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Authors: Unknown

Shy... (10 page)

BOOK: Shy...
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Boy, oh boy! What a tedious profession this tinkering is… I hadn’t
noticed the time, but now that I see the sun was nearly set, evinced by the few
beams of low light filtering in through the shop windows -- hanging around the
back shelves in a rather creepy manner, if I do say so myself. It’s a little
spooky. Here all by myself just tinkering away, with no one to help. I decided
to hurry along. The toys are easily manipulated in my seemingly skilled hands.
Look how expertly I’m able to make the necessary adjustments with but a few
tinkers here and there.


Take a gander at this game system. The disc tray appears to be
slightly lopsided. All I need to do is poke and prod right there, and yep!
Fixed. I put that one aside and grabbed another to inspect. A small toy—
I think a noise just came from the back. Far behind the rear shelves,
right where the light is darkest.


I whipped my head around and froze, staring intently from the
direction of the sound.
Man, I wish it wasn’t so dark in here!
No one
ever pictures the Moundrammer workshop as being a scary, eerie kind of place.
But… here in the darkness it certainly strikes me to be one! There’s a lone
lamp hanging above me, casting its weak glow several feet out in all directions.
Only lingering shadows beyond the—
what the!
Another noise? Has the old
oaf returned?


“Hello?” I called out.


No answer. I wonder…


No, no! Wait a minute!
You’re just being silly here,
I told
myself. This is Moundrammer's workshop! Not some second rate horror film. Maybe
the floors creak or someone walking past outside tapped the wall. Who knows.
But for me it’s back to the tinkering work. I’ve only got a few items left and
then I can be on my way. Calm down and focus on the task.




I gasped at the sound – as an alarming visual came into sight. It
was a purple marker rolling along the floor, moving toward me. You could see
the label spinning over and over. My eyes seemed to instinctively trace upward,
hoping to find where the marker came from. And there I saw them. A pair of red,
somewhat high-heeled shoes. I thought for a second, yes, that I did recognize
these from somewhere. The shoes merged into a pair of shapely legs that
disappeared into the darkness at about knee height.


“Tinkerbottoms… Enjoying yourself?” the sultry voice questioned me
from the blackness. And here I too thought the voice sounded familiar. Although
slightly lower in tone than before.


“Who, who is--?” I squeaked out.


The shoes inched forward into the light, revealing more and more
of the attached legs. And oh my, what legs they were! Sturdy, yet toned calves.
The pale flesh standing out in bold relief against the much darker heels. Each
step seemed to trigger a past memory in my brain which was dying to be free.
All the way up to the thighs now… Plump and inviting… They were clothed in a
red dress with some fashionable white frills along the bottom. I’d definitely
seen this before.


“Still wondering?” the woman asked, mockingly. “Let me help you.”


Here the feet hastened along as she came into view… Christ, Mrs.
Mrs. Moundrammer! Oh lord… and that low cut, rather
revealing red dress. The cleavage was amazing. Why hadn’t I noticed those perky
breasts before! No, you fool! Snap out of it! Not the boss' wife!


“Miss, miss, misses M-M-Moundrammere! Umm…” was all I could say.


“Very good, Toysin. I’m just stopping in to check you out – see
how you’re doing,”

Mrs. Moundrammer said with the slightest hint of a smirk.


This was the first time I’d seen her face up close. She looked
rather attractive (for an older lady). The type of face you see and think
twenty years ago she must have been a real knockout!
Yet that body, oh boy,
that body remained a lovely specimen. She’d definitely been able to keep her
figure all these years. The curvy hips taunted me through the tight dress. Mrs.
Moundrammer would shift her weight from one foot to the other, causing those
enticing parts to call my name. But no, I can’t! Don’t have those filthy
thoughts about the gentle and warm Mrs. Moundrammer!


Or was it the wet and sexy Mrs. Moundrammer!


“Having a good time with these… toys?” she asked.


I nodded demurely.


Mrs. Moundrammer sashayed over behind me. I felt her warmth resonating
out and onto my skin. Her dominating presence, even without physical touch. And
the distinct aroma filtering in along with her. A sweet, seductive scent.


“You know,” she began a minute later, “I sent that old moron away.
Remember the letter from earlier?’




“That was from me.”


“Oh… did you have a job for him?”


“Tinkerbottoms, there’s another portion to the assessment period
before you can become a full-fledged tinkerer. Would you like to become a real


“Why yes, of course Mrs. Moundrammer. I’d love to be one!” I
replied, perhaps a bit too eagerly – my face blushed as a result and my
shoulders slunk down.


“Then please accompany me to the evaluation chamber once more,
little one.”


I rose from my chair like a well trained dog, trailing after the
sumptuous Mrs. Moundrammer… making sure I remained behind her, allowing me full
access to gaze upon her thick and meaty derriere. And it seemed she might have
been enjoy this, as the hips began swaying just a little bit more. I made every
attempt to avert my gaze, to stare at the floor, or at a nearby sign post. All
to no avail. The overpowering allure of her body proved too tempting.





“Wait over there by the table,” Mrs. Moundrammer instructed me.


We were inside the evaluation chamber. She stepped away for a
moment as I stood beside the table, covered with toys. Only these were toys I
had not seen before. Very peculiar looking objects to say the least.


There lingered a distinct smell of flowers and some lusty aroma
throughout the room. Probably from all the debauched happenings going on. Where
did Mrs. Moundrammer run off to? Seems she’s be absent for a few minutes now.


“Here, Toysin,” came her voice, which gave me quite a shock, as it
was directly behind my head. Her hot breath flowed down along my neck, but I
did not turn.


“Do you mind?” she asked, stepping around and into view.


Mrs. Moundrammer was pulling at her hair, trying to undo the bun
by the looks of it.


“Umm, no.”


And with her arms raised like this, I could see the full size of
her boobs. How hefty and large they were. How I would love… uh oh… it began!
The slow rising of my southern pole. Not now! How embarrassing… Mrs.
Moundrammer might have to endure my immature longings twice in one day!


Suddenly the long dark locks fell down over her shoulders,
spreading around the large, billowing chest. My fist clenched tightly, as the
first drop of sweat formed along my brow.


“Oh, I see you’re already beginning,” said Mrs. Moundrammer as she
glanced down at my pants.


I died inside, completely mortified!


“Don’t be embarrassed, Toysin. This is the evaluation chamber
after all.”


And with that statement, Mrs. Moundrammer stepped forward, not
less than a foot away from me.


“Put your hand here,” she said – pointing at her… her own tits!


I couldn’t move. The request shocked me so intensely. Mrs.
Moundrammer seemed amused by this as she giggled once before taking hold of my
hand and putting it on the desired location.


Oh lord… the skin was so warm. And surprisingly supple. I couldn’t
believe the feel of these knockers. My pants must have shrunk three sizes instantaneously
in this moment alone – at least they sure felt like it. The throbbing from down
under increased tenfold.


“Good, Tinkerbottoms,” she grinned. “Like them?”


“Yes, yes m’am.”


“I thought you might. Now, you might also like this…”




The warm hand of Mrs. Moundrammer brushed against my stomach. I
would have jumped backward and darted from the room, if I'd not been so
transfixed by the sensation beneath my fingers. Her hand didn’t stop there, no.
It continued on down… down to my hardened love lance! Those soft fingers rubbed
up and down the length of it several times – as if inspecting a fine piece of


“Mmm, you are a mighty big one.”


Blushing as I had never before blushed in my life…


The off-hand of Mrs. Moundrammer came into action here. It took
hold of my waistline and pulled the band outward… the rubbing, sordid hand
entered inside through this opening and once again moved downward.


“Let me just grab these sexy bells of yours and give them a ring,”
she laughed.


I unconsciously tightened my grip on her breast.


“Ooh, I like that,” Mrs. Moundrammer moaned. “Do it again!”


I got the impression right away that this was not a request, and
so I squeezed the boob.


“Both hands!” she snapped.


Again, I did as instructed... even though it scared me to death. I
wanted to stop. And yet I couldn’t help myself from carrying on.


were engulfed in her hand, being caressed ever so
carefully. Her wrist would brush against the meatpole now and then, which sent
me shooting upright each time – in all places.


“Lick my skin,” Mrs. Moundrammer spoke.


There I found myself, with tongue hanging out, running along her
chest. The sweet taste of seduction and carnality.


“Good. You’re doing great, sport.”


The rubbing of my hardened shaft ceased suddenly. There came a
desperate tugging at my pants, as if she were trying to remove them. Again and
again. Tugging and pulling. Stretching and jostling. And out of nowhere the gentle
Mrs. Moundrammer let out a string of swear words before yelling, “Get your
trousers off, Tinkerbottoms!”


“What!” I shouted – immediately regretting the outburst.


“Yes,” Moundrammer responded, “Get your pants off. Come on! Help
me with them! Did you sew these things on?!”


She was frantic! Mad with lust by the looks of it!


My hands disappeared from her breasts and immediately took hold of
the testy pants; a quick shearing motion later and they were down around my
shaking knees. One of those red high heels stepped in-between my legs, pushing
the pants to the floor. Some evaluation! There I was, stark naked from the
waist down, erect cock exposed and full of fright.


“Ah yes, now we can really begin the test,” she informed me. “You
know what they say about hard to unwrap packages…” I hadn’t the slightest idea
what they said.


Those dainty fingers of hers encircled my southern pole, at least
as much as they could hold. The skin was even warmer now. Mrs. Moundrammer had
her thumb at the base of my sexual treat, pulling it outward and back, over and
over again. All the while staring me straight in the eyes.


“Do you like what I’m doing, Tinkerbottoms?”


“Yes, y-y-yes m’am.”


“Does it feel good?”


“Yes, very good m’am.”


“Aren’t you such a smart little lad, Tinkerbottoms!” she cackled
with delight.


I made a motion to answer, but she quickly placed a finger over my
lips – I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hand that had just been
stroking my holiday package…


“Have you ever had anyone
your southern gift, Toysin?”
she asked.


“N-n-n-o Mrs. Moundrammer,” I replied, staring up at the ceiling.


“Mmm, I like that… You know, I don’t normally allow this until the
final day, but I could let you have an early promotion.”




“Would you like that?” she questioned me, but I got the feeling
there was no choice involved. And so I nodded weakly with eyes closed.


Mrs. Moundrammer leaned forward and kissed me, my first kiss ever,
right on the lips. Her moist mouth sent shivers down my spine. Those supple,
full lips weakened my knees. My head titled forward asking for more – but when
I opened my eyes, the curvaceous Mrs. Moundrammer was already descending.


She kept going lower and lower! What was this madwoman up to!
Should I run? Yes! No! Oh… Her head is right next – right next to my aching
southern pole! Her mouth is only inches away! Now Mrs. Moundrammer is looking
up at me with a silly grin. It’s killing me inside. I want this so badly and
yet the desire to flee is so strong… She opened her lustful mouth as the tongue
extended outward and gave my throbbing shaft a lick, just right there on the
tip. I about toppled over… This was, after all, the first time I’d ever
experienced such a thing.


But oh no, Mrs. Moundrammer didn’t stop there. One of her fingers
pressed down on the upper side of my lengthy log, causing it to line up
directly with her mouth – and then she did the unthinkable… Mrs. Moundrammer,
using that sexy mouth, performed the best impression of a toy tinkerer
desperately oiling down a large baseball bat that I have ever seen! The sloppy
noise of wetness reached my ears with its pleasant sounds. Up and down, back
and forth she went, making sure to grease every inch of my southern pole. Her
tongue trying to pleasure every inch of my manhood... Oh how wonderful it felt,
how cheerful it was. I began humming a little snappy tune.


Mrs. Moundrammer kept her face down close, never once coming up
for air. The woman seemed so enthralled, so infatuated with my love pole that
she couldn’t dare to part ways with it for even a second. And I loved every
sensation she gave me. The way her tongue would flick this way and that way.
Every touch a new and unknown thrill to me. I never wanted this to end. And yet
another part of me felt ashamed. As if I were doing something wrong. But then
all I had to do was look below at her mouth wrapped tightly around my
well-wetted wand…and all was well again.


She grabbed my hand and placed it on the back of her head,
ushering me to force myself deeper in her. My other hand was placed atop her
breast again.


Then I felt it! The surge of excitement from the southern pole.
Mrs. Moundrammer must have sensed the increased throbbing as well, because she
swiftly spoke.


“You want it badly, don’t you Tinkerbottoms?”


“Ahh yeah…”


“Good, now remember this is your evaluation! You don’t want to
screw up, do you boy!”


“Uhh, no no, no I don’t Mrs. Moundrammer.”


“Good. Then do as I say... I’m dreaming of a white surprise! Spray
my face down with all of your special frosting!”


Her hand took hold of my gushing staff as she instructed me on the
final portions of this test.


“Coat it down, nice and thick! Leave no corner or piece untouched!
Give it all to me! Give Mrs. Moundrammer her present! Come on, Tinkerbottoms!
Do it! Do it now! Give me all your frosting or you’re gone!”


I could stand it no longer. The way her sultry voice commanded me
to obey, I was unable to resist – the image of the world's largest dam
bursting, filled my mind. I pictured a massive explosion of white water flying
out through the air… pinning her body to the nearby wall with the unfathomable


“Oh yes! That’s it Tinkerbottoms! Oh my god! Yes, keep it coming!
Who knew such a tiny man like you would have so much frosting!”


Her hand quickened in pace as her tongue once again flicked across
the tip of my erupting southern pole, causing my body to convulse


“Oh my! There’s more?!” She beamed. “Give it all to Mrs.
Moundrammer, that’s it! Oh my Tinkerbottoms… you’ve made a real mess here for
Mrs. Moundrammer to clean up, haven’t you? You naughty little dog.”


After placing my hand on her shoulder for balance, or else I most
certainly would have toppled over, I finally looked down at the now soppy
woman. It appeared Mrs. Moundrammer had just walked in from a record-setting
blizzard. She licked a bit of my special frosting from her lips. The visual –
her sticky face and eyes sparkling through the snow -- made me want to be
inside her dirty mouth again, though I didn’t know if it would be appropriate
to ask for seconds so soon. Not after such a momentous occasion.


“Well, Tinkerbottoms…” Mrs. Moundrammer began, “You have passed
your evaluation… this time.”






BOOK: Shy...
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