Slice of Pi 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Elia Winters

BOOK: Slice of Pi 2
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The kiss was gentle and soft, not so much a seduction as an exploration. She tasted like salt and sweet, her lips warm under his. He could smell sunscreen and a faint perfume scent from her hair. When she pressed against him, her hands sliding around his waist, he felt a low thrum of heat race through his body. Right. He'd forgotten this part, where exploration turned to more intense passion. Sometimes kisses fogged his brain, but this woke him up, made his senses knife-sharp and aware of each inch of her skin where it touched his, the soft lapping of seawater against his back, the smooth press of her tongue against his.

Owen lifted his head from hers, the sea breeze cool against his lips, and opened his eyes. Iris was staring up at him, eyes focused and unblinking, and he was suddenly aware that she was practically naked and pressed right up against his body. They'd drifted farther from shore, and he could feel her bobbing with the current, her feet barely brushing the sand below her. She'd gone from gently holding his waist to clinging, her arms up around his shoulders for leverage, and the posture pressed plenty of her naked skin against his. It had been a long time since he'd felt the smooth, soft flesh of a woman so close, and he slid both hands down from her hips to cup her ass and lift her against him. She smiled.

“I think we should head back to the hotel.” Iris licked her lips, probably tasting salt and his kiss.

Owen nodded. If he wasn't careful, he was going to get hard here in the ocean, and one could not hide an erection under a wet bathing suit. “Yeah. Okay.”

They walked back wet to the hotel, carrying towels and trailing sand, Owen's body tense with anticipation. Iris seemed to share none of his tension, pausing to point out a restaurant she'd heard was good, commenting heatedly on the car that almost ran them off the sidewalk, and observing what lovely weather they were having. Sure, she was chatty, but it saved him from having to make much conversation. In general, he preferred to listen. Baking was a solitary enterprise, just a person alone with his thoughts, and after so many years in the field, he'd grown used to his peace and quiet. He certainly could make conversation when he needed to, and he liked to think he was well spoken, but if he didn't need to speak, he tended not to. Iris, though, was a live wire, or maybe a magnet to which he found himself irresistibly drawn.

She opened the door to the hotel room and stepped inside. The central air hummed in the stillness. Walking into the room behind her, Owen could feel the cold breeze waft across his wet skin, shocking after the hot sun. The door swung shut behind him, leaving the two of them in the comparative darkness. Owen blinked, blind after the bright sunshine outside, hearing the soft rustle of fabric. He saw a shadow move across the window as Iris approached him, and then she was in his arms again, her mouth finding his. Her kiss was hot and urgent, her fingers tangling in the wet curls at the base of his scalp, and he breathed in the scent of saltwater and perfume as he wrapped his arms around her.

His hands found nothing but skin. She was completely naked. He went from sort of turned on to fully hard in only a moment, a fact she discovered once her hands traced around the waistband of his swim trunks and cupped his length. He could feel her lips turn up in a smile as she kissed him.

“My, what have we here?” She ran her hand along his shaft through the wet material. “Are you going to keep this all to yourself, or can I take these off?”

Owen kissed her again, pulling his shorts down as he did so. His heartbeat sounded loud in his ears, a rhythmic thudding that drowned out the low hum of the air conditioning. His eyes were adjusting to the dim light, but the darkness still blocked most of her features.

He caught her earlobe gently between his teeth and then let it go. “I want to see you.”

She stepped back from him and moved away. He could hear her heading to the back of the room. The light went on in the bathroom, just enough to barely illuminate the room. Iris walked back to him, backlit and beautiful in her nakedness. Her body appeared surprisingly soft for all its leanness, and he couldn't look away from her full breasts capped with light pink nipples. Fucking lovely.

Iris had none of the self-consciousness women sometimes had the first time they were naked in front of someone else. Generally, his partners were hesitant, tentative until they warmed up, but Iris knew exactly what she wanted. She pushed the comforter down off the second bed, setting his bag on the floor as she did so. “We can get this bed sandy because no one's sleeping in it.” She raised her eyebrows, then hopped up onto the bed and stretched out. “You going to join me, or are you just going to stand there and stare?”

Owen grinned. He liked her more and more the longer he was with her. “I thought I'd just take a few mental photos to remember this by.”

Iris returned his smile. “I don't give these photos away, you know. They cost a premium.”

“I'll have to save my pennies.” Owen stalked over and climbed onto the bed next to her.


There was something beautiful about Owen's long, lean body as he approached her on the bed. He moved with an easy confidence, no apprehension visible, the picture of relaxation and anticipation as he climbed on top of her and lowered his body onto hers. His skin was cool and damp, like hers, chilled by the soft caress of the air conditioner's breeze, but the body contact warmed her immediately. His cock was trapped between them, hot and hard, pressing into the soft flesh of her stomach. That was going to feel so good inside her. Owen began nuzzling the spot right under her jaw, taking light nibbles of her neck, and she tipped her head back to give him access to more skin. His hands roamed over her body, tracing her curves with gentle fingertips, leaving a trail of sparks in their wake. This was a man who was no stranger to a woman's body, even if he insisted he didn't date much.

Leaning up on his elbows, he brushed her taut nipples with the pads of his fingers, but the touch was too light. She pressed her breasts into his hands. In response, he lifted his hands away, taking a nip of her neck as he did so. Oh, so he was a tease. She squirmed. Normally, she would enjoy being teased, but it had been too long and she was impatient. “Come on, touch me.”

“I am touching you.” He rubbed his thumbs over the peaks again, and yes, that was nice, but not nearly enough.

“Harder.” She ran her hands over his biceps, which were satisfyingly muscular. It made sense that bakers would be strong, and she'd certainly ogled his forearms enough, but the firm musculature of his arms beneath her touch made it all real.

Owen twisted her nipples a bit more firmly, and Iris moaned, the pleasure echoing in her clit. “Mmm, perfect,” she said, and he did it again.

This was lovely, but she was never one for the slow burn. She gripped his biceps and shifted her hips, rolling him over before he probably knew what was happening. In a moment, he was beneath her, blinking up with wide eyes and smiling like he couldn't contain his happiness at her taking control. Interesting. Maybe his other partners didn't like taking charge, and he obviously enjoyed it when she did.

She liked having a man under her and needed this to happen more often. For now, though, best to appreciate what she had, because these flings were always short-lived. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, she scooted down to straddle Owen's thighs and wrapped her hand around his dick.

His mouth fell open with pleasure as she began to stroke, but no sound came from his lips. How unsatisfying. Yeah, he was obviously enjoying himself, if his closed eyes and heavy breathing were any indication, but she wanted to take him apart and hear it happen. Bending down, she took his tip into her mouth and sucked.

“Fuck!” The sound came out hoarse and wrecked, its desperate tone doing more to turn her on than even his kisses. Still sucking on the head of his cock, Iris lifted her eyes enough to see his face. Owen was staring down the length of his body, mouth still open and panting, an expression of complete disbelief on his face. Perfect. Iris swallowed him down the rest of the way. He was warm in her mouth, lightly salty, and she began bobbing her head up and down on his length. She liked giving blow jobs, less for the act itself and more for the way they reduced men to quivering, whimpering, desperate piles of need. Owen was certainly not immune. She hadn't been sucking on him for more than a minute before he had both fists gripping the sheet beneath him, hips beginning to twitch.

She licked her way off his cock, flicking her tongue across his leaking slit, and met his eyes again. He was staring at her like she was some kind of deity, eyes wide with awe and mouth slack.

“Did you like that?” Her question was completely unnecessary, because he was all blissed out with a throbbing cock, but he nodded anyway.

“Yes, thank you.” He ran his tongue over his top lip.

Iris had never been thanked for a blow job so reverently before, and it made her smile. “I'm happy to help. Let me grab a condom.”

“Wait.” He propped himself up on his elbows. “Let me return the favor. Please.”

Iris was never one to turn down oral sex, even if it didn't usually make her come. “Far be it for me to refuse.” She rolled off him, and he was quick to get into position between her legs, wasting no time with formalities before he had his tongue against her clit. Oh wow, that was nice. More than nice. Fucking awesome. She let her eyes close and her head fall back against the pillow, reveling in each slow, wet lick. Seems like Owen was full of surprises. Who would have thought? That talented tongue, trained in evaluating sweets for the perfect blend of ingredients, was a mind-blowing force against her sensitive flesh.

“You taste fantastic.” He breathed the words against her before diving back in again. Iris felt every lick, every brush, every single movement of his tongue against her, and when he added fingers to the equation, she bucked up off the bed with a noise that probably would be embarrassing when she thought back about it later. He just kept talking dirty, too, as if she wasn't already going wild, punctuating each sentence with another few licks. “God, you're so wet. You're just soaking my fingers. I wish you could see yourself like this.” He didn't speak loudly, and if Iris had enough brain cells functioning to really think about it, he might actually be talking about her to himself rather than for her benefit. Either way, it didn't matter, because he was about a minute away from making her come.

“Stop, stop . . .” she managed to say at last, sitting up despite the wobbliness in her body. Owen lifted his head, running his tongue over his lips again, and he looked so debauched that she wanted to fuck him hard and fast, right this very minute. The man was full of surprises and she was going to ride every last one of them out of him. When he gave her a questioning look, she said, “I want to come when I'm fucking you.” That made him grin.

After grabbing a condom from the bedside table, Iris patted the bed beside her. Owen moved into position, stretching out, his expression anticipatory. He was waiting for instructions. She hadn't expected to find that so hot. While she didn't know him very well, she was already getting a strong inclination about what he liked sexually.

“I want to ride you. Are you okay with that?” Iris sat up on her knees—they were as wobbly as the rest of her from that incredible oral sex—and tore open the condom.

Owen nodded. “Yes, please.” He shifted to his back and gave his hard cock a few more strokes. The time between her legs hadn't made his erection wane at all; in fact, he looked even harder than before. She hadn't thought that was possible. She hoped he wasn't a one-minute wonder, because she wanted to drag every ounce of pleasure out of this that she could. After rolling the condom down over his length, she moved up his body to straddle him. Without any pausing or hesitation, she lowered herself fully onto his cock.

Fuck yes. Forget wanting to drag every ounce of pleasure out of this. She just wanted to ride him hard and fast to a climax, the one she'd been so close to having a few minutes ago and that she probably shouldn't have turned down, but nothing beat the all-consuming sensation of a thick shaft filling her up. Lots of women preferred simple clit stimulation, and she was a fan of the hand job as well, but she always came harder with penetration. Lately it had been mostly dildos, but this was so much better than the silicone and glass replicas in her bedside table. This, instead, was a glorious, hot, long, thick cock, with all the wonderful twitching and pulsing she loved.

From this position, she had all the leverage. Balancing with her hands on his chest, she lifted up and lowered herself down again, and the sensation made her shiver from head to toe. Owen was still staring up at her like she was the most amazing woman he'd ever been with, and that sort of intensity would normally be hard to take, but in the moment it was just plain hot. She began to bob up and down and focused on the pressing slip-slide of his shaft inside her.

His hands went to her hips for leverage, holding her as he began thrusting up to meet her movements, and for a few minutes she reveled in that contact. He was hitting some perfect spots inside her, but still letting her take the lead. She could take more control. He'd probably like it if she ordered him around a bit. At that thought, she clenched around him in an unexpected wave of pleasure.
that felt good. She could hold off her orgasm for a bit and see where this went.

“Hands at your sides.” It came out like an order, a command, not a request. Owen dropped his hands immediately, his eyes widening. “This okay?” she asked, her voice softer.

He nodded so fast, so vigorously, that Iris almost laughed. Maybe it was more than okay. If he liked that, maybe he would like more.

“I'm going to ride your cock hard until I come all over you. Don't you dare come before me.” She fixed him with her best stern gaze. In response, she felt him throb inside her, like his whole dick twitched at her words, and her body responded with a spasm. Owen didn't answer her, just nodded, still with the same enthusiasm.

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