Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents) (6 page)

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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Until Karalyn reopened a door to a dormant sex life I thought I had sealed off. Karalyn did this. I allowed her to. Now, I want to be touched and licked and fucked, from head to toe. And I’m willing to break my promise—the one I made to not fuck anyone else until Mr. Right came along. Well, Jarrod may not be my Mr. Right for a future. But he’s my Mr. Right for right now.

We have finished a delicious meal at Negril’s in the Village. Now I’m nursing my third coconut martini; Jarrod’s on his second Red Stripe. And the more I drink, the sexier he starts to look. Not that he’s an unattractive man. On the contrary, Jarrod’s dangerously fine. A pretty-boy with flawlessly smooth skin and thick wavy hair.

Muscular arms.

Chiseled chest.

Big hands.

Big feet.

My god!

And here I sit, staring this cocoa-brown man with the deep dimples and smoldering brown eyes in his face, sharing a cozy table for two, forcing myself to stay in the moment. Not that being here with Jarrod is a bad thing. It’s just that my mind keeps wandering back to my weekend at the cabin with Karalyn. I can’t seem to shake it. I can still feel her hands on my flesh. The way they journeyed over my body, kneading my breasts, my ass. I can still feel her lips pressed against mine; her tongue searching my mouth, my pussy, my erect nipples. Her wet pussy on my tongue, her clit pulled into my mouth, I can still taste her. Can still feel
her warm body against mine, her pelvis grinding into mine—our clits slipping and sliding against each other’s, swelling with excitement, aching for release. I can smell her. Her wet, excited pussy stained on my senses.

She has been burned into my memory.

Damn her!

I’m not a lesbian. I love dick!

Then why is your pussy soaking wet, thinking about face-fucking another woman?

I bite down on my bottom lip.

“Did I tell you how lovely you look tonight?” Jarrod says, cutting into my scandalous thoughts.

I blink my attention back to my date. He is staring at me. Lost in my dirty images, I was absentmindedly staring at his lips but now I’m blushing back my embarrassment as I realize that he is returning my gaze with the same intensity. “Huh?” He repeats himself, causing me to smile. I bat my lashes. “Um, let’s see. Not in the last”—I glance at my watch—“forty minutes you haven’t.”

He laughs, causing his eyes to sparkle. “Hey, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a beautiful woman.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand. “And you, Miss Ava Wilson, are one helluva beauty.”

My face heats. And, surprisingly, I find myself getting extremely turned on by the direction of our banter. Thoughts of Karalyn are quickly evaporating, replaced by naughty notions of Jarrod’s mouth and tongue sucking on my sensitive nipples that have been swollen with lust for most of the night, threatening to poke holes through my lace bra had I not been trying to conceal my arousal by keeping an arm folded across my chest. Images of Karalyn’s legs up over my shoulders and my face pressed between her smooth thighs are now replaced with me grinding my cunt on Jarrod’s tongue. Fucking his face, riding his lips. Visions of
me climbing underneath this table, unzipping his pants, then fishing out his dick and sucking the cum out of it, draining his balls until they shrivel up like two sunbaked prunes have replaced the ones I was having of Karalyn and me performing fellatio on each other in the sixty-nine position. She atop of me while my arms wrap around her hips as I pull her pussy into my mouth, burying my eager tongue into the back of her slit.

I wonder if he has a big dick

My pussy tingles.

I collect my thoughts, taking a slow sip of my drink in an attempt to squelch out the fire burning between my legs. I see myself leaning over into his lap while he drives me back to his place, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, sliding my fingers into the slit of his underwear and pulling out his cock, then taking his dick in and out of my throat, sucking him with an animalistic fervor I hadn’t known existed inside of me until now.

Damn her!

Damn him!

I eye Jarrod, teasingly. “And compliments, Mister Denson,
get you

Which is exactly what I’m hoping,
I muse, pressing my thighs together. Thus far, the conversation between us has been safe—work, hobbies, travel, what we like to do in our spare time, stuff like that. But as the alcohol courses through my body and heats me and the images of my weekend with Karalyn take up space in my head, I’m feeling more bold and daring. My horny pussy is ready to be fed some dick. All the same, I can’t help but feel my panties moistening.

Oooh, yes…I’ma take this fine black man home and fuck the shit out of him. I’m long overdue for some hard dick!

Oh, God, I hope he can fuck!

Jarrod winks. “That’s exactly what I’m hoping. I am
than willing to be at your service.” He leans up in his seat, resting his forearms up on the table. “So, is that an invitation for what’s to come?”

I grin slyly. “Perhaps. The night is still young. Let’s see what happens

“Better yet.” He wriggles his thick eyebrows up and down. “How about we blow this joint, head back to my place, and make our own dessert?” The invitation is coated with thick desire. My pussy throbs at the sound of it, causing the sticky dampness between my legs to make me feel mischievous and slutty. I slip off my heel, then extend my leg out, resting my foot in his lap.

The look on his face is a mixture of shock and pleasure. He glances around the cozy, candlelit restaurant. I have caught him off-guard. He slyly inches his crotch forward, spreading his legs, welcoming what’s to come.

“Sooo, tell me, Jarrod.” I purr, eyeing him seductively as I massage his crotch with the ball of my foot. His dick is long and thick. I smile to myself. “Are you seeing anyone? Do you have a wife and kids hiding away somewhere at home no one knows about?”

He chuckles, mindful to keep his voice low as he shakes his head. “Whew…um…damn…” He tries to keep his composure. He presses his legs shut around my foot. “No, no, none of the above. No wife, no chil…dren. And I’m definitely…not seeing anyone at the moment. And you are making this…
hard to think and talk.”

“Ooh, I like it hard. Nice.” I feel his dick thicken and stretch the fabric of his pants against my foot. “Mmmm,” I tease, licking my lips. “Very nice.” I let my manicured toes knead his aching bulge as his eyes sweep across my swollen breasts. He gazes at my
hardened nipples, then zooms in on my cleavage ready to spill out of my low-cut blouse.

I should feel guilty for flirting with him; for using him like this. But my screaming pussy is wailing and begging for a good fuck, demanding that it gets stretched and gutted by a hard black dick. And, tag…he’s it.

Still, I have always prided myself on never, ever, mixing business with pleasure. And I definitely have never shit where I eat. Office romances very seldom work out. Neither does having a one-night stand with a colleague—usually. But, lately, seems like I’ve been going against everything I stand for, like sleeping with Karalyn, for one. And now this.

I can feel my juices seeping through my purple lace panties, oozing down around my pussy, staining my designer skirt. I am relieved it’s a chocolate brown. The last thing I need is to be embarrassed by a big, round wet stain on the back of my skirt when I stand.

I knew I should have worn a liner.

He licks his lips, grinning suggestively. “You sure know how to get a man to
to the occasion.”

My mind flashes to the steamy shower I shared with Karalyn a few weeks ago. A decadent ache pulses through my clit, remembering the way her touch set my pussy ablaze.

I blush.

“Ava, what the hell is wrong with you?!”
I scold in my head.
“Here you are out having dinner with this fine specimen of a man, and you’re sitting here thinking about another woman licking your pussy when you should be thinking about him fucking you from the back with him palming your large swinging breasts and pinching your thick, hard nipples while you throw that ass back on him, trying to fuck the skin off his hard dick!”

Your pussy needs to be fucked!

And have you not forgotten you have a big dick under your foot,
and obviously more than
to fuck you?

“I always aim to please, Mister Denson.”

“Is that right?” I simply smile, now using both of my feet to massage his dick. Jarrod pulls in his bottom lip. He grunts, cutting his eyes around the dining area, then locking his eyes on me. “You’re something else, Ava. You sure…mmph…you don’t wanna head out now?” He slides a hand underneath the table, caressing my right foot, then pressing his legs shut. His dick has gotten bigger…longer, if that’s even humanly possible.

He tosses back his drink. Then tells the waiter he’ll have another when he comes to our table to check to see if there is something else he can get for us. “Anything for you, ma’am?” the waiter wants to know. I tell him no, not at this moment. A few seconds later, he walks off. I watch as he crosses over the room, then descends down the stairs toward the bar area.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” Jarrod says, giving my foot a relaxing massage under the table. I have to fight myself to keep from moaning.

I tilt my head coyly. “And what question was that?”

He grins. “Do you
aim to please?”

I pull my foot back from his lap, then slip it back into my heel. “I’ll give you the answer to that when I return from the ladies’ room.” I stand up, smoothing the front of my skirt out, hoping there isn’t a puddle of bliss left in back of me. Jarrod’s lustful stare lands in the center of my crotch, then sweeps upward to meet my gaze. He pulls in his bottom lip.

I am convinced he smells my warm, wet cunt wafting from under the hem of my skirt. He knows innately that my pussy juice is seeping out, flowing between my legs. He licks his lips, then grins
as if he knows that I know that he knows. “I’ll be back in a sec,” I say, sauntering off toward the steps that lead to the main level of the restaurant, maneuvering my way around tables and waiters toward the bathroom.

Once I finish, I wash my hands, then stand in front of the mirror, fumbling through my purse for my tube of lipstick. When I find it, I carefully reapply a coat over my ripe, warm ready-for-a-night-of-dick sucking mouth.
And clit, too, so it seems
. I shake my head, blotting my lips, then blowing a kiss to my image in the mirror before heading back out to my date.
Fuck for the night is more like it.
As I am about to reach for the handle, the door swings open, almost slamming into me. I instinctively jump backward.

“Oh, excuse…” My mouth drops open and her eyes lock on mine. I am surprised.
Oh no! Please don’t tell me this woman is really some certified nut who’s stalking me!
“Kara, what are you…”

Without a word she grabs me, cups my face between her warm hands and kisses me, cutting me off and pushing me back into one of the opened stalls. She kicks the door shut. Her mouth is on mine, her tongue slipping into my mouth.
Oh, God!
Her lips are soft and so damn juicy. Her hand slides down my back, finding their way to my ass. She palms it, holding me tightly against her grinding pelvis. I moan and gyrate my hips into hers. My pussy already throbbing and slick from all of my previous lewd thoughts.

“I wanna eat your pussy,” she says, reaching under my dress, grasping the waistband of my moist panties. I feel like I am teetering on the edge of deception being here with her—her fingers working my clit over—while leaving Jarrod sitting out there with his hard dick practically ready to burst through his pants.

“Wait…wait,” I say breathlessly, trying to pry her hands from off of me. “You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here.”

“I’m here having dinner with a friend,” she says, grinning. “I saw you when you walked by our table. And now I’m ready for my dessert.”

I blink. “And what’s that?”

“You.” She pushes me up against the stall door and snakes her tongue inside my mouth. A shiver of arousal snakes up my spine as her body presses into mine. She pushes my panties aside to feel my wetness.

“Oh, God, no,” I protest, concern in my voice. “What if someone walks in?”

“Then we’ll give them a show. Do you want me inside of you, Ava?” Her lips press against my ear. She trails her hand along my quivering thighs.

Oh, God!

“Uh, um…”

“Say it. Tell me you want me.”

I am so very conflicted. Her hand is now pressed to my clit over my panties, and she’s kissing my neck. I let out a soft moan, tilting my head back to give her access.

God, her hands and lips feel good!

“I…want…mmm…wait…I…we…can’t do this.”

“Yes, we can. And we will. Say you want me.”

“Not here.”

“Yes. Here. Right now.” Another soft moan escapes me as she loops her fingers into my Vickies and fingers my secret. My clit responds to her touch. “Let me taste this wet pussy, Ava.”

“Oh, God…Oh, God…”

“God can’t help you. Only this hot tongue can.”

She plunges her fingers into my slickness. I shut my eyes and throw my head back, lifting a leg, planting my foot up on the toilet paper holder.

Girl, get a grip of yourself!

We’re in the women’s bathroom, for Christ’s sake! What if someone walks in and catches us?

“I just want a taste of this wet, juicy fruit.” My thighs shake as she strokes me, working her fingers in and out of my dripping cunt. “You like that? You like the way I play in your pussy?”

I moan. “Oh, God, yesssss.”

“Let me lick your pussy. Then you can go back out there with lover boy, who is very handsome by the way.”

In my head, I hear myself pleading for her to stop. I hear myself telling her
over and over, trying to pull her hand from between my wobbly legs. This is what I imagine myself doing. But it isn’t real. What’s real is that I am in a bathroom stall with another woman, enjoying the way her lips feel on mine. Loving the way her fingers feel on my clit, in my pussy. This shouldn’t be happening. But it is. And it feels…so

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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