Read Silver Bay Song Online

Authors: M J Rutter

Silver Bay Song (15 page)

BOOK: Silver Bay Song
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              “What do you mean?”

              “What?” she frowned.

              “You said ‘no matter what she says’, what did you mean?” I asked.

              “Well, she uh, might have implied that she may not return anytime soon, but it’s just hot water…she always…”

I stood from the table and placed a twenty dollar bill next to my untouched coffee. “Thanks for the address,” I muttered and headed for the door.

“Wait, what about your food?”

“I’m no longer hungry,” I answered and hurried outside. A microphone was pushed into my face.

“Max West, why have you come to this sleepy town?” a reporter asked.

“That’s my business,” I barked and tried to push him out of the way.

“Does it have something to do with the teacher, Miss Skylar Reynolds?”

“No,” I frowned, “just leave me alone.”

“You said you’d never return to SOS, does that still stand?”

“Yes it does, I will never return to the band, I don’t belong there anymore.” I ran to my car and climbed in.


I typed the address into the GPS and started the engine, next stop would be Charlotte and nothing was going to get in my way. I had to prove to Skylar that she deserved love,  more than anyone I knew.











At seven minutes after eight a lawnmower engine drilled into my head. Misty jumped off the bed and began barking at the window. I pulled my robe over my pajamas and hurried out to see where the noise was coming from.

I pushed the French doors open and was blinded by the white sun, and then I saw him, a devastatingly handsome man with dark hair, wearing sunglasses. He wore cut off, faded blue, jean shorts and a white muscle shirt revealing his large muscles on his tanned body.

I crossed my arms over my chest as he rode the mower towards me. He smiled crookedly and I felt heat rush to my face. I hadn’t checked if my hair was a mess or anything.

“Sorry,” he said over the mower as it stopped in front of me. He switched off the engine, “I didn’t think anyone was staying here.”

“So, you didn’t see a car on the driveway then?” I asked.

“No, actually, there is no car on the drive.”

“What?” I demanded and ran out to the front. My car was gone. “Oh my God!”

“Hello, yes, this is Devin Bradshaw and I am at three-two-oh-nine Summerton Avenue, can you send some of the guys over, there has been a vehicle theft.” I spun around, Jay’s best friend was called Devin, but he was a banker in New York, why would he be mowing the Samuels’ lawn? “Thank you.” He ended the call on his cell phone and smiled. “A couple of police officers are on their way.”

“Thanks, but I am quite capable of calling the police myself, you know.”

“Sorry, I just wanted to help, I’m Devin by the way,” he held out his hand. I shook it quickly,

“I’m Skylar,” I replied.

“Jay’s Skylar?” he asked removing his sunglasses and revealing his pea green eyes. I nodded. “Wow, he said you were beautiful, I uh, I was sorry to hear what happened to him, we used to be good friends, I was in Hong Kong for his funeral, so I couldn’t make it.”

“That’s okay,” I shrugged. “I had better go and put some clothes on.”

“I’ll wait here,” he told me. I nodded again and hurried inside.


Wow! Was all I could think of while I threw on a sun dress and slipped my feet into some sandals.  I splashed some water over my face and brushed my teeth before hurrying out of the bedroom. Misty had climbed onto the couch and had dozed off to sleep as I went back out to Devin. He was sat on the porch swing, I tried not to gaze at his legs, but I couldn’t help it.

“I’m making some coffee, would you like some?” I asked.

“No, thank you,” he smiled. “Isn’t coffee something city folk drink?” he winked playfully.

“Well, I am sure there’s some iced tea in the refrigerator if you prefer,” I shrugged.

“I’d prefer a coke,” he said raising his eyebrows.

“I’ll check,” I nodded and hurried back inside. What the hell was wrong with me? Kaden had softened me up, I needed to be the Ice Queen again or I would literally fall apart every time a guy spoke to me. I found a can of soda in the fridge and took it out to him. “This is all I have,” I said as I handed him the can.

“Thanks,” he smiled and cracked the can open, it sprayed everywhere, including over my legs and in his face.

“Sorry,” I chuckled.

“Not cool, Miss Skylar, not cool at all.” He laughed as a patrol car drove onto the driveway. He stood and removed his shirt, rubbing it over his face.

“I’ll get you a wash rag, you don’t need to use your shirt.”

“I have a clean shirt in the truck,” he said as two police officers approached.

“Well, well, well, Detective Devin Bradshaw,” the taller of the two smiled.

“Sam, how are you?” Devin asked.

“I’m cool, buddy,” he shook his hand.

“This is Skylar, she is staying here, when she got up this morning, her car was gone.”

“Did you hear anything, ma’am?” he asked me.

“No, not a thing,” I frowned.

“What year, make and model is the car?” the other officer asked.

“An eighty-two convertible Volkswagen Beetle, you can’t miss it, its red with a white roof.” I answered. “I can’t think why anyone would steal it, it’s so old and rusty.” I added.

“It was probably some of the kids from the college, the fraternities like to set challenges even in the summer, the few that stay get bored and unfortunately the summer houses are easy pickings for them.” The police officer explained.

“Well, if they did they most likely ran out of gas, I needed some last night.” I chuckled.

“I can drive you around to look for it if you like,” Devin offered.

“We will keep an eye out too, ma’am.”

“Thank you, but I have a dog that has just come out of the vet’s, she was hit by a truck last week so…”

“She can come too,” Devin insisted, “I like dogs.” I looked at the police officers and agreed to go, he was a detective now, at least I would be safe.


I locked the door and bought Misty out to his huge, black, Ford truck, he lifted her inside. I climbed in next to her and he started the engine with a roar. As we drove the streets surrounding the college I lost all hope of finding my car. I know she was old, but she was mine and Jay bought her for me after I totaled my Toyota in the back of his truck. I held on to his ring that I wore on a gold chain around my neck in the hope that it would bring me some good luck.

“So, how have you been, you know, since?”

“I have had better days,” I admitted and stroked Misty’s ears. “So, you’re a detective now?”

“Yes, have been for about three years,” he nodded. “I moved back to Charlotte about a year ago. I was hoping to meet up with Jay again one day, all the good guys die young. He was a good guy.”

“He was perfect,” I swallowed, I wasn’t sure if I actually believed that now.

“So, you guys didn’t get married before uh…?”

“No, it was about three months before.” I answered.

He frowned. “Sorry, I don’t mean to pry.”

“No, its fine, three years now.”

“Time stops for no one,” he added.

We rode silently for a while, “So, are you married?” I asked changing the subject.

“No, I have a fiancé, she’s out in California at Berkley studying to be a doctor.”

“Wow, that’s amazing,” I smiled. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” he frowned. Maybe he missed her, I didn’t know, but he seemed quieter during the ride back to the house.


I still had no car and when we got back to the summer house, it hurt to even consider the fact that I may never see that car again. I lifted Misty out of his huge truck,

“Thank you for driving me around,” I said.

“No problem, here is my number, if you get your car back, let me know.” He stated handing me one of his cards.

“I will,” I nodded.

“I’ll drop by tomorrow afternoon and finish the lawn,” I turned around and gazed at the house.

“Would you like some lunch?” I asked and turned to face him, “It’s the least I can do after all the running around you have done for me.”

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Well in that case, I’ll finish the lawn first.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to,” he said switching off his engine and climbing out of the truck.


While Devin finished mowing the lawn, I made ham and cheese sandwiches with a bowl of salad and added some potato chips. I poured out two glasses of watermelon Kool-Ade and set it on the back porch table.

“Do you mind if I go and wash up?” he asked from behind me.

“No, uh, the bathroom is off the master bedroom.”


I sat at the table and waited for him to return. As he sat down I lifted my napkin and laid it across my lap.

“This looks great,” he grinned.

“You more than earned it.”

“Well, thank you.” He lifted his glass.

We chatted over lunch, he had a wicked sense of humor and it was nice not dealing with life and death and bullshit. To just enjoy a lunch with someone who made me smile and chuckle, who made me forget my own pain for a little while.


The hour or so flew by, I hadn’t checked the clock and when Devin announced that he should go, I stood to clear the table. He helped me carry the plates inside and finished clearing the table for me as I rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

After wiping over the counters I walked with Devin to his truck.

“You are a great girl, Skylar, I just hope whoever you’re hiding from down here realizes that.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned.

“You know what I mean, just uh, just don’t make him wait too long.”

Fury began to build inside, of course, Zoe had sent him there, “Zoe?”

“She’s worried about you,” he explained.

“Great, thanks a lot.” I snapped as my eyes began to fill with anger tears. “I think you had better leave.”

“I don’t mean to upset you, Skylar,” he offered.

“It’s not you, it’s everybody else in my life,” I snapped.

“Hey, I’m sorry, okay?” He stepped forward and held his arms open, what? Did he think he could touch me now too?

“Just go, Devin, okay? I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.”

“I am just trying to be a friend,” he retorted, “you don’t seem to have that many.” My eyes spilled over, “There is nothing in it, it’s just that you really look like you could use a hug.” I allowed his strong arms to wrap around my body and hold me. Enjoying both the warmth and comfort they gave me, maybe a little too much.


“What the hell?” Kaden demanded and pushed Devin from my arms. “Is this how it is for you, you move on from one guy to another?”

“Kaden, I…” I began, feeling instantly guilty, how did he find me?

“Wow, Skylar, maybe I was wrong about you, thinking that you actually cared about us.”  

“Hey, hold on there, pal.” Devin interrupted.

“I am not your pal, pal,” he snarled. He looked at me, his eyes were wild with fury, “You know what, you are welcome to her, if you can hold on to her tight enough, she is one slippery chick.” He turned to walk away.

“Kaden,” I yelled chasing after him, “Devin is Jay’s friend, there is nothing…” I tried to explain frantically.

“Didn’t look that way to me,” he barked and spun around. “I can’t eat or sleep or anything, and I come here to tell you how much I missed you and need you, to find you in some other guy’s arms, do you think that’s okay?”

“Of course not, but you lied to me about who you were, is that okay?” I cried. “I don’t know if half the stuff you have been telling me is the truth or not.”

“Well, here’s the truth,” he handed me a disk, “listen to it, I am staying in the Holiday Inn across town, if you want to talk, call me.”

He turned and ran back to his car before I could say anything. I watched as he sped off up the street and turned to face Devin.

“So, that’s Max West.” He smiled slightly.

“No, that’s Kaden Wright,” I corrected. “I better go inside.”

“Maybe I should stay,” he offered.

“No, I’m fine, honest,” I swallowed and wiped my tears from my cheek.

“If you are sure,” he nodded and added as he passed me, “You have my number if you need to talk.”

“Thanks,” I sniffed and hurried inside. Kaden had followed me and I was a fool, the day was ending the same way as it had begun, totally shit!


I put the disk into the CD player and waited for it to start. I recognized the music immediately, he had written a song, as the words begun, goose bumps covered my body, he was singing about us, about me, he had written a song for me.


I love the fire in your eyes, brighter than the stars in the skies,

I love your warm smile and your electrifying soul,

I’ll love you from now and will for evermore.

You have set my soul alight, baby, be my guiding light,

I don’t know how to live with this pain,

I need you to come back,

Back into my life again.


Pain, emptiness of your absence is everywhere look,

It feels like I’m staring at the blank pages of an unwritten book.

You took my heart when you left and ran away,

And never gave me a chance to explain.

Soon I am leaving this world behind,

I have the words I need to tell you in my mind.

But words don’t come easy for me to say.

And I can’t promise you the world if you choose to stay…


I couldn’t believe he had written a song for me, the words, they danced on my soul as he poured out his heart to me and I was acting so selfishly. I wiped the tears from my eyes and dialed his cell phone, he answered after only one ring.

BOOK: Silver Bay Song
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