Shifting Changes (The First Shift) (3 page)

BOOK: Shifting Changes (The First Shift)
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took it with his lips, just like her nipple before and nibbled it in between
lightly flicking it with the tip of his tongue. Little by little he found out
what she liked and he was fairly pleased with himself when it didn’t take long
until she gripped his hair and pressed his head deeper between her legs. She
was moaning almost constantly now. He risked a quick glance upwards and found
her watching him, plump bottom lip trapped between her teeth. She was so
beautiful and even more alluring in her arousal than she had been before.

up again, he cupped her breasts and played with her nipples just like he played
with her clit until she jerked and shuddered underneath him. Then she went
still and he knew he had the right spot. Just a little longer now, just a few
seconds. He suckled her clit into his mouth and she came with a high-pitched
wail, writhing and gasping in orgasm. It was all he could do to give her until
she had caught her breath. He was so hard for her, aching with the need to
come, and he wanted nothing more than to sink into her and bury his swollen
flesh in her inviting, moist folds.

flavour was still on his tongue as he leaned up to kiss her. He was close to
howling with relief when she pressed a small foil package into his hand. He
didn’t have a clue where she’d got the condom from and he didn’t care, but he
loved her for it.

the thin latex glove on was almost more than he could bear but he forced
himself to hold back. No way was he going to pass on his chance to fuck her. He
pushed into her and had to grind his teeth against the overwhelming sensations
she caused in him. She was so warm, so wonderfully wet and slick and her body
welcomed him, surrounding his shaft like a well-fitted glove.

thrust into that lush heat. She moaned and flexed her inner muscles, nearly
sending him over the edge.

much for you?” She grinned up at him.

he growled and thrust into her again, harder this time. She stopped grinning and
sighed instead, closing her eyes.

much for you?” he mocked as he pounded into her with fast, hard stabs


obviously wasn’t. She wrapped her legs around his hips to cling on to him even
as he steadied her with his hands on her hips. He appreciated the supple but
smooth flesh under his fingers, then he brought one hand between their bodies,
to that place where they were united. His cock and her cunt created a magic of
their own. He added his fingers to the mix, sought out the small bud he’d
played with earlier and rubbed it. He could barely hold back now as he fucked
her on the low bench, slamming his cock into her over and over again.

came first, again, and the contractions of her inner muscles as she climaxed wrung
his own orgasm from him. He toppled over the edge after her, excited and on
emotional overload as he witnessed her pleasure before he closed his eyes and gave
in to the overwhelming sense of relief that swept through his entire being. He
bucked over her, shot his load inside her body, then cowered over her,
instinctively protecting his female. The irony wasn’t lost on him, but he
pushed the thought away and enjoyed the feeling of blissful exhaustion instead.

was…” he started after a while but he didn’t know what to say to describe this
act so he looked down at Tara. She smiled.

she suggested.

Yes. That sounds good.”

knew you were the right choice.” She pushed against his shoulder and he took it
as his cue to pull out and move away from her. He removed the condom, then
picked up her shorts and handed them over. “Did you?”

She flashed a smile as she grabbed her clothes and pulled them on. A cute flush
tinted her cheeks and her lips were plump and swollen. Faolan leaned in and
claimed a quick kiss.

not the only one around, you know,” he whispered, chiding himself the moment
the words were out.


My roommate,” he explained in response to her raised eyebrows.

Good to know. My colleague checked him in and I haven’t met him yet but what she
said about him made me assume you’d be more interested in me than him.”

did she say about him?”

he prefers guys.” She picked up her keys and shot him a wink. “We could do that
again if you’re up for it.”

know I am.”

nodded on her way to unlock the door. “I do. And maybe we can get that roommate
of yours to play along. I bet he’d be a lot more willing if you were part of
the package.”

stared at her in surprise. “You mean… Both of us?”

she smiled back at him. “Of course. Or do you fear the competition? He could
fuck you while you fuck me.” She didn’t give him time to digest this revelation
and come up with an answer. She blew him a kiss and left him standing, confused
but excited by the suggestion. A threesome. What a nice thought.

returned to his room in high spirits and with a stupid grin on his face. It had
been far too long since he’d had a quick shag in a public space and he’d nearly
forgotten how good it felt. And that suggestion of Tara’s kept creating the
most alluring images in his head, along with keeping him semi-aroused. Some of
his high spirits dropped when he entered his room. Shayonn had made a tip of
the place. There were sweets wrappers all over, empty glasses leaving
water-stains on the furniture and a half-eaten sandwich attracted the flies
where it sat sweating on the coffee table.

man himself lay curled up on the sofa, dozing in front of the TV like he didn’t
have a care in the world.

slowly as if approaching potential prey, Faolan inched his way closer. There
was more than one reason for him to be careful. He still didn’t know what the
guy was in his other shape and while was unfairly beautiful and looked innocent
enough with his light blond, almost white hair and striking green eyes, it
would be foolish not to take him seriously. That was the problem with shifters.
You never knew which element of their other shape showed in their human form. 








Chapter 3


dreamed of blue skies and glistening waves. A huge castle, high up on a cliff,
overlooking the bay. Its many turrets seemed to reach for the sky from Shayonn’s
perspective, and just as they didn’t stand a hope to ever make it that far, Shayonn
couldn’t get any closer to the castle. It was too high, and the sharp rocks
were impossible to climb which was part of the reason his ancestors had built
it in that particular place.

knew the scenery and even in his light, dozy dream he understood that his
subconscious was showing him images from the past. The meaning of it wasn’t
hard to figure out. A strange smell tickled his nose and he was awake in an
instant. He couldn’t tell what that scent was. Nothing he’d ever come across
before, that much he knew. It was alluring, tempting. Utterly arousing yet at
the same time mystifying. There was something else in it too, something feral
and ancient that went under his skin and took a hold of him.

powerful effect surprised him. He was getting hard, which wasn’t all that
astonishing really because the man in front of him was bloody hot despite the
fact that he scared Shayonn a bit. No, what was unexpected was that Shayonn
wanted to shift. He had the confusing urge to change his shape and become the
animal he hid inside.

opened his eyes and found himself almost nose to nose with Faolan. All he’d
have to do was move his head an inch or so and maybe tilt it to the side a bit
and they could kiss. What would Faolan taste like? Enticing like the mysterious
scent that clung to him or more like his other self, the hidden one?

stared into each other’s eyes for several long, tension-filled heartbeats.
Faolan had seemed angry to start with, and Shayonn had a good idea why that
was, but then the other man’s set expression softened and he looked merely bewildered.

are you?” Faolan whispered.

let out the breath he’d been holding in a long sigh. “So you know what I am?”

course I know. Just tell me what you’re afraid of.”

not—” Shayonn fell silent at the glance Faolan gave him. “I’m having control
issues,” he admitted “When I’m… You know.”

shifted shape?”

And when I’m in normal shape, but then it’s at least a bit easier to deal with.”

tilted to the side, dark eyebrows raised, Faolan didn’t say anything, but Shayonn
understood the prompt. He sighed. “I’m less likely to hurt people.” He was
relieved that he managed to make the lie sound like a confession. Faolan would
buy it. He seemed like the guy who would understand that reason.

blinked only once, and briefly, and he never really broke the connection he had
with Shayonn’s eyes. “You mean it has happened then?”

bit his lip and nodded.


What do you mean ‘why’?” Shayonn asked with a snarl that would have sent any
other person cringing for shelter, but not Faolan. Shayonn wasn’t quite sure
what the other shifter was, but doubted that he was physically superior. Few of
them were and it seemed Faolan understood that, too. Shoulders squared and head
lowered, he exposed the bare side of his neck in the universal sign of animal
submission. Some of Shayonn’s anger evaporated at the sight, leaving a dull
ache in its wake. Faolan’s skin was so inviting, so smooth and not for the
first time, Shayonn wondered what it would feel like under his fingers. Against
his lips. And what would it taste like if he licked it?

think too much,” Faolan whispered. “You’re still young. You have to learn to
control these urges but for that, you have to let yourself feel in the first
place.” His breath was on Shayonn’s face as he leaned in and added, “Let
yourself be and accept what you are.”

makes you think I don’t?” Shayonn mumbled. Damn if he let the grumpy bastard play
him like that.

let’s see.” Faolan’s deep brown gaze flicked across Shayonn’s face, searching, exploring,
questioning. “You’re a cheeky sod with attitude, yet when I mention that you’re
a shifter, you get tame and shy like a little lamb. Just why don’t you accept

winced, as usual when someone got too close to discovering the secret he kept
so well hidden. “I do—accept it,” he replied reluctantly.

you don’t. You’ve locked yourself up in a hotel room instead of going out and
roaming the woods the way you want. The way you should.”

do the same,” Shayonn pointed out.

know.” Faolan nodded. “But I do it because I want a break away from it all. I
need to spend some time among humans every now and then so I remember what it’s

makes you think it isn’t the same for me?”

just know. You are hiding from something.” Faolan reached out, trailing his
fingers over Shayonn’s cheek. Sharp arousal zinged through Shayonn, stronger
than before, and longing burned in his groin. It had been so long, too long
since he’d been with someone and Faolan was a temptation he just couldn’t
resist. He needed him. Now. He lunged forward.

easy,” Faolan chuckled. He had taken Shayonn’s impulsive leap well, merely
spreading his arms and wrapping him in a tight hug.

Shayonn ground out in between pressing frantic kisses to Faolan’s shoulder.
Damn, but the man tasted delicious. Of salt and sweat, his own sharp, musky
flavour, and this mysterious other scent that clung to him and clouded Shayonn’s

you’ve changed your mind about me,” Faolan gasped, winding in Shayonn’s
rib-crunching clasp.

I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you. I know I shouldn’t, but you’re so
damn irresistible. And you smell so fucking good.”

that is because I just had an intense, uh, work out,” Faolan murmured.



shrugged and pulled Faolan closer. “I don’t care if you’re sweaty. I’ll make
you sweat some more and then I’ll help you clean up, how about that?”

Faolan’s reluctance, his body responded to the soft motion of Shayonn rocking
against him. A throaty moan escaped him and yet, he shook his head. “Honestly,
I’m tempted, but not now. And not until you have told me—”

will have you. Right-fucking-now. Turn around and bend over.”

opened his mouth, probably to protest, but Shayonn pressed his lips to Faolan’s,
silencing him with a kiss so full of passion it was more brutal than tender. He
needed this, so badly, and when Faolan responded to the urge of his mouth, Shayonn
was close to fainting with lust. Well, maybe not fainting. Tilting his hips, he
rubbed his achingly hard cock to Faolan’s groin. There was a matching bump, an
exciting ridge of aroused male flesh, and Shayonn was ready to rip the man’s
clothes off to get at it.

BOOK: Shifting Changes (The First Shift)
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