Shawn Lane - Car Wash 1 - Car Wash (8 page)

BOOK: Shawn Lane - Car Wash 1 - Car Wash
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Michael glanced at Kevin, reclining in the passenger seat, as he took the freeway onramp. “You do know I’m taking you to my house, right?” He’d almost said our house, but decided it was too soon after making up to push it that far.

“I expected that.”
“Do you want to stop at your apartment for your things?” He decided he would push it that far. He wanted Kevin to know he expected they’d spend the weekend together at the very least. They had some catching up to do.

“No, I don’t want to waste the time. I want to be naked and in your bed as soon as possible.” Kevin grinned.
“Sounds like we want the same thing.” Michael watched him for a moment, unable to completely push away his concern. “You look really tired. Are you feeling all right?”
Kevin sighed. “I am tired. I haven’t slept well all week.”
“Is it the job? You’re not worried, are you? Because I hear you’re doing great. Everyone really likes you and thinks you are very smart.”
“No, not the job.”
“You’re not getting harassed by the apartment people? Or that bastard Lewis?” Michael would tear them apart if that was the case. All of them.
“No, Michael. It’s none of that. I couldn’t sleep because I was upset over you.”
“Oh.” He reached over and squeezed Kevin’s hand briefly. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you all weekend. You can sleep the whole weekend if you want. Well, other than when we’re having sex.”
Kevin laughed. “Glad you qualified that.”
“You’re not still worried about my cheating, are you?”
“Will you stop worrying? I’m not. Everything’s good. I just want to get to your house already.”
Michael grinned. “Sorry. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a normal relationship before so it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“Really? Even before your screwed up relationship with Felix?”
“No. I dated and had sex, but I wasn’t really in any committed relationships before that one.” He took the exit for the canyon. “How about you?”
“I had a couple boyfriends for longer than a minute, but nothing serious. I saw this guy Tad for about two months, but we didn’t live together or anything. He was bi-curious.”
“Well,” Michael said, blowing out a breath, “I hope you realize I’m thinking long-term here. I know we’ve only been seeing each other a short time and part of that we weren’t together, but I want you to know, Kevin, I really like you. A lot.”
Kevin wore a soft smile. “Good. I really like you a lot, too.”

* * *

By the time Michael got Kevin home and into the bedroom, they’d both already started removing their clothes. Kevin had pulled off his shirt as soon as he pulled the car into the garage.

Kevin stripped completely and made a beeline for the bed. He flopped down on the big fluffy comforter and rolled around. “I do love this bed.”

“You’re going to be spending a lot of nights in it,” Michael promised. He stepped into the bathroom for the box of condoms and the bottle of lube. His cock rose in anticipation of what was to come. A long, leisurely fuck. He wanted to take his time.

Michael set the supplies on the bed, then knelt on it, covering Kevin’s nude body with his own. “Kiss me.”
Kevin’s languid blue eyes met his gaze and he parted his lips for Michael’s kiss. He brushed his mouth across Kevin’s, light, tentative, teasing. He loved those lips. Kevin’s lids lowered and he pressed deeper, opening his mouth for the intrusion of Michael’s tongue.
Michael framed Kevin’s jaw in his hands, drawing their mouths hard against each other. His heart leapt and his pulse raced as Kevin’s hands roamed freely down his back and over his buttocks.
He broke the kiss for just a moment, staring down at Kevin. His lover’s eyes fluttered open and Kevin smiled. Hell, he was falling deep.
“Okay?” Kevin asked.
“Yes, very okay.” Michael kissed him again, nibbling on his lip.
“Hey.” Kevin stopped his exploration of Michael’s body, his hands cupping Michael’s cheeks. “You have any toys?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Toys?”
“Uh-huh. Like a dildo or a butt plug.” Kevin’s eyes were full of mischief. “Do you?”
Michael laughed and struggled up from the bed. “Be right back.”
“Hurry!” Kevin practically bounced.
He padded barefoot into the bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink. He took out a small cardboard box and brought it back to the bed. He handed it to an all-too-eager Kevin.
Kevin rattled the box, peering in, picking through the items inside. “Oh, cool! You have butt plugs in all sizes.” He picked up a big fat one and stared at it and then Michael.
He took it out of Kevin’s hand and threw it back in the box. “No way. You are not putting that one up my ass.”
His lover pouted, but then giggled. He held up a much thinner one. “How about this one, babe?”
Michael glanced at it. “That’ll work.”
Kevin took the box and leaned over the side of the bed, displaying his ass, and stuck the box on the floor. Then he turned back to face Michael. “All right, this is how it’s going to work.”
Michael smiled. “Oh, really, brat? How is that?”
“You can wear this while I wear you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Funny.” He tumbled Kevin to the mattress. He crushed the younger man’s lips under his, thrusting his tongue in to probe Kevin’s warm, moist mouth.
“Mmm,” Kevin made a sort of humming noise. He pushed up underneath Michael, rubbing his erection against Michael’s bare thigh.
“Getting a little anxious?” Michael said against his lips.
“Well, it has been a week. Over really. And, God, you’re really hot.”
That sent a powerful jolt of lust from his rock hard cock to his brain. “Ah, baby, you’re the hot one.” He reached between their bodies and stroked Kevin’s length.
Kevin gasped and reached for the bottle of lube Michael had left on the edge of the bed. He still held the butt plug, which he now sloshed lube all over. When Michael tensed, anticipating pain, Kevin bit his lip.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Michael smiled and smoothed the frown lines from his lover’s face. “No, it’s all right.”
“Have you ever?”
“Not really. I have those for the enjoyment of my lovers. But I’m willing to try.”
“You’ve always been a top.” Kevin nodded.
“Yes, I have. Have you always been a bottom?”
“Uh-huh. I have been curious though.” Kevin kissed him. “If you are sure, lay on your back for me and bend your legs.”
Michael did as Kevin asked.
“Spread ’em a little.”
Michael laughed, but parted his legs. Before Kevin had a chance to ask, he lifted his ass just a bit. “Like this?”
Kevin’s hands caressed his thighs, his thumbs tracing along the sensitive skin. He sat cross-legged in front of Michael’s bent legs. He held up the plug. “Does it look lubed enough?”
Michael leaned up to check out the plug. “Hmm. Better stick a little in my ass with your fingers, too.”
Kevin’s eyes widened and he got all bouncy again. He grabbed the lube again and also tossed a condom packet at Michael. “Put that on.”
“You’re getting a little bossy,” Michael said. He tore open the wrapper and rolled it over his hard cock.
Kevin gave him a heart stopping smile and then wiggled his slicked fingers at Michael. He stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the younger man’s theatrics.
A finger slowly pushed into him. Michael inhaled a little at the penetration.
“All right?” Kevin asked, his face worried.
“Yes, more.”
Kevin pushed his finger all the way in and moved it around. “I’m going to add another.” He did.
“Fuck.” He gritted his teeth at the burn.
“Too much?” Kevin’s voice was anxious.
“No.” He blew out a breath. He peered at the plug, glad it looked considerably thinner than Kevin’s dick. “Okay, I’m ready for that.”
“You sure?”
“Relax, babe,” Kevin said, placing a kiss on his knee. “It’ll hurt if you’re all tense.”
Michael nodded and forced himself to relax. Kevin slowly—very slowly—began to insert the plug in his entrance. For a second he clenched up.
“Easy, Michael, relax,” Kevin soothed.
The butt plug went farther in, past his muscle, the sting gradually going away. Kevin angled it just a little, sending a renewed jolt of lust through Michael.
“Ah, shit.”
Kevin grinned. “Good?”
“Yeah. Need to be inside you. Ride me.”
His lover re-slicked his fingers and inserted them in his ass, preparing himself for Michael’s cock. Kevin scrambled up Michael’s body, straddling either side of him. Their gazes met, held. Michael’s breath caught at the love he saw in Kevin’s eyes.
He gripped Kevin’s hips and lowered him down, his lover opening easily to Michael’s penetration.
“God, I do love that.” Kevin gasped. He thrust up and down on Michael’s cock, fucking himself hard and fast.
For a long time, Michael just let him set the pace, but then his own body reacted, his cock twitching inside, the plug in his ass moving with the motions of his body. He pumped up even as Kevin pushed down.
“Unh,” Kevin moaned, long and low. Cum squirted from his cock, dribbling over Michael’s stomach. “Michael!”
Michael’s balls tightened. He dug his fingers in, pushing into Kevin again and again. His release burst forth so powerfully he almost saw stars.
Kevin collapsed on him, lying on his chest, panting heavily. Michael’s arms closed around him, drawing him close. In a moment he would remove the plug and clean them up, but for now he just wanted to enjoy their reunion.
“You’re amazing,” Kevin whispered. “I’m so glad we’re together.”
“Me, too. More than you know.” He tightened his hold. “Man, I’m tired.” Kevin yawned. “I love you.”
Before Michael could respond, he heard Kevin’s soft snores. “Love you, too.”

Two months later

Kevin twisted his hands in his lap, glancing apprehensively at the large two-story house. It was a familiar sight. The Bennetts had lived there when he and Danny grew up together. He’d spent many days and nights there.

But never as their oldest son’s lover.
Michael turned off the ignition in the Maserati he’d just parked in the driveway and turned to Kevin with a smile. He rested a hand on Kevin’s bare leg. This being Independence Day, Kevin had chosen to wear flag shorts, a blue T-shirt and a red crystal star stud in his nose.
“Are you all right, babe?”
“Uh-huh. Just nervous.”
“I don’t know why. They’re not strangers, Kevin.” Michael squeezed his leg.
“Well, sort of they are. I mean, it’s been nine years since I’ve been here. I was just a kid last time. And now…well.” He shrugged.
“You’re the most important person in my life,” Michael said, leaning over to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Everything will be fine, babe. They always liked you before.”
“I wasn’t sleeping with their son then. Or their brother.” Kevin sighed. “You lucked out.”
“Yes, I did.” Michael smiled, reaching over to tuck a lock of Kevin’s hair behind his ear.
Kevin blushed. “I don’t mean with me.”
“But I do.”
“What I meant is you don’t have to really deal with my loser family. I don’t have any siblings, Dad’s safely losing his money to slot machines in Vegas, and Mom’s probably praying for both of us now in Illinois. We never have to see either of them if we don’t want to.”
“Sweetheart, they’re your family, I’m damn sure we’re going to see them eventually. Now, come on, you’re just stalling. We have to get out of the car.”
Michael took both of Kevin’s hands in his. “They will love you. And you know why?”
He shook his head.
“Because I do.”
Warmth and a bubbling happiness enveloped him. Kevin smiled. He wanted to hear the words. He knew Michael loved him, but this was the first time he’d said so. “You do what?”
Michael kissed him. “I love you.”
Kevin threw his arms around Michael and squeezed. “I love you, too.” He nuzzled Michael’s neck.
“Stop that or you’ll embarrass both of us when we go in there with full-blown erections,” Michael admonished.
Kevin instantly pulled away, mortified. No way could he let that happen. He opened the passenger door and scrambled out.
Michael got out from his side, locked the car, then came around to Kevin and snagged his hand in his and led him to the front door.
Kevin had tried to convince Michael to dress in patriotic attire similar to his, but Michael wouldn’t go for it. The closest he got was pulling on a pair of blue jeans and a maroon Tshirt. Kevin had offered to sprinkle some of the white pixie dust he’d put in his own hair over Michael’s, but his lover had given him a most emphatic no.
The door opened even as they approached it and Michael’s mother, Pamela, stood in the doorway. “I was beginning to wonder if you two were ever going to get out of that car.”
Kevin blushed, but Michael merely laughed.
She opened the screen door wide. “Come in, come in. Your father’s starting the barbecue. Danny’s already on his second beer.”
Michael tugged Kevin into the house. He turned to his mother in the front hall. Kevin noticed she wore a red knit dress with firecracker earrings in her ears. He couldn’t help but approve.
“Mom, you remember Kevin Flaherty. And Kevin, of course, you remember my mom.”
“Hello, Mrs. Bennett,” Kevin said politely.
“Come here, Kevin. Why so formal?” She pulled him into an embrace, much to his surprise. “My goodness, it’s been ages. You’ve gotten so handsome, too. No wonder you won Michael over.”
Kevin felt his cheeks go hot as she released him. “Uh, thanks.”
She waved her hand. “Look at you. You are so adorable. You even put red streaks in your hair for the day.”
Michael chuckled. “Actually, Mom, he always has those. But I agree, he is cute.”
“Oh.” She laughed, and then studied Kevin’s hair. “Is that flour in your hair, honey?”
“No, ma’am. Pixie dust.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he offered me some, too. Come on, babe, let’s go find the rest of the family. You want a beer? Wine? Lemonade?”
Some time later, after they’d eaten their fill of burgers and dogs, Kevin stood on the backyard deck, beer in hand admiring the garden Michael’s father carefully tended. The back door slider was open and he could hear talking and laughing from within. It had been a good day.
Later, there would be fireworks. Kevin knew the fireworks from the local high school could be seen from the Bennetts’ backyard. He’d spent many Fourth of July holidays there.
Danny came up behind him and handed him another bottle of Budweiser. “You all right out here?”
“Yeah. Just remembering all the times we spent out here.” Kevin nodded toward the big tree in the yard where once they’d climbed. “Remember when we begged your dad to build us a tree house?”
“I sure do. He never did, either. Probably just as well. He’s never been that good with tools and stuff.”
“I heard that,” Mr. Bennett yelled out from within the house.
Kevin and Danny both laughed.
“So, this is a little awkward, huh?” Danny asked.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, Danny. That’s mostly my fault. I shouldn’t have stopped being friends with you just because of my problems with Michael.”
Danny nodded. He looked a lot like his brother now, Kevin noticed, although not quite as good-looking and quite a bit shorter. “I understood then. I understand even more now. He tells me you’re living together, too. I’m really glad about you and Michael being together. I never would have thought it would have happened, though.”
Kevin smiled and took a sip of his beer. “Me either. Funny how quirky life can be sometimes. But I love him and he loves me.”
“I know. I think it’s great.” Danny paused to drink from his own beer. “You are going to come up to Stanford for my wedding, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” He held up his beer and clinked it to Danny’s.
“Hey, you,” Michael said later, coming up behind Kevin just as the fireworks were about to begin. He wrapped his arms around Kevin and pulled him close. “I have something important to ask you.”
Kevin leaned back against him. “Hmm, yeah?”
The sky lit up around them with blue, red, and yellow fireworks.
Michael kissed the top of his head. “Will you marry me?”
Kevin froze, his breath caught in his throat and then seemed to stay there, clogging it. His fingers gripped Michael’s arms tight.
Michael turned him around to face him. His brown eyes were intense and the fireworks reflected in them. “I love you so much. Whether it’s just a ceremony or whatever the legalities are. I know I want to be with you forever. Please?”
Kevin’s eyes burned with tears. He tried to get the word out, but it stuck in his throat. He cleared it and then tried again. Finally, he gave up and nodded, flinging his arms around Michael’s neck.
Michael clasped him hard to him. “Good. And now you’d better turn around. You’re missing all the fireworks.”
Kevin nodded, kissed him, and then turned back around to face the sky. He still couldn’t seem to speak, so he just leaned back against Michael watching. Never in a million years would he have thought he’d get to marry Michael Bennett. The man of his dreams. Sometimes the fairy tales really did come true.
“Hey,” Michael whispered in his ear. “Tomorrow I want you to come somewhere with me. Okay?”
He tensed immediately. “Where?”
“Nowhere bad, I promise. It’s good. From now on, it’s always good.” He squeezed Kevin. “Say it again, Kevin.”
He knew what Michael wanted. “I love you, Michael.”

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