My Scandinavian Lover

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Authors: Bella Donnis

BOOK: My Scandinavian Lover
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Copyright © 2013 Bella Donnis. All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance the characters may have to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Bella Donnis


Warning: This book contains graphic language and sexual content.


Six months as a trainee and Jayne was still making tea. When would she be given a proper position within the company? She accepted the fact there would be a period of time where she’d be the office dogsbody but after six months surely the department could have created a position for her. Or at the very least, old woman Bateman could have looked more favourably upon her application for accounts executive. In the end, she decided to employ somebody from outside the organisation and thus Jayne still made tea for her colleagues, “tea and a tonne of other jobs I’m way too old for.” She said, crushing every last drop of flavour from the tea bag with a spoon against the side of the cup.

“You’re still a young woman. Perhaps you were just not right for that particular job.” Anita, her friend from Human Resources consoled.

“I’ve been practically doing the accounts executive job ever since Karen left – On top of making bloody tea, photocopying and going to the supermarket for old woman Bateman’s lunch.” Jayne touched Anita on the arm. “But thanks, sometimes I don’t feel so young.” Starting a new career in advertising aged twenty six seemed like a great idea at the time.

“Of course you’re young. Heck if you’re old, what does that make me?” Anita narrowed her eyes, dipping brows at the connotation.

“I’m sorry, but you know how it is. I really need to move onwards and upwards.” She poured milk in the four cups on the tray, stirring each as she did. “Maybe I should just leave! Go back to the pet store.” Jayne loved working at the pet store, all those cuddly animals but once again, that job also paid peanuts.

“You don’t think it has anything to do with – you know - Mrs Bateman is a bit of an old conservative.”

“I’d not thought of that – I mean, it’s not that obvious is it?” Jayne had never thought she epitomised the stereotypical butch lesbian.

Anita let out a shrill laugh. “Babe, I knew the minute I saw you – Didn’t bother me though.”

“Well why would it?”

“Exactly! But maybe Mrs Bateman thinks different.”

Jayne picked up the tray of drinks and headed to the door. “Enough gossiping, girl. I have to meet the little upstart in a few minutes.” She dreaded having to meet the girl who’d held back her career, but she was determined to remain civil despite everything.




“When’s the new Karen arriving?” Jayne asked Abdul, one of old woman Bateman’s other accounts executives while hoping he couldn’t detect the inevitable scorn that laced her voice.

“Will you just let it go! She went for someone with more experience, alright!” He lifted the tea to his mouth, slurping loud. Evidently he could detect the scorn in her voice.

“It’s alright for you – Mr thirty five k. Try having a social life on ten.” She waited for a response but when none came, she figured there was no response to give.

Maybe she should leave the company. Her uncle would be sure to take her back on at the pet store. While the pay she received would not give her a life of luxury, at least she could pay the bills and have a half-semblance of a life. There was only so much more of this crap she could take, and Jayne always considered herself to be reasonably accommodating but high accommodation levels only lasted so long on trainee wages and now she’d have to spend her time sat facing the new girl who took away her opportunity.

She looked around the office. Open planned and claustrophobic. There were times when she wished everybody didn’t know everything about everyone and that each little thing she did, said or thought wasn’t magnified a hundred times and blown up out of all proportion. Jayne was a lesbian – And it was counting against her. Maybe she really should leave. Screw them all!

“Jayne?” Old woman Bateman called from across the room. “Can you come here please!”

Jayne trundled over the floor, between Abdul and Angela who were obviously pretending not to pay attention. Did they not have lives of their own – what with their big salaries and all.

“Hello Mrs Bateman, how can I help you?” Again, she hoped the scorn was not evident from her voice.

The old woman must be close to retirement by now? If she retired then perhaps Abdul or Angela could have her job, leaving an opening as accounts executive. That really would be the best of all worlds. “I need copies of everything in the Carrington file.” She prodded a brown wallet in Jayne’s direction without looking up. “Get on to supplies and find out when they’re replacing the broken printer. There’s a stack of filing waiting for you which built up during your leave.” Now she looked at Jayne. “And would you not make my tea so strong – I don’t know how many times I’ve told you.”

“Sorry, Mrs Bateman.” Crushing the tea bag against the side of her mug may have been a small and petty form of revenge but it was all she had.

“Let’s have a quiet word through there.” Mrs Bateman pointed through to the meeting room before setting off in its direction.

“Ok.” What was this about?

They entered and Mrs Bateman closed the door behind them.

“Look – I can imagine how you’re feeling. I just didn’t think you were ready at this stage for a full position.” The old woman stood, arms folded and Jayne found it hard to decide if she was enjoying this. “Astrid is here – Getting shown round the office by HR so when she takes her seat, I expect you to be civil. You remember how it is starting a new job – So make her welcome!”

Jayne took a deep breath. This was it. “Mrs Bateman, I’ve been thinking things over and I think I’d like to hand in my one month notice.”

“Well if that’s really how you feel then you should know that you’re not an actual employee here. You only require a notice period of one week – Which I shall duly accept.”

“Thank you.” Did she detect the faintest hint of a smile from the old bat? Jayne pulled the door handle down…

…”Getting ahead in advertising requires tenacity and a ‘fuck you’ attitude!” Mrs Bateman placed a hand on Jayne’s shoulder. “You’ve demonstrated you have only one of those qualities. Maybe working with kittens and puppies would be the better thing for you.”

“Thank you, Mrs Bateman.” Jayne felt crushed and returned to her desk determined to see out her final week with a good reference at the very least.

She took a sip from her tea which was now borderline cold. Only five more days of this and that would be it. She sensed Abdul and Angela looking at her, trying to gauge her mood. God this was awful. Tears welled in her eyes, an empty feeling in her stomach which was probably helplessness crept to the fore. What a waste of six months.

“And this is your office and your new colleagues.” Anita entered the office, startling Jayne. She gestured wildly, waving her hand around the room.

And then

The most noticeable thing was the long blonde hair, untied and free flowing down her back. She was pretty – elfish even with small and feminine features. She wore a black and white business suit that showcased wide hips, a slender waist and breasts that wanted to escape. Her high heels pushed out muscular calves, demonstrating she worked out and took a real pride in her appearance. Her walk was more a glide than a bounce, she was graceful and elegant while at the same time powerful and confident. This must have been Astrid and the reason for Jayne’s disposition. To look at her was to understand why she got the job. She would be an asset to the organisation. She appeared to be a similar age to Jayne although her maturity was of somebody who’d experienced far more in life.

She approached Abdul and held out her hand, looking him in the eye - total confidence. He was smitten, that much was obvious. He stood, bumping his leg on the table as he did. As he reached out to shake her hand, he knocked over the picture of his wife.

For Jayne, the butterflies in her stomach and the dizziness in her head spoke for her lust – But not half as much as the aching sensation that breezed through her pussy.

The Goddess strode toward Jayne. Abdul puffed out his cheeks as he sneaked a peek at her legs. Or was it her ass?

“This is Astrid, your new colleague.” Anita said, who had blurred from Jayne’s vision.

Jayne rose from her chair, suddenly self-conscious and annoyed for bypassing the heels today. “Hello, I’m Jayne. Nice to meet you.” She leaned over her desk with an outstretched arm, grasping Astrid’s hand which she kept tight in to her body. Her skin was soft yet the grip was surprisingly firm. Jayne didn’t want to let go and she felt her pussy throb, sending tingles to the pit of her stomach.

“I’m looking forward to working with you.” She spoke with a Scandinavian accent; Sweden, Denmark perhaps? She certainly had the stereotypical features of a Scandinavian.

Abdul stood and left the room, probably to rub one off in the toilets. Jayne hoped she at least had it in her to await a hot bath this evening, somehow she doubted that would be possible.

Anita led the new girl toward Angela and Jayne peered over the desk, perving a look at her ass which filled her skirt. What she wouldn’t give to sink her teeth into that thing. In reality, she was a rival and one that should be despised. Yet all Jayne wanted to do was devour her. This would prove to be one tough final week at Carter & Co.




Astrid held the phone between her shoulder and ear while typing into the computer. “So Wilberforce are on board with us? Thought so – That’s great!”

“How do you like your tea?” Jayne asked, standing in front of her desk, tray in hand.

“Excuse me one minute, Martin.” She narrowed her eyes, scrunching skin between her brows. “I’m sorry?”

How awkward. Jayne already felt out of her depth being in the same room as her, but now, apparently attempting to keep her in full refreshment was bothering the girl. “Your tea – How do you like it?”

“Oh – No tea for me.” She looked back to the screen, but held a glass up in Jayne’s direction. “You can just fill this with water, thanks.”

Jayne took the glass and plodded from the room.

Upon entering the kitchen, Jayne dumped the tray on the counter and set the kettle to boil. “Just four and a half more days.”

It would be torture, that much was evident. Jayne had her carnal needs just like any woman but already, this majestic young woman made her feel helpless and out of her depth.

Jayne was a good looking woman. You’d have to be blind not to notice the attention she received from guys and girls alike regardless of the fact she dressed down most the time. A lifelong tomboy, the majority of her friends came from the gym. She hardly ever did typical girly stuff such as frequent beauticians or even the hairdresser. But none of that detracted from her looks, since she was naturally beautiful, her shoulder length brown hair perfectly framing a striking bone structure.

Jayne only slept with women and although she much preferred being in a relationship, recently she’d been having a sex dry spell, due to having no funds for a social life.

“Hi – Jayne wasn’t it?” Astrid poked her head in the room.

Shot from her daydreaming, Jayne whipped round to find herself toe to toe with the Goddess within the confines of the tiny kitchen. The faint scent of rose petals filled the air.

“Yes, I’m Jayne.” Would it be out of order to shake her hand again?

“Astrid. Pleased to meet you – again.” She held out her hand which Jayne took, not shaking, just holding. “I feel I must apologise. That was terribly rude of me.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I remember what it’s like to start in this place.” Jayne felt sad to let go of her hand, yet she knew she had to strike a balance between playing it cool and being a pervert.

“No, I should have put the caller on hold. You were just being nice.”

“Are you kidding me? You were speaking to Wilberforce – I’d have ignored me completely.” Jayne suddenly worried her hard nipples showed through the thin white blouse she wore on this summer day.

“I must have come over as a real bitch – I’m really not. I’m a lovely girl when you get to know me.” The shield was coming down. There were intermittent flashes of vulnerability behind the cool, confident exterior. A girl who, similar to most, craved acceptance. “But just so you know – water is my drink of choice.”

“Probably why you have such clear skin!” What was that? She must surely already know Jayne was gay – Now she’d be bound to think she was getting hit on.

“Thank you honey – I couldn’t just squeeze passed and get to the fridge could I?” Well that girl was certainly used to getting compliments, the way she totally brushed it off.

Jayne made a half-hearted attempt at backing up against the counter where the kettle was halfway through boiling. Her feet pressed against the cupboard and she reached her arms back to rest on the surface for balance. “Enough room?”

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