Read Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome Online

Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome (11 page)

BOOK: Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome
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Frances had no idea what she had meant, until the girls in high school began dating and eventually getting ready for prom.
She actually looked outside her window at a star, praying for a fairy godmother to appear.
She ended up spending the night of the school dance curled up with a romance novel and a glass of wine that she snuck from the liquor cabinet.

They drove through the night and Liam bought them breakfast.
“I’m staying for the concert,” he announced.
He managed to pay a scalper for a ticket for the sold out event, and then he suggested, “I’m going to get us a room so we can wash off the road dirt and get a little sleep.”
Liam raised his hands in surrender.
“Hands off, I promise.
I’ve just been driving so long, I want to get some rest so I can enjoy the concert.”

Frances agreed.
She was still bewildered that this guy… this incredibly good looking guy… talked to her like a real person instead of some kind of pariah.
They got to the room and the first thing he did was make sure the drapes were sealed tightly, and he even unscrewed one of the light bulbs from the lamp before switching it on.
She deferred the shower to him first, and he came out in a bath towel and collapsed onto the bed.
Frances showered and slipped on some shorts… only worn inside… and a long tee-shirt.
She curled up on the other bed, and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Liam lay awake for a while, staring at the wall before turning over when he heard the even breathing of her sleep.
Her pale lashes fanned over her white cheeks, and the edges of her long, thick white hair were drying to their pearl shine.
His cock was as stiff as his forearm, but he could not force himself to go near the girl.
Several times he had visions of her writhing in some delicious agony… but the reality was that he felt uncharacteristically nervous to touch her.

Daryl thought of how ecstatic his mother would be to procure such a rare flower.
It caused a building, sickening cramp in his stomach to think of the girl in the dungeon… under someone else’s control.

Okay, we’ll go to the concert and I’ll ditch her.
I gotta’ hurry and find a replacement
, he decided, and closed his eyes to a fitful sleep that finally calmed to a scene of her angelic face.


* * * * *


He did not ditch her at the concert.
What he did instead was to convince her to visit his family.
She had two weeks before her classes resumed, and he told her he could get her a bus back home.
While Frances called her father from the motel phone, Liam paced down to the end of the walkway in front of the room and dialed his mother on his cell phone.

“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, mother.
I mean,” Liam ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
her home to meet you.”
It was
absurd, and he imagined his mother scowling and his brothers laughing at him.

Instead, Cynthia asked in a warm voice, “Tell me about her, Liam.”

“She’s albino,” he blurted out.
“But not weird looking, mother.
She’s… she’s like an angel.”

“And her family, has she told them about you?”

“She’s talking to her dad now.
I guess her mom took off a long time ago, and he’s getting ready to marry some woman.
He wants Frances gone.”
Liam added angrily, “He told Frances that she scares this woman’s kids.”

Cynthia felt a brief grip on her heart as a memory of how it felt to be so unwanted washed through her.
“Bring her home to us, Liam.
I’ll have the guest quarters by the pool set up for you so we can keep things from being too awkward.
The garden will be put on notice, and I’ll let the family know that you are bringing home a guest.”

“Are you sure, mother?
Maybe I should just take off and leave her here.”
He felt ill at the thought of deserting Frances, but these other feelings were overwhelming.

“No, Liam.
You bring her home.
She has enough people making her feel unwanted.
Take a few days for the trip.
Sloan and Daryl are back, but Kyle called and said he won’t be in until tomorrow.
I’ll need a couple of days to transplant his flower,” Cynthia decided.

“Okay,” Liam said quietly.
His mother was always right about things, and as he had no idea what he was feeling, he decided to follow her advice.
“I just don’t know what happened this time,” he admitted.

“Oh, Liam,” Cynthia said gently.
“You’re in love.”

Liam heard the smile in her voice.
He said, “I’m not sure I like this, mother.”
They hung up with her laughter still in his ear.

Liam spent four days driving Frances to the estate, getting more nervous the closer they got to his home.
He had taken her to movies and out to dinner, reserving quiet walks around lakes at night when she could take off her glasses and enjoy the colors… albeit in darker shades.
Ironically, the dark castle of the estate would suit her condition well.

Frances sensed his agitation as they continued south.
“You’re afraid of what their reaction will be, aren’t you?”
She had become completely comfortable around him.
It was a feeling she had never experienced, even from her father who tried in his own way but always made her feel like a separate species who had to be protected.

It had not occurred to Liam that she would reach that conclusion.
“Hell no, Frances.
Mother already adores you.
She had an isolated childhood, and I think she feels an almost kindred alliance with you.”

“Then, what is it, Liam?
I can tell that you’re nervous about something.”

Liam’s eyes fixed on the road, and suddenly he blurted out, “I want to fuck you.” He almost swerved off the road in horror at his outburst.
His cock was aching to be inside of her.

Frances’ mouth dropped open.
She slowly reached a pale hand over to cover his.
“Not quite the most romantic of proposals, Liam, but okay.”

“God, I’m sorry Frances.
That’s not what I meant to say.”
What the fuck is wrong with me?
He heard the memory of his mother’s voice, telling him that he was in love.
How could he be in love with this beautiful creature?
She would hate him if she knew what he wanted to do to her.

“You don’t want to fuck me, Liam?” Frances asked.

“No… no, I mean, I want to.
Shit, I’m screwing this up.”

“Just find a place for the night, Liam.”
Frances was scared to death.
No man had ever seen her naked, much less wanted to touch her pasty looking skin.
Still, even she recognized the heat in his eyes when he looked at her.
It caused a reaction from the pale pussy that she expected to have remaining empty and abandoned, and she would not forgo this one chance… even if he turned away in revulsion.

Liam was shaking as much as Frances was by the time they got to their room.
“You’ll have to tell me what to do,” Frances said.
She turned red with embarrassment, which gave her a beautiful pink glow.

Liam sat her on the bed and wrapped his arms carefully around her and kissed her gently.
When their lips separated, she whispered, “I won’t break, Liam.”
She pulled him tightly against her and crushed her lips into his.

Liam had been so filled with arousal since he had seen her, his hands moved quickly to unbutton her blouse and she shrugged it off without halting her tongue from exploring his mouth.
Only one other boy had kissed her, and that had been on a dare from his friends in eighth grade.
He reported back to them that it had been like kissing a cold, white codfish, and no one would agree to even a dare after that.

This… this was wonderfully warm… almost hot with passion.
Frances felt hands unhooking her bra and she lifted the hem of his shirt.
He pushed her back onto the bed without breaking their kiss… and then, a thought flashed through his mind.
It would not leave, and he finally separated their lips, and asked, “Frances, can I tie you up?
Not tightly, or anything.
It’s just something that I, um…”

“Yes, Liam.”
Frances pushed his wavy hair out of his eyes, and felt her pussy cramp in response to the desire she saw in them.
She smiled, “I told you, I don’t really know what to do, anyway.”

Liam opened his pack, and if Frances thought that it was unusual that he already had rope with him, she made no mention.
He tucked facecloths around the loops so that the rope would not abrade her pale skin.
The trust in her eyes was a paradox for the fear he usually craved.
This was a different feeling for him, as the arousal and desire for her were more than he had ever experienced.

Liam knelt over her and ran his hands down either side of her ribs.
She was so small, maybe five-three, and it had not occurred to him that she would have the full breasts of a woman.
The white globes were incredibly soft, with perfect rosebuds at their peaks.
Perfect little light pink nipples, the color of her lips before they had become slightly bruised with their kisses, had just the right sized erect nubs pointing up at him.

Liam made an almost growling sound, and when his lips surrounded one nipple, Frances gasped.
His hands worked her jeans and panties down her legs, and she kicked them off just when she felt his teeth nip her.
The sensual deep sucking with the added slice of erotic pain made her squirm.
“Oh god… oh god, Liam.”

With her nipple still pinched between his teeth he looked up at her.
The lavender tinged blue gaze was lit from behind with passion, and Frances said, “Don’t you dare stop.”
If he deserted her in the morning after seeing she lacked the warm glow he deserved, Frances would understand.
“Just give me this one night, Liam.
This one time.”

Liam’s mind was swimming.
He expected this beautiful girl to be afraid of him, as his passion rose and he fought for control.
Yet, when he squeezed her other nipple between his thumb and finger, harshly… he knew it had to be excruciating… she moaned and wrapped her legs around his, pulling him close.

He released his grip and began caressing her breast, gently rolling it, and he stopped biting her other nipple and sucked softly, playing his tongue across the tip.
“No… like before, Liam.
Sparks were shooting through me,” Frances quivered encouragement.

“Frances, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you,” Liam admitted, although gentle was completely against his nature.

“I told you, Liam, I won’t break.
I don’t know a lot, other than what I’ve read and heard, but I think I know what you want.
It excites me, Liam.
Teach me.”

He did.
He tied her ankles apart… still padding the ropes… and the look in her pale eyes was intoxicating.
He gazed at the white hair that barely concealed the fat lips of her pussy.
He would not have her remove the curls.
They were a part of his beautiful angel.
Her clit was pink and swollen, even more so when he spread her with trembling fingers and nipped her folds and nerves as he had her nipples.
With her clit between his teeth he looked up to see her eyes half-closed and her head swaying her white curtain of hair across the pillow while she moaned and gasped in pleasure.

The only thing he refused to hurry was the slow entrance into her moist depths.
Her muscles squeezed him in welcome and he stilled when he broke through her barrier.
It was she who lifted her hips in frustration, encouraging him to thrust deeper.
“Oh, oh god, Frances,” he groaned.

He rode her to climax and Frances bit her lip to keep from screaming out loud.
Liam untied her and she curled onto his chest.
“I had no idea, Liam.
I imagined… but I had no idea.”

Liam squeezed her in the arm he had around her, and he kissed the top of her head.
“I’m not always so gentle, Frances,” he whispered.

Frances’ hand stilled from brushing his chest and she looked up into his eyes.
“I hope not,” she smiled.

They spent two more days at the motel, even having their meals brought to the room.
Liam relaxed when he realized that Frances really would not break, though she marked very easily.
They both enjoyed the erotic bruising marking her pale body as a result of their passion.

BOOK: Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome
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