Smugglers 1: Nikki (8 page)

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Authors: Gerald McCallum

BOOK: Smugglers 1: Nikki
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About ten or fifteen minutes later Dave went to work and Nikki walked down the dock to Mercedes.

“What did Dave want?” Nikki asked.

“He told me the story about your fight with Glenn,” Mercedes answered, “and said that his contacts in town said Glenn had been in business with Jim. They had both been in the running business for twenty years, and Glenn had to have twenty million dollars put away when he went to the Bahamas. The DEA found two million under Jim’s name in assorted banks. Then Dave said something at the end that was very strange. He said if Glenn was safe in the Bahamas with his money, why did he come back here to fight with you?”

Nikki lifted a hand and caressed Mercedes’ cheek. “We have to talk. Come by tonight about six o’clock. I’ll make dinner. Right now I have to go to work on the dock.”

As Nikki walked down the dock, she ran into Jerry and Loretta from the Sea Cactus. She stopped to say hello again, telling them it was nice to have them back and asked how long they were staying. The rest of the summer, they informed Nikki, about three or four months. They asked about the fight with Glenn whom they knew and had shared drinks with. They couldn’t believe Glenn was so violent.

About 6:30 that evening, Mercedes came to Nikki’s for dinner. Nikki made her a drink and asked, “Did you bring your half of the money back with you? If you did, make sure you don’t open a bank account or safety deposit box anywhere in the Keys.”

“I have it hidden in my apartment,” Mercedes replied.

Nikki was satisfied with her answer and felt secure that Mercedes would not tell anyone where the two million was or buy anything outlandish like boats or cars. They had dinner and a few more drinks then went to bed to take up where they left off. Sex with Mercedes was always fantastic; she knew exactly  how to please Nikki, how to make her climax just at the right time. And Nikki returned the favor.

About two a.m. Mercedes went across the dock to her apartment. She slept until noon then went to the pool across the bay at a friend’s house. He was at work, so she swam alone and sunned herself dry. She got back at the dock about 4 o’clock.

Dave heard her come in and knocked on her door. Mercedes found him standing there with drink in hand. She invited him in, and he sat down while she made herself a drink. After a few minutes of small talk, Dave got down to business and asked, “Why do you think Glenn came back?”

“To see Nikki. He must have loved her, and it got out of hand and went badly,” she replied.

“I think Nikki has Glenn’s money. At least part of it, and you know Glenn loved Nikki; he trusted her.” He leaned forward and added, “I found out the DEA was about to arrest Glenn for killing Jim and running. What if I was to offer you half of what I get from Nikki? Glenn had ten to twenty million dollars put away, and I’ll bet you Nikki has all of it.”

Mercedes stared at him for a long moment before answering. “Tell me more and just how it would work, but let me get another drink first.” Drinks refreshed, she sat down and started to listen.

“First, I don’t believe Nikki’s story about the fight and Glenn’s timely death. Second, I found out everything. I found out the DEA was going to pick up Glenn; I found out that Glenn was in the business with Jim for over twenty years and that Glenn had fifteen or twenty million dollars put away. Mercedes, I will find out everything as we go along. The FBI and the DEA tell the Chief a lot, and he tells me, and I will tell you. Maybe Nikki will give us half if we just keep quiet. Couldn’t you use five or even ten million dollars? What do you say? Do you want to be partners?”

“Do you really think she has the money? You think she has twenty million dollars? What do we do if she won’t turn over half?” asked Mercedes.

“We’ll deal with that when and if it happens. But it won’t,” Dave insisted.

“She can’t know I’m involved. I’ll find out more if she doesn’t know,” she explained.

“Me, too,” Dave said.

“Agreed?” Mercedes asked, and they shook hands.

“We ought to seal this bargain with something other than a handshake,” he said.

“Not today, Dave. No freebies because of this deal. It’s five hundred as usual. We have a deal starting now, and it will go until we get the money, if you’re right.” With the deal made, Dave left Mercedes’ apartment and agreed not to be seen with her on the dock more than was usual.

That night Mercedes went to Nikki’s apartment for dinner, but didn’t tell her about Dave or their talk. She knew the money was there but didn’t try to find out where or how much.

In the morning Nikki went down the dock to meet an old fifty-foot Pacemaker that might stay for the summer. On the way back she went aboard the fifty-seven footer with Don and Mark and had some cut Cuban coffee. It still made her heart go nuts, just like speed. Jerry from the Sea Cactus came down and aboard for coffee as well. They talked about Jerry and Loretta’s trip to Key West, the Duvall Crawl, and what they did so far.

After about an hour, Nikki left to go to work. Her face was still sore with some black and blue areas, especially around the eyes. She had to get some paint, so she put on her sun glasses and went down town.

She got back about 2 o’clock, unloaded, and then went out on the dock to see make sure everything was okay. She saw Jerry and Loretta again. They invited her to come aboard for drinks so she did. Two or three hours went by when they saw Mercedes coming down the dock with her own drink. She was invited aboard, and they all started to laugh and drink more. About five hours later Nikki and Mercedes went to Nikki’s place and made love until they passed out.

Mercedes went home about 6 a.m. where she climbed into bed. She got up that evening about 4 o’clock and ran into Dave. She decided to bed him, but she had to charge him to make it look good. He only had sixty dollars on him, so he would owe her the rest. They spent several hours in bed, where Mercedes tortured him with her mouth and tongue until he begged for climax. Finally satisfied, Dave went home and Mercedes got in the shower. After dressing, she went to Nikki’s apartment, had some hair of the dog, and went home around ten o’clock after a brief fling in bed.

Dave went to Mercedes’ apartment again. This was not unusual for Mercedes as she needed sex after drinking so much the day before. They took a shower together where Dave drank water droplets from Mercedes breasts, belly and below. She cried out as she climaxed, holding his head between her legs. Dave then caressed her body with soap and helped her rinse herself. His penis was hard and swollen and he told her it was his turn for some tender loving care. They rolled into bed still wet from the shower, and this time it was Mercedes who licked water from Dave’s chest, down his firm abs and on to his pulsing manhood. He shouted out his satisfaction many times that night. Between lovemaking, they talked in whispers.

The next morning Dave was gone and Mercedes went over to Nikki’s for coffee.

“Nikki, where is your two million dollars? I showed you mine, now you show me yours,” Mercedes smiled.

“It’s hidden here, of course. Why do you ask?” Nikki asked.

“Just to be fair; you said we can’t spend any of the money,” replied Mercedes.

Nikki was instantly suspicious. Something was up so she’d better keep an eye on Mercedes.

Nikki couldn’t hear anything going on or being said in Mercedes’ apartment at night by standing in the hall and listening at her door, which she had done on occasion. After midnight, she went to Mercedes’ door to listen but heard nothing. By the third night she heard Dave laughing with Mercedes. They were drinking and talking. Maybe she just needed to get laid by someone of the opposite sex, something Nikki could understand.

Mercedes kept going to Nikki’s apartment at night for dinner and afterward they spent hours in the bedroom exploring one another’s bodies. Mercedes knew just how to make Nikki come to climax, which Nikki then did for her lover.

On the fifth night Mercedes once again broached the subject of where the two million dollars was hidden. This time Nikki had an answer. “Upstairs in Glenn’s apartment, of course.”

The next morning Nikki set a trap by putting one of her hairs across the door of Glenn’s apartment. She used spit so it would hold. Now she would know if anyone opened the door. She then told Mercedes she would be in town all day.

When she got home the hair was on the floor. “That asshole was up here trying to find my money!”

Mercedes arrived at Nikki’s again that night, but Nikki didn’t let on that she knew. This time she told Mercedes that she had to go to town again in the morning and would be gone for the day. When Mercedes went home, Nikki went upstairs and put another hair on the door to make sure.

About 1 o’clock that night Nikki went to Mercedes apartment door again to listen, and she heard Dave talking about Glenn’s apartment. Now she was sure that Dave was in on something with Mercedes. She went home and lay in bed devising a plan.

Dawn came early. Nikki got up and made some coffee, still trying to figure things out. Dave and Mercedes were a problem, a big problem. Dave was a drunk and Mercedes was a hooker and loose on coke. Nikki had to protect herself and her money. Soon it was 10:30, so she told Mercedes that she had a lawyer’s appointment that would take most of the day.

Nikki went into town. When she got there she went into the coffee shop for breakfast and saw the Chief of Police. After saying hello she asked where Dave was. The Chief told her Dave had the day off for personal reasons. She ordered a breakfast of eggs and toast. After she ate, she ran a bunch of errands, knowing that Mercedes wouldn’t be up until noon or one.

She decided to pick up some stash. At the dealer’s place, she bought two eight balls, explaining that some people were leaving tomorrow morning for Key West, that they came back every year and were good customers, so he should make it out of his private stash. It had to be very, very good, she insisted. Then she went into a hamburger joint and got three straws. Next was a trip to the drug store for shower caps. Then she headed home, calling Mercedes first to let her know she was on her way.

Back at her place, she counted out six valium, thirty milligrams each, which she ground up. Now she was ready.

She went upstairs to check Glenn’s door, and just as she had anticipated, the hair was gone. Now she was certain. She headed out to the dock where she ran into Mercedes, but Mercedes didn’t say anything about Dave; nothing at all. Nikki was certain Mercedes had made a deal with Dave. She resolved to put her plan to work as soon as possible.

She continued down the dock and went to work. Jerry and Loretta wanted to come over that night for drinks and possibly more. Nikki had to decline because she had to work on her plan. She knew that Dave would be off on Saturday night so she arranged her plan for then.

Nikki got together with Mercedes for drinks and sex that night. While both Mercedes and Dave were gone on Friday, she put two of the valium in Dave’s bottle of Jack Daniels and the other two in Mercedes’ bottle of vodka. She knew that Dave would sleep until 11 or noon and Mercedes would sleep until 2:00 or so, then they might start drinking around six. She put one half of an eight ball on a plate, then she went and got Mercedes and brought her back to the office. She told Mercedes that the Pipefitter had left it behind when they pulled out.

She knew this would get Mercedes going and make her hot. Nikki knew Mercedes. If she did the lines, sex was only minutes away. Nikki made sure Mercedes had lots of lines before she left and gave her the rest, saying she had had a lot herself before Mercedes had arrived. Then Nikki told Mercedes that she had to work on the dock until about nine o’clock that night.

Nikki went by Mercedes apartment about 7:00 p.m. and could hear her and Dave partying and drinking. She went back to her apartment, took a fast shower, got dressed in her sexiest shorts and see-through top, made a drink for herself and returned to Mercedes’ apartment. When Mercedes opened the door, Nikki said, “Well, are you going to invite me in, or do I have to bribe you with some of this?” She showed Mercedes the baggie full of pure coke.

Mercedes invited her in and told her to take her clothes off. They both giggled. Nikki dumped the baggie on the plate and made six lines, thinking ‘so goes the lead dog, so goes the pack.’ They all had several more drinks and lots and lots of coke. Nikki made sure of that and pretended when she could.

After about two hours, Nikki started to kiss Mercedes at the counter where the coke was. Dave got very hot and joined them, and they all started kissing while standing around the plate. Dave kissed first Nikki’s neck, sucking on her earlobes, then gave the same attention to Mercedes’. Nikki reached for Dave’s rigid penis, rubbing it until he groaned. She then asked him if he had his hand cuffs with him; he said no, but he would get them and headed out the door. Nikki started to unbutton Mercedes’ shirt and by the time Dave got back, both girls were topless. He was happily surprised and took off his shirt and pants, revealing how eager he was to continue the sexual party. They danced, took turns kissing one another and did more lines and more drinks. Both girls slipped out of their shorts, and all three kissed in the middle of the floor, which now had become the dance floor.

Nikki breathed into Dave’s ear. “Well, cowboy, are you up for this?” She stroked between his legs. “Me and Mercedes feel like a real rodeo.”

Dave, drunk and stoned, said he was more than ready, and Nikki led the two of them into Mercedes’ bedroom where she removed Mercedes’ panties. She pushed Dave onto the bed and removed her own bikini thongs. Mercedes leaned over Dave, kissing him on the mouth while Nikki climbed over Dave, straddling him. Mercedes clasped one of Nikki’s breasts which she then brought to her mouth, opening wide to suckle its fullness. Dave lifted his head and took Nikki’s other breast into his mouth, tonguing her nipple until she cried out for relief. He then turned to Mercedes’ breasts, giving her equal attention.

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