Simply Amazing (7 page)

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Authors: Hadley Raydeen

BOOK: Simply Amazing
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“Hi, honey!” Lana’s voice was the first to greet her. She heard her friend, but her eyes immediately landed on him—tall and handsome. A look of concern washed over his face and she tried to offer a lame attempt at a smile.

“Hey, you.” She hugged Lana. “Sorry I’m late.” She didn’t offer a reason. She would just apologize and hope that would be good enough. “We didn’t even get our seat yet,” Lana reassured.

“Blake, honey, our room will be ready in just a minute for the party.” Veronica sashayed into the waiting area.

Donia knew Veronica would be there tonight, but just the sight of her made her want to vomit.

“Oh, hello, Donia,” she said with a sugary-sweet tone. Donia wanted to smack her. “Come on, Blake. Let’s go to the bar over here.”

Donia could feel Lana squeeze her arm. “It’s not worth it.”

“Lana, can I talk to you a minute?” Donia asked not wanting to hear Blake’s answer to Veronica’s request.

“Sure sweetie, how about we go out on the deck. Could you use a drink?”

“Yes, please,” she said turning her back on the sight of Blake and Veronica together.

* * * *

She sat in the chair and let the cold drink cool her temper. “Ugh!” She gritted her teeth, and ran a frustrated hand over her face.

“Are you okay?” Lana asked touching her arm.

“Did he tell you?” Donia asked.

“He told me you’ve been down here the last two days, you little sneak.” She laughed.

“Yes, I had to come down and talk to him and get things right. One thing led to another…”

“I believe you said he’s

She chuckled, remembering her words. “Yes, he has been…much more than I thought, or imagined. Seeing him in there with her…”

“He doesn’t want her, Doni. You know how he feels about you. Now we can sit here and talk about this or you can go to him and claim what is yours.”

Donia laughed out loud. “Claim what is mine? Yeah, right. I’m going to enjoy this birthday dinner for a friend and take my butt back to Cherry Hill and let him enjoy his life.”

“I think that is a crock of shit.” Lana put her hand to her hip. “You need to talk to him.”

“Not tonight. It’s his birthday. All of you are here…she’s here. You know, it will just be a mess—”

“Shut up,” Lana ordered. “You will talk to him. I’ve watched the two of you dance around each other for far too long and frankly I’m tired of it. I’m going to pull him away and the two of you are going to talk about this, right now.”

“What about Veronica?”

“I’ll deal with her.”

Chapter Seventeen

Blake sat at the bar with Veronica practically sitting in his lap. “Baby, what is wrong with you?” She whined. “You haven’t been yourself. You’re such a broody brood.” Her attempt at a cute nickname pissed him off.

The woman he loved was outside and not next to him where he wanted her. Veronica was a constant reminder of that. “I’m just not in the mood for that right now, Veronica. Could you please back off a little,” he asked. He took a shot of his whiskey and put the glass on the bar.

She moved away from him with a pout on her face. “I’m not sure I like this side of you, Blake. I haven’t seen you in two days. I show up at your house only to find that woman there.”

“That woman’s name is Donia.”

“I don’t care what her name is! What is she to you?”

Blake rubbed at his temple already feeling a perfect headache setting in. “She is a very good friend of mine.”

“A friend? I think she is a lot more than that.”

Blake motioned for the bar tender to come back over and fill his glass up.

“Will you answer me?” Veronica pleaded.

“Veronica, honey, how about we give Blake a minute,” Lana said coming up and assessing the scene. “He obviously doesn’t want to talk about this right now.”

“I bet he’ll talk to
,” Veronica said.

“Look, how about I buy you a drink, and you and I talk for a minute.” Lana tried to help. She slid into the bar seat next to Veronica.

Blake downed his whiskey and slid off the bar seat sending Lana a
thank you
glance. If Lana was in here, then Donia was somewhere alone and free to talk to him. He had to go find her.

“Hey,” Lana called out to him. She handed him a folded bar napkin. “You go somewhere and cool down. Our table will be ready in a few. I’ll keep this lady company while you get some air.” He cast a glance in Veronica’s direction before walking toward the exit. He looked down at the napkin.

She’s down by the pier.

* * * *

She stood on the pier, not far from the restaurant, looking at the water. She felt him before she saw him. “Our table is almost ready. I thought you were going to come back in,” he said softly leaning next to her.

“I’ll be in. I’m just getting some air.”

“I’m glad you came tonight. I was getting worried.”

“I’m sorry I’m late, but I told you I’d be here.” She turned to look at him. Tall broad shoulders, gorgeous face with sexy green eyes. Her heart was melting for this man. Why hadn’t she seen it before? Why did he have to hold her and kiss her before she could see this is what she wanted? She could have saved them this grief and the whole Veronica situation. Hell, he may even still be living in Cherry Hill.
This is all my fault.

“Tell me what you are thinking.” He stepped closer to her.

“It’s chilly out today. I’m freezing,” she said rubbing her hands up her arms. He slid off his sports jacket and slipped it around her shoulders. The warmth of his jacket and the scent of him cause her body to react. An inadvertent whimper left her lips and he stopped his movement with his arm still around her.

“Donia,” he whispered. “Talk to me.”

She turned to face him. She reached up and touched the side of his face with a timid hand. Knowing how she felt, but not knowing how to say it. She was falling for him. Everything about him. “You look really handsome tonight.” She rubbed her thumb lightly across his jaw.

His gaze bore into hers, his green eyes growing dark. “That is not what you wanted to say. But thank you.” He sighed.

“Okay it isn’t what I wanted to say, but I shouldn’t say what I want to say to another woman’s man.”

His jaw tightened under her touch. “It’s not serious between Veronica and me. She is someone I’ve been casually dating while I’m here in Baltimore. It isn’t going anywhere. I don’t want it to go anywhere.” His arms circled her waist, moving her closer to his body. “These last couple of days, with you, just reaffirmed how I feel about you. It doesn’t matter if I run from New Jersey to Maryland and date other women. I can’t get away from how I feel.”

“How do you feel?” she asked enjoying the feel of his strong arms around her body pressing her into his heat.

“I don’t want to date any other women.”

“Really?” she asked needing to hear him say the words.

“Not a chance.” His hands rubbed up her back. “I don’t care where I’m at or who I’m with, Donia. It will always be you that I want.” His words were soft whispers against her ear, so intimate and only for her to hear. He pressed her close to him, kissing the side of her face.

She leaned back to look into his eyes. “I’m sorry it took me a little longer to come to that realization, Blake. I want you too.”

He closed his lips on hers, his mouth warm and wanting. “How about we blow off this dinner and go back to my place?” he asked, breaking for air.

She laughed. “We can’t do that. Lana spent so much time getting this whole thing together.”

He pouted. “Okay, we’ll eat, but afterward you and I have plans. It’s my party, and I’ll ditch everyone if I want to,” he said linking his hand with hers.

“Wait, Veronica is back there.” She stopped him.

“If Lana didn’t get rid of her for me, she will be the first person I let know about us.”

“Us?” She smiled. “I think I like the sound of that.” She ran a hand down his chest. “Maybe we
ditch dinner.”

“Just say the word, baby,” he growled, kissing her again.

“Um, excuse me you two,” Lana said, standing at the bottom of the restaurant steps. “We are waiting for you, and no you are not ditching dinner, so don’t even think about it.”

“Busted by the warden.” Blake joked.

“We will finish this later,” she said for only Blake to hear. “Only you and me.” She winked.

“I like the sound of that…Happy Birthday to me.”

The End

Find out what happens with Donia and Blake, and is love in the air for Lana? In Book 2,
Simply Irresistible.

About the Author

Hadley Raydeen lives in a suburb outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband, two children, and one dog. By day she works as a Human Resources professional. In her spare time she loves to edit and write. Hadley has been editing for almost five years as a content and line editor for three different publishing houses. She recently is trying her hand as an interracial romance and erotica author.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

About the Author

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