Read Sin for Love Online

Authors: Claudia Bradshaw

Tags: #Humour, #Romance

Sin for Love (7 page)

BOOK: Sin for Love
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The rough way he spoke sent another rush to between my legs. I was still sitting on the side of the bed and he was now standing in front of me.  He slipped his feet out of his boots and I pulled down his jeans, his boxers going with them.

I quickly wrapped my hand around his cock, smiling when I found that he was so big that I could not touch my thumb to my fingers.  After I pumped my hand up and down a couple of times, I leaned forward and licked the underside of his cock from the base to the tip while looking up at him.  The move earned me a bead of pre-cum.  Letting my tongue flatten out, I licked the bead into my mouth to taste his saltiness.  Using my hand as a guide at the base, I slid my lips over his head, making sure to add pressure from my tongue as I took in as much of him as I could.  When he hit the back of my throat, I pulled him back out again, hollowing out my cheeks and sucking as hard as I could when I got to the bundle of nerves I knew were clustered at the tip.

Keeping up my pace, I moved my other hand from his thigh to cup his balls and rolled them around.  I slid my lips halfway down his shaft and then back up to the tip ,swirling my tongue around him while sucking.  Feeling his balls begin to tighten, I knew his release was coming soon.  One more strong suck and I felt a rush of hot liquid coat the back of my throat.  As his thighs flexed, he threw his head back and grunted.  I licked the last bit of cum off of the tip of his cock and leaned back to rest on my elbows on the bed.

“Mmmm, you taste pretty good yourself,” I said while licking my lips.

Without a word, he launched himself at me, pulling me all the way up onto the bed.  “I finally get to feel you move beneath me,” he whispered while sinking his cock into my pussy.

I was so wet that he slid all the way in on the first thrust.  He didn’t take any time letting me get used to his size before he pulled back almost all the way out and then slammed his hips into mine again.  Reese repeated the action, each time pulling out slowly and then pushing fast to fill me up again.  I was trapped beneath his muscular body, my hips desperately trying match his every thrust.

I had lost all sense of time. All I knew was the divine pleasure-pain Reese was inflicting upon my body.  I felt his lips on mine, lightly at first, before his tongue demanded that I open to him.  He was filling me completely and I never wanted it to end.

I felt his lips pull away as he said, “Look at me, Tessa, I need to see you.”  When my eyes connected with his, he reached with one hand to cup my breast and pinch my nipple.  I lost complete control as the waves of bliss crashed through my body in perfect time with his.

Reese collapsed on the bed and pulled me to him.  He was lying on his side and I was on my back with my legs lazily hanging over his.  We stayed there together in silence as I watched him move his fingers lightly over my stomach and breasts like he couldn’t stop touching me.

Suddenly, his hand stopped, and I turned my head to look into his eyes when he said, “You do know this doesn’t qualify as a second date.  I’m still holding your bra and panties hostage.”

“Just promise me you won’t cut them. They deserve a better death than that,” I said, picturing him ripping them from my body.  He let out a full body laugh that made my legs jiggle. “Stop that. You’re making me jiggle,” I said with a laugh.

Reese took that as an invitation to release a full-on tickle assault on me until I was squealing and laughing.  When he went for my feet, I felt the need to warn him, barely getting the words out between laughs, “If you tickle my feet, I will not be held responsible for any damage done to you!”  He took that as a challenge, but just as his fingers touched the arch of my foot, he quickly changed his mind when my other foot came inches from connecting with his jaw.

We settled back into a comfortable position, breathing hard.

After a moment, he said, “I’m in town for the next few weeks and I’d like to spend them with you.”  He must have seen the look of alarm in my eyes because he quickly followed up with, “No commitments. Just a few weeks and then I’ll be going back home.”

Could I do that?  Could I see him again, knowing that there was an expiration date, an end to what we were doing?  My mind started reeling, the questions spiraling out of control.  What if he got attached and turned into a stalker?  What if he had a wife and family at home? I might be a self-proclaimed slut but I could never do that to another woman.  Fuck.  If I were honest with myself, I knew that I really liked him so far, and the sex was mind blowing.  But I couldn’t help wonder, What if I am the one who gets attached and he still leaves? Can I handle that?

I looked up to see him waiting for an answer and said, “I need to pee.” Then I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

After I relieved myself, I stood at the counter and stared at myself in the mirror.  The longer I looked, the more I didn’t recognize myself.  I didn’t do relationships, and yet here I was, seriously thinking about agreeing to his request.  I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face.  Then I used the bar of soap on the counter to wash my makeup off and pulled my hair up into a ponytail.  If he wanted to spend time with me, he should know that I didn’t look glamorous all the time.  The real Tessa was a no-makeup-wearing, ponytailed, jeans-and-t-shirt kind of girl.

I found one of his white t-shirts on the towel rack of the bathroom, checked to make sure it was clean enough to wear, and slipped it over my head.  After checking myself once more in the mirror, I turned and stepped back out of the bathroom.  Reese had put his boxers back on and was sitting up against the pillows on the bed with his legs stretched out before him and crossed at the ankle, his hands linked behind his head with a huge smile on his face.

“Tessa, you are the most magnificent creature I have ever seen.”

Okay, he earned points for that one.  I walked over and sat on the side of the bed. “How many weeks is a few weeks?”

“Four, maybe five if I’m lucky.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and twirled my ponytail around my finger for a few minutes, trying to make him think that I was still considering it when really I knew my answer had been yes since before I’d run into the bathroom.  I let go of my hair, put both my hands on the sides of his face, leaned in, and kissed him. Then I whispered, “Deal.”

He pulled me to lie beside him and kissed me until my toes curled.  “One more thing, Tessa,” he said as he slipped his hand under the t-shirt and rested it between my legs. “For the next few weeks, this belongs to me.”  Then Reese pulled the shirt over my head and moved the covers up over my body. “Get some sleep, Tessa. We leave early in the morning.”

I sat straight up in the bed. “Leave? What do you mean we leave?” I asked.

He tugged my feet back out from under me so fast that it forced me to lie down again. “In the morning, we are going to my house for a few days.  Now sleep.”

"I want an Oompa-Loompa!" ~ Veruca Salt


The entire ride to the airport I was a bundle of nerves.  I had never been on a plane before and had no idea what to expect.  It wasn’t so much that I was scared of flying, but once again, I found myself buzzing with questions. What if I do the security line wrong?  I’ve  heard friends talking about how they were frustrated when people didn’t know how to do the line. Does it come with instructions or a manual?  What if I get motion sickness and have to use one of those little tiny bags that I’ve seen in movies?  I’ve puked before, you know.  TV, you aren’t fooling me. There is no way in hell that tiny bag will hold all the room service that I put away for breakfast!  Oh, those yellow things that fall down from the ceiling! I don’t know how to use those!

Reese must have mistaken my fidgeting for being scared of planes.  I never said that I was scared of them, just that I’d never flown before.  With concern in his eyes, he said, “Don’t worry, Tessa. Planes are very safe.  We are more likely to die in a car crash than on a plane.”  His rationalization for why planes were safe made me laugh and lightened me up a bit.

We almost made it through airport security without incident, and then the conveyer belt stopped and backed up until my bag was back under the screen.  Then the lady watching the screen called her supervisor over and they whispered to each other for a few moments while pointing to the screen.  The supervisor picked my bag up and very seriously asked me to accompany it over to a screening table, where he proceeded to unzip the bag.

As soon as he had it open, I saw what they must have seen on the screen.  Right on top of my clothes sat BOB.  I will never forget the look on the supervisor’s face when he realized the only weapon I was packing was one that aimed to please.

Reese had purchased first-class tickets so we got to board the plane before the crowd, and he helped me get my bag up into the overhead compartment.  Then he had to buckle my seatbelt for me because I had the damn clasp part turned around.  Right when I turned to question Reese about why he’d bought first-class tickets, the flight attendant stopped by our row and interrupted my question by handing me a flute of champagne.  It was only eight in the morning but I wasn’t about to say no.  I mean, this was first class and she didn’t ask for my order, just brought it to me, so they must have expected me to drink it.

Thirty minutes and three champagnes later, I was really liking this whole flying thing.  Takeoff had been amazing. It had given me butterflies so strong that they’d ended up making my clit tingle like when I was a teenager riding the roller coaster at the carnival.  That had the only good thing about the carnival that year. I had to remind myself to focus on the good and not think about the bad.  It was too painful. Missing her was too painful.

Needing something to quickly take my mind off of that horrible night, I turned to Reese and said, “You never told me where you live.”

“I have a place in Mission Beach.  I’m not really there much because I spend most of my time at the shop.  It sits right across the street from the beach.”

“We’re going to the ocean?” I asked with my jaw dropped. “I’ve never seen the ocean.”

“Baby, you will be able to see the ocean before you step out of bed in the morning,”  Reese said as he raised my hand to his lips and kissed it.

Okay, I had now decided that, while airplane takeoffs were amazing, landings…not so much.  When we touched down, it felt like we bounced all over the place, and the way the nose of the plane dipped when we slowed down made me sure we were going to flip over.  I had a death grip on Reese’s hand and had to apologize for the half-moon nail marks in his skin after the plane had turned and headed for the gate.  Reese shook his head and laughed when he was pulling my bag down from the overhead compartment, no doubt remembering the concern that the TSA had had over the weapon I was packing.

When we walked out to the pickup area, I was immediately met with the salty smell of the ocean that refreshed my senses.  Reese took my bag and led me toward a man who was dressed in a suit with one of those funny-looking driver hats and leather gloves. He was holding a sign that read Mr. Nichols.  I realized at that moment that I had never asked Reese what his last name was, and I wondered what it said about me that I would spend this much time with a man I really don’t know anything about.

Before I could question it any further, Reese was handing my bag off to the man in the funny hat and helping me into the black limo.  Once Reese slipped inside to sit next to me on the seat, he laid his head back, closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and said, “It’s good to be home.” A few minutes passed before Reese opened his eyes, rolled down the windows on both sides of the limo, and said, “You’re going to want to see this.”

He was right. As soon as I looked outside, we were starting to cross a bridge.  There was crystal blue water on each side, and the beach was lined with real fucking palm trees that were so tall it was as if they stretched up forever.

After driving a few more blocks on the road that followed the beach, we stopped and the driver opened the door of the limo.  When I stepped out, I stood facing the ocean. The sky was so clear and such a light blue that there was a hard contrasting line where it kissed the dark blue ocean on the horizon.  I could see so far out across the water that I could actually see the curve of the earth.

See? It really is round! I exclaimed silently.

I could hear seagulls squawking in the distance as they fought over treats that had been left behind in the sand and the gentle sound of waves crashing on the beach.

My quiet observance of the majestic ocean was interrupted when Reese touched my elbow. “Let’s go inside. We’ll come out and walk on the beach later and you can put your toes in the ocean if you want to.”

I turned to follow Reese, expecting him to move toward the modest beachside condominium building that was to our right, but I stopped dead in my tracks when he opened the gate that led to the monstrous house that stood tall on the corner.

“This is where you live?  Do you have a bunch of roommates or something?”  I asked, causing Reese to stop and turn back toward me.

He looked back at the house and said, “Nope, it’s just me.  I like my space, and it had the garage I needed.  Why? Don’t you like it?”

“I just wasn’t prepared for it to be so…” I hesitated, trying to find the right word. “So big.”

“I think that makes two things that you didn’t expect to be so big,” he said with a grin.

Two could play at this game.  I popped my hip out, put my hand on it, and said with as much attitude as I could muster, “Yeah, well, don’t go getting a big head about it, buddy.  Are you going to show me around your big house or not?”

As we entered the house, the first thing I noticed was that it had the most amazing curved glass windows that provided a panoramic view of the ocean.  I dropped my purse on the coffee table and walked past the half-circle couch to stand in front of the windows that stretched from floor to ceiling.  I’d thought the windows in my apartment were the best I’d ever seen. I’d been wrong.

The sound of Reese’s voice broke me from my awe. “The windows in the master bedroom upstairs are the same, but you get a better view.”  I jumped with joy and ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

BOOK: Sin for Love
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