Simply Amazing (2 page)

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Authors: Hadley Raydeen

BOOK: Simply Amazing
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Chapter Four

The phone rang on her bedside table that night around ten, just when she snuggled in on her soft Egyptian cotton sheets. She hesitated when she saw the unfamiliar number on her caller ID, but decided to answer, “Hello?”

“Did I wake you?”

“I haven’t fallen asleep yet.”

“But you are in bed?”


“Can I ask what you’re wearing?”

“Ha, you are funny and no you may not.”

“If you take a look at the caller ID, that’s my new cell phone number.”

“I’ll put it in my contacts.” She cleared her throat, wanting to jump into the conversation and get it behind her. “You couldn’t say good-bye?”

“Good-byes aren’t my thing, Doni. Plus, I’ll be in Jersey often. My family and friends are still there.”

“That’s not the point, Blake,” she said softly. “I’m sorry I was a complete bitch before you left.”

“You were going through all that shit with Daryl. I didn’t want to add to it.”

“Congrats on your promotion,” she said changing the subject.


“I wish you the best in Baltimore.”

“Are you hanging up?”

“I have to work tomorrow.”

“Why are you mad, Donia?”

She stopped, closing her eyes and pressing her legs tightly together. The soft caress of her name on his lips did her in. She could not talk to Blake like this, not while nearly naked, in bed. “I’m not mad, just tired.”

“Why are you treating me like a stranger?”


“No, this is exhausting, honestly. Part of the reason I took the position in Baltimore is to just get away.”

“From me?”

“From how I feel every time I see you…when I’m around you…when I talk to you.”

Her heart thudded, and her stomach grew nervous.
He left because of me.

“I can’t give my heart to someone that doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

His words hurt, but they were truthful. Blake had been pursuing her for a long time. Every time he tried to get closer, she pushed him away. She didn’t have a good reason. Blake was successful. Tall, well built, a gorgeous face, with eyes a girl could lose herself in, and an awesome personality to boot. He was perfect.
What is wrong with me?
Constantly looking for Mr. Right when he was right in front of her.

“I need to move on, find someone that wants me as much as I want them.”

“You deserve that,” she heard herself mechanically say.

“Yes, I guess I do,” he said quietly. “Well I’m going to say good-bye, Donia. I should be getting to sleep as well.”

“Will I talk to you later?”

“I’m settling in and I may not be around to talk much, but I’ll try to catch up with you.”
He’s lying.
She knew it.
This is good-bye.

“Okay, Blake. Be safe.”

“You too.”

Chapter Five

“He was here?”

“Yeah, honey, last weekend,” Lana said over morning coffee and pastries.

“He didn’t call.”

“He’s moved on.”

“What do you mean, he’s moved on!” She yelled at her friend.

“He’s been dating in Baltimore.”

“So what, we aren’t even friends now?”

Her friend put a sympathetic hand on hers. “I don’t think he wants to see you, honey.”

“Why the hell not!” This news pissed her off.

Lana raised a brow. “Doni, you made it pretty clear you are not interested in him. He can’t be around you without wanting you and if you aren’t going to return those feelings, he would rather not get hurt. It sounds logical to me.”

“I think it’s bullshit,” Donia mumbled into her coffee. “I miss my friend.”

“Don’t tell me about it, tell him.”

“I’ve left messages.”

“He hasn’t returned them?”



“What is oh? What does that mean? Should I be concerned?”

“How do you feel about Blake, Donia? Think about it. You two would be perfect together. You keep pushing the perfect guy away, for what? These losers you’ve been dating, girl, please!”

Donia sat and listened to her friend, mouth agape.

“I’m sorry, honey, the truth hurts. I’m the only one that has nerve enough to say it. We’ve all been sitting by watching the two of you in this cat-and-mouse game. That man loves you, damn it. You broke his heart.”

Tears stung at her eyes. Lana was right. She had been blindly denying her heart and his for too long. “What should I do, Lana? At this point he won’t even talk to me.”

“He still loves you.”

“How can I make it right?”

“His birthday is next week. We are all going down. Why don’t you come with us? Surprise him.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Going out Friday, heading home Sunday.

* * * *

On Wednesday Donia asked for a rental car at the BWI airport. She didn’t tell anyone her plans to leave early. She didn’t want anyone to interfere. She needed to see Blake on her own terms to see if there was anything between them. She wanted to explore the chances so she wouldn’t loose a dear friend. With his address in hand, she looked at her watch. 6:00 p.m. He should be home from work by now.

She pulled into the driveway of an end-unit town house, surrounded by beautiful landscaped plants and flowers. Blake’s black sedan was absent from the driveway.

She looked around his mailbox for any loose rocks for a key. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind. They always visited each other back home, but so much had changed in their relationship recently. She decided to take the chance. She lifted a rock that bore his house number, and discovered a shiny key.

She unlocked the red front door, tucked the key back under the rock, and slipped into the town house.

She placed her clutch on the table in the front hallway. Walking farther into the house, she poked her head into the living room. From what she could see, the home was lovely. Blake had great taste. Almost felt like it had a woman’s touch.
A woman.
She heard her before she saw her, coming from the back.

She could hear Blake’s voice as well, talking to the woman.

She retraced her steps to the front hallway. Just when her hand touched the door handle, his voice stopped her. “Donia?”

. She turned slowly. “Hey, I—I…” She pointed at the door. She didn’t know what to say. How do you tell someone you showed up, uninvited, from out of state and just let yourself in, without sounding like a complete lunatic? He helped her by breaking the silence.

“What are you doing here?” He looked annoyed.

She plastered a fake smile on her face. “Wow, what a greeting.”

“I wasn’t expecting you.”

She looked him over. He wore a dress shirt and pants, his tie hung loosely around his neck—obviously work attire. His hair, dark as a raven, looked a bit disheveled. “I wanted to surprise you, but you have a guest.” Donia looked beyond Blake at a petite blonde standing in the doorway.

“Marcia, this is a friend from back home, Donia.”

Marcia stepped around Blake and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Donia lied, never taking her eyes from Blake. His eyes, an unusual shade of green, turned darker when she continued staring at him.

“Um, if you will excuse me,” Marcia said, clearly feeling the awkward tension. “I need to use the restroom, Blake. I’ll use the one upstairs.” She trotted up the carpeted stairs.

“New girlfriend?” Donia asked when she heard the door shut up stairs. She could hear his teeth grind.
Wrong button to push obviously

He took a step toward her, hooking her arm and grabbing her purse from the table in the process. He opened the front door and escorted her out, shutting the door behind him. “Again, what are you doing here?”

She grabbed her purse and shrugged her arm out of his grasp, staring at him. She didn’t know what she expected coming here, but it sure as hell wasn’t this. “I…I don’t know,” she stuttered.

He tapped an impatient foot. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks, at first out of embarrassment, then anger.
What the hell
! “Hey, what is up with this attitude?” She glared right back at him. “I came down here because the gang is coming down…”

“They will be here on Friday, Donia. It’s Wednesday.”

“I know what day it is. I came early so we could talk.”

“About what?”

“Obviously nothing.” Her gaze ran over him again.
God, he looks…great.
The more he scowled at her the more her attraction grew. Broad shoulders, taut stomach, visible through his tailored shirt—she finally noticed him, after all this time.
Now of all the freaking times…

He stood, looking at her like he wanted to strangle her. She didn’t care. She would get back through to him. “Who is that woman?” she asked with an accusatory tone.


“Because, I asked you, damn it.” She could feel herself choking on the words.
Is this jealousy; what the hell?

“She is a friend.” He crossed his arms in front of him.

“Is she your girlfriend?”

“You don’t get to come here, in my house, uninvited, and ask me questions about who I have in there, Donia.”

“Then I guess I’m headed back home then.” She turned from him, but he caught her arm.


She looked at her watch. “I’ll catch a flight in the morning.”

“Where are you staying?”

She hadn’t booked a hotel. She didn’t know what would happen here. She hoped…
—she didn’t know what she hoped.

“I have a reservation,” she lied. She hadn’t even called to see if she could get a room.

He looked at his watch. “I’ll call you around nine. We can get a drink before you leave.”

“Don’t do me any favors.”

Anger flashed across his face. He moved to her, his breath inches from her ear. His hand moved to her waist moving her closer him. “I’ve missed you, damn it. I will see you at nine o’clock for a drink. Do not give me your usual bullshit, Donia,” he said, moving away from her.

Her eyes wide, she watched him watch her as he shut the red door.

Chapter Six

At nine o’clock she paced her hotel room floor. Luckily, the Waterfront had rooms available. She took a quick shower to get rid of the grime from her trip, then slipped into one of the three slinky dresses she brought with her. The simple, little black dress hugged every curve she had. She opted to pull her hair up and went light on the makeup. She ordered a bottle of champagne,
maybe for later
, and a martini for herself. She nursed it while she waited for his call. Something was different about him. She didn’t know how she felt about his indifference. He’d treated her like a stranger today and not like the object of his affection. The one thing she could always fall back on wasn’t there anymore. Maybe that was getting to her. She didn’t know, but she intended to find out. Her feelings for Blake were shifting. She wanted to know what could happen between them.

* * * *

He read the text again to make sure he got the name of her hotel correct. At nine o’clock he stepped into the hotel lounge and looked around. It wasn’t at all busy on a Wednesday night, so he knew she wasn’t there.

He had moved to Baltimore to get away from her and the feelings that had continued to grow. He needed to clear his head and mend his heart, and maybe find love. Obviously a two-hour flight wasn’t far enough away. He felt his heart in his stomach when he walked into his foyer and found her standing there.
My caramel-skinned beauty.

How dare she come here and throw him back into the tailspin of emotions. The only glimmer of hope he had that she may care about him was the way she aggressively asked about Marcia. Why would she care? He hadn’t told Donia he hired Marcia to decorate his house. He sure as hell didn’t know how to decorate. He didn’t tell her because he liked the fact she might be jealous.

The more he stopped running after her the more she seemed to come to him. He liked it—a lot. He pulled his cell out of the clip on his belt. She answered on the second ring. He smiled at the anxious sound in her voice.
She’s waiting for me.
“I’m down stairs at the bar. Whenever you are ready, I’ll be here.”

She confirmed she would be down momentarily. He flagged the bartender. “A shot, please—whatever you can make quick,” he said falling into a seat.

The bar tender smiled. “A woman?”

“Isn’t it always?”

The bartender poured bourbon whiskey into a shooter. “Here, buddy, a double.”

He shot it back in one gulp. It burned the whole way down.

“Another?” the bartender asked.

“Yeah, another, but make it a boilermaker with whatever light beer you have on tap.”

“Thirsty?” she asked, sliding in next to him.

She didn’t have to speak. The scent of strawberries and champagne gave her away. She always smelled so sweet. He closed his eyes briefly and drank in the scent before he turned to eye her. “Hey.” He tried hard not to ogle her, but that black dress—low-cut front and back with thin straps.
What is she doing to me? She is doing this on purpose.
Her hair, pulled on top of her head, allowed him full view of her soft neck, shoulders, and cleavage.

His failed attempt at ogling did not go unnoticed. She watched him, waiting for him to say something. He tried even harder to will away the hard on already mounting just from the scent of her.

The bartender came back over. He gave Donia a once-over, then raised a brow.

Blake frowned. He didn’t like other men looking at her. He also knew it couldn’t be helped.
She is stunning.

“What are you drinking?” she asked looking at the beer and shot of whiskey.

He dropped the whiskey in the beer and watched it foam over. “Boilermaker,” he answered without looking at her.

The bartender gave Donia his full attention. “What would you like, pretty lady?”

She smiled at him lightly. “Sex on the beach,” she answered, her voice low.

Blake’s cock jumped.
Oh hell

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