Read Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) (12 page)

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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Always the man, he took what she said and applied it straight to his cock. “I think I’ve been doing pretty well at the passion part for the past few days.”

“Yes, you have.” The adrenaline rush was wearing down, so she did something entirely un-Skye-like. She laid her head on his shoulder, let out a huge sigh and just rested in his strength and security.

Her small surrender wasn’t lost on Noah. “Rest, baby. I’ve got you. Rest.”


“I’m not much on holes in the ground,” Noah muttered as he carefully made his way into the black interior. Their flashlight gave off a small glow, but not nearly enough to penetrate the depths of the darkness.

“We won’t go far. I just wanted to investigate it since we were this close. There are legends among my people of huge veins of gold, once discovered, but now lost.”

“Yea, I’ve heard tales about this stuff all my life. The lost San Saba mine, the lost Bowie mine, there’s even a story about a cave on Enchanted Rock itself that was supposed to be full of gold. I don’t put much store in the rumors.”

“Neither do I, but I didn’t come in here looking for gold, I came in looking for a cave drawing that Lance said he saw here when he was a young boy. He used to tell me about them. This is my first chance to see something which affected him so greatly.” She walked farther back, shining her light on the wall. “Look, Noah,” she said with awe. “Here it is.”

Noah walked closer to her, and what he saw amazed him. “I can’t believe something like this is unprotected.” There was a group of men with spears chasing a boxy buffalo, a symmetrical sun, a thunderbird and a repeated form which could have been a shaman.

“Look at the handprints, Noah. That’s the most striking thing to me.” She walked closer. “Don’t you just wonder whose print this is? These people shared their lives and their experiences. In their own way, they made their mark on the world.”

“Over here, Skye.” Noah had walked farther down. “What does this look like to you?”

She followed, placing her hand on his arm, just wanting to be close. “It looks like a ship, an aerial view with flags and crosses jutting out on all sides.”

“The Spanish missionaries came through these parts. I guess the stories they told stuck.”

They both stared, marveling at the privilege to peek back in time. “All of this validates the statement. One picture, a thousand words.”

For a few more moments, they stood still. “Thanks for that.” He ran his hand down her back. “Let’s get outta here. I’m a little claustrophobic.”

“Okay. I’m ready to go.” She certainly understood how he felt. The first few times she’d been shut in the small 6 by 9 cell and left alone, she had thought she was going to lose her mind.

He shone his light ahead of them, making sure they didn’t slip or fall. A glint on the ground drew his attention. “What’s that?”

“Did you find gold?”

He walked over, bent down and stood up. “Nope, no gold. But I did find a thumb drive.” Picking it up, he slipped it his pocket to investigate later.


“Have you ever made love in a tent before?”

“No, but I’m willing.” She wiggled her rear at him.

“You’re more than willing.” He swatted the heart-shaped temptation. “You’re imminently qualified.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Cowboy.”

Noah eyed Skye in the setting sun. Her image belonged on a poster or sculpted in bronze. Briefly he thought that if Aron were here, he would commission a statue of her, sitting on a horse with her arms raised to the heavens, her head thrown back, that waterfall of hair flowing down her back. Her beauty was staggering. “Tonight, I’m in charge.”

His quiet words roared like thunder through her ears. Immediately her body responded, preparing itself to give him pleasure. “Yes, sir,” she answered him in submissive mode, eyes downcast, biting her lower lip, awaiting any request he might make.

Hot damn! She could turn him on so easily. Now, what to do? He racked his brain for anything Isaac might have told him since they’d made up after the Ajax/Harper mess. Any other time, the thought of their names would have quelled any arousal he had, but feasting his eyes on his Skye pushed all the unpleasantness from his mind.

“Go into the tent, undress, and wait for me.” Noah gave the command, wondering if she would comply. When she gave him a shy smile and turned to do his bidding, his cock began to fill. One of the reasons he wanted her to go ahead of him was so he could prepare. He had no problem at all being in charge in the bedroom, in fact, the inclination had always been instinctive. But to be dominant, especially after his bitter allegations toward the lifestyle, he wanted to make sure his head was in the right place. Skye was small and fragile and he was big—everywhere. Yet, she seemed totally open to doing anything with him that he desired. And that turned him on, big time.

As he considered positions and preferences and seductive moves, Noah accomplished two things. First, he finally understood the attraction. To have a woman like Skye at his mercy was mind-boggling, but to know she placed her trust in his hands was awe-inspiring. Second, he got hard as a rock.

Going to the tent, he opened a flap and gazed inside. God Bless Texas! The sight that met his eyes took his breath away. Skye Blue sat in the middle of the tent, gloriously nude. She was leaning back on her heels, graceful and serene with head-bowed and her palms turned up, resting on her thighs. “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he breathed. “Undress me.”

Skye’s palms were sweating. She was past turned-on. This was a big step for Noah and that he’d been willing to take it with her was momentous. He had no idea, but this was one of her dearest fantasies—to submit to him. Rising to her feet, she went to him and began unbuttoning his shirt, unhooking his belt, unzipping his jeans. “May I kiss you, sir?”

Noah was hoarse. He wondered what another Dom’s answer might be. Should he deprive her, to make her want him more? Hell, no. Why not do what he wanted? And he sure as hell wanted her lips on his body. “Yes, you may.”

With concentrated attention, Skye kissed his chest, not just kissing, but nuzzling and licking. Rubbing her face and hands against his body. A cross between a whimper and a growl escaped her lips. Dang, if she wasn’t purring! Maybe it was because Noah embodied everything she longed for in a man, he was not only a good person, he was so sexy she trembled when she was near him. He was the one she dreamed of when she masturbated. When Lance had given her photos of the McCoys, and her fantasies had been far removed and innocent, if was Noah she had chosen to be her dream lover. 

Noah stood stoically still while she shed him of his clothes. She had no idea she was torturing him. His cock pulsed painfully. He needed time and distance or the party would be over before it began. Stepping away, he left her standing there. “Put your arms over your head. Show your Master your body.”

Master? Where had that come from? He paced around her with unhurried steps, when inside his pulse was racing and all he wanted to do was sink to his knees in front of her and beg for the privilege of kissing her hand.

Stretching her arms up, lifted her breasts. Goosebumps rose over her body as she felt Noah’s eyes caressing her naked form. Knowing he was staring, she spread her legs a bit so he could see her pussy and how wet he was making her. As he passed behind her, she felt his hand run lightly down her back and over the curve of her hips. The light touch made her breasts visibly swell and her nipples draw into hard suckable knots. “Noah,” she whispered as his hot breath tickled her neck. He was standing so close she could feel his heat. Between her legs she felt an ache begin. It was all she could do to remain in position and not slip her fingers down to give herself some relief. An electric, sizzling thrill shot through her. 

“Look at me.”

When had he moved? She almost jumped. His husky, rich voice made following his directives more than pleasurable. Skye raised her eyes to him. A half-smile curled his lips. With a deliberate move, he stepped closer, brushing his body against hers. “How much do you want me?”

Oh, Lord. Should she tell him the truth? Why not? Their time together was running out. This was most likely the last time they would be together. “I burn for you, Noah. I need you more than I need air.”

Noah almost groaned out loud. Skye was every sexual fantasy he’d ever denied himself. He brushed the back of his fingers across her shoulder, down her arm, and over the top swell of her breast.

“Ummmm.” She went up on tiptoes, trying to get her nipples in range of his touch. Hot tingles sparkled from her vagina out over her skin.

With the tip of one finger, he circled her nipple, causing her to groan.

“You like that?”

“Yes, sir.”

He repeated the process again, and again. Dipping her head back, Skye thrust out her breasts, feeling a trickle of cream run down her thigh.

“You’re so sexy.” Noah placed feather-light kisses all across her shoulder as he leaned in closer. His other hand came up and he began a sensual assault on her nipples. “Is this your favorite part, me playing with your nipples?”

“Almost,” she whispered.

“Well, let’s take care of ‘almost’ before we move on to other things. Put your hands behind your back and leave them there.” Docilely, and with hands that shook the slightest bit, she put her arms behind her. “I need to have those hard-candy tips in my mouth.”

“K.” A woman could lose her sanity desiring this man. Elation bubbled within her as he passed the back of his hand over her stomach, teasing the soft down that topped her mound. He was so close to her now, his impressive erection nudged her belly. He passed his hand on around to cover over the swell of her hip and began to pet his way down, fingertips playing lightly with the secret place between her cheeks. Shivers rushed across her skin.

The thumb of his other hand worked her nipple, which was puffed up and eager for every bit of attention it was receiving. “You’ve got such a pretty body.”

“Thanks.” She croaked and he grinned. Skye wanted to beg that he hurry, but she didn’t, she wanted to please him. And if making her wait pleased him, that’s what she would do – even though the ache in her pussy had turned into a throb. Oh, and her clit was swollen and she was wetter than she’d ever been.

“Tell me what you want from me.”

After tossing out that request, he placed hot kisses on the curve of her neck, inching up toward her lips. There was no part of Skye that wasn’t melting at his touch. “I want...” She had to take a breath. “I want you to suck my nipples, then I want you to fuck me so hard you make me scream.”

Fuck! Talk about backfiring on a man. He had been attempting to tease her, to enflame her, and she brought him to his knees with a few simple words. The memory of her in his arms…God, he was hard for her all the time! “Done.” He knelt before her and tugged one tender nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hard and strong.

“Yes, Noah, yes.”

The sound of her pleasure, the scent of her body—all of it went straight to his head. Noah pushed her tits together and ate at them, one and then the other. Even pushing them close enough so he could suck them at the same time. Her breathing was so heavy, he had to hold her breasts until her nipples were so aroused they stood out long and thick and so damn tempting, he couldn’t resist them but for a second. Seizing her ass, he fondled and shaped it, pulling her even harder against him, making her gasp and blush and moan, all at the same time. “Velvet,” was all he could manage, because he couldn’t keep his mouth off of her. Yes, she was velvet soft and deliciously hard, poking out begging to be nibbled and sucked. With grunts of hunger, he lapped, laved, bit, lavishing love on her breasts until they were flushed and heaving. “Are you wet?”

“Yes, sir”

Who would have ever known that her breathy little words of submission would be enough to make him feel like a pillaging Viking. Taking her at her word would have deprived him of finding out for himself. “Let me see how wet you are.” His fingers slid in, traveling from the back of her slit to the front, swiping over her clit and then back to sink deep into her sheathe. Much to his satisfaction, she clamped down on his fingers, tightening. Her sweet pussy already beginning to ripple with her coming climax. “Good girl. On your knees.”

“Thank, God.”

A savage burst of male satisfaction shot through Noah at the idea she wanted him enough to submit her body and her will exclusively to him. “Perfect.” There was no other word for it. She was a fantasy. In front of him, she presented herself on her knees, holding herself up by her arms. Tits hanging down like the sweetest handholds, her ass tilted up in an invitation no mortal man could ever hope to resist. As he watched, the muscles of her thighs trembled, the pink petals of her sex glistened with arousal. 

“Noah, please?”

In a move, he never thought he’d make, Noah drew back his hand and slapped Skye’s ass. Her gasp of delight told him he hadn’t made a false move. “More?”

“More.” This time he rubbed her rump with both hands, lifting the cheeks, dipping his fingers into her wet heat. Then he popped her again and she sank down, face on the blanket, pushing her ass even higher toward him.

Taking her by the hips, he fit his cockhead to the tiny hole and began to push in. “Damn, you’re tight.” Fierce need overtook him, compelling Noah to grasp her hips and thrust deep inside, filling her completely. Slowly he began to pump in and out, and when she pushed backwards, he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. “That’s it, so good, Princess.” Noah looked at the smooth line of her back and leaned forward, planting a kiss in the sexy valley created by her spine. Bucking his hips, he slid into her over and over. And when she looked over her shoulder at him, he wanted to be closer. Leaning over, he spread more kisses on her soft skin, sliding his hands underneath her. With one, he grasped her breast and with the other he massaged her clit. And when Skye Blue flew apart, Noah McCoy broke the bonds of earth and flew with her. 

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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