Shawn Lane - Car Wash 1 - Car Wash (4 page)

BOOK: Shawn Lane - Car Wash 1 - Car Wash
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“Okay, your house officially rocks,” Kevin declared, jumping on to the king-sized bed covered in a feather bed top and comforter. He buried himself in the softness. “And this bed, man, I could totally get used to this.”

Michael laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”
“I definitely do.” Kevin sighed, inhaling Michael’s scent from the bed. He hadn’t bothered to get completely redressed from the kitchen to the bedroom, so only had on his jeans, which he’d left unfastened. He lay on his back and crossed his arms behind his head. “Rich people have it made.”
“I don’t consider myself rich.” Michael had likewise been in a state of partial dress, but he had now disposed of his clothing and stood nude next to Kevin. He reached over and started tugging off Kevin’s jeans.
“Hon, you drive a fucking Maserati. You are
rich.” Kevin lifted up a little to help him remove the pants.
“I do well,” Michael acknowledged.
Kevin rolled his eyes and bounced on the bed. “Do well. Yeah, whatever. Come on and give me some sugar.” He puckered up.
“Damn, you’re adorable.”
He grinned. “I know.”
“And a brat, too.” Michael set the bottle of lube on the nightstand along with a few condom packets, then kneeled on the bed.
“You already said that.”
“It’s still true.” Michael lowered himself next to Kevin and hovered over him, kissing him deeply. Kevin put his arms around Michael’s neck to pull him closer.
One of his favorite parts of sex had always been kissing. He knew plenty of guys who didn’t feel that way, but Kevin figured they were missing out on a very sensual part of sex. There was something so erotic and intimate about melding lips and tongues together. Luckily for him, Michael seemed to like it as well and also was apparently an expert at it.
Kevin slid his tongue farther in Michael’s mouth, tasting, exploring. This is what he’d always wanted. Well, for a number of years anyway. Michael framed his face with his hands and deepened the kiss. He decided it would be all right with him if they spent the rest of the night like this, but he guessed Michael had something more in mind.
He wrapped his leg over Michael, using it to drag the man over until he lay on top. He could feel Michael’s semi-erect cock against his thigh. It sent a jolt of lust through his own cock. Okay, maybe kissing all night wasn’t what he wanted either.
Michael finally broke the kiss and looked down at Kevin, their gazes meeting. The hot glazed passion he saw in Michael’s eyes was so powerful he shook with need.
“You okay, Kev?” Michael asked, running the pad of his thumb over Kevin’s bottom lip.
“Yeah. You’re just so fucking hot I can’t believe I’m here,” Kevin admitted.
Michael smiled. “You’re the one who’s beautiful.” He slipped a hand between their bodies and closed it around Kevin’s now fully erect cock. “First, I’m going to taste this. Then after I’ve swallowed every drop of your cum, I’m going to fuck that sweet, round ass of yours over and over.”
Kevin’s breath hitched. “Geez, you’re going to make me come just by talking like that.”
His lover gave him a quick kiss and then a slow tantalizing stroke along his shaft.
Pulse racing, Kevin watched Michael crawl down until his delectable mouth was poised right above his cock. The sight of Michael’s dark head right
was almost too much. He whimpered.
“Still okay?” Michael asked, glancing up at him, his chocolate brown eyes shining.
Kevin didn’t trust himself to speak, so he nodded. He fisted the feather comforter, anticipation nearly killing him.
Michael’s hot, moist mouth closed over the tip and Kevin couldn’t stop a squeal from escaping his lips. It was so fucking good. Michael pulled it out and then swirled his tongue across the slit. Kevin closed his eyes and turned his head, gripping the comforter tighter.
“Oh, my God.”
He couldn’t keep still. His hips rose, pushing himself against Michael’s mouth, seeking re-entrance. Michael opened and let him in, sucking him past the tip, down the shaft. Michael grasped his sac, squeezing.
“Ah, fuck, Michael.” Kevin gasped, tremors wracking through him. He held back pushing in farther, afraid of gagging his lover. But Michael swallowed him deeper. Kevin couldn’t believe he was going to come again so soon after sex in the kitchen. He released the feather comforter and moved his hands down to Michael’s head. He speared his fingers through the dark hair, surprised at the softness.
His release tingled at the base of his spine. Moans tore from his throat as his balls tightened in Michael’s grasp. He tried to pull out to save his lover from getting a mouth full of cum, but Michael wouldn’t let go until he’d poured out every last drop.
Panting heavily, Kevin pushed Michael’s mouth off his softening cock, too sensitive for more contact.
Michael chuckled and scooted up until his face was close to Kevin’s. “You taste amazing. Want to taste?”
Kevin could only nod.
Michael pressed his lips to Kevin’s, thrusting his tongue inside. Kevin tasted the musky, slightly bitter taste of his own juices.
“You know, I just had you in the kitchen. You’d think I’d be satisfied with that, but no.”
Michael stroked his fingertips across Kevin’s jaw. “No. God, I want to fuck you so bad.”
“Well, then quit talking and just do it.”
“Okay, brat.” Michael reached over to the nightstand and picked up a foil package. Kevin watched him tear it open.
“Wait,” Kevin said, bending toward him. “I want to put it on you.”
His hands shaking, Kevin took the packet from Michael and removed the condom. Before he rolled it on the man’s erection, he ran a finger along the prominent vein in his shaft.
Michael moaned and closed his eyes.
Kevin bit his lip and swiped the drop of pre-cum from the tip of Michael’s cock. He rolled the condom over it.
When Michael opened his eyes, their gazes met. The scorching desire he caught in Michael’s gaze nearly melted his skin. His lover grabbed the lube. “Are you sure? You’re not too sensitive for this?”
Kevin gave him what he hoped was an exasperated look. “Yes, for God’s sake. Just get on with it.”
“As you wish, brat.” He poured lube over his fingers and then used them to slick up his straining cock.
Kevin licked his lips and lay flat on the bed. He could almost get hard again. Too bad he wasn’t super human.
Michael lifted Kevin’s legs and slipped a lubed finger inside Kevin. Since he was still slick from their earlier sex, it slid in easily, followed by a second. His lover worked them in and out, pushing and spreading.
Just when Kevin thought he would never enter him with his cock, Michael pushed all the way in with one deep thrust.
Kevin gasped. “Oh. My. God.”
Michael stopped, tensed. “Are you all right, baby?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I am still just a little sensitive.”
“You want me to stop?” Michael asked, his expression pained.
“Good, because I really need to move.” Michael hiked Kevin’s legs up a little higher and wrapped his arms around the calves.
Every nerve in Kevin’s body seemed to be standing on end, electrified, pulsing. It was almost too much. He resisted the urge to close his eyes as his lover thrust in and out, brushing his prostate, because he wanted to watch Michael come. For all he knew, this night might be the only time for them. And if that was true, he would savor this.
Michael’s thrusts became rapid, harder. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and his dark brown eyes were hazy with lust. Kevin reached for one of Michael’s nipples and twisted.
“Ah, shit.” Michael gasped, tensing and jerking within Kevin a few more times before he collapsed. He rested his head on Kevin’s stomach. “God, that was good.”
Kevin brushed the sweaty locks of hair out of Michael’s eyes. “You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true. You’re amazing, Kevin. So tight and hot and responsive.” His warm breath brushed the hairs of Kevin’s stomach.
He laughed. “Stop that. You’re going to get me excited again.”
Michael leaned his chin on his hands and peered up at Kevin. “Could you?”
“No,” he said honestly. “You?”
“Maybe in a few hours.” Michael yawned.
“Well, why don’t you come up here and go to sleep with me,” Kevin suggested.
Michael rose from the bed, pulled off the used condom and went into the bathroom.
While he was gone, Kevin pulled aside the feather comforter and crawled beneath the sheets, too sleepy to try to clean up. He hadn’t gone to sleep with a man since Raphael and even that had been sporadic.
Michael came back into the bedroom and Kevin was happy to see he hadn’t pulled on pajamas or anything. He slipped under the covers next to Kevin and pulled him close. “Night, Kev.”
“Goodnight, Michael.”

* * *

It was around eight-thirty when they left Michael’s house for him to drive Kevin home. Kevin spent most of the car ride wondering if he should ask when or if he would see Michael again. He couldn’t seem to get up the nerve, though.

As they got closer to his apartment, Michael said, “I’m going to give you my number and I’ll need your number so I can call you later this afternoon.”

Kevin shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t have a phone.” “You what?”
He shrugged and slouched down in the seat. “I couldn’t

pay the bills.”
Michael nodded. “Okay. We stop at the store first then.” “For what?”
“We’re getting you one of those pay-as-you-go cell

“You’re not going without a phone, Kevin. How do you

make calls now?”
“The drugstore down the street still has a pay phone.” The muscle in Michael’s jaw flexed. “What happens in an

emergency? Not to mention you shouldn’t be traipsing down there in the dark just to make a call. We’re getting you a phone. What kind of food do you have?”

“We’ll stop at the grocery store, too.”
Kevin looked out the window. “You don’t have to.” “Yes, I do. Do you still have electricity?”
“Well, at least that’s something.”
About an hour later, Michael dropped him off with the new

phone, Michael’s home, office and cell numbers programmed into it, and groceries. He promised to call later and sped off. Apparently that meant they were going to see each other again, Kevin decided, even though they hadn’t had any sort of conversation. He was already coming to realize Michael liked being the boss.

Kevin finished putting away his groceries and then realized he couldn’t put off cleaning up the dreaded ants any longer. As it was, they were a massive black, icky mess.

He opened the sliding door and set to scrubbing down the kitchen and emptying the garbage. After that he was sort of in cleaning mode so he cleaned his bathroom and bedroom, too.

When he finished, he realized he was grungy and in serious need of a shower.
When he returned to the living room all freshly washed himself, a few hours had already flown by. His gaze went to the eviction notice. He took a deep breath, picked it up and looked for a number to call. He would have to find out what his options were, if he even had any.
Using his new phone, he called the law firm listed on the notice.
“Marker and Jakowitz,” a nasally feminine voice said.
“May I speak with Mr. Harris, please?”
“Who is calling?”
“Kevin Flaherty. I received an eviction notice and I—”
There a small click and then more ringing.
“Keith Harris.”
“Mr. Harris? My name is Kevin Flaherty and I received an eviction notice for my apartment at the Terrace Pines complex.”
There was a shuffling noise, like the man was going through paperwork. “Yes, Mr. Flaherty. What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering what I can do to stop this.”
“Stop what?”
Kevin swallowed. “The eviction.”
“Mr. Flaherty, that’s all been taken care of.”
Kevin pulled his phone away and stared at it, then returned it to his ear. “What do you mean?”
“Your apartment is paid current. In fact, it’s paid in advance of next month, too.”
His stomach dropped and his heart raced. “What? There must be some mistake.”
“There is no mistake, sir. I’ll be sending you a notice of withdrawal of the eviction, of course. You should get it in the mail in a few days. Good-bye, Mr. Flaherty.”
Kevin grimaced and set the phone on the dining room table. Paid current? How could that be? It had to be a mistake. Maybe Harris had gotten his file mixed up with someone else’s?
His phone rang and since only one person had this number, he flipped it open and said, “Michael?”
“Hi. What are you doing?”
“Cleaning up some.”
“What are you going to have for dinner?” Michael asked. “I don’t know. Chicken?”
“That’s good. And?”
Kevin scratched his leg, his gaze still on the eviction papers in hand. “Nothing.”
“You need to have a vegetable, Kevin. Even a salad.”
“What are you my mother? Actually forget that, she didn’t even bug me about eating vegetables.”
“Hmm. Listen, Kevin, I called because I’m not going to be able to get away to see you tonight. Got a crazy case right now and I’m going to have to work late.”
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”
“Sure.” Kevin forced himself to ask, “Hey, Michael, can I ask you something?”
“Yes, but make it fast. I’m about to go into a meeting.”
“Do-do you know anything about my apartment—”
He could hear another voice and then Michael said, “Kevin, I have to go now. Can this wait until tomorrow?”
Kevin bit his lip and sighed. “Okay, yeah.”
“Talk to you soon.”
Michael had already hung up.


“Mr. Lewis wants to have a meeting after work with all the employees,” Gabby told Kevin two days later at the car wash just before two o’clock.

Kevin was taking a short break inside the cashier’s booth. He’d just filled a cup with some coffee. “What? Why?”
She shrugged. “He didn’t say. Just said it was important and mandatory for all employees.”
Kevin sipped at the bitter brew. “And you don’t have any clues?”
“None. He was acting kind of weird though.” Gabby chuckled at his raised eyebrow. “I mean even weird for old man Lewis.”
“Um. Okay. I’ll see you later.” He stepped out of the booth and punched in Noah’s work number.
“This is Noah.”
“Hey, girlfriend,” Kevin said cheerfully.
“Hi, Kev. I was about to have the police search for you.”
“Yeah, sorry, I’ve been out of touch so much lately. That’s why I’m calling you. I have a new cell number to give you.”
“Great, give it to me.”
Kevin gave him the new number. “Anyway, I’m just on a short break. Maybe we can reschedule dinner at your place real soon.”
“Absolutely.” Noah paused for a moment, then said, “Are you all right, Kev?”
“Of course. Maybe when I come for dinner I can even…bring someone,” Kevin said, wondering himself if that would be true.
Michael acted on the phone like he wanted to continue seeing Kevin, but he wasn’t sure how long that would last. Two days in a row he’d called Kevin and said he couldn’t see him because of work. Some divorce case was taking up all his time. The call last night when Kevin got home from work had been very brief. Kevin still hadn’t had the chance to ask him about the apartment.
Really, for all he knew Michael calling him and telling him he had to work late was his way of easing out of seeing Kevin. Sort of like,
I’ll call you
, but then they never do. He couldn’t imagine Michael would pay the rent on his apartment and buy him a phone and food if that were the case, but Kevin never had fully understood Michael Bennett. He didn’t know for sure Michael had paid for the apartment, but unless it was a mistake there was no other explanation. He only hoped he would actually get to speak to Michael about it.
“Kevin,” Noah said loudly.
“Oh, sorry, sort of got lost in thought. What were you saying?”
“You said maybe you could bring someone. Are you actually seeing someone?”
Kevin smiled at the incredulous tone in his friend’s voice. “It’s not like I’ve never had a boyfriend, Noah.”
“Well, it’s been a while. And you’re not actually counting Raphael as a boyfriend, are you?”
“I wasted several weeks of my life on him, doesn’t that count?”
Noah snorted. “I guess. So, do you have a boyfriend?”
“I don’t know, really.”
“How can you not know?”
Kevin glanced at his watch and realized his break was over and he’d better get back to work before Mr. Lewis took note. “It’s a long story and I can’t get in to it right now. I’ll call you later.”
“You’d better.”
“I will,” Kevin promised. “Say hi to Charlie for me. Bye.”
Kevin slipped the phone into his back pocket and returned to work, his stomach fluttering nervously about whatever Mr. Lewis planned to say to the staff.
* * *

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