Skykeepers (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica Andersen

BOOK: Skykeepers
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But it was already too late. Cizin shoved Lucius back toward the prison of his own mind, a barren expanse of dirt and muddy brown sky, and a road that led nowhere. The in-between.
Lucius shouted in a voiceless wail as his
-ruled body turned and beckoned to Strike and the others and whispered, “Her cell is on the next hallway, third down on the right.” Which was a lie.
Screaming inside, Lucius fought to break through, to warn the magi, but Cizin quashed him easily as he led the Nightkeepers around the corner. And all hell broke loose.
Sasha’s heartbeat thundered in her ears as she turned a corner and found herself at a three-way intersection. She took a quick look around, trying to get her bearings. It was no use, though, because the hallway looked much like all of the others she’d been down so far—bare, with zero in the way of character or distinguishing features. She might be in a repurposed guerrilla compound south of the temple, over the border into Honduras or Guatemala. Or she might be on the thirtieth floor of a high-rise somewhere in the States. There was no way to tell.
As long as she kept moving, she could keep the fear at bay. The moment she paused, though, suffocating doubts closed in. How was she supposed to find her way out? Even if she got free, what next? How would she get home? For that matter, where
home? Hysteria pressed, making her wonder whether, if she closed her eyes and wished hard enough, she’d wake up back in Boston and find that the last year or so had been a terrible dream.
But she knew deep down inside that this wasn’t a nightmare—at least, not a sleeping one. This was a twisted version of reality created by a group of wack jobs obsessed with acting out ancient prophecies that meant nothing in modern times.
“Their reality is your reality, at least until you get your ass out of here,” she muttered, trying to calm her racing thoughts. But which way was out? She hadn’t seen any sign of the brown-haired guy she thought might be an ally, didn’t have any clue where she was going, knew only that she had to keep moving. Taking a deep breath, she tried to once again become the tough fighter Ambrose had taught her to be, the one she’d rejected in favor of a normal life. Normalcy wouldn’t help her now.
Moving quietly on her bare, chilled feet, she passed a row of metal doors and turned another corner, only to be brought up short by the sight of an ancient-looking stone slab blocking the prefab hall. She’d avoided the two other stone doors she’d passed, pretty sure they led to Iago’s torture chambers. This door was larger, though, and carved with the image of a winged crocodile, or maybe a dragon.
Her instincts said it was the way out. Then again, her instincts had been known to make some really bad calls.
Whispering a prayer to nobody in particular, she pressed the flat of her palm against a protruding stone that looked like it ought to be a pressure pad. For several agonizing seconds, nothing happened. Then the stone panel grated and slid sideways into the wall. Heart hammering, Sasha stepped through into the corridor beyond.
Excitement kicked when she saw that she’d finally found someplace that looked different from where she’d been. The hallway was more like a tunnel, or a passageway in some ancient ruin. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of interlocking stone blocks, some carved with worn motifs she didn’t recognize, others rubbed smooth, the whole of them pieced together in a pastiche of carved and uncarved sections, as though assembled from several older sources. Light came from bare bulbs hanging off an electric line that was bolted to the low ceiling. There was another doorway at the far end, steel again. What the hell was this place?
Doesn’t matter
, she told herself.
What matters is getting the hell out of here
. When she did, she was going to find some cops—or mercenaries, depending on where she was—and she was going to come back to kick . . . Ia go’s . . . ass. Gritting her teeth as cleansing anger surged, Sasha reached for the door. It swung open before she touched it.
Four gray-robes stood in the opening, heavily armed and wearing body armor, as though they were expecting an attack. Or they already were under attack. They gaped at her.
Shock hammered through Sasha, who screamed for the first time since she’d awakened. But then she bit off the cry and turned to run.
“Get her!” the front man bellowed.
She dodged his grab and jammed an elbow into his throat, driving him back into the others. Then she swung the door into him and fled down the stone-lined corridor.
Behind her the door banged back open, and there were shouts of, “Shit, get her!” and “No, for fuck’s sake, don’t shoot. Iago needs her alive.”
Breath rattling in her lungs, she fled up the hallway, heading for the sliding doorway and the prefab tunnels beyond. Booted footfalls rang behind her as she flung herself through the stone doorway and swung back around to scrabble at the pressure pad, trying to get the panel to shut. It started moving, but way too slowly, grating snail-like on its hidden mechanism as the footfalls pounded nearer.
“Faster, damn you!” She hit the button again. Fear sizzled through her, along with the sudden certainty that she wasn’t ever going to get out of here, that Iago was going to—
“Leave it, for fuck’s sake!” A pair of strong hands yanked her away from the door. “Come on!”
A stranger dragged her down the corridor, hauling her into a stumbling run, but she was barely aware of moving. Her entire attention was focused on the man who had come to her rescue. He was wearing black paramilitary gear over a black muscle shirt, and bristling with weapons. But that wasn’t what had her brain vapor locking. What had her in a state of paralyzed shock was the fact that he was freaking huge. He was freaking gorgeous. And he had dark, wavy hair and eyes the same green as the pine forests of Maine.
Sasha’s brain stuttered in disbelief. No. Impossible. It was just a coincidence that his eyes and hair matched those of the man in her dreams.
Fantasy or not, though, the stranger hustling her down one hallway and across another was seriously impressive. His dark green eyes gleamed from beneath elegant brows, and his lean-bridged nose had a pronounced ridge in the middle. That, along with a square, stubbled jaw and the thick, wavy black hair, made his looks fiercely masculine, while a wide, mobile mouth and the rich gold of his skin saved him from looking too hard. The whole effect was one of raw, potent sexuality.
He was wearing black cargo pants and combat boots, along with a black muscle shirt beneath torso-encasing body armor that revealed the bare skin of his powerful shoulders and arms. He moved with the economical grace of a trained hand-to-hand fighter, and had a small, high-tech-looking earpiece dangling at his collar, and wore a complicated utility belt loaded with a pair of autopistols, spare clips, and a gleaming black glyph-etched knife.
He hooked the earpiece into place, not looking at her as he said, “I’ve got her. Where are we meeting up?” His voice was a deep, sexy rasp that had heat chasing across her skin despite the situation.
Stirred by his touch and voice, confused by both his appearance and her response to it, she scrambled to catch up with his long-legged strides as he hustled them along. He was dressed as a soldier and carried himself like a highly trained fighter, and his words suggested that he’d come to rescue her. Yet he didn’t wear a logo of any sort—not FBI or SWAT, or whatever the hell other group would be involved in a kidnapping or cult raid. Was he a mercenary?
“Who are you?” she blurted. “What’s happening? Where are we?”
“Explanations later,” he said as he dodged them down a side corridor, keeping his attention on their surroundings. “We’ve got to haul ass.”
She started to nod, but froze midmotion when she caught sight of his right inner forearm, where he wore two glyph tattoos, both done in black, both images she recognized from childhood lessons: the stone bloodline and the warrior’s talent. They were the marks of a mage. A so-called Nightkeeper.
He was one of them, damn it. A role-player. Sasha knew she shouldn’t be surprised. More, she shouldn’t be disappointed. Because she was both, she stopped dead and yanked away from him, anger giving her strength.
He spun back, brows snapping together over those fierce green eyes as he looked fully at her for the first time. “What the hell?”
“You think you’re a goddamn Nightkeeper!”
He leaned in, giving her a close-up of his square, shadowed jaw and the burning intensity of his gaze. “Correction,” he grated, the word seeming to vibrate beneath her skin, “I
a goddamn Nightkeeper. And right now, I’m your best chance of getting the hell out of here alive. So are you going to move your ass, or am I going to have to carry you?”
“I don’t—” she began, but didn’t get any further than that.
He muttered a sharp expletive under his breath and scooped her up against his chest as though she weighed nothing. Outraged and terrified, Sasha drew breath to scream—
And the world went gray-green, then black.
As Michael hustled down the tunnel cradling Sasha’s warm, curvy body against him, guilt pinched that he’d used a sleep spell on her. She wasn’t all the way under, which argued for her being a mage of some sort. But she’d gone far enough under that he could pick her up and get going.
We’ve gotta move, not argue
, he rationalized. But really, that had been only part of the decision—the other part was that he’d needed a moment to regroup. As in, a moment without her conscious and pushing his buttons, threatening his control.
When Lucius had led the Nightkeepers into the Xibalban ambush, the magi had swung into plan B: Strike, Leah, Nate, and Alexis had dug in to return the enemy fire, while the others had scattered to search the compound, each assigned to a block of high-priority rooms. Michael had started to head for his assigned rooms, but halfway there his warrior’s talent had stopped him dead, turned his ass around, and sent him in the entirely opposite direction. He’d radioed his change of plans; to his surprise, Strike hadn’t argued. Instead, the king had muttered something about there being no such thing as coincidences, and got Sven and Patience to check his assigned rooms. Ignoring Strike’s reference to the writs and the will of the gods, Michael had followed his instincts—or whatever the hell it was—all the way across the labyrinth in the direction of the main mansion. There, he’d practically tripped over Sasha.
He’d imagined rescuing her more times than he wanted to admit, and the scene had usually involved him kicking in a door—or some Xibalban ass—in the process of getting her free. But there hadn’t been a door, and she’d gotten at least partway free on her own. With nothing to kick, he’d been off his stride. And that first sight of her in person, where before she’d existed for him solely in the PI’s notes and pictures, had done the kicking, with him as the target.
As in the photos, her cheekbones were wide set, her nose slightly tipped up at the end, her mouth lush and bow-shaped, her eyes a deep, rich brown. Her dark hair surrounded her face in a halo of waves and looping curves with no definable style. Her body was long and lean, yet subtly curvy inside faded bush pants and a too-big sweatshirt, and she was tall enough to look him in the eye. He’d gotten all that from the PI’s file.
What the file hadn’t told him was how the very air around her would snap with energy, or how alive she would be, how vital, when he hadn’t dared hope she would come out of her captivity in one piece, either physically or mentally.
Thank you, Lucius
, he’d thought, seeing the slashes on her palms. Their inside man-turned-traitor must have blooded her in an effort to jump-start her connection to the healing magic of a Nightkeeper. And damned if it didn’t look like it had worked, providing another point in favor of her having mage blood. He’d guess it was a strong bloodline, too, given how clearly she was thinking, how easily she’d moved . . . and how she felt in his arms as he doubled back along another steel-lined hallway.
His talent-sharpened hearing brought him the sound of quick-stepping bootfalls a couple of hallways over, and he paused to take a listen.
They were between him and the other magi, they were headed his way, and there were a bunch of them. Outnumbered and cut off from the other magi, burdened with a mostly unconscious woman, Michael knew he didn’t dare fight them, though part of him thought otherwise.
Heart pumping, senses and reflexes sharpening as the footsteps drew nearer, he ducked into the shallow alcove created by a vaulted doorway and cast a chameleon shield that should conceal him and Sasha . . . assuming the Xibalbans couldn’t see through his magic. Then he shifted her to a fireman’s carry and pulled one of his MAC-10s, just in case they could.
Moments later, six heavily armed and armored, tense-looking gray-robes rounded the corner and headed along the hallway toward where Michael and Sasha were concealed. They got to work immediately, splitting into two groups and checking each room.
Michael stifled a curse, knowing there was no way they wouldn’t notice they were missing a doorway. Pulse thrumming, he braced himself to make a mess as they drew abreast of his position . . . and didn’t even glance over.
Apparently the chameleon shield didn’t just confuse light and sound; it confused perception and memory. Nice.
He didn’t have time to bask, though, because two of the men paused just opposite the alcove. “The master wants us to watch for the mick, and he needs the woman alive,” said the first, a lean-faced man with pale blue eyes and a hooked nose. “Once we’ve got her, he’ll bring her straight back to the mountain.”
The other guy—a shorter, squatter type with a wrestler’s face—shrugged, looking annoyed. “That’s assuming we find her. It’s like she fucking disappeared.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Hook-nose said as they moved off again. “The
are on their way. Won’t take them long to sniff out the Nightkeepers’ magic.”

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