Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Bride Train 6

Beauty and the Beasts

Betrayed by men who said they loved her, Sarah Unsworth is determined to stay single, operate her bakery, and share her life with her cat. Unfortunately, the three men of the Circle C ranch arouse her, causing erotic fantasies and a craving for the orgasms she knows they can provide.

Luke Frost, raised in an emotionless society of wealth and prestige, requires a wife to produce sons as he's the last of his line. Sarah refuses his proposals though is delighted to take his partners, Oscar Cutler and Gabe Downey, as lovers.

It takes time, but Luke realizes his cold, businesslike behavior is what keeps Sarah away. Not wanting to leave the Circle C, Sarah faces her fears and agrees to marry Luke if he can prove he loves her and will never betray her.

But to do so he must face his deepest fears…

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among the men.

Historical, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys
93,623 words



Bride Train 6






Reece Butler










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2012 by Reece Butler

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-256-8


First E-book Publication: April 2012


Cover design by Les Byerley

All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Beauty and the Beasts
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




This one is for my loyal readers who waited patiently for Luke’s story. He gave me a difficult time, as did Sarah, Gabe, and Oscar, but I believe the result is worth it.

As always, thanks to Paul, Andy, and David.

A special thanks to my co-workers who encouraged my writing career for so many years. Kathy, you’re number one on this list.


Bride Train 6



Copyright © 2012






Chapter One


Tanner’s Ford main street, early Saturday morning, June 1
, 1872


“One more of those head butts and I’ll toss you into the street!”

Luke Frost, six foot five inches of hard muscle, glared down at the furry black-and-white nuisance leaning against him. It looked back with half-closed eyes, purring. If there was anywhere else to sit, he’d move, but the bench was right in front of Sarah Unsworth’s bakery window.

Someday, hopefully soon, she’d be his wife. The last of his line, it was his duty and honor to provide sons to ensure the Frost heritage continued. Strong in spirit and body, still holding her head high after surviving a horrific ordeal, she was the perfect mother for his children.

Unfortunately, she insisted she’d never marry. Therefore, he had to convince her that marrying into the Circle C ranch was in her best interests. That meant putting up with her cat, which once more butted his head against Luke. It gazed up at him with wide eyes, tilting its head like a furry coquette.

“Too bad your mistress doesn’t like me as much as you seem to,” he grumbled.

Taking his words as acceptance, the beast squeezed its triangular head between his elbow and his waist and squirmed into his lap. It stood on its hind feet and bumped his chin with its head. He’d never petted a cat before, but it was obvious what it wanted.

“Aw, why not,” he told it. “At least you’re keeping my lap warm while I wait for your mistress.”

He scratched the soft head and ears as he would a dog. The rumbling purr grew louder, as if rewarding him. As he had nothing better to do, he used both hands to rub under its chin. The sun had risen enough that he could see its amber eyes blinking up at him. He found himself smiling.

“Don’t get any ideas, because I don’t like cats,” he warned.

It angled its head so his fingers reached what must be an itchy spot. He heard noises behind him and turned to look through the window. The door from the kitchen opened—finally—and a short woman appeared. She crossed the room, opened the door, and stared at the two of them.


The cat scrambled off his lap, digging its back claws into his upper thighs as it leaped to the ground. It trotted through the door without looking back. Luke politely stood up, holding back an oath as he grimaced in pain. Forcing a smile, he lifted his hat to greet his intended. She tilted her head to keep her eyes on his face. Lines wrinkled her forehead as she glared accusingly up at him.

“What were you doing with Oliver?”

“Madam, I was merely petting him, waiting for you,” he said, forcing a pleasant tone. Her narrowed eyes and pursed mouth implied she thought he’d tortured her child or something. “When you opened the door, the beast attacked me.”

Her face cleared. She snorted. “How can a ten-pound cat attack a grown man?”

“Ten? He’s at least twenty pounds. One for each very sharp claw.”

She looked at the bottom of his coat, catching him rubbing his upper thigh. She snickered, pressing her lips together. He cleared his throat, and she broke out laughing.

“I don’t find this amusing, Miss Unsworth. I kindly petted that beast of yours when it forced its way onto my lap. In return it came close to causing a very serious injury.”

“To your pride, Mr. Frost?”

She dropped her eyes to his groin for a moment before flashing her sparkling eyes at him. She was beautiful, of course, but he’d rarely seen her laugh. His own lip twitched in spite of the pain. Another couple of inches higher with those claws would have affected his plans for sons. Her comment, and glance, proved she knew what lurked below his belt. In return, he didn’t pretend to misunderstand.

“I would call it my pride
and joy
, Miss Unsworth.”

“Of course.” She snickered again. “Men are so fond of their dangly bits.”

She closed the door and whirled away before he could react.

“Dangly bits?”

He stared though the glass, mouth open. She bent over to pet the cat. She had wide hips for birthing his sons, and for holding on to while he created them. His cock jerked in agreement in spite of the pain. He opened the door and stepped in. She stood and turned to him while the cat wove around her skirts, meowing.

“I wouldn’t call them ‘bits,’ madam,” he said with dignity. “They have far more substance than that.”

Though she was more than a foot shorter, she managed to look down her nose at him. The room was too dim to confirm whether she blushed. She swallowed and blinked, so it was a possibility.


She whirled around so fast her cat was caught in her flowing skirts. Head erect and spine straight, she stomped through the door into the room beyond. The cat, tail high, scampered after. She shot Luke one last glare before shutting him out.

He stood there for a moment as the echoes faded.

“That didn’t go as well as planned.”

He set his hands on his hips and stared at the door. It didn’t open. Because the building used to be used as an assay office and held gold, the walls were made of squared timbers. The heavy plank door was far too thick for him to hear anything from the other side. Pity. He’d like to know if she was furious, aroused, or too busy feeding her cat to care whether he left or not.

Now that she was gone, he relaxed and let a rare smile flow. Women were scarce west of the Missouri River. Brides were hard to come by even if a man was rich and handsome. Thanks to the war, he no longer fit into either category. Neither did his partners Gabriel Downey or Oscar Cutler.

With such a wide choice of eager husbands, what decent woman would consider marrying a trio of ugly ex-soldiers? He and his partners considered Sarah blameless, but most men wouldn’t want a wife they’d rescued from a brothel. Yet that experience helped make Miss Sarah Unsworth the perfect wife for the Circle C ranch. With her past, she might look beyond the scars that marred them and find men who’d care for her like the lady she was.

She had good reasons for not trusting men, but a woman alone was always in danger. Surely he could convince her she’d be better off with a trio of husbands?


* * * *


“Next time you jump off his lap make sure you get him good,” said Sarah to Oliver. “It might curb his enthusiasm for a while.”

The cat ignored her, too busy lapping up a few tablespoons of cream. She knelt on the floor and ran her hand down his sleek back and long tail. She’d fallen in love with him the moment he leaped out of the basket of kittens Jessie Elliott brought as a gift after she and Molly were rescued. No other male could ever give her the love that Oliver did. He was the only family she had, and all that she wanted.

“Don’t lie, Sarah, even to yourself,” she said, sighing.

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