Smugglers 1: Nikki (19 page)

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Authors: Gerald McCallum

BOOK: Smugglers 1: Nikki
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On the way back Rita asked why a kingpin like him was driving a five year old Lincoln.

“It’s part of his cover. Nothing too flashy so he fits in and it would have worked, too, if he hadn’t tried to take our money and kill us,” Nikki said.

Back at Nikki’s place they divided the money up but hid most of the cash. After they did some lines, Nikki gave Rita a baggy full and they parted ways for the day.

The next day, Cynthia came up to Nikki and some other people on the dock and said, “Well, Bruce found a girl who will cook for us on the trip to Key West. We’ll leave Friday morning. My question is who will be coming?”

One of the men said “We talked about it and we’re all going”. But what does that cook look like? Knowing Bruce, young and nice, but most importantly she does Bruce.”

Jerry and Loretta said they were coming. Mark said he would feel better next trip, and that he would stay here and watch the dock. Old Don said he would stay and keep Mark company.

“You heard that, Mark. Don is your date this weekend,” Nikki teased.

“Don’t worry, Nikki, we won’t be Frick and Frack when you come back.”

“Speak for yourself,” Mark said while batting his eyes. They  laughed again. After a bit they split up to work and make preparations for the trip.

Later that day when Rita came out of her apartment, Nikki told her about the trip and what went on during the last one.







Friday came and everybody was ready and on board. There was one stateroom left, so Rita and Nikki shared that room. They put their things on the bed and went upstairs to get drinks. At the table they met Bruce and the new cook, Caresse. She was about twenty five, thin, tall and tan of course. After introductions, they pulled out for Key West. Cynthia said to all at the table, “Well, I guess it will be Bruce and Caresse, and Jerry and Loretta for couples and us three girls if the two gals don’t mind sharing.” When the laughter died down Cynthia said, “I was kidding,” and they partied.

About half way to Key West, Caresse made everyone sandwiches and snacks. After a bit Cynthia said, “Good sandwiches but not as good as Lucinda’s.”

Nikki replied, “I think we need to ask Bruce. Is she as good as Lucinda in all things?” Jerry and Loretta were feeling their drinks and turned the Jimmy Buffett CD up and started to keep beat with the music.

The Broward backed into its slip at the Hilton. They were greeted by the dock master and two hands to see to tying up the boat. Cynthia let Bruce register with the boat’s credit card while they set to changing and drinking. Everyone met back in the main salon about seven with drinks in hand and ready to go; the first stop was the pier to see the sites.

There were people gathered around to watch the statue man with magnificent skills and the makeup to match. He could stay still with many distractions, so the tourists tried to see if they could distract him. Kids leaned closed to him to see if he was made of real metal and were startled when he started to move around. Another crowd watched the man who juggled live cats, and the cats didn’t seem to mind getting tossed around in the air. The place was full of spirit and some of the scenes were too much for some people.

Next they stopped at several bars on Duval Street and had drinks. Nikki and Cynthia led the way from bar to bar because they had been there before. They came to a bar with very loud music. The place was packed with so many tall pretty women and also tall pretty hairy women. Rita and Nikki joined in with the crowd on the dance floor.

“God, some of these women are breathtaking,” Rita said. “I’m wondering what’s really underneath it!”

Nikki broke into laughter. “They aren’t women, they’re all men. This is a transvestite bar, all stick pussy. I thought you knew that. That good looking blonde over there with the tank top on is a man, and he probably has given more head then you. Rita, didn’t you see the name of the place when you came in? It’s The Other Side, which says it all. In fact if you don’t believe me, go dance with that cute blonde and reach down and get a hand full of stick.” They had one more drink and started doing the Duval Crawl.

They stopped at Dirty Harry, Sloppy Joe, Hard Rock and Margaritaville. Everybody was drunk and in a good mood as they tried to get two rickshaws to take them to the strip bar at the end of Duval street. “Is that another bar?” Loretta asked. “What’s that sign mean?”

“No,” Nikki said, “the back door is a bed and breakfast motel with a twelve foot hot tub. It’s a gay bed and breakfast place, bed happens more than breakfast. I bet the boys have spent a weekend or two there.”

They got into two rickshaws and went down the street to a strip club called The Office which was named that so married men could tell their wives they were going to the office. Outside of The Office they had a phone booth with no phone, so men could call home on cell phones without background noise. Also the bartenders wore no tops, and the floor was raised up to put their crotch at eye level for the customers. When they went in Jerry and Loretta went crazy.

“This strip bar is nuts,” Loretta said to Rita.

“You should have seen the Keys in the old days. It used to have the world largest nude marching band, a sixty piece band nude except for shades and flip flops. This place was absolutely wild.”

Then Rita saw a stripper walking by that caught her eye and gave her a long full mouth kiss, which brought all the men who saw it to silence and heavy breathing. The stripper backed up a little and stepped in and gave Rita a bump and grind kiss, which attracted applause and cat calls from all the men in the bar.

Nikki said, “I’ll give you thirty minutes to stop that, God you are making me hot.” Then Nikki gave Rita several kisses which had all the men in the bar hot, and they began to whistle and applaud. The more Nikki kissed Rita, the more the men reacted. When they stopped, they started to dance in a very sensual way with Rita taking the dominant role as usual. Jerry and Loretta were at the bar drinking and watching the girls dancing on the bar. Nikki and Rita joined in.

“Where’s Cynthia?” Nikki asked.

“Last I saw her, she went outside with some guy,” said Loretta.

“Watch yourself. You could get screwed here when you don’t want to.”

They ordered more drinks and in a few minutes Cynthia came up to the guys with a man about twenty five in tow. She introduced him as Tim and said he would be going back with them for a few days. Nikki leaned over to Cynthia and whispered to her, “He’s so skinny and young!”

Then Cynthia said, with a knowing smile, “Skinny, young, and the biggest anybody has ever seen. You just won’t believe it! Don’t worry, I’ll tell him to bring it to the boat.” They laughed.

Finally Rita and Nikki announced they were going back to the boat. Jerry and Loretta said they’d come too. When they got to the rickshaws, Loretta wanted to race back to the yacht, so they set up a race between the two drivers for an extra five hundred dollars, and they took off. The four of them laughed as the drivers were killing themselves pedaling their bikes. About half way back the four called off the race and gave the drivers each two hundred fifty dollars plus the fare. Back at the slip, a sixty foot Sportfish had pulled in next to the Broward. The two guys who owned the sport fish boat were about thirty five or forty years old.

“Nice boat!” said Nikki.

“Come aboard and I will show you around! My name is Mike and my partner’s name is John.”

Nikki gave their names and asked, “Does the look-see come with a drink?”

“Sure, it’s mandatory.” So they looked around, with a drink in hand.

After the tour John asked, “What do you two do back at your place?”

When Rita started to answer, Nikki chimed in with, “We are both dancers at Girls-Girls-Girls.”

John and Mike both said they would put on some music and one of them went for the CD’s. Rita asked Nikki, under her breath, “I thought you and I were going to party tonight?”

“Come on, It’s a drink. Besides it’s funny watching these two falling over each other trying to get us in bed, and I know you only screw men for money. So just think of it as stick pussy, or charge him and pick up a thousand bucks or so. Let’s dance.”

Nikki started to dance in a very sexy way with Rita, and John and Mike loved it. Soon the two men joined in. The more Rita and Nikki caressed and kissed each other the more the men danced, and the hotter they got. When a break came in the music, Mike said to the girls, “You two have less clothes on at work.”

With that Nikki took off her top and Rita followed and they started dancing again but much more aggressive with each other and very sexual. Soon the men could not stand anymore and Mike grabbed Nikki by the hand and took her down to his state room, leaving Rita and John dancing.

In the morning, Mike and John were up making coffee and ordering breakfast from room service. The girls got up around eleven. Nikki had on one of Mike’s shirts, and her underwear. Rita had John’s shirt on and nothing else. After a couple of hours the girls got dressed and went to their own boat.

Bruce and Caresse were up, and Rita asked, “You two are the only one’s up?”

“Yes,” Caresse answered, “and we’re very hung over, too. The rest got here just before light, about four, and went to bed.”

“That’s where we are going,” said Nikki, and the two of them went downstairs to the stateroom.

When they were getting undressed Rita took out a hand full of hundred dollar bills and put them on the dresser.

Nikki said, “Oh, I see you decided to let John do what he wanted for a price. How much is there?”

“About one thousand.”

“Well ,how long did that take to make a thousand bucks, ten or fifteen minutes?” Nikki asked. “That’s four thousand dollars per hour. At that rate it’s one hundred fifty thousand dollars per week. What a great job!”

Everybody was up by five and sat at the table for food, drinks and talk about the Duval Crawl and all the fun they had the night before.

“Well,” Rita said, “what time do you want to head out tonight?” They reassembled back in the main salon to go bar hopping. This time Mike and John went with them from the beginning. At the third or fourth bar, Nikki asked Mike what he had in the boat for power.

“Two thousand four hundred MTUS,” Mike answered.

“Is John your partner in the boat, and what do you do for a living?” Nikki asked.

“Why so many questions, are you writing a book?”

“No, I just want to know who I’m sleeping with, okay?” Nikki said.

“John is my partner. My only partner on the boat, and I sell metals,” Mike stated.

Nikki chuckled, “That’s funny. In “
” Robert De Niro told his girl that he sold metals, too, but he was really in a crew that did banks. Are you in a crew, Mike?”

He laughed and asked, “Who wants a shot of Cuervo?” and went to the bar to get everybody’s order. When they did the shots, Mike asked, “What if we ride back with you girls, and leave our boat here?”

“I’ll have to ask Rita but it sounds fine with me,” replied Nikki.

They drank up and went on to the Other Side. The music from all the bars filled the air. The dance clubs were the loudest of them all, and the Other Side was loudest of that group. They went in, got a table and went to the dance floor. Nikki could tell that Rita was smitten by a blond on the dance floor. When they sat down, she took her to the girl’s room.

“Don’t forget what I said, that’s a guy and he has probably given more head then you. By the way, Mike wants to leave their boat here and come with us for a week, but I said I would have to talk to you first,” Nikki said.

“I know! I told John I get five thousand a week, and you know what he said? Okay, I’ll pay that.”

“No shit! No shit! So they are going to leave their new three million dollar boat here and come with us for a week, plus give you five thousand dollars, and take a cab back to pick up their boat? I guess when they said money is no object, they were talking about those two,” she said.

“Okay! Let’s do it,” Rita agreed.

“Good, that’s settled so let’s have fun,” Nikki said.

They went from club to club. Danced a lot and except for the occasional rooster walking up to them, they kept moving from bar to bar.

“Nikki, what’s with all the chickens?” Loretta asked.

“They don’t really know, but as the story goes, somebody brought a pair of them here in the sixties and now there are fifteen hundred. There were also several six-toed cats, but now there are five hundred, but if you don’t give your rooster a French fry he will pick your Nikes.” She broke into laughter as she walked.

Back on the Sport Fish the music and drinks came out instantly and the boys had the women naked as well as themselves and continued to dance until they went to separate state rooms.

In the morning when Nikki and Mike were talking in bed, she said, “We’re leaving about eight in the morning and will be back at my marina by five. Think about what you want to do, honey. I guess I see what you want to do now.” Nikki grabbed his manhood under the covers and pulled him on top of her. After they had sex again they went upstairs to have coffee with John and Rita.

The girls went to their boat to change because the boys had invited everyone on the Hatteras to go to the Dry Tortugas for the day. After spending the day they tied up and started to party on the Sport Fish. Later they moved to the Broward. Nikki pushed Mike in the stateroom she had with Rita, and then started to kiss him and undress them both with her hands. Mike could not take it anymore and pulled Nikki up on the bed. He started to kiss her breast, face and neck. Then he pulled her all the way up on the bed and began to lick her all over as they made moaning sounds and pushed, pulled, and fingered each other until they came simultaneously. Exhausted, hot and spent, they held each other and talked.

“What do you really do and are you married?” Nikki asked Mike.

“I sell metals, and I’m not married!”

“Come on, Mike! You can tell me. If you’re married I don’t care and I know you’re not a salesman.”

“I was married but I’m not any longer. In fact, I haven’t been for years and I don’t have any kids that I know of. As far as work goes I don’t work anymore and I don’t have to, okay?”

“No, that’s not okay. What do you do or what did you do?” Nikki sat on his waist and insisted, “So what did you do?”

“I worked hard and saved my money.”

“No, tell me or no more of these,” and she grabbed her tits.

“I told you what I did, but I did hear a story about a crew from MPLS that was watching a TV story one day about hurricane Katrina. They saw all those people breaking into stores and stealing sneakers, televisions and stereos because there were no alarms, no cops, no lights, no electricity but most importantly no alarms. What dumb assholes! Then one of the MPLS men said I think somebody ought to go down there with an inflatable boat and a cutting torch and take four or five banks, as they have no cops or alarms. All these stupid people are caught up in stealing sneakers and flat screens televisions. At least, that’s what I heard.”

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