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Authors: Jessica Andersen

BOOK: Skykeepers
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Praise for the Novels of the Final Prophecy
“Raw passion, dark romance, and seat-of-your-pants suspense all set in an astounding paranormal world—I swear ancient Mayan gods and demons walk the modern earth!”

New York Times
bestselling author J. R. Ward
“Andersen’s got game when it comes to style and voice. I love [this] kick-ass series . . . a mix of humor, suspense, mythology, and fantasy . . . a series that’s sure to be an instant reader favorite, and will put Andersen’s books on keeper shelves around the world.”—Suzanne Brockmann on
“I deeply enjoyed the story. It really hooked me!”

New York Times
bestselling author Angela Knight
“Part romance, mystery, and fairy tale . . . a captivating book with wide appeal.”—
“[A] nonstop, action-intensive plot. . . . Ms. Andersen delivers a story that is . . . [a] solid romance and adventure novel. If you enjoy movies like
Lara Croft
. . . or just want something truly new, you will definitely want this.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“Intense action, sensuality, and danger abound.”

Romantic Times
is any indication of her talent, then [Jessica Andersen] will become one of my favorites. . . . [The book] brought tears to my eyes and an ache [to] my heart. I read each word with bated breath.”—Romance Junkies
“[A] terrific romantic fantasy . . . an excellent thriller. Jessica Andersen provides a strong story that . . . fans will cherish.”
—Midwest Book Review
Also by Jessica Andersen
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Copyright © Jessica Andersen, 2009
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eISBN : 978-1-101-10620-4

This book is dedicated to those who protect us.
Without you, the world would be a
much more dangerous place.
The Nightkeepers’ world is well hidden within our own; bringing it to light isn’t always an easy process. My heart-felt thanks go to Deidre Knight, Kara Cesare, Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, and Kerry Donovan for helping me take these books from a dream to a reality; to J. R. Ward for critiques and help each step of the way; to Suz Brockmann for being a mentor and an inspiration; to my many e-friends on the Skywatch message board for always being there for a laugh or cyberhug; to Sally Hinkle Russell for keeping me sane; and to Brian Hogan for too many things to name in this small space.
For a full list of references and recommended reading on the ancient Maya and the 2012 doomsday prophecy, and to explore the Nightkeepers’ online community, please visit
Like much of the Nightkeepers’ culture, their spell words come from the people they have lived with throughout their history. Or if we want to chicken-and-egg things, it’s more likely that the other cultures took the words from the Nightkeepers and incorporated them into their developing languages. As such, some of the words have slightly different meanings and/or spellings in the Nightkeepers’ language compared to those of ancient Egypt, the Mayan Empire, and elsewhere.
Entities (people, gods, demons, and other creatures)
—A complex and warlike Mesoamerican culture that arose as the Mayan Empire lost momentum.The Aztec held sway over much of northern Mesoamerica when the conquistadors arrived in the so-called New World.
Banol Kax
—The lords of the underworld, Xibalba. Driven from the earth and locked behind the barrier after the last Great Conjunction in 24,000 B.C. by the many-times-great-ancestors of the modern Nightkeepers, the
Banol Kax
seek to pierce the barrier and wrest control of the earth from mankind. Their greatest opportunity will come when the barrier falls on December 21, 2012.
—The underworld minions of the
Banol Kax
, the
are lava creatures that draw their energy from the molten mantle of the earth. The creatures are killing machines that can sense magic and royalty; they travel in an insubstantial vapor form and turn solid in the moment they attack.

A rare and powerful Nightkeeper mage who can manipulate the life force of all living things.
First Father
—The only adult survivor of the Nightkeepers’ exodus from Egypt in 1351 B.C. He bound the slaves into
, led the Nightkeepers and
to Mesoamerica, and codified their beliefs into the writs and the thirteen prophecies in order to guide his descendants over the millennia until the end-time.
—The earthly minions of the
Banol Kax
, these are demon souls capable of reaching through the barrier to possess an evil-natured human host. An
is an extremely powerful
drawn straight from the lowest level of Xibalba, where the truly damned dwell.
—A Nightkeeper capable of wielding the oldest form of magic, with lethal results. (Also see Mictlan under Places.)
—Humanoid spirit entities that exist in the barrier and hold within them all of the accumulated wisdom of each Nightkeeper bloodline. They can be asked for information, but cannot be trusted.
—A member of an ancient race sworn to protect mankind from annihilation in the years leading up to December 21, 2012, when the barrier separating the earth and the underworld will fall and the
Banol Kax
will seek to precipitate the apocalypse.
Order of Xibalba
—Formed by renegade Nightkeepers, the order courted the powers of the underworld and was wiped out by the conquistadors . . . or so the Nightkeepers believed until the Xibalbans reappeared in modern day with a clear doomsday agenda of their own.
—The nobility of Aztec society. Among the Xibalbans, it refers to the most powerful members of the red-robed, magic-wielding warrior caste.
function as the servants, protectors, and counselors of the magi, and have been instrumental in keeping the bloodlines alive through the centuries.
—The lowest layer of Xibalba, where the most egregious sinners (traitors and murderers) reside, forming the souls of the
Paxil Mountain
—The ancient stories say that the sacred foods of the Maya, maize and cacao (from which chocolate is made), were trapped within this legendary mountain until released by the gods.
—The Nightkeepers’ training compound is located in the Chaco Canyon region of New Mexico.
Survivor2012 compound
—Located in an unpopular offshoot of the Florida Everglades and built on—and into—a massive landfill, this labyrinthine complex was home to the Survivor2012 doomsday cult. Since the death of cult leader Vincente Rincon and the disbanding of Survivor2012, the compound has sat empty. In theory.
—The nine-layer underworld of the Mayan and Nightkeeper religious systems, home to the
Banol Kax
, and
Things (spells, glyphs, prophecies, etc.)
—A force field of psi energy that separates the earth, sky, and underworld, and powers the Nightkeepers’ magic. The strength of the barrier fluctuates with the positions of the stars and planets, and weakens as the 12/21/2012 end date approaches.

A sacred drink that combines both maize and chocolate, two of the most important foodstuffs in Mayan—and Nightkeeper—rituals.
—In Mayan mythology, the life force that runs through all living things. Analogous to the Chinese concept of
—The sacred incense of the Nightkeepers. This is a variation of the Mayan incense,
, and is associated with the great ruined city of Copán, located in modern-day Honduras.

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