Slice of Pi 2 (19 page)

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Authors: Elia Winters

BOOK: Slice of Pi 2
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Iris reached her hand between them, wedging her fingers between their bodies, and found her clit. Owen could feel her working the small bud in circles as he continued pumping into her. Before long, he felt the trembling all down her body that indicated her impending orgasm.

“Oh god, yes, please,” she moaned, her head tossing back and forth on the pillow. When her trembling reached its peak, her body froze as if suspended, her orgasm just a heartbeat away, and her eyes snapped open and locked onto his. “Kiss me.”

Owen covered her mouth with his, and she cried out against his lips as she came. He fisted the sheets, hovering above her as she quivered and squeezed his cock with her climax, kissing her with fervor and passion and desperation and yes, more affection than she would probably want to know about.

After a moment, her mouth went slack with a sigh, and he lifted up, still barely clinging to his own control. Iris met his eyes with a dazed, languid expression, a lazy smile on her face. “Very good, pet.”

Owen was beginning to tremble, but he'd held out. “Thank you, Miss.” He withdrew, aching to slide out of her warmth, and sat back on his heels to take off the condom. He felt dizzy, his cock throbbing, balls tight, ass stretched and full around the plug, and he was in heaven. He would do an endless number of ridiculously kinky things for this woman. Despite the intense sensations running through his body, his mind was clear and quiet.

Iris pulled something out of the nightstand, something with long leather straps, which she tossed onto the bed next to them along with . . . oh, fuck. Along with the slender purple dildo they'd purchased.

“Would you like to come, pet?” Her smile was full of mischief.

He nodded. “Yes, Miss.” God, did he ever, even more so now that he had a sense of what was ahead of him.

“I'll give you a choice.” She picked up the dildo and held it, examining it in front of her face. “I will let you come tonight if you'd like, but you have to come while I fuck you in the ass. Or you can wait until tomorrow and come at home however you'd like. Which would you prefer?”

Owen felt beads of sweat break out on his forehead. He'd fantasized about this, so the choice was easy. “The first option, please.”

Her smile broadened. “I was hoping you'd choose that.” She had pulled off the negligee and was already buckling the straps into place around her hips. Owen felt physically strung out, but his mind was submissive and pliant. “Take off that cock ring and get on all fours on the bed.”

Owen unsnapped the leather straps, and the change in blood flow was like a sudden jolt of electricity into his body. Muscles trembling, he got into position. He felt so exposed like this, his ass lewdly displayed with the plug visible between his ass cheeks. He was also painfully excited, a feeling enhanced as he felt the bed dip when Iris climbed onto the mattress behind him. She pressed down on the small of his back, and he dropped his hips, sitting back on his heels to better line himself up with where she knelt behind him. This position stretched him even more, opening his ass. She withdrew the plug, an odd sensation, and he was left waiting and horny and never wanting it to end.

Iris's hands ran over the globes of his ass, soft and cool, and he exhaled into her pillow. He felt the cool trickle of lube, then one of her fingers teasing his rim. Maybe he should be embarrassed, but he was too excited. Then he felt something hard, thick, and bigger than the plug pressing against his opening. Ohhh. The fake cock hadn't seemed this big when he was looking at it, but as she pressed the first bit past his rim, it felt huge.

He sucked in a breath and tightened his hands on the sheets.

“Let me know when you're ready.” Her hand on his hip was soft and gentle, rubbing soothing circles, waiting for him. He felt the burning subside, replaced by a kind of stretch, and he nodded.

“Yes, Miss.”

She pushed in just another bit, and this time it was pure pleasure. His groan was a different timbre this time.

“Do you like this?” He could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke.

“God, yes.” He wanted it, wanted that full feeling.

“All right.” He heard her shift, and then felt the long, smooth slide all the way inside him.

His vision dissolved in lights. Oh,
. The fake cock felt huge in him. He felt split open, but there was no pain, only pressure and fullness and a pleasure that made his balls throb even more than they had been. The toy reached places that had never been touched before. After he'd just started to grow accustomed to the sensation, she pulled back, drawing almost all the way out, and then pressed in again, setting up a rhythm.

Each thrust of the toy pushed some button inside him that he knew had to be his prostate. He'd hit it now and then with the plug, but this was constant and unerring, a lightning bolt of sensation and pleasure that lit him up inside and out. Without a hand on his dick, it wasn't quite enough to come, but it was enough to get him right to the edge.

Then he felt her hand on his shaft, stroking him in long, smooth strokes, matching the rhythm with which she pushed into him. He heard himself make a strangled, sobbing noise that didn't even sound human.

“Oh god, please, may I come?” In this position, he had no leverage, forced to take the pleasure, and he could feel the orgasm building like nothing he had ever felt before.

The silence behind him continued for what felt like forever even while the stimulation continued. He wasn't going to make it. It had been too long. He couldn't hold back, not even through sheer force of will. He dimly could hear himself whimpering, body straining, waiting for her command.

She switched to smaller thrusts, staying almost fully buried in him and only drawing back an inch or two, every movement hitting his prostate perfectly. “Yes. Come.”

Owen felt the orgasm build from his core outward, and then he knew nothing but the pleasure thrumming through him. His climax was impossibly long, waves and waves of intensity that he was powerless to stop, his mind blank, his nerve endings firing all at once. If it were possible to die from this, he thought he might, paralyzed with the white-hot bliss of an orgasm so intense it actually
before his muscles finally gave out and he collapsed, exhausted.


Iris wasn't sure she was really getting the hang of this aftercare business, but when Owen went nearly catatonic, she thought she should probably do something to help. After cleaning both of them up and getting him under the covers, she crawled in with him, the harness set aside. Fuck, that had been amazing. Incredible. Unexpected. She had heard of pegging, after all, but the reality of doing it was so much hotter than she envisioned. Owen on his knees beneath her, taking her “cock” and begging to come, was going to be one of those memories she revisited frequently in the future during solo-sex time. A new experience, yes, but also one of the most erotic sessions of her life. After all these new experiences, though, she found it strange that the oddest experience of all was having a guy in her bed. Owen started coming around, one arm thrown up behind his head, opening his eyes to blink up at the ceiling. After a couple of minutes, he turned his head slowly to look at her. “Hey.”

“Hey.” She smiled. It was easier to deal with the sex than with the talking. The talking opened the door to intimacies she didn't always welcome. But aftercare seemed to involve some talking, and she could handle it if it helped Owen recover. She hoped he wouldn't figure out that she was getting way too into him for either of their well-being.

“You wore me out pretty good, I think.” Owen stifled a yawn. “I'm not sure I'm going to be able to walk straight for a couple of days. Or sit. Now come here.” He reached one arm around her and pulled her in close, maneuvering her into position against him, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Iris was so surprised that she offered no resistance, but even so, it took him no effort at all to scoop her across the mattress and into his arms. She could feel the corded muscles in his arms and torso, the results of a job requiring both brute strength and dexterity, and remembered once more how incredibly strong he was. She lowered her head down onto his shoulder and marveled at the sheer power in his frame. This man could move her easily with only one arm, and he chose to surrender to her. She felt a rush of gratitude and awe, but also something softer, something affectionate.

Owen draped his arm around her, his fingertips lightly grazing the small of her back. This felt nice, like when they'd cuddled back at Clearwater Beach. It wasn't just the postorgasm glow, either. Even though she was the one supposed to be providing aftercare, she instead felt like he was caring for her. Maybe she shouldn't get used to that. It was too nice to last.

“Iris . . . I'm not sure how to feel about all this yet.” Owen shifted, pulling her closer. “I feel like I should know, since it's been a few weeks, but I want to be cautious.” There was a long pause wherein she tried not to hold her breath waiting for him to continue. Finally he did. “Being cautious isn't working. I'm getting too attached to you.”

Iris felt a shiver run through her at those words. She knew what “I'm getting too attached to you” meant. Dangerous territory.

“I feel the same way, but it's probably just the hormones.” She said what she'd been convincing herself of. “I read about this. We spend too much time together and we mix up our enjoyment of the sex with enjoyment of each other.”

A few moments of quiet. “Do you really think that's what's happening?” he asked at last. “Because I don't.”

Iris closed her eyes. “I don't know.”

The silence stretched on between them. She probably should continue this conversation, but that might mean giving up this closeness, so she let the silence stretch.

He spoke first. “Well, what if I don't think it's the hormones? What if I really like you?”

“And what if you don't?” Iris sat up and turned to face him. “What if we try something more serious, and I let myself get attached to you, and then it doesn't work out?”

“And what if we just do nothing because we're scared?” He propped himself up on his elbows. “I don't want to give this up, Iris. I don't want to take a break. I like this. I loved tonight. I love all of this.” His disbelief showed in his face. “Are you going to tell me you aren't enjoying this?”

“I'm enjoying being a Domme.” She knew even as she said it that it wasn't the whole truth. “Maybe you're just enjoying being a sub.”

“So, what, you want to try playing with other people?” Owen shook his head and sighed, sitting all the way up in the bed. “I think we should do the opposite. I think we should let it get serious between us.”

Iris laughed, but the noise sounded high pitched and forced. “I don't know. I don't think I would make a very good serious partner.”

“Who told you that?” Owen tipped his head to the side. “You keep hinting that you aren't any good at relationships, but you seem to be doing fine when we're together. I'm starting to think this is all a defense mechanism.”

Iris felt her face heat. She could hear her father's voice telling her that no one was going to want an intractable girl like her. All her past relationships confirmed that she was good to fuck but not to date, or that if she was good to date, she was too good to fuck. “Let's just say I know from past experience.” She played with the covers.

“That's not an answer, you know.” Owen reached out and brushed her hair back behind her shoulder. His touch was gentle, but assertive at the same time. Possessive. Now that they'd finished the scene, he was his normal, confident self, challenging her on her avoidance. “I get it, you've had some stuff in your past, and I hope at some point you'll trust me enough to be specific. But regardless of what you think is wrong with you, I think it's ridiculous that you've apparently decided to never have a relationship.”

Iris was afraid to move forward like this. Opening herself up to these emotions was a huge risk. As soon as Owen spent more time with her, he'd learn it was the BDSM he liked, not her, or she'd do something to sabotage their intimacy, or he'd figure out that she just plain wasn't worth the effort. She didn't want to get her heart broken. And yet she
into him, no matter what she said out loud.

“Okay, let's make a deal.” She shifted on the bed, for a moment caught up in how surreal it was that they were both naked for this conversation. “There's a convention coming up, weekend after next. The Geeky Kink Event. I saw it last week and I wanted to bring it up to you anyways, since it looks like a lot of fun. How about we go, and we try to play with other people and see if it's the kink we like or each other?”

Owen paused. “Okay, fine. But we also go on some real dates in the meantime and see if we're compatible.”

“Real dates, like dinner and a movie?” Iris brushed her hair back behind her shoulder. She could live with that, even if it made her a little nervous. “I've got a Halloween party this weekend for work. Do you want to be my”—she took a gulp of air—“date?”

“Absolutely.” He smiled. “Now, just as important, did you have fun tonight?”

This conversation was more comfortable. She shrugged, faking nonchalance. “Yeah, you know, it was all right.” Letting the facade slip, she gave him a full smile. “It was hot. I like feeling like I've got you controlled.”

Owen lowered his eyebrows and smirked. Out of scene, there was nothing submissive about him, and his expression was enough to make something flutter inside, her body rising to the challenge he posed. “You like controlling me, huh?”

“Yeah, maybe I do.” Iris licked her lips. “If it didn't mean so much, I'd get you a collar.”

Owen exhaled, his smile faltering. His look turned from flirtatious to intense. “I'd wear it for you.”

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