Slam: A Bad Boy Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Slam: A Bad Boy Romance
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I wished I didn't harbor this guilt, this empty emotion of wanting to change my dad, feeling like I owe him. As much as I knew my mothers death wasn't my fault, I guess I've always tried to gain his love.

Show him I'm here for him too, even if she's not anymore.

I wanted him to see me as his daughter, and nothing else.

This was too much for me to process, and I didn't want to think about my dad anymore, or what he said.

Pushing him from my thoughts, I pulled Quinn in his place, I let myself fall back to last night.

My father was gone, I was alone, and I definitely needed to focus on better things, sexier things, the wet dreams of my reality.

What I needed was a shower, a long hot shower.

Turning the handle for the water, it fell across my wrist as I waited for it to be steaming hot. Wiping the fog from the mirror, Quinn's face reflected behind my image.

His unassailable muscles flooded with ink, their feel against my skin; I wanted more, I needed more.

Bringing my hand over the back of my neck, I pulled it down over my collar bone, floating it over my breasts.

God, I want him again. He felt perfect inside my pussy, knew just how to touch me.

My fingers crawled down to the warming mound below. The heat of the shower mimicked the heat growing in my belly, a tender need for him glazed my pussy.

What is it about him that drives me fucking wild?

I never expected to be pulled in so quickly by a man like him. The guys in my past, all seemed to replicate who he was; So why is he different?

There was a force that drove me to him, a thick rope that tied my desire to his waist, to his hard cock. Quinn had a tender side, a caring side, a piece of him that was softer than the rest.

And I loved it.

Stepping into the water, its tiny fingers massaged my skin. Letting my head fall back, my eyes closed tight as it washed over my face. The warmth blanketed every inch.

I pictured him, the strong hands that caressed my body with such wanton need, lust filled eyes eating up my flesh with every blink.

Pretending my hands were his, I walked my fingers down the blushed soma. Twirling my nipples gently, my lips pressed tight together as a light moan hit the back of my throat.

Making my way down, the heat of last nights passion filled my pussy. I was soaking wet, and it wasn't from the shower.

Pressing my back against the cool tile, one leg lifted to the edge of the tub, a finger rolled across my delicate button. Swelling with desire, my clit tingled, the sensation forcing its way into my belly.

The water streamed down with force, dulling any noises around me. I was cradled in the arms of my imagination, a comforting place to be.

Facing into the wetness, it hit my nipples turning them stiff, pinching with my thumb and forefinger, sparks flashed behind my lids.

God, he felt so good inside me. Thick and hard, he filled me perfectly.

The sudden feel of hands over my shoulders sent me into shock. A loud scream burst from inside, turning sharply I was hit with surprise.

“What are you doing here?” The words spat, wrinkling my nose I had to rub my eyes. Quinn was standing naked and erect behind me.

“I wasn't finished with you last night. I needed more.” He stepped closer, the water cascading over his chest, ink shining like it was freshly penned into his skin.

My jaw fell open. “How did you get in?” Dragging my nails through my hair. “Oh shit, my dad- What if he comes home?”

Grabbing my hips, he forcefully tugged me in. “Don't worry, I watched him climb into a cab, he'll be gone long enough.” Bringing his lips to my shoulder, his hair dampening beneath the water. “Enough about him now. I'm here for you.”

Pressing my breasts against his chest, his hands dug into my hips. Arching my spine, he drew rough kisses over my collar bone. His teeth gently scraped my flesh, each bite sent waves of electricity to my brain.

Gasping between breaths, I scraped my nails down his back, the ripples smooth and flexing as he leaned in.

Lifting his eyes to mine, hunger sat on the iced surfaces. “I haven't stopped thinking about you since I closed that door behind me last night.” The softness of his lips were velvet against my body.

“Quinn, I don't think you understand how dangerous this really is.”

“Do you think I'm afraid of danger?” He dug his hands into my thighs, forcing them open. Extending his arm to my throat, he pushed me against the wall. A whimper fell from my lips.

Tilting my head to the side, he bit my neck. Tingles coursed through my veins, goosebumps arose from my flesh.

He was taking control of me, taking what he wanted.

And I was going to let him.

Whispering into his ear I said, “I think you should be afraid of me.” My hands followed the lines of his tensed abs, his cock fully engorged, pushing its fat tip into my thigh.

A wicked chuckle left his lips, sliding his cock up and down over my bare skin. “Maybe I should be, or maybe I'm just a man who craves danger, craves your fucking cunt.” Digging his thumbs into the creases where my hips meet my thighs, a deep growl filtered through the air.

Breathing heavy, I grabbed his face. Pushing my lips onto his, our teeth hit briefly till our tongues wrapped together. The smooth muscles glided angrily over each other with the intense heat radiating between us.

I couldn't tell if it was the water or the electricity of us together that made my skin boiling red. I've wanted nothing but him since he stood up for me. He weakened my defenses, yanking down the cement wall I created from the world around me.

I didn't want to admit it- Quinn had become the image inside my head, the dream that plagued me at night, the air I needed to survive.

Coiling my fingers at his roots, I ripped his head away. “Fuck me.” Licking my lips I met his gaze.

His mind seemed to turn inside his head. Silence sat across his mouth, his brain taking in my demand. I felt his cock jump as prickles flooded his body. His chest lifted forcefully with each inhale.

My pussy was soaked in my own juices, I didn't want to wait anymore, he needed to be inside me.

The brief thought that my father could be home any minute flashed into my skull. A second of fear hit my stomach. The ball of knots loosened quickly as he curled two fingers into my cunt, his thumb tapping against my nub.

Slowly, he caressed my clit. My walls gripped his fingers, not wanting him to stop, not letting him remove them completely.

My juice dripped over his hand, as he pulled his fingers out quickly, he lifted them to his lips. “Mmm,” he moaned, draping my cream over his tongue.

“Fuck me.” I demanded.

I was standing on my toes, as he released my thighs, the loss of support caused me to sway. My legs were shaking and warm with desire, gripping the wall, I regained my balance.

Quinn leaned out of the curtain, the reminiscent sound of a wrapper tearing broke into my ears. Turning to face me, his large cock now wrapped like a present.

All he needs is a bow.
I thought to myself, giggling lightly under my breath.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing, just had a thought is all.” My eyes shifted from his cock, to his face.

“Really? A thought?” His brow raised, unsure of where my smirk had come from. “Time to wipe that thought off your face,” he said, inching towards me, eyes smiling.

Yanking my wrists into one hand, he spun me around. The wet strands of hair whipped against his chest with a smack. Forcefully, he tugged my hands down into the small of my back, my ass lifting up on reflex.

“Let's see that smile now.” His lips brushed against my ear with his whisper, tingles danced across my body as a gasp filled my tongue.

The smooth swollen tip of his cock pressed against my pussy. Spreading me wide open, he slowly glided inside. My cunt tightened around him, squeezing harder the deeper he went.

Thrusting himself all the way, his balls hit my clit. “Shit, doll. You're pussy is tight. Can you handle all of this?” His hand gripped my ass, digging into the tensed muscle.

Palming the cold tile, I moaned loudly as his pace quickened. Each thrust being followed by the slap of wet skin.

Grunting with passion, his hand coiled inside my hair, snapping my head back his cock drove deeper. My body became fuzzy as he pushed me to climax, thighs shaking, every piece of me writhed under his control.

“Fuck, Quinn! Mm.” Biting my lip, teeth piercing the dampened skin. My pussy pulsed around his cock, milking him as I came.

“That's my favorite part, fuck,” he groaned. His stiffened cock thickened inside me, with one final thrust he lost it. Even behind the condom I felt him shoot his cum, his length jolting inside me, throbbing as he filled it pulse after pulse.

Twisting to look up at him, his muscles were tensed as he let his head fall onto my shoulder. Breathing heavily, he held us both up against the wall.

If he had let me go in that moment, my knees would have buckled, legs would have given way to the shaking in my thighs.

Lifting his head, he peered into my eyes. “Thanks for breakfast, babe.” Chuckling under each inhale, he smiled.

Bursting out laughing, I turned to smack his shoulder. “Yeah, real sweet.”

Pulling me in, his massive size engulfed my body. Quinn draped his finger down my cheek. “There's something about you, Cadence. Something that keeps me wanting more.”

Batting my lashes, I stood speechless. His boldness kept words from forming on my tongue, his touch left my skin aching for more.

Quinn had been everything I've wanted and nothing I expected.

I knew my father wasn't going to let this happen. He wanted me to himself, for his own sick games to mess with my head. All my life he had his fingers tightened around a noose just for me.

But now, that was all going to change. I deserved to be happy, to live my own life. Why did I have to spend every day striving to keep him placid, keep him tamed enough to seem happy?

“Quinn, My dad is going to force you to fight for him. He won't let this happen.” Dropping my head, my fingers teased his elbows, reading the ink wrapping his arms.

Fire surged over his face, his lips tightened, chest puffed out. “He can't control everyone. And he certainly can't control me.”

Quinn sounded so sure of himself, but he didn't know my father.

No one really knew my father; not like I did.

The strength of his fingers tipped my chin up, his gaze set firm. “You don't understand, my father is dangerous. He always gets what he wants,” I said.

“I am not going to fight for him, it doesn't matter what he wants. The only thing that matters is what I want, and that's you.”

For the first time ever, I felt safe. I felt untouchable in his arms.

Gripping my chin, he raised my lips to his, kissing me with such force, my heart beat deafening thumps inside my chest. The pounding silenced the horns from outside, the loud street below was nonexistent, numbness stopped the world around me.

“Get dressed. I want to show you something,” he said, tossing me the blue towel draping the hook on the wall.

“What?” I asked.

“You'll see, just meet me outside in ten minutes.” He pulled his jeans over his hips, a subtle jump shook them into place. Small droplets of water still rested on his shoulders.

I watched one trickle slowly over his skin, following the curves of muscles. I wanted to lick it off, taste it over my tongue before it disappeared.

The door closed behind him, his feet thudded across the floor and the front door shut with a bang. Standing in the bathroom, curiosity began to wrap my belly.

What the hell could he want to show me?

Chapter Nine


eaning against the mailbox secured out front, I waited for Cadence. Nerves riddled my gut, driving my hands into my pockets, I kicked the gravel at my toes.

I was about to bring her into my world, show her a piece of me that had been mine, only mine, since I moved here.

The wind jostled my hair into my eyes, cocking my head to the side, I tossed it from my face. It was chilly out. Forcing my hands deeper inside my jacket, my neck pressed into the collar.

Come on, let's go. What the fuck is she doing?
Glancing at my phone, it was almost time. They would be starting in fifteen minutes.

My palms clammed up with sweat, a cold trickle of water sent a shiver through my bones as it traced my spine.

Wow, I haven't been this nervous since my first time in the ring.

What the fuck has this girl done to me?

I knew she did things to me that no woman ever has. She got my blood flowing, made my knees weak. And my cock harder than any other pussy I've ever had.

Cadence, her body, even her fiery tongue when she gets heated, made my muscles surge with electric sparks. If there wasn't something about her that stuck to me with such force, I would have fucked her and left her screaming for more without thinking twice about it.

The rotting metal door swung open, her face retracting into the hood as the breeze hit her cheeks. Her smile heated my body, the white of her teeth shimmered with excitement.

Crossing the pavement, she walked towards me, her eyes darting between me and the crowd around us.

I knew what she was doing, or should I say, who she was looking for.

A check to see if her dad was around. What she didn't realize was I had already been keeping my eyes open for him myself.

“Took you long enough,” I said. Leaning off the mailbox, I straightened my back, ready to go.

“Where are we going?” She asked. The wonder sat on the shining blue eyes staring up at me.

“It's a surprise, come on.” Nodding my head, I turned and started up the street.

“A surprise, huh? You don't strike me as the type of guy who deals in surprises.” Her hands were curled tight by her thighs, slinking up into her sleeves.

“Oh, no? Well there's a lot about me you don't know, sweetheart. Here's your first lesson in the book of Quinn, don't ever assume anything about me.” Slanting my grin up towards my eyes, my lip curled playfully.

BOOK: Slam: A Bad Boy Romance
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