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Authors: Unknown

Shy... (43 page)

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are leaving.” John announced as he dropped his duffle bag next to the front
door of the cabin. “It’s been a great week.”


past seven days had been wonderful and exhilarating for Heidi. She had found a
part of herself that she never knew existed. Each day she had sex, sometimes
with only one of the marines, sometimes with all three. It had been
surprisingly freeing and mesmerizing. Now the men were leaving and she still
wanted more. John was standing in front of her, but the other two men were
waiting outside already.


more time?” She asked John seductively.


could I ever say no to you?” Before she could even smile, he had picked her up
and put her onto the kitchen table.


           He pulled
up her dress and quickly dropped her pink panties to the floor. His mouth was
cool on her warm thighs as he licked all the way up them to her opening and
then parted her slit with his fingers. Flickering his tongue on her bud, he
knew her favorite spot and worked it hard. She grabbed the back of his head and
pushed his face into her. 


past week had made her experienced at what she wanted most, and his mouth
between her legs was on her list, but not at the very top. She wanted him to take
her hard in the kitchen. He must have read her mind, because he stopped licking
and pulled out his large erection. Not wasting any time, he plunged into her
quickly, knocking glass plates off of the shaking table as he pounded Heidi.
They weren’t bothered by the mess, they kept going, determined for one more
orgasm before they parted ways forever. John thrust his hips into her with his
strong muscular legs and gave her all he had. She loved every second of it but
she also wanted to show him what she could do as well.


wanted more control so she pulled from John and stood up. She pushed him down
to the floor and straddled him. Her pussy was still tight as she slowly slid
over top of his erection and took him inside. Every inch was better than the


           “Am I
doing that good?” She asked him with a sweet voice. “Do you like it?”


are doing great Heidi.” He told her. “Good girl.”


voice was a turn on and heated up her body. She started riding him faster and
harder, sliding up and down on his cock as her tits bounced it front of his
face. He grasped onto her breast with his mouth and sucked on it like he was
milking her. The tingles spread through her body. Losing control, she came onto
his lap and trembled around him. John kept moving his hips though and screwed
her through the orgasm.


his strong body, he picked her up and pinned her against the wall. She moaned
with pleasure as he hammered between her legs. Her legs were still shaking from
the climax, but he kept pounding, determined to finish one orgasm and bring


John!” Heidi mumbled as the orgasm came to an end. 


took her from the wall, back to the kitchen table, where he bent her over and
entered her from behind. She loved this position and he knew that by now. His
hands held tightly onto her ass as he plunged into her again and again. Heidi
cried out his name and urged him for more. She was dripping wet with excitement
and knew it would not be long before another orgasm found its way out from


steadily screwed her, not getting winded or exhausted. His strength and stamina
was sensational. He pulled out slowly and slammed back into her with speed,
sending chills though her boiling hot body.


you like that?” She asked.


“Yes.” His voice was weak as he spent all his energy on pleasing her.


“Tell me you love it.” Heidi demanded.


           “I love
it!” John said as his hands gripped harder onto her ass, his nails digging into
her skin. “I love that pussy.”


exploded with pleasure and her climax burst all around him. John felt it throb
onto him and dug deeper into her with his cock. She screamed out in
satisfaction as he thrust one last time into her and then lost himself too. His
orgasm was intense and long, as his body shook with Heidi’s. It felt fitting
that this week’s sexual escapade would start and end with John. They held onto
each other for a long moment after they finished. She knew once she let go they
would part ways and never see each other again, but after a few minutes they
loosed their embrace and the inevitable goodbye took place.


care Heidi.” John simply said.


“Thank you John.” And with that he was gone.


stood on the front porch of the cabin and looked out over the lake. So much had
happened in the past days. She had come to this place to release some stress.
She might not have found relaxation or tranquility, but she had gotten rid of
all her stress. Her week had been filled with sexual adventures and they had
allowed her to feel free, satisfied, and powerful. Exploring her body and
sexuality had awakened a new lust and desire inside of Heidi and now she was
brave enough to venture out for it.


time at the cabin was coming to an end and she would be leaving, but she would
be coming home a changed woman. She was no longer an inexperienced girl, she was
now a seasoned woman. Now that she had tasted the pleasure that comes with
desires, she had a new hunger, and she knew that going back to school would
give her plenty of men to choose from to feed her appetite.


she drove away she knew that her week at the cabin was over, but her sexual
adventures had only just begun.



The End

Let her have it...


“It’s just weird.” Jack was hunched over his laptop at a desk
in the corner of the living room between the end of the couch and the easy
chair jammed up into the back of his office chair.


“Things are just piling up around here,” Darla said. “I’m
not saying it is your fault. You have your online work to keep up with,
contracts, and then there is all the cleaning and chores around the house here.
Each one is getting in the way of the other. I’m not criticizing; I’m just
trying to help so that you can do what you need to do.”


Jack was still trying to enter figures into the spreadsheet
open on his screen as she was talking. He was afraid she was about to explode
at him for not listening, but he was behind and had deadlines approaching. He
was also distracted by his wife’s water glass on the side table that was dangerously
close to the edge and ready to be pumped over on the plugs in the outlet.
Thousands of dollars in work would be lost. He needed to work to turn his
freelance work from thousands into tens of thousands. If he had to buy a new
laptop, that would put him further behind in time and money. What Darla was
suggesting would take even more money.


“It seems like an extravagance,” he said.


“It’s an investment,” Darla said. “You will be freed up to
do all you need to do with the menial tasks lifted off your shoulders. I want
to do this for you – for us.”


Darla knew a lot about investing. She went to a big
brokerage office every day. She had said that she believed in Jack when he left
his company to start over with freelance from home. They were in their thirties
– still young, but time to be building up their careers instead of starting
over. Things had built slowly, but she encouraged him to stick with it even
when he considered going on one of the headhunter sites to explore a new office
job. She had been right that things would pick up. She was also right that
things had started to pile up and get cluttered. Maybe she was right about this


“How would it even work?” He closed the spreadsheet and
opened the abstract he was three days behind on preparing.


“I already hunted through the applications online myself,”
Darla said. “I found someone reasonably priced with good recommendations from
her internships. This will be her first, real paying job, but she was really
appreciated where she has worked before, so it will be a win for all of us.
I’ll pay her well enough, but it is reasonable.”


“How reasonable?”


Darla leaned over and kissed his forehead. Jack felt bad
about it, but he stared at the water glass the entire time she was over him.
She sat back on the arm of the sofa and said, “It will be my treat. I handle
the taxes anyway. Let me worry about that, Skyler will deal with all the extra
tasks, and you can focus on what matters most for your career. Then, you and I
can have more time together in the evenings because all the extras will be


Jack nodded. “Yeah, okay. I’ll give it a try. Skyler?”


“You want me to tell her you want her to go by a different
name?” Darla shrugged.


Jack shook his head. “Ha. Ha. Funny. No. But you weren’t really
asking me anyway, were you? You already picked out the candidate before you
sold me.”


“Yeah, I know what’s best for us.” Darla smiled. “She
starts tomorrow by the way, so make a list of everything you need her to do for
you. I’ve already given her a backup list of chores – laundry, dishes, etc. –
for her to do when she is between your tasks. So, make a list.”


She kissed him again – this time on the mouth – and took
her water glass away as she went.


Jack sighed. He closed the abstract and opened a blank word
document to start his list. “What kind of name is Skyler?”





 “Skyler?” Jack stared at the door with his hand out.


She was in her twenties. Her shirt was tight enough that he
could clearly estimate that she had C cups. Her shirt had a gold pattern around
it that made it look like something stylish and fancy, but it was still a tee
shirt and very tight. Jack was wearing a tee shirt too, but this was his house
after all. Her skirt was white with gold stripes. It was high up her thighs and
tight on her ass. Jack thought if she leaned forward too far, he’d be able to
tell what color panties she wore.


His wife was standing right behind him. He realized he was
still wearing sweat pants and he hoped little Jack didn’t come to attention.
God, he hoped this girl was wearing panties.


She took his hand and shook it. As soon as she let go, Jack
instinctively took a step back toward his computer desk in the corner.


The girl said, “You can call me Sky.”


“I guess you better call me Jack then.” He swallowed and
waved his hand toward his wife. “This is … ugh, my wife, Darla.”


“Yes, we’ve spoken quite a bit on the phone.” Sky shook
Darla’s hand.


Jack watched Darla’s eyes travel up and down Sky’s body. He
couldn’t blame her, but the muted look of surprise told him that Darla was
second guessing this whole adventure. “Yes, we did. Didn’t we?”


“I’m ready to get to work.” Sky clapped her hands causing
her breasts to jiggle. God, let her be wearing a bra, Jack thought. Sky added.
“You want me to take your clothes first?”


“What?” Jack shook his head. He saw Darla’s eyes go wide.


Sky held out her hands as if offering herself. “Laundry? Or
do you have the office tasks ready?”


“Oh.” Jack swallowed and shook his head. “I have it over


He sat down at his computer. Sky walked over behind him in
the tight space where the computer sat between the chair and couch. She held
the back of his chair and leaned over his shoulder to look at the document he
opened. Her breasts rested heavy on his shoulder next to his face. He had no
room to scoot away. Jack could feel his wife’s eyes on him.


He cleared his throat and said, “I’ll e-mail it to you.”


“Yes, sir.” Her hand brushed his neck as she stepped away
from his chair. Goosebumps traveled over his body and he crossed his legs under
the desk to hide what was growing there.


Sky picked up Darla’s latest water glass and took it upon
herself to move it to the kitchen counter at the other end of the room. Maybe
she wouldn’t be so bad after all.


Jack saw his wife watching Sky’s ass moving under her skirt
as she passed. He couldn’t blame her, but he suspected her thoughts were
something other than appreciation. Darla folded her arms under her own C cups. Her
shirt wasn’t nearly as tight, but he could still appreciate her body. He
imagined other guys at her company did too. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe it
was different when you invited the body into the house though, he wondered.


His wife cut her eyes at him and he immediately turned his
attention back to his computer. He would definitely be staying seated until she
left for work – left him alone in the house with a girl in her twenties in a
short, tight skirt. What could go wrong?


He was going to thank Darla for hiring the assistant, but
he thought she might take that wrong, so Jack stayed silent.




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