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Authors: Tyler May

Silver & Black (20 page)

BOOK: Silver & Black
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Me: Well, there are ways I can help you with that.

Silver: Is that a promise?

Me: It’s a date. I’ll call you later tonight.

Silver: I look forward to that, Mr. Black.

Me: Are you flirting with me, Mr. Silver?

Silver: Not at all. I’m a terrible flirt. ;)

Me: I think you’re a professional.

Silver: Good. Now listen to Levi. He’s under strict orders on his first day as a Silver Inc. employee.

Me: How’d you know he was here?

Silver: I told him to. I’ll talk to you later. You two have business to attend to. See ya.

Me: See ya.

I laugh as I put the phone back in my pocket. I could flirt with this man all day. I glance over to Levi who checking out everything in Silver’s room. “So what are you here for exactly? You said you had an assignment, and Silver just told me that I need to listen to you.”

“It would make my job easier,” he says in a serious tone. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out an American Express card. He holds it up between his fingers, and grins. “We’re going shopping, baby―all courtesy of Silver Inc.” I go to respond and he interrupts me. He knows what my response was going to be. “And before you say no,” he stresses. “This is my first assignment. I can’t go back to Mr. Silver and tell him I failed. You wouldn’t want me to lose my job on the very first day, would you?” He pouts his lips.

“Laying it on a thick there aren’t ya?”

“Come on, help a man out.” He pushes his lip out even more in a pathetic plea.

“Oh God. Seriously? What kind of boss gives a man like you a day of shopping for his first assignment?”

“A fucking fabulous one! Now, let’s shop. Plus that Mr. Gere is very smart. He knew you wouldn’t take the day of spoiling unless I persuaded you.”

“And If I say no?”

“Then I lose my job and you get to support me and my depressed ass for months, maybe years. It would take a while to get over an opportunity like this.”

“You’re awful. Fine!”

“Fine?” he questions, surprised. He claps his hands. “Yay, this is going to be so much fun. He said I could even pick something pretty out for myself.”

“Silver said ‘something pretty’?” I crunch my eyebrows in disbelief.

“Well not those words exactly. I like to put my own spin on things.”

I chuckle. “That you do.”


~Chapter Twenty-Three~


Levi and I meet Connor downstairs. He is assigned as our driver for the day. Silver has arranged everything, not surprising. He is very meticulous and wants things his way. I’ve realized that I need to be more understanding with his ways if I want him to understand mine. I’m used to doing things my way and so is he. Truth be told, I like the way he spoils me. It’s nice. I’ve never had anyone, let alone a man like Silver, do anything like this for me. Even as a child, gifts were scarce. My mom tried, but being a single mom and dealing with that deadbeat father of mine it was hard for her. She taught me to be strong and appreciative of everything. I’ve never taken anything like that for granted. I gaze at the watch. My heart swells with happiness.

“Where are we going anyway?” I ask Levi who is staring out the window of the moving car.

“Brian wants me to buy you a suit for his sister’s party this weekend, so he’s made arrangements at a shop downtown―a very sophisticated and expensive brand, Grey.”


“You ok? I thought this would be fun.”

“It is. I just keep thinking about him.”

“Well, that’s a good thing, honey.”

I scoot next to Levi. I try to whisper so Connor couldn’t hear. “You don’t think it’s weird that he wants to do this for me when we’ve only been seeing each other for so short of time?”

“No, not at all. You want my honest opinion? Brian is the type of man that likes control. He has the money. Fuck, Grey, let the man spend it on someone he likes.”

“Do think this is his thing? You know… buying the man?”

“Do you think that’s what he’s doing?” We’re trying our hardest to whisper.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” I sigh and settle against the seat. “It’s just confusing. I want to think this is innocent, but then I keep thinking that stuff like this doesn’t happen to me. I don’t get the Prince Charming’. I always seem to attract Prince I’m-not-gay or Prince Fuck-me-and-leave.”

“I think I met him once. I liked that prince,” Levi jokes.

I laugh. “I know it’s just my insecurity. I just keep thinking it’s too good to be true.”

“Ok, let’s think of it this way. Do you like it?” Levi is such a great friend. He always knows how to comfort me.

“Sure, who wouldn’t?”

“Then who gives a fuck if he’s done this for other men before. Some men stick with what works. Spoiling men he likes must have worked for him. I say enjoy it.” He was right, and that was exactly what I was going to do. If anything else, it was an afternoon in New York with my best friend. Levi is so fun to go out with.

We pull up to a high-end designer’s shop. At first I think we might be in the wrong area, but then Connor parks and comes to open our doors. I look over to Levi and he raises his eyebrows then mouths, “
Pretty Woman
.” We get out of the car laughing. Levi walks ahead of me toward the store. Connor stops me. Levi turns to watch us.

“I heard what you and Mr. Martinez were discussing, and I want you to know, Brian doesn’t do this for every man. He’s really trying with you.”

“Listen to the tall handsome man.” Levi moves slowly around Connor. He hums flirtatiously. “So, you’re straight-straight or is there room to play here?”

“Levi.” I couldn’t believe the balls on this man.

“It’s ok. I like the attention.” He turns to Levi. “Very straight.”

“Can’t blame a man for trying.”

“Let’s go, Casanova.” I loop my arm through his as we walk into the store.

I’ve walked past these stores thousands of times, never once thinking I would ever afford to go into one. I still feel a little uneasy about taking such a gift from Silver, but I want to look nice for his sister’s engagement party, so what choice do I really have. I couldn’t afford it on my own. Why do I feel so guilty?

“You must be Mr. Black?” A slender woman dressed very professionally greets me. “We’ve been expecting you.” She turns to Levi. “And you must be Mr. Martinez?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Levi shakes her hand.

“Let me go get my planner and we can get started. Please, sit.” She slides her hand over the leather sofa in the lounge area of the store. Levi and I sit. A tall man comes over with a tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers.

“We have some mimosas or a flute of wine. Would either of you like one?”

“Mimosas are fine,” Levi says. The man leaves to retrieve our drinks. “Can you believe this?”

“Did you call them? She said they were expecting us,” I whisper.

“No, it must have been Brian. This is fucking unreal.”

The man returns with two large glasses of mimosas that are garnished with orange slices on the rim of the glass. He stands and nods his head. Levi reaches in his pocket to tip him, but the man stops him. “Not necessary. This is all part of your shopping experience. Enjoy.” He leaves.

Levi lifts his glass in a mock toast. “To living rich, ‘pretty woman’.”

“Yeah.” I shake my head in disbelief.

After several minutes the woman returns to the sitting area with her planner. She sits on the sofa next to me and smiles brightly. She places her hand on my shoulder. “I’ve prepared a dressing room for you. There are several suits and casual attire I believe will fit you perfectly.” She stands. “If you’d follow me, please?”

“Sure. Uh, how’d you know my size?” We walk down a hallway to a big room with several smaller rooms on one of the walls. The room is wallpapered with mirrors.

“Oh, please, sir. It’s my job to know your size. I’ve been doing this for several years. I can size men in my sleep.” She laughs delicately as she opens the door to one of the dressing rooms for me. “On that wall are a couple of suits Mr. Silver has requested I have you try on. The other, there, are some items he thought you would like.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. Mr. Silver deserves the thanks. I’ll wait here to size you when you come out. I’ll go get Mr. Martinez first.”

“Wait.” I stop her. “May I ask a question? And please be honest.”

“Of course.”

“Does Mr. Silver come here a lot?”

“He’s one of our biggest clients. When Mr. Silver comes into the store or sends clients our way, we all jump at the chance to help.”

“Does he send a lot of men here?”

“We’ve fit a few men, honestly. But we’ve never had a personal client of his, if you know what I mean. Most of the men are staff or friends. Will that be all? ”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Now, can I offer some advice?”


“Enjoy it. He was very specific on what he wants us to do for you. He wants the best. You must be very special.” She smiles knowingly and walks out of the room.

I close the door. The room is filled with handsome clothing: shoes, belts, and ties. I hold up the first suit: a tailored, dark black Armani. The penny-pincher in me instinctively looks for the tags, but there are none. Of course not, this isn’t the mall, this is a high-end haberdashery. I can hear Levi talking to the woman in the room as I dress. After dressing fully, I open the door. Levi gasps, holding his mouth.

“Oh, Grey, you look…. I have no words.”

“Well, that’s a first.” I laugh, exiting the dressing room. I stand in front of the mirrors. The woman stands behind me, straightening the shoulders of the expensive suit.

“It fits perfectly. Do I know men or what?”

“I must admit, you are very good.” I turn and look over my shoulder to the back of me.

“Thank you. So what do you think?”

“It’s nice.”

“Nice?” she questions. I nod. “Well, nice will simply not do. I can do better than nice.”

“No, that’s not an insult. I like it.” I rub my hands on the fabric.

“I want you to love it, and so does Mr. Silver. Let’s try on the next.” She turns and opens the room next to mine. “And in here, Mr. Martinez, is your room with a few things I think fit your personality.” Levi doesn’t hold his excitement he claps and all but runs in the room. She turns back to me. “See, that’s what we want to see.”

Levi and I walk out of our dressing rooms almost at the same time. He is dressed in a light silver suit, a bright pink tie, and a pair of gorgeous shoes. I’ve tried on another black suit, this one in line with today’s current fashion. We walk to the mirrors. Levi is all smiles as the woman straightens the back of him.

“Oh, I don’t care how classless this sounds, but I make this shit look good.”

The woman laughs. “You look great, just like I knew you would.” Levi is drooling over himself. I look at the reflection of myself, not as confident as Levi. “So what do you think of this Ralph Lauren?”

Thinking of my wording, I pause. “I love it.” That was truth. It wasn’t what I consider my style, but I’m not the suit and tie kind of guy anyway.

She smiles. “That’s what I want to hear. I’ll take these two suits and add them to Mr. Silver’s account. You two go back in and pick the rest of what you want.”

“I have a credit card,” Levi shyly states.

“No need. Mr. Silver has instructed us to use his account. No spending limit, gentlemen, so shop all you want.” She walks confidently out of the room.

“Wonder if she’s getting commission on this,” Levi says, laughing under his breath.

“I’m sure. You do look good.”

“And so do you, that suit was made for you.”

Outfit after outfit, Levi and I try on our chosen apparel. We examine the fashion in the mirrors. “This feels wrong,” I mutter, softly.

“Why? I think this feels fucking incredible.” He stands behind me and rubs my shoulders. “So he wants to spoil you. I’d be buying the entire store.”

“I’m just not used to it. Silver and I come from two different worlds.”

“That’s when the fireworks happen, honey, when two worlds collide.”

“You don’t think I’m taking advantage?”

“Fuck no. I’m taking advantage. He’s not dating me. I think it’s nice to have a man that wants to help better someone.” His words strike a nerve.

“That’s my other point. Do you think he’s trying to change me?”

“Lord, child, why must you read into everything? No. I think he’s just being sweet. He’s got the money. Why not spend it on people he wants to?” Levi turns and goes back into his dressing room leaving me to think on his surprisingly true words. Maybe I was thinking too much. I need stop making big thing out of simple innocent gestures. I admire the outfit.

As I turn to go back into my dressing room, I hear the saleswoman coming our way and a familiar voice talking with her. She comes in the room holding a pressed suit. Professor Mullins is right beside her.
Just my luck.

“Mr. Black, what a weird coincidence running into you here of all places,” Marcus smugly says as the woman hangs his suit in the empty changing room. She leaves to get him a pair of shoes he requested. I try to ignore his judgmental comments and stares. “Brian must be spoiling you already.”
And that was it.

“Look, Professor Mullins.”

“Professor? I thought we agreed you’d call me Marcus.”

“Marcus. I don’t want to hear your constant babble about Brian and how well you know him. I just want to check out and carry on with my day. Let’s just agree to disagree: we don’t like each other. Fine by me.”

He sniffs a laugh. “Oh, Greyson, I’m sorry if I hurt your ego. That was never my intention.”

“That was exactly your intentions,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I have to go.”

“Make sure you get the Armani. Brian likes his boys in that.” I stop. I know I’m going to regret this, but the fire is building in me and I have to retaliate. “What is it, Greyson? That’s why you’re here, right? Brian sends all his boys here.”

“Boys?” Why’d I even ask?

“You think you’re the only plaything he’s had? I never took you for being stupid. Gullible, yes.”

I exhale slowly, I had to or I was about to lose my temper and I’m sure these rich people haven’t seen a show like that in a while. “Marcus, don’t worry about Brian and me. We are just fine. I don’t believe a lying word that comes out of your mouth. I think maybe you’re just a little jealous that you want what I have.”

“I’ve had what you have. It’s a ride I don’t want back on.”

“Then why don’t you just mind your own fucking business and leave your comments to yourself?”

“Boy, you can take the boy out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of the boy.”
He doesn’t even know me and he’s judging me?

I laugh angrily, running my hands through my hair. “Fuck you and the high horse you rode here on.”

He is loving this, mocking me with his arrogant smile. Choosing to ignore him and relish in what’s left of my day, I go back into the changing room. Levi and I go back out into the store. The woman has already packaged everything up. Levi takes the bags. “It was a pleasure, gentlemen. Please do come back.” I’m sure it was that she just made a fortune alone on the commission. Levi hasn’t mentioned anything about Marcus; although I’m sure he heard it. Connor is waiting for us as we walk out. He greets us and takes the bags, placing them in the trunk of the car. As we get into the car Marcus, and his mouth, come out of the store.

BOOK: Silver & Black
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