Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents) (5 page)

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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Ohmygod, this bitch is real brazen!

I can smell her cunt.


Or is that mine?

I fight the impulse to lick my lips. I gulp down the remainder of my drink, swallowing down the urge to cup her ass, to kiss it, to lean in and inhale her. She has piqued my curiosity. My arousal’s heightened. And now I’m…I’m ready to try some new things.

Ohmygod, what is going on with me? No more drinks for me!

Karalyn walks off, unlatching her bra, then dropping it on the floor. “If you want to experience what it’s like to step over into the other side,” she says over her shoulder, “come join me in the shower. And I promise you, what’s done in the cabin will stay in the cabin.” With that said, she whisks off down the hall, leaving me sitting here flustered. And my pussy a sopping wet mess!

I don’t believe this
. I shake my head, pouring myself another drink. I gulp it back, along with my nerves.

Girl, look at you all scared! Isn’t this what you’ve wanted? Isn’t this what you’ve spent the last three years fantasizing about? Well, now here’s your chance to experience everything you’ve ever masturbated thinking about firsthand.

I slowly lift myself up from off the sofa, feeling lightheaded from the drinks, Karalyn’s proposition, and the anticipation. I
walk down the hallway, half-talking myself out of going through with it. But my curiosity, and yearning desire, get the best of me. And before I come to my senses I am already slipping out of my clothes, leaving a trail behind me; my shirt, my jeans, my bra, my panties all abandoned.


And here I am.


Heart beating.

Breath quickening. I am trying to work up the nerve to push open the door and step in, knowing that once I do there is no turning back. I glance down at my feet. Right outside the bathroom door are her panties. Bright red with black trim. Without thought, I pick them up. Hold them in my hand, staring at them, realizing I am oozing juices out of my slit. I shiver, having the sudden urge to sniff them. To bury my whole face into the silken fabric and inhale her scent, sneaking a whiff of her essence. I close my eyes and inhale, deeply. Breathing in everything she is. Sweet. Musky. Wet. Hungry arousal. Her lusty aroma clings to my nostrils, causing my clit to throb. The folds of my own sex swelling with eagerness.

I pull in a deep breath, then push the door open. I stand transfixed at the silhouette behind the sliding glass door. She is watching me watching her. And for a split second, my mind drifts into fantasyland.

“Sooo, are you going to play Peeping Tom,” she says, slicing into my salacious thoughts, “and stand there, gawking, or are you going to come join me?” She laughs.

I blink. “Huh?”

She slides back the shower door and is standing in front of me. My eyes trail her body, then fix on her dark brown nipples, wet and soapy, standing at attention. She repeats the question. A knowing smile comes over her face as she slides the bar of soap over her nipples, down her stomach, then between her thighs.

I step in, naked and ready. We are standing face-to-face, the spigot and my pussy both spurting; the spigot, warm water; my pussy, warm juices as she lathers my body with a loofah sponge. She tells me to turn around so that she can wash my back. I do. Her hardened nipples press into my back as she reaches around to palm my breasts and rub my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. I gasp.

“You like that?”

My voice gets lost in the kneading of her slender fingers as they work my nipples, causing a moan to escape from somewhere deep within me. She grinds her pussy into my ass, nibbling on the nape of my neck, then sucking on my earlobe.

“I’m going to make you feel like no man has ever,” she whispers into my ear, inching a hand down my stomach, then dipping between my thighs. I gasp, again. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Ava. I can’t wait to feel this pussy. To taste it. Make love to it.”

I moan as she feverishly works her fingers over my clit, gyrating my hips in sync to her strumming fingers. “Oooooooh, yes…”

“You like that?”

I respond with a low groan.

“Ooooh, your pussy’s so wet, Ava…”


She turns me back to face her, showering me with passionate kisses as she continues to play with my clit. Her mouth goes to my left breast, sucks in a nipple, twirls her tongue over it, then moves onto the right one, doing the same thing. Heat races
through my entire body. Her touch is soft and sensual. My body shivers as she gives each of my breasts equal attention, licking and sucking and nibbling, while skillfully manipulating my clit and pussy with her fingers. I have never experienced an array of intense feelings like this in my whole entire life. My whole being responds to her touch.

She…this, is driving me crazy. I don’t know how much more of this feeling I can take before I explode. Before I scream out at the top of my lungs. “Ohgod, please, Kara…”

“Please, what?” she replies in a throaty whisper, eyeing me seductively.

“Eat my pussy.”

She licks a trail down the center of my chest, down to my stomach, dipping into my navel before inching her tongue further south until she lands on my spot. She wraps her hands around my ass and presses her nose against my clit, before pulling open my lips and sliding her tongue into my heated cunt.

I gasp. She pulls her tongue out, then sucks my clit into her mouth, licking me with the wide, flat surface, then rolling her tongue and flicking it with the pointed tip. She does not stop until I shudder out an orgasm.

The hot wetness of her mouth mingles with the sizzling heat and moisture of my excited pussy, causing me to feel lightheaded. I am on the brink of coming again. I reach for her and pull her up to me, desperate to taste my wet sex on her tongue, her lips. I have always wondered what it would be like kissing another woman. And now I know. It’s like…heaven. Maybe it’s the fact that this secret fantasy is taboo that has me feeling like I’m floating on clouds. Maybe it’s the way her fingers caress my clit, then fuck my pussy that has me wanting this feeling to go on forever.

Her lips find mine.

“Oh, Kara…” I lift one leg up and wrap my arms around her neck as she grinds her wet pussy against mine. Clit to clit, a searing bliss courses through every inch of me, exposing me to a sensation I never imagined. Her tongue finds its way inside my mouth.

“Can I make love to you?”

“Yes…oooh, yesss…”

“You gonna give me that juicy fruit?”

The question catches me off-guard. I open my eyes, giving her a confused look. “Huh?”

Her right hand slinks back between my legs. Her voice is a whisper. “This fat, wet pussy. Your juicy fruit.” She gently rubs my clit with her thumb, presses on it. Her eager fingers finding my pussy lips as she continues to tease the tip of my clit with her wet thumb.

I shudder and nearly cream all over her probing fingers. “Ooooh…”

“Let me taste your juicy fruit, Ava.”

A moan escapes me. “Mmmmmm.”

“You want me to lick that sweet pussy?”

I hump her hand. “Yesss. Please, Kara. Ohgod, yes…lick my pussy. Stop teasing me.”

Her fingers slip out of my valley, tormenting and teasing my now empty pussy. She kisses me again. Then, as quick as her fingers were gone, they are back, moving inside of me. Two fingers become three, then four, stretching my cunt, searching my treasures, sending heated lust coursing through my entire body. I don’t know how much more of this I can take before I explode. Her delicious four-finger fuck is pushing me to the edge of an orgasm. The walls of my pussy spasm as she pulls a nipple into her mouth, then gently licks, sucks and bites down on it.

“Ohgodohgodohgod…yes, yes, yes…work my pussy…oooh, yes…”

“You want me to slide this tongue in that pussy? Taste your juicy fruit?”

I whimper as her fingers slip out of me again, escaping my cunt’s clutches. Karalyn knows exactly what she’s doing. Knows exactly how far to bring me before taking me over the cliff. She smiles, thrusting two fingers back into my weeping pussy. My body is pressed against the cool, wet tiles.

I wind my hips on her hand, forcing my mouth onto hers, biting down on her bottom lip as I come on her fingers.

“I want to taste you,” I say, reaching between her legs, searching for her own wetness. The words ooze out like hot lava, thick with lust and desire. I am beside myself. Caught up in the heated moment. Tasting another woman has never crossed my mind…until now.

I kneel down between her legs. Her pussy is shaved. The tattoo of a black dragon’s head with red flames shoots downward toward her clit. I breathe her in. The scent of her sex sends a pulse through me as I inhale, then lick her clit. I lick and lick and lick, twirling my tongue around her engorged nub. Pleasuring her in the same melodic way I enjoy pleasuring myself, soft gentle strokes that quicken. I glance up at her and have to fight the urge to press my mouth to her cunt. Her lips are brown and puffy. Her clit begs for attention. Instinctively, I lick it, flick it, lap it lovingly. I have tasted my own juices many times. Have imagined licking my own pussy many times. But tonight, I am savoring the pussy of another woman for the first time. The sweet, tangy taste clings to my tongue. Karalyn begins to moan and purr and rotate her hips. I lick her pussy as if it is my own. I often fantasied, but never imagined eating another woman’s pussy would be like this…so good. My wet, hungry tongue sinks chin deep into her quivering pussy. I am getting lost in her. Her taste. Her smell. Her body.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” she coos as she threads her fingers through my hair and begins thrusting against my tongue. “Oooh, yes…get it, baby…lick that pussy…aaah…Ohshitohshitohshit…” her wide hips buck. “Right there; just like that…I’m coming…ooooh, yesssss…”


I’m eating another woman’s pussy! And I’m enjoying it. I’m really enjoying it!

Her body shudders as she climaxes into my mouth. I, too, bring myself to climax, creaming all over my fingers. Karalyn and I finish our showers, satiated and full—for the moment.

Hours pass as we make love over and over, drinking and giggling like two schoolgirls who share a dirty secret. When we have finished ravishing each other’s bodies for the third time, she pulls me into her arms, both of us basking in ecstasy’s afterglow. We lay here, marinating in sweet bliss for what seems like forever before either of us finally speaks.

“Are you okay?” Karalyn asks, concern laced in her tone. She strokes my cheek, then leans in and kisses my hair.

I nod, nestling deeper into the crook of her arm, then drifting into a deep, well-needed slumber.

•  •  •

The next morning, I open my heavy-lidded eyes to Karalyn sucking and kneading my breasts, her tongue thoughtfully twirling around each nipple with equal attention. Her eyes flicker up at me. “Good morning,” she says, releasing my nipple from her mouth.

“Good morning.” I stretch and yawn. “You sure know how to get a girl’s juices flowing first thing in the morning.”

She grins, slowly trailing a finger along the center of my breasts, then down my stomach. “I hope you don’t mind. I decided to get a jumpstart on breakfast.”

“Oh.” I gasp as her finger presses up against my clit. “Oh, yesss…” I swallow, feeling arousal pierce my clit. I spread my legs.
Oh, God, what have I gotten myself into? Shouldn’t I feel guilty, even badly, for what happened between us last night?

Isn’t what the two of us are doing wrong?


then why does it feel soooo fucking good?!

Karalyn is now between my legs. Her soft lips close firmly around my clit, her tongue swirling rhythmically over it. I shut my eyes tight and rock my hips against Karalyn’s thrusts. “Oh, God, this feels so…good. Ooooh, please don’t stop…mmmm…Oooh, yesss…I love the way your tongue feels on my pussy…Ooooh, yess…mmmm…”

I glance down at Karalyn between my thighs, my arousal surging through my body as I watch her. I lose myself in uninhibited groans and grunts of pleasure as Karalyn whimpers. Her short, uneven breaths keep me encouraged, urging me to me come—heavy and loud—as she swirls her tongue over my clit, sucking and licking.

I clutch the sheets. Shriek. Thrash my head from side-to-side as I inch closer to climaxing. Tightening my thighs around Karalyn’s head, I quiver with delight as my hot, creamy juices erupt into her warm, eager mouth. She’s taken my body to heights of pleasure I never knew possible. Oh, yes. Her lips, her tongue, her fingers, have made love to every inch of my body. And, I know, that this will be one weekend—one experience, I shall never be able to forget.


For weeks following my cabin rendezvous, I throw myself into my work, trying desperately to forget those two passionate, sex-filled nights in the Poconos. Not because I didn’t enjoy the experience, but because I want more. Karalyn touched me in ways no man has ever touched me. She opened up desires I’ve kept hidden for years. And no matter how hard I try to block that weekend out, I find myself savoring the memory of the way her body felt against mine; the way her clit pressed against mine; her nipples in my mouth, mine in hers; the way our slick, pulsing pussies humping and were pumping into each other; two opening slits of wet, greedy desire, leaking sweet, sticky juices.

I can’t stop replaying the way Karalyn attentively, lovingly, lapped my swollen lips, tongued my slit, then devoured every part of my pussy. The way she kissed me with tender sweetness, slowly, with so much intensity and passion that I felt like I would melt into the sheets as liquid heat spurted out of me. I have made myself cum over and over, reliving the experience. But I don’t want her. I want…that feeling again—with a man. I want, no I need, a man to handle my pussy the way she did. Lovingly.

And that’s exactly what I hoped would happen when I agreed to go out on a date with Jarrod. Jarrod and I started working at Sci-Tech around the same time—about twelve years ago, but we never really said any more than an occasional hello to each other
whenever we’d run into each other. However, that all changed last summer when he was transferred over to my department. So for the last six months he’s been pursuing me. However, I wasn’t interested. Until now…

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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