Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents) (11 page)

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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My legs spread open, again.

Deliberate fingers—one, two, three, find their way back inside of my wetness.

The swishing sounds of my cunt become louder than my own breathing.

And in an explosion of bright lights and wild colors, I come loud and hard. Pussy juice gushing out, like a roaring sea. Celeste keeps working my pussy with her fingers while sucking on my clit. I am still coming. Wild and nasty, soaking her fingers and hand. Winding my hips, pinching my nipples, popping my clit, I urge her to keep it going. Keep stoking the fire burning deep inside of me. Keep skimming over my clit with her thumb. Keep stroking that highly sensitive spongy area nestled in the pit of my pussy.

“Oh, yesssssss…ooooooooooh…”

I climax and shudder and cry out. My body jerks. My breath catches in the back of my throat. My eyes roll in the back of my head. I am feeling possessed. I chant and hiss and purr.

My body tenses, toes curling and fingers clenching in sync with the clutching walls of my pussy as I come so hard I think I’m going to pass out.

It takes me several minutes to regain my senses. I inhale. Exhale. Steady my breathing.

Long after the waves of my orgasm have subsided, my juices continue to drip to her fingers. Finally, as Celeste pulls her fingers out of me, my lashes lift to look at her. She sees need and want in my eyes. Her own desires mirrored in the reflection of my own lust.

I lick my lips, standing up. Warm juices still flowing between my thighs, Celeste grabs me by the hips and parts my legs. She cups my ass as her tongue slithers along the inside of my right thigh, then my left. A soft moan escapes me. Her tongue travels along my skin, lapping away.

“Come,” I say, pulling her up from her knees. She looks at me. Her eyes dance wickedly behind her smile.


She shakes her head. “I enjoy your company. And I love eating your pussy. It’s so wet and juicy.”

“And I enjoy yours,” I reassure her, then smile. She offers me her mouth and her tongue, and I eagerly accept it, kissing her long and hard. “It’s my turn.”

I tell her I want her to lean over the damask sofa in my sitting room, walking over to my walk-in closet and stepping in. I flip on the light to retrieve one of my many toys. I open one of the bottom drawers of my mahogany wood aisle dresser, pulling out
a black leather case. I have an assortment of colorful dildos of all shapes, colors, and sizes neatly tucked inside.

I grab the pretty pink one, then walk back out into my sitting area. As asked, Celeste is already bent over the sofa, waiting. She cranes her neck, glancing over her shoulder at me. Her eyes catch the dildo in my hand, gleaming with excitement.

She wants her hole fucked. She wants to be taken from the back. Wants her juicy slit stretched and filled. “Open your legs wider. I want to see all of you.”

I lick my lips in anticipation.

Her pussy glistening and open, I reach for her swollen lips and pinch them, then nuzzle my face between her heart-shaped ass, pulling open her cheeks. The dizzying smell of her cunt makes my mouth water. My tongue trails her crack. Her wet pussy calls out to me. It winks at me. Puckers its lips. I blow into it, press my own soft lips to it, then flick my tongue across it. A sweet dew trickles out and clings to the swollen petals of her cunt. It cries out to me. Tells me how hungry it is. How deeply it wants to be fed. I smack it.

Celeste moans.

I tightly grip the base of the dildo in my hand—my own pussy wet with need—and push it into the back of her cunt, stroking her silky walls. The pink dick sinks in, deep.

“Oh, God, yesss…deeper,” Celeste gasps softly. I oblige, giving it to her however she wants it. I push in deeper and the pussy swallows the dildo, squeezing it, milking it, begging for it. She reaches behind her and holds open her ass. She wants me to see her take it all. Her juices swish and splash up against the dildo as I lean forward, my tongue darting fiercely into her asshole. The smell of her ass and pussy hot and intoxicating.

Soft “ooohs” and “aaaahs” slip from Celeste’s lips with each thrust.

Her ass shakes and bounces. “Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Fuck me! Harder! Give it to me, baby…”

I slip my right hand between my own thighs, massage my clit…inch two fingers into my slickness while fucking her with the dildo in my other hand. Celeste groans, pushing back and meeting my hand stroke for stroke, gulping in all ten-inches.

“Yes! Oh, yesssss! Fuuuuuuuuck meeeeee!”

Sweat coats Celeste’s face, trickles along the back of her neck, then slides down her arched back. Still fucking her with the dildo, I remove my fingers from my own steamy cunt, then feed them to her. She opens her mouth, hungrily sucking them in until she has sucked away the wet stickiness.

Celeste pulls at her nipples. Her head tossed back, she calls out to me. “Miasha!”

I plunge deeper, the pink silicone slipping and sliding and disappearing into her pussy hole. I am pounding away, hard and purposeful. My only response to her cries of ecstasy—more pounding, more thrusting, more bumping her G-spot.


“Yes,” I finally say against the swish-swish sounds and swelling of her cunt, relentlessly clutching the dildo. She is panting. Her nails dig into the fabric of the sofa.

“My pussy’s on fire!”

Her skin is hot. She is overheating with passion. Her cunt is churning slick like melting butter. “Yes, I know. You want me to stop?” I ask, already knowing the answer. She wants it just as much as I want to keep giving it to her.

“Oh, God, no! Fuck me! Feed my pussy…mmmph…ooooooh…yes, yes, yes…I’m coming…”

Hot juices drizzle out.

I rapidly stroke my clit, bringing my own pussy release, wetness pouring over my own hand.

We are both gasping and moaning, heartbeats pounding in our chests. I pull the cum-soaked dildo out of her fuck hole, her body jerking and shaking, then press it to her lips, smearing her cream all over her lips before sliding the dildo into my own mouth and sucking it clean. We share another long passionate kiss, then curl up on the sofa—the heat from her pulsing pussy pressed up against my ass—and slowly drift into a deep slumber.


Eight a.m., I awaken beneath rumpled sheets—naked, breathing in remnants of last night. Shadowy hints of perfume and pussy float throughout the room. I climb out of the warmth of my bed, my feet sinking into plush carpet as I walk into the master bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I catch my reflection in the mirror, taking in the matted hair all over my head and decide to take a quick shower.

Ten minutes later, I’m back in the bedroom, standing in the middle of my walk-in closet trying to decide what to slip on. After several minutes of contemplating, I settle on a lace kimono slip dress—nothing on underneath, then make my way downstairs, using the spiral staircase that leads directly down into the kitchen.

Celeste greets me with a smile on her face, and a huge coffee mug in her hand. “Good morning,” she says, offering me the steamy cup. “I made you some tea. Decaf, right?”

I nod, blowing into the cup. “Yes, thank you.” I take a sip.

She wasn’t supposed to still be here. Definitely wasn’t supposed to stay the night. But here she is. Flitting around in my kitchen, wearing a flowing white, ankle-length dress. Her shoulder-length hair is hidden under a white head wrap. “I snuck out early this morning to go home and freshen up, then stopped by the store to pick up a few things for breakfast. I hope you’re hungry. I picked up some fruit, and made vegetable omelets, turkey bacon,
and my grandmother’s ‘make-you-wanna-slap-somebody’s-momma’ cheese grits—I promise, you’ll love them.”

I smile. My gaze falls to her ample backside as she moves about the kitchen, remembering how almost eight hours ago it had been bounced up over my face. My mouth waters at the thought of having my tongue buried in it again. “Sounds delicious. I’m famished. Do you want any help?”

“No. I got it,” she says, pulling two plates down from the cabinet, then opening another door and grabbing two crystal flutes. “I’ve made us peach Bellinis.”

I nod my approval, surprised at how at ease she is. Aside from my mother-in-law, I try to recall if any other woman had ever been so comfortable in my space, cooking in my kitchen as if this were their home, too. I sip my tea when I come up short, eyeing her over the rim of my cup as she prepares our plates. My stomach growls as she sets a plate in front of me.

“It looks and smells delicious.”

“And it’ll taste even better,” she says, lifting the blender out of its stand and pouring peach puree into each champagne glass, then topping them off with champagne. She waits for the bubbles to settle, stirs the drink, then adds another splash of champagne to each flute before setting a flute on the table next to my plate.

I wait for her to take a seat. She has chosen to sit next to me opposed to across from me. I smile at the gesture. She reaches for her flute, hoisting her glass.

“To special friends, delicious meals, and hot, steamy, decadent sex.”

“Amen to that.”

Our glasses clink.

•  •  •

Two hours and four flutes of Bellinis later, Celeste and I are sitting out on the back deck, feeling lighthearted and giddy. There’s a warm, scented breeze that drifts over us as we sit at the patio table, eating fresh fruit salads.

Celeste slides to her knees in front of me, pushing my already opened thighs further apart. Her hands slip up my skirt. I feel the first touch of her lips on the inside of my thighs and I am already shivering with arousal. I hear her soft groan as her warm tongue slithers up one side of my thigh, then back down the other thigh. I stare out into my expansive manicured yard, then lean my head back, closing my eyes. Luckily, the well-heeled, well-educated neighbors in our gated community aren’t privy to the show, thanks to the evergreen cedar trees that line the edges of my backyard and the six-foot, wooden privacy fence with its French gothic posts.

The afternoon sun beams down on my face, adding more heat to my already heated skin. I hear myself moan as Celeste massages the tip of my clit with lips that send ripples through my entire body. Oh, God, yes…I’m caught up in the rapture of lust.

“Oh, yess…mmm…” My hands find their way at the base of her neck, then running through her silky hair before wrapping strands of it around each hand. I grind into her mouth, feeling a euphoria that intensifies the minute her tongue slides across the slit of my pussy, then dips inside.

“I’m going to swallow your whole pussy,” she murmurs between my legs. “Then suck the cream out of you.” Her hot breath, heating my lower lips, causes billows of staggering pleasure to sweep through my loins.

I moan, enjoying the cadence of Celeste’s talented tongue, flicking and darting all over and around the plump folds of my sex. The hot wetness of her mouth envelopes every part of my clenching cunt, causing me to buck in my seat. I slide down in
the chair, Celeste’s hands cupping and squeezing my ass as I lift my hips, rolling them slightly.

“Oooh, yes…eat my pussy…mmmm…get all in that sweet hole…aaah, yessss…”

“That’s right, boo, cum for me,” she whispers against my skin. Then slides her tongue over my asshole, followed by a finger. “Give me that sweet cream.” She sucks me until my cunt melts in her mouth. Heart beating wildly, I ride the wave of pleasure.

•  •  •

Hours later, the candles are lit and I am luxuriating in my oversized Jacuzzi, sipping an apple martini while Estelle’s album,
All Of Me,
plays in the background. I hum along to “Thank You” as it floats through the surround sound. I slip further down into the bubbles reminiscing, replaying the day out in my head. Reliving Celeste’s heat engulfing my fingers, my tongue. The delicious sixty-nine position, face-to-pussy, we were in. Recounting her tongue strokes, and mine, each of our licks making the other wetter, and hornier. I reach for my glass, guzzle back the remainder of my martini, then reach for the pitcher and refill my glass before setting it up on the ledge.

She was on fire.
Celeste met my gaze with want, and longing. Smoldering heat that singed the senses burst through her pores as she climaxed, triggering my own need for an orgasm.

I melted inside.

I close my eyes, replaying the sex tape. Her hand slides up my spine, her tongue into my mouth. In my fantasy, she’s wearing a flowing yellow chiffon sundress; it’s gauzy material barely hiding her nakedness. I lift her dress up over her head, and her breasts bounce free. Without thought, instinctively, I lick my lips. Reach out touch, to roll her nipples between my fingers and squeeze.

She moans.

I inhale, rewinding the tape in my mind. I can smell her arousal as my fingers press the wet silk covering her crotch, rubbing harder as I lean forward and let my tongue flicker across her left nipple, then her right.

Her flesh moves under my hand, and I feel an awakening quake between my own legs. This time I kiss her, my hand still trapped between her thighs, still playing with her, sliding now beneath her panties to touch her hot, wet cunt.

“Take my pussy, Miasha…”
she breathes. I can still feel her lips at my earlobe, my neck, the swell of my breasts; her hot kisses setting my skin ablaze.

I feel myself shuddering as we lay, her head position toward my feet, the mouth of her pussy positioned over my face.

“I love sucking your clit. Eating your pussy.”

“Ooh, your pussy’s so sweet and sticky…”

My hand slips between my legs as I envision Celeste moaning above me, her hips rolling, thrusting deep into my mouth. Her warm, wet mouth clamped around my pussy; her tongue swirling over and around my clit.

I am having an out-of-body experience. Floating. Drifting along the edges of delirium and hysteria. “Fuck me, you pretty bitch…oooh, get all up in this wet pussy…aaah…mmmm…”

I spread my legs wider. Swivel my hips. Allow the sudsy bubbles to slosh up into my cunt as I hover on the brink of coming. “Aaaah…mmmmm…”

My cell rings, stealing my orgasm. I blink. It keeps ringing. I blink, again. I want to ignore it. Want to keep stroking my clit, want to cum. But its ringtone tells me that it’s Aaron. I smile, quickly reaching over to answer. “Hello,” I say breathlessly, wet fingers gripping the edges of the cell.

BOOK: Slippery When Wet: A Novel (Zane Presents)
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