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Authors: Unknown

Shy... (3 page)

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Once inside, he
quickly locked the door and unplugged a small cask of rum, taking a few quick
gulps. She watched him drink. He looked like an avenging angel, a force of
nature and she felt drawn to him more than ever. The beating of her heart and
the tumult in her belly was unlike anything she had ever known.


“Here, bo… wench.”
Hinds held out the cask to her. “Drink.”


“I… but…” She
looked uncertain.


“Drink.” He
insisted. “Lord knows you need it.”


She accepted the
cask and raised it to her lips, sipping slowly. The richness of the liquid felt
good and she took a few deep swigs before handing it back to him. He stared at
her intensely, rubbing his rugged jaw.


“Yes, I… am a
stowaway.” She confessed, looking down at her feet.


“Hardly matters
now.” He replied. “You’re here and I’m glad that you’re no boy.”


“Oh.” A flash of
fear crossed her face.


“Have no fear… I
take no woman against her will.” He laughed.  “I am glad that my fondness for
you before, when you posed as a man, was unfounded.”


She joined his
laughter, a tad nervously. “I am glad too, Mr. Mate.”


“Lord knows the
heat of battle still rises in me.” He said with a deep sigh. “It is good to
take a woman after a fight… to calm things down. And here I am, hot after
victory and a beautiful woman at my mercy.”


“Were I a willing
woman, would you take me now while your comrades still fight for their lives?”
She asked, looking right at the handsome man, her need to have him suddenly


“The battle is
nearly done; the pirate raid has been quelled.” He replied, breathing easier.
“We have won many battles at sea… we, the men of the Garamond.”


“I am fortunate
indeed to have chosen this ship then.”


“Fortune favors the
brave.” He laughed sardonically.  “Tell me why you have run away from home… you
look like some rich lord’s delicate flower alright.”


“Delicate, am I?”
She gave him a smile.


“Yes, very.” He
nodded, eyeing her curves. “Have you been with a man before?”


“That’s a rude
thing to ask a lady.” She turned up her nose.


“So you’re a lady
when it suits your convenience.” He leaned closer, taking a whiff of her wet
hair. “Damn, I would bed you right now were I a lesser man.”


“I am no lesser a
woman, and yet I would love to be bedded by you… right now.”


“I have heard that
ladies of high birth secretly crave for the attentions of real men.” He said,
tracing a finger along the coarse fabric of her shirt.


“Are you a real
man, Mr. Mate?” She asked, biting her lip seductively.


“Come to my arms
and I will prove it to you.” He snarled, pulling away from her. “This battle
lust is making me lose my senses.”


“Yes, I strangely
feel the same way too.” She confessed, a shiver running all through her. “I
feel desires in me that I have only heard of or read about.”


“Enough talk.” Hinds
walked over to the captain’s bed. “Get over here, wench… be you willing to let
me take you.”


“I don’t know what
has come over me…” She walked up to him, her body almost pressing against his.
“I am willing, Mr. Mate… more than perhaps even you.”


“Hush.” He
whispered hoarsely and grabbed her by the hips, lifting her in his muscular


She threw her arms
around his thick neck and met his kiss halfway. His coarse mouth hungrily
ravaged her full red lips. Tongues danced and fought alike, tasting each
other’s arousal. Bella’s breath came in short gasps. She had kissed a boy
before, on her sixteenth year, but had never felt this kind of intensity. It
was as if a hunger had suddenly enveloped all her senses and the only way to
satiate it was to get ravaged by this handsome and uncouth sailor.


She ran her hands
over the rough muscularity of his arms and torso, weathered by years of a hard
life at sea. Overcome by a powerful lust for him, she tore away his clothes
with as much urgency as he did hers. Naked and completely at his mercy, Bella
reached down to grasp at his rising manhood. She had never done so before, but
was well informed and intended to use that knowledge to the fullest.


Hinds suddenly
pushed her away from him and threw her on the large bed. She fell back gasping
and panting, spreading out her young nubile body for his eyes to feast on.


“Yes, yes… let me
look at you.” He said thickly. “A woman so fine and exquisite a man like me can
rarely have… this is a day that I will long remember.”


“As will I.” She
replied hoarsely, her lustful eyes trailing down his towering naked body.


In the dim light of
the captain’s cabin, she could discern the wide shoulders that flared out,
holding between them a thick neck. His chest was deep and covered in dark hair,
tapering down to a narrow, yet tight waist. Limbs of dense corded muscle made
her pulse rise and then she dared to rest her searching eyes onto the cannon
that thrust out from between his massive legs. She took a sharp breath and felt
a shiver run down her back. He smirked and twitched his erection wildly for her
heightened pleasure.


“I see that you
approve.” He grinned boyishly, making her swoon ever more. “As do I… you are
unlike any woman I have ever taken… you are an angel on earth.”


“As you said,
lover… enough talk.” She arched her back, pushing her full breasts at him and
spread her legs wide. “Come, take me.”


“Milady.” He
whispered slowly and slid over the bed, running his hands along the smoothness
of her velvet thighs.


His touch was
electrifying to her senses. She stiffened and moaned, reaching out to grasp at
him as he lowered his face to her quivering pussy. He smiled, drinking into the
heightened scent of her arousal. His lips brushed her lightly and she almost
screamed. He flicked out his tongue, darting it between her sensitive lips. She
gasped and grabbed at his head, her nails digging into the thick dark hair. She
couldn’t hold back as he explored her arousal with his probing tongue.
Whimpering uncontrollably, she experienced her first orgasm with a man’s face
between her legs.


Bella’s young body
shuddered with each intense wave of pleasure, she grasped at the sheets,
writhing in ecstasy. Sensations never felt before streaked through her, bringing
every nerve in her to life. His rough coarse hands reached for her soft
breasts, iron hard fingers teased her erect nipples as she thrust her hips up,
grinding her pulsing pussy against his eager face. Everything she had heard of and
even read paled in comparison to the pleasure she felt rippling through her.


“Oh, Ronan…” Her
excited gasp echoed in the large room.


“Yes, my dear?” He
looked up, his grin gleaming with her nascent juices.


“I-I… I’ve never
felt this way before…” She whimpered. “I need you inside me… take me, sailor, take
me now.”


“As her ladyship so
desires.” The First Mate grunted and slithered up, brining his face over hers.
“This might hurt.”


“I care not, man…
fuck me.” She cried; her husky voice delirious with lust.


With a gleam in his
eye the muscular sailor positioned his thick, foot long cock, gently probing
her moistness with the bulbous head. Her body stiffened at the sensation of the
hot, pulsing knob on her sensitive and swollen pussy lips. She had never been
entered by a man before, but knew much about it from the stories and the books
she had read. Her anticipation was overwhelmed by lust. Reading and hearing
about the stories had always excited her, heightened her senses enough for her
to find pleasure in relieving herself in private and yet her first experience
with a man felt as new and exciting as if all the knowledge she had acquired
accounted for naught.


“Milady, you sound
no different from a common whore.” Ronan Hinds laughed.


“No matter their
station in life…” She groaned under him, clawing at his muscular thighs. “Just
as men, all women are the same when it comes to base needs.”


“Well said… but
enough talk.” The large man growled, positioning himself for the thrust. “As
you so desire, I will take you now.”


Her large green
eyes shot wide open and her full red lips made a perfect ‘o’, emitting a silent
scream. He entered her with one powerful thrust, driving his enormous tool all
the way in, until his pelvis slammed against hers. The pain was almost
paralyzing, but only momentary. Her muscles eased as did her breathing. He held
her tight under his bulk as he remained still with his hardness buried deep
inside her. She could sense the intense throb of his organ and it made her feel
good. Pleasure and pain exchanged places making her nubile body yearn for more.


Bella began to
churn her hips under him. The sensation of his hard cock moving inside her sent
ripples of bliss through her belly and thighs. Her moans filled the room as he
followed her lead; gently pulling his cock halfway out and sliding it back in
again. Her green eyes locked onto his of blue, her desire for him expressed
with lustful brazenness. She reached out, caressing the naked hardness of his
back and buttocks as he began to increase the tempo of his strokes. The
brunette sensed another orgasm building up inside her as the ship rocked on the
waves. The fighting outside now a distant memory, she reveled in the moment.
Ecstasy clouded her mind; all she wanted was to be with this man, to have him
take her to heights she had only dreamt of.


“Milady, your
tightness… I have never felt any like it…” Hinds grunted, slamming his hips
into hers. “With your leave, I will release soon… inside you.”


“Yes, Ronan… yes.”
She gasped, wrapping her shapely legs around his lean waist. “Release inside
me… and fill me with your seed.”


Hinds yanked her
up, holding her in his arms, making her straddle him as he lay back on the bed.
Bella liked the new position with her on top; she could feel him even deeper
still. It made her whole body shake with pleasure.  She grasped at the granite
hard slabs of his chest muscles and steadied herself. He held her slender
waist, guiding her up and down over his enormous erection.  His hands slid up
to her breasts, squashing the yielding softness. He teased her sensitive nipples;
his hard fingers playing with the taut buds, making little sparks ignite inside
her, further fanning her rising orgasm.


The young brunette
shivered violently, throwing her head back and crying out. Her thighs tightened
and she clawed at his chest, the force of her second climax making stars dance
before her dazed eyes. She heard his grunt and felt his cock grow even harder
and thicker inside her. His hot release exploding within her, her first
experience of such, she would cherish for ever. She slumped forward, whimpering
and shaking as he filled her with his love. She kissed him, tasting herself in
his lips. He returned her kiss with as much passion, shaking under the
intensity of his exploding orgasm.


“Milady.” He gasped,
as she relinquished his lips for air. “A most memorable… union.”


“Of all the better
experienced women you have known?”She smiled in satisfaction.


“Aye, none could
have given me more gratification as you have.” He replied, caressing her hair.


“It pleases me to
know that I have been able to satiate my first man.” She closed her eyes and


“It has been an
honor, Milady.” His deep voice filled her mind.


“But what now?” She
asked in sudden trepidation, her head clearing of the lust haze. “Are we still
in peril?”


“Nay, the ship is
secure…” He assured her with a squeeze. “We are safe now.”


“But I am… my ruse
as a …” Her eyes roamed over his handsome face.


“No one knows of this,
save I.” Hinds held her closer to him, squashing her breasts to his hairy


“And your
intentions, Mr. Mate?” She stared into his eyes.


“Noble and pure,
Milady, that I assure you of.” He grinned, sliding his large hand over the
smoothness of her supple back down to her generous buttocks.


“What of the
captain… and it is his cabin we sully.”


“What of him?”


“Will he not be
cross was he to return here to find us like this.” Bella raised an eyebrow. She
had never seen the captain at all, in the four days she had been onboard.


“The captain is
already here.” He said, with a wry smile.


“What?” She jerked
up, looking around the room in alarm. “Where?”


“In your arms… as
naked as the day.” The First Mate gave her a wink.


“What do you mean,
Ronan?” She demanded, playfully grabbing a fistful of his rich, dark hair.


“I am the Captain
now, as per naval law.” The sailor replied casually. “First Mate takes over as
acting captain in the event of the captain’s demise.”


“The captain is…”
Her eyes went wide in wonder.


“Yes, very.” He nodded;
a distant look in his sea-blue eyes. “Captain Rollins was slain early in the pirate
attack, and that led Brushbeard to believe he had the ship… he underestimated
the loyalty of the men to the Garamond. We sail for our banners and not merely
the captain.”

BOOK: Shy...
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