Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome (7 page)

Read Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome Online

Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome
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Plans of trying to overpower the woman and run out of the room were forgotten quickly.
Jenna knew she could not get away and she was terrified what punishment she would suffer.
For now, the thought of the relief from finally lowering her arms was too great.
As soon as she was unhooked from the chain, she put her wrists behind her back.
She felt her cuffs latched together and another chain secured them to the back of her collar.
Jenna realized this was probably done to keep her from ripping the burning patch off her crotch.

With a firm grip… Jenna noticed the tall woman was easily as strong as the men who had held her… Cynthia guided her slowly on her stiff legs to a cage in the corner.
It was only three feet high, but long enough for a small mattress with a blanket.
Jenna sank to her knees.
She was so tired, and if she was in the cage, she was separated from further torment for now.
She crawled onto the mattress and watched the woman go back to the cabinet.
A few minutes later she returned with two small bowls.
One had water, the other had some creamy liquid in it.
“As you progress with your training, your menu will change.”

Cynthia locked the cage and walked to the door.
“The bowls will be empty by morning.”

They woman stared at her, waiting.
Finally, Jenna croaked out, “Yes, stepmother.”

Cynthia smiled, switched off the light, and locked the heavy wooden door behind her.

Jenna found the bowls, and in the terrifying, silent darkness she lapped the liquid until the metal sides were clean and dry.
Her mind could only focus on following the woman’s orders and maybe avoiding more torture.
She curled up on the mattress, and using her teeth and legs she managed to get the blanket around her.
It was difficult to concentrate on where the pain was the greatest.
Her feet and toes were raw and she was still aware of the agonizing invasion in her bottom… though her pussy had stopped hurting… except for the patch.
Her stomach held the painful remembrance of the woman’s fist, and her arms were aching from supporting her weight.
All of the tortured places made it difficult for Jenna to concentrate on escaping or the futile idea of being rescued, and at some point she fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning… at least, Jenna assumed it must be… the light switched on and her eyes flew open.
The bowls were empty, so the woman might be pleased.
Instead, Jenna cringed back against the wall as she watched the man who had abducted her approach.

He squatted down and looked at her collar.
“Belladonna,” he noted.
“Good, she’s pleased.
That’s one of her favorites,” Sloan said.
“You’re caged, so you must not have been difficult.”
He opened the metal door.

Jenna remained frozen to the back wall.
The man seemed somehow more solid and taller as he walked confidently around the torture chamber.
It seemed unfair to her, that such a handsome man could be so evil.
She remembered how pleasantly he had smiled in confusion when he had asked her for directions.
He was his mother’s bait to attract new flowers for this nightmare, and Jenna figured that not many women would have ignored the good looking man… even when he was standing in the dark shadow beside the bar.

Jenna recognized him when she crossed the street.
She had noticed him sitting in a dimly lit corner of the bar, and had actually been jealous when he had reduced himself to call Peggy over to join him.
Jenna had
to speak to him.
She had wanted to convince the handsome stranger to take her away from the depressing future of becoming like her mother.
Nancy was already going to the bars when she needed money for a new pair of jeans or blouse she wanted, and Jenna was determined not to make that her future.
She was convinced that this man would drive her away from that life… and he had.

Sloan walked towards the cabinet and flipped a switch on the side, and Jenna felt shocking current run across the cement floor.
She scrambled around the cage, but even the mattress shocked her.

“Out,” Sloan repeated.

Jenna had no choice, and she crawled through the entrance, crying.
As soon as she cleared the door, Sloan flipped the switch down and informed her, “The floors and everything in this room have metal sensors embedded in them.”

“Ppplease let me go,” Jenna wailed.
The man stormed up to her, and she screamed when he grabbed the loop at the front of her collar and lifted her.

Sloan held her up to her toes with one fist and her hands, still bound and resting on her back, clenched frantically at the empty air.
He gripped her jaw with his other hand and in his deep voice he said calmly, “You do not speak without permission, Belladonna.”

Jenna trembled and she struggled to breathe.
She was terrified, and tried to keep from screaming and pleading again.
Sloan walked her on tiptoe over to the cabinet and he reached for something.
It was the black penis gag, and Jenna sobbed.
Sloan stared at her and asked patiently, “Do we need this?”

Jenna shook her head in fear, and he finally lowered her so that she could gasp in air.
Sloan reached down and ripped the patch from her pussy and she wailed and bowed over.
He tossed it aside, straightened her, and ran his hand over her sore bald lips.
“Done with that, at least.”

Oh thank god.
Jenna stood trembling in front of him, clenching her fists behind her back, and Sloan caught her glancing at the door.

Jenna looked up into his dark, amused eyes.
“Do you want to try to run?” he asked.
Startled, Jenna shook her head.
She wanted to, but she knew he would use it as an excuse to do something horrible to her as punishment.

“‘No, Master Sloan,’” he coaxed.

“Nnno, Master Sloan,” she stuttered.
What kind of madhouse was she in?

Sloan walked behind her and unlatched her wrists.
He led her over by the table and he leaned back against it, crossing his long legs.

Jenna stared at his boots while she climbed down to her knees, feeling the coarse cement digging into them.
“Butt down,” Sloan ordered, and Jenna sank down, staring at his boots the whole time.
She was still trembling, but trying to focus on what he was telling her to do.

“Clasp your hands together behind your ass,” he ordered.
Sloan did not mind teaching the repetitive instruction of positions.
He found a serene beauty and grace when they finally got them right… after many rounds of punishment to encourage them, of course.

“Stand,” he ordered.
Jenna put her hands down to steady herself.
“Did I tell you to unclasp your hands?”
Jenna’s eyes filled, and she looked down at the floor and shook her head.

“‘No, Master Sloan’,” he said patiently.

“No, Master Sloan,” she murmured.

“Do it correctly.”

Jenna sank back to her knees, and she wobbled when she stood again.
Sloan stared at the hopeful misery in her blue eyes.
“Better, but you need to make it a graceful, sweeping rise.”

“Yes, Master Sloan.”
I want to go home

“Go to the wheel,” he ordered.

Jenna looked around the space and she slowly approached a wooden half arch that was bolted to the floor.
She glanced over at him to make sure it was the correct place.
Sloan decided to push it a bit, seeing that she was terrified at making a mistake.
“With your back to the wheel, hook your ankle cuffs to the latches on the floor.”
Jenna bent down and she cried quietly.
She spread her ankles on either side of the arch and hooked them.
“Lay back.”

Her bottom touched the wood, and she was so frightened it felt as though she had been scalded.
Her body began spasmed, terrified jerks as she lay back, naked and spread out for him.
He walked over to where her head rested on the wood and he smiled when he saw her covering her breasts.
“Arms over your head, Belladonna.”

Jenna sobbed and she begged, “Ppplease don’t hurt me, Master Sloan,” as she followed his order.

He secured her cuffs and began molding her breasts with his hands, lightly crossing her nipples until they tightened.
Sloan said softly, “You wanted to come with me, girl.
I saw it in your eyes when you joined me in the darkness.
You were hoping I would take you away from your hopeless situation with that whore in the bar.”

Jenna squeezed her eyes closed.
How could he know
She realized that there was much more to this man than just the threat of physical torment.
He knew her thoughts, and he would use them against her.
Jenna began to understand that she did not stand a chance of out-maneuvering these people and whatever plans they had for her.

“Follow my orders and mother will be pleased.
That should be your only thought right now.
You will find that working to become a well-trained flower in her garden has its rewards.”

“Yyyes, Master Sloan.”
Jenna could tell that where the woman seemed to take her obsession literally, this man… her son… was merely encouraging anything that would bring his mother happiness.

Jenna turned her head sideways, resting her cheek on the smooth wood and watching the tall man cross the room.
She was too frightened to consider the other equipment, and she wondered if the appliance she was chained to was some kind of rack that would pull her limbs from her sockets.
Even if it could, apparently that was not the use this man had for it right now.

He returned with a large silicone phallus and a small bullet shaped device.
One of the first things that Sloan tested was the libido of his flowers.
Some were overly excited easily, to where they became distracted from their training, while others had to be trained and coaxed to offer the correct arousing performance.
Sloan had already determined that the girl would shyly try to fight her instincts and avoid pain.
Later, he would decide if it was the fear of the torture or the actual physical torment she could not deal with.
Either way, she would eventually be trained so that her responses met with his mother’s needs.
For now, he would use the fear to further her training.

“This is going into your pussy, and it stays there until you follow my orders.”

Jenna’s eyes widened when she looked at the long device.
She was certain that it would tear her and she began to quiver and cry softly.
He spread her reddened bald lips, and Jenna felt the cool metal of the vibrator stroking her slit and settling on the clit that had swelled into position.
The buzzing began and her hips jerked.
The thought of this stranger watching her intimate responses terrified her with a degrading embarrassment beyond anything she had ever experienced.
“Ppplease don’t do this to me,” she begged.

She felt his thumb stroke the sensitive skin of the hollow where her labia swelled out of the junction of her thighs.
“If you don’t get wet, Belladonna, it is going to hurt when I insert this.
Feel the vibrator,” he encouraged, and Jenna felt his finger enter her.
She closed her eyes, no longer able to watch the handsome man masturbate her.
Her thighs tightened and her bottom constricted, but it was the pulsing muscles of her channel the man massaged.
She felt the phallus slowly enter her and she cried again, softly.
“You will not cum until I give you permission, Belladonna.”
Jenna sobbed out loud.

“‘Yes, Master Sloan,’” he reminded her.

“Yyyes, Master Sloan.”

“If you do, we keep on with this until you obey me,” he warned.

“Yes, Master Sloan.”
Jenna could already feel her body becoming tight, and her muscles begin to quiver as the phallus was coated with her warm, sticky juices.
He was plunging it slowly in and out while the bullet played with her bead.
At first, she thought there was no possible way she could climax in this horrible situation.
Now, she was fighting from submitting to an arousal she did not understand, and behind her closed lids she imagined the handsome stranger standing between her thighs and slowly pumping into her.

“Ppplease, stop,” Jenna whined.
In a futile effort, her hips tried to buck him away, but it was useless.
She bit her lip and clenched her bound fists, just as her legs stiffened and she gasped.
“Oooh… oh god… no,” she cried.

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