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Authors: Unknown

Shy... (37 page)

BOOK: Shy...
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With the door opened fully, Eliza was no longer shielded
behind it and stepped to the side to allow the two men to enter. Dr Spencer's
eyes slowly took in every inch of her scantily clad body. She was dressed only
in pale pink cotton shorts and a matching camisole.


She had never felt such a burning gaze as this before. His
intense desires could be felt with every passing of his eye. The way he stared
made Eliza go weak at the knees and wet between the thighs. She could see, up
this close and personal, just how muscular and rugged they both were. With
those angular faces and bulging biceps...


But, as Eliza cast her head away from shyness, she noticed
yet another
part of the men... one that almost
sent her buckling to the floor. Those massive packages concealed beneath their


“Umm, I guess you can just come in here,” Eliza said,
giggling nervously. “It's just right...” Her sentence trailed on as the girl
had clearly forgotten everything she'd ever known. The sight of these two hunky
guys was more than her little under-sexed brain could comprehend. She'd be
short-circuited by sexiness as it were.


Eliza turned to walk down the hallway and she could feel
both pairs of eyes on her large, round ass. She knew that her shorts were
sitting between her plump cheeks and wanted more than anything to cover herself


“Mmm...” she heard from behind.


“Right here,” she told them, gesturing towards the living


“Thank you, Dr Spencer replied, his eyes solidly locked on
her jiggly tits.


“What should I do, lay on the couch or…?”





“Yes, the couch would be fine.” Dr Jessop said.


Eliza walked to the sofa where she self consciously lay
back against the cushions.


“Actually, would it be possible to get some water first?”
Dr Spencer asked, “We're both pretty thirsty.”


“Mmhmm, some water would be good.
We've worked a long shift, you know?”
Dr Jessop
nodded, once more staring down at her
ample breasts. Those big, perky things which extended out from her chest in a
grand display of sensuality.
here the man licked his lips, just as his gaze took sight of her luscious
belly. The soft, round thing which she tried to hide so desperately from the
world. Although, his expression was anything but repulsion.


Dr Jessop
his lip, still looking over the girl. His intentions were becoming quite clear.


“Yes, sure,” Eliza laughed again, turning a bit red in the
face. “Won't you come inside me? Err, inside here!” The nervous woman corrected


“Very kind of you, miss...?” The other man said.


“Oh! Eliza,” the girl giggled. “I'm Eliza.”


“Very pretty, Eliza,” Dr Jessop replied, not entirely speaking
about her name as he fixated his eyes on her sumptuous ass. “Well, if you might
have forgotten, my name is Dr Jessop. This strapping young gent here is Dr


“Nice to meet you, Eliza,” his companion said, as he took a
chance to inspect the plump damsel again. He had always had a thing for
lighter skinned
the paler the better he'd say.


“Oh ok...” Eliza stuttered. “Um... why don't you two have a
seat and I'll bring you in some drinks?”


“Sounds great, Eliza,” Dr Jessop said with a sly wink.
“Hurry back now, I wouldn't want to be away from your sparkling eyes for too


The young woman simply giggled at this comment, not having
a clue how to respond.
And the
wetness between her legs had become alarming by this stage. She'd never felt
herself so aroused as in this moment. Two sexy
sitting on her couch...


feel their eyes stick to her body as she turned to retrieve the water. Watching
her hips dance left to right, up and down. Seeing the large, inviting rump work
its magic on their lusty minds. How enticing her body seemed to them...


She would probably need to stop off for a cold shower





She held the tray tightly in her hand, lingering just behind
the doorway leading into the sitting room. Eliza paused for a moment, taking in
a deep breath before sauntering forward with a coy smile stretched across her
face – those cheeks still burning with excitement and desire.


“Here they are,” she stuttered, even more awe-struck by the
beauty of the guys upon re-entering the room.


“Mmm, perfect...” Dr Jessop grinned. And there was the
distinct impression that he was not referring to the water.


Eliza felt his fiery gaze set its sights on her plump ass
as she bent over, placing the glasses on the coffee table in front of the men.
Two of the sexiest men on the planet, right there in her little living room...
eyeing that sumptuous booty she had been trying to conceal.


Apparently these two were on the hunt for something girthy
today, and she just happened to be in the right place at the right time...



“My god...” Nick gasped, still staring at the woman's body.


Her sizable breasts hung down in bold relief. As soon as
Eliza uprighted herself, the two heavenly feminine globes of perfection took
their natural position, resting high on her chest in a seductive manner.


“You were right,” Dr Spencer nodded. “Perfect...”


Once again, there was the distinct impression that neither
of them were talking about the clear liquid on the table... In fact, the two of
them had another clear liquid of their own – already pouring out from the ends
of their cocks, pre-cumming like crazy as they drank in the perfection of
Eliza's figure.


She herself had continued to grow quite wet between the
thighs... and her face turned bright red from all this male attention –
especially from such muscular and well respected men.






Dr Jessop simply could not help himself. Before he even
knew what he was doing, his outstretched hand was traveling the curve from
Eliza's hip down along that sumptuous behind of hers.


“Oh...” the girl gasped as she felt the strong hand along
her body. The last thing Eliza had been expecting that day was for two
attractive doctors to wake her from her slumber and she most certainly did not
expect one, or both, of them to find her sexually attractive.


“What a sexy body you have,” he told her.


Dr Spencer nodded eagerly in agreement.


“Why don't you bend over for us again? So we can see this
beautiful ass in all of its glory!”


Eliza had always fantasized about being talked to by a man
like this. She lay in bed at night, teasing her wet pussy as she imagined him
using and abusing her body.


“Mmm... Okay!” she replied.


The girl leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table in
front of her. Her bubble butt was now perfectly displayed to the two seated
behind her.


“That's nice, Eliza! That is really nice!” Dr Spencer
almost moaned.


“Why don't you really slowly take off those pants for us?”
the other doctor suggested. It seemed he was going to be the one who would take
control of this situation.


“Yes, just pull them down nice and slowly. Strip for me,
strip for Dr Spencer! Show us that booty! We've never seen body as sexy as
yours before!”


The young girl was becoming more and more excited by the
second. Here she was, bent over a table with two sexy men instructing her to
take off her clothes so that they could ravish her body. She could feel her
confidence growing, along with her level of lust. She wanted to reveal her
virgin self to these men.





Eliza reached back and hooked her thumbs into the waistband
of her shorts. As instructed by Dr Jessop, she slowly began to slide the
material along her skin, down, down, down, until her black panties came into


“Mmm white panties, my favorite!” Dr Spencer murmured.


The contrast of the black material against her skin was


“Keep going...” Dr Jessop encouraged.


Eliza's heart was thumping so hard in her chest. Nobody had
ever seen her ass like this before. She had always been so self conscious of
her body. What if they didn't like it? With trembling hands, she pulled the
material down further, revealing her cheeks more and more to the men behind


“Oh yes, just like that!” they chorused.


It sounded like they liked what they saw. The girl now had her
shorts midway down her thighs and that ass was all on display.


“Pull your panties down too, Eliza,” Dr Jessop told her.


His voice was stern. She liked that. She could feel that
the insides of her thighs were moist from the juices flowing from her pussy.
How she wanted more and more!


Eliza did as she was told and in the same way as she had
removed her shorts, she delicately dropped her panties too. She suddenly became
very aware that in this bent over position both Dr Jessop and Dr Spencer would
be able to see her sex. The first men to lay eyes on the delicious treat.


“Spread your legs a little,” she heard Dr Jessop say.


The virgin girl pushed her shorts and panties down past her
knees and opened her legs a little more.


“My, my, what a beautiful pussy you have!”


“Oh yes, the best I have ever seen!” the second voice


Eliza heard one of the men stand up from the couch behind
her. Oh my!





The anticipation was almost too much for Eliza. She was
frozen, bent over this small table, and she gasped at the sound of movement
behind her.


“You look so good right there, Eliza,” she heard Dr Jessop


His body was now bent over hers and he whispered the words
directly into her ear. She felt his warm breath on her skin and it sent tingles
down her spine. Ever so gently, he traced his fingers along her slit. She could
not believe the ecstasy.


“She is a very wet girl, Dr Spencer!” Dr Jessop told his


“Oh good! Sounds like it will take the two of us to satisfy
her after all! Make sure she's feeling better!”


Eliza could not believe what she was hearing. Were these
two gorgeous men really going to pleasure her body? She had never been noticed
by men before and now her first sexual experience was going to be a threesome
with doctors?


Dr Jessop pushed his fingers inside of her. The girl arched
her back.


“Oooh yes!” she whimpered.


“Have you ever seen a big cock before, Eliza?” Dr Spencer
asked her.


“Um... Well... No...” she shyly replied.


Dr Spencer stood from his seat and walked around to the
other side of the table so that he was standing in front of the pretty, plump


“Would you like to see mine?” he questioned, looking
straight into her eyes.


Dr Jessop alternated between fucking Eliza's wet pussy with
his fingers and teasing her clit. The feeling was overwhelming her and in that
moment, she could think of nothing she wanted more than seeing Dr Spencer's
dick before her.


“Yes! Yes, I would like to!” she replied, breathlessly.




BOOK: Shy...
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