just as much as she loved the life he lived. But the relationship had run its course. “Well,” he said, sitting back in his seat. “I tried to help her understand the nature of my business, you know what I’m saying? Why I need to be on the move constantly, traveling in and out of town and all that. But she got fed up with it. She was insecure about the time we spent apart. And I got tired of bending over backward to get her used to it.”

“So you dumped her?” Misa asked.

Baron shook his head. “Nah,” he admitted. “She walked out on me.”

Misa raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
What a dumb bitch!
Misa thought. “Did you try to stop her, try to get her to take you back?”

Baron shook his head. “Nope. I had to let her go.” He sipped his Cristal. “I figured if it was meant to be, she’d come back. But she didn’t. So fuck it.”

Misa soaked it all up, and read between the lines. Despite his tough-guy talk, she could tell that he still loved the girl he had only recently ended his engagement to. Baron had dated Angie for close to four years. She knew firsthand that getting over something so serious was never easy.

“Well, it’s her loss,” she said.

Baron smiled, but didn’t let Misa’s compliment go to his head. After all, he was used to women behaving this way around him. He attracted women’s attention wherever he went. Whether he wanted it or not, women gave him the red-carpet treatment in every way. He was charismatic and charming, handsome, tall, and toned. And he was unapologetic. He knew that he was a good-looking man, that he exuded power and strength. That was exactly how he wanted it.

Misa was drunk, but still maintained her composure. Baron could tell that she was feeling the effects of the alcohol, though. He calmly poured her a glass of champagne and continued their conversation. “So what about you?” he asked. “You still got feelings for your ex-husband?”

Misa looked at Baron like he was crazy. “Hell no!” She sipped her champagne as Baron laughed. “The only good thing that came out of that relationship was my son.”

“I hear you.”

She took another swig. “Do you want kids?”

He nodded. “Someday, yeah. But when I have my kids I want to stay with the mother for life. Have like a hood version of the Huxtables or some shit.”

Misa laughed. She thought Baron was the perfect candidate for the family she had in mind. He was paid, handsome, powerful, and had family values. She touched his leg as she leaned into him. “I think that’s sweet.”

Baron could tell that she was twisted. Her seductive smile was turning him on, and he smiled back. “You gotta pick up your son when you leave here?”

She shook her head. “No, Shane is staying the night at my sister’s house.”

“Wanna get outta here?” he asked, licking his lips.

Misa nodded quicker than she meant to. “Just let me tell my friends that I’m leaving.”

Baron noticed that Misa’s friend Jennifer was letting one of his boys rub her legs as he whispered in her ear. He glanced at the dance floor and saw that her friend Bobbi was grinding seductively on his other friend, and he chuckled. Looked like all his boys would be fucking tonight.

Misa turned to Jennifer, talking in her ear over the sound of the booming music. Jennifer nodded and then Misa turned her attention back to Baron. “Ready when you are.”

He took her by the hand and led her out of the packed club. Misa was radiant as she watched the jealous women eating their hearts out. She liked the way this felt, being on the arm of the most wanted man in the room. And as they headed to the parking lot, she made up her mind that she would do whatever it took to solidify a permanent position at Baron’s side.

As they waited for the parking attendant to bring Baron’s Maybach to them, Baron watched the devil in a blue dress at his side puffing on a cigarette. “You got a real nice body, sweetheart,” he observed. Her four-inch heels accentuated her toned legs and thick thighs. And her dress was clinging to her, revealing a flawless figure. Maybe it was the alcohol, but right now Misa was looking delicious.

Misa smiled at the compliment. “Thanks.” Baron’s car rolled out, causing all the other customers’ heads to turn. His black Maybach gleamed in the light, and Misa pretended not to be impressed. She wanted Baron to think she was accustomed to things this luxurious. And in a way she was. She had ridden in Frankie’s Bentley before, so she knew what it was to ride in the finest cars. But this life had never
. Instead, she had been borrowing from pieces of Camille’s. Baron held the passenger-side door open for her, and once she was safely inside, he strolled over to the driver’s side, aware that all eyes were on him—as usual.

They peeled out and headed for the Lincoln Tunnel. Misa didn’t question where they were going, since she had done her homework and knew that Baron lived in his family’s suburban New Jersey estate. They listened to Jay-Z’s
CD as they drove, Misa impressing Baron by rapping along with Jigga’s lyrics. He smiled at her, then reached in his ashtray for a half-smoked blunt. He lit it, took a long puff, and passed it to Misa. She happily accepted it and took a couple of tokes before passing it back to Baron. With weed smoke wafting through the air, they zipped through traffic and were soon pulling up in front of Baron’s huge home.

This time, Misa didn’t bother to pretend that she wasn’t impressed. Big, sprawling oak trees shielded the enormous house from the other homes on the long and winding road that connected them. Misa admired the lush garden out front, with perfectly pruned bushes and flowers of every shape and color.

“This is beautiful!” she exclaimed, as she climbed out of the luxury car. “My God! You live here by yourself?”

Baron smiled, proud of his massive home. “Yeah.” He ushered her up the stairs and inside the huge oak doors and watched her take it all in. “This house was a gift from my father to my mother for their first anniversary.”

“You’re kidding.” Misa was astounded. Cathedral ceilings, marble floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, priceless paintings, and awe-inspiring chandeliers peppered the space. She was breezing from room to room, starting in the foyer and proceeding to the expansive living room and neighboring den.
Each room was more beautiful than the last. “
is what he gave her for their first anniversary?”

Baron nodded, smiling. “Yeah. This is where I grew up. But ever since my mother moved to Charlotte to be closer to her sister, this place is barely lived in anymore. I’m always traveling and paper chasing.” There was always something occupying Baron’s time and making him the center of attention. It was as if he couldn’t sit still for long or he’d die of boredom.

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