Sharon Schulze - L'eau Clair Chronicles 03 (27 page)

BOOK: Sharon Schulze - L'eau Clair Chronicles 03
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“Is something wrong?”

“Nay,” he said, shaking his head to rid it of the enticing thoughts racing through his mind.

“I was getting this.” He held up the brush.

Lily’s face brightened with anticipation, and she turned so that he could reach her hair.

“It felt wonderful when you combed it before.”

Capturing the soft copper strands in his hand, he drew the brush slowly through her hair. Sighing, Lily closed her eyes. She looked as if she might drift off where she sat.

“Don’t go to sleep,” he whispered in her ear.

“We cannot let this bath go to waste. Stay awake, and I’ll help you wash,” he promised.

Lily turned her head just far enough to see him.

“Are you trying to lure me there, Dragon? If you wish to join me, all you need do is ask.”

She looked intrigued by the idea. And the eagerness he saw in her eyes matched that in her voice.

He came around to the front of the chair and dropped to his knees.

“I’ll do anything you wish, Lily” He framed her face with his hands and stared into her eyes, trying to express the things his lips feared to say.

“I will give you whatever you desire, if I can.”

Ian went to the tub and trailed his fingers through the water, inhaling deeply of the herb-scented steam rising from its surface. Anticipation singing through his veins, he knelt on the hearth and stirred up the fire; this bath might take a while, if he had his way.

He rose and went to stand before her.

“There is nowhere I’d rather be than here with you.” He held out his hand.

“Stay with me, Ian.” Placing her hand in his, Lily stood and let him lead her to the tub. She raised her hand to the lacings of her gown, but hesitated there.

“Will you help me, milord?” she asked.

“You’re much better at this than I am.” Her eyes promised him a world of delights–a world he intended to explore completely before this night was through.

Ian gently moved her hand aside and tugged the laces free.

“You must be tired,” he teased, lifting her bliaut over her head and tossing it aside.

“You don’t even have the energy to undress.”

Lily’s face flushed, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

“You must be weary, too, Dragon. Here, let me help you,” she whispered. She raised her hand to the neck of his shirt and slowly untied it.

“I’m not used to this. It could take me a while.” Her gaze holding his, she sent him a sultry look.

“But I’m sure I’ll learn.”

Lily pushed open the neckline of Ian’s shirt, leaned toward him and brushed her lips along the exposed flesh, then lightly nipped at the base of his throat. He tasted of sweat and the unique scent of Dragon.

“You’ve been hard at work, I can tell,” she murmured, soothing the spot with her tongue.

Ian groaned. The sound sent a surge of heat through her. She laughed, deep in her throat, as he redoubled his efforts to undress her. His eagerness made her feel powerful-all woman.

Was she powerful enough to control the Dragon?

“Slowly.” She placed her hands over his as he sought to tug her under tunic up and over her head.

“We’ve no need to hurry.”

But she did want to see him—all of him—with the flickering firelight shimmering on his wet skin.

Ian stood and permitted her to undress him, his gaze following her every movement as she bared him to her eager scrutiny. She ran her hands over him from shoulders to hips, taking her time and making him shudder.

Ian’s breath hissed between his teeth.

“Temptress,” he growled.

Lily toyed with the curls covering his chest, then drew her fingernail slowly along the cloud of hair covering his stomach. But she refused to touch that part of him that was standing to greet her.

Although her attention remained focused upon the fascinating musculature of Ian’s chest, she could feel his gaze burning through her garments. She felt stripped bare, despite the fact that she still wore her clothes.

But she could hardly wear them into the bath. Stepping past Ian, Lily tested the herb-scented water with her finger.


Smiling, she dragged her fingertip over Ian’s lips, wondering why she did nit burst into flames from the heat of the passion burning in his eyes.

“Are you ready to bathe, milord?” she asked.

“Aye, wife,” he said. The rough timbre of his voice made her heart beat faster, if that was possible.

Slowly, Lily drew off her under tunic She t Qok even longer to wriggle free of her shift. Finally she stood naked before him, her only covering the shifting veil of haft hanging to below her hips.

Ian made a leisurely survey of the treasures before him, his gaze finally centering on her face.

A delicate bloom of color rode high along her cheeks a tinge of embarrassment because of her boldness? He had enjoyed every moment of her teasing.

She resumed her stroking caress of his chest and stomach, her touch sending a fine tremor through his body. Ian knew the instant she felt it, her eyes darkening to a smoky green. Gliding her hands slowly over his neck and shoulders, she moved closer, until her breasts brushed against the curls matting his chest.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Ian searched within himself for the patience to make this feeling last. His body urged him to grab Lily, carry her to the bed and drive his aching flesh into her welcoming warmth.

But he wanted to linger over the pleasure, to share with Lily all the facets of passion, not just the urge for completion.

Ian wanted to imprint himself upon Lily, to lose himself in her, to give himself to her—and receive the gift of Lily in return.

He could see her growing sense of power in her eyes, feel it in the sure touch of her hands on his body. It was her turn to lead the way, after their loving of the night before. He intended to savor every moment of Lily’s boldness;

he’d never felt so appreciated by a woman.

“Come, Dragon. Let me help you bathe,” she murmured, taking his hand and stepping into the steaming tub.

““Tis wonderful.”

Ian climbed in after her and tried to decide how they’d both fit. Laughing, she scooped water into her hand and splashed him.

“Careful,” he warned.

“We don’t want to start a flood.”

He grabbed her about the waist and pulled her into his lap, sending a surge of water over the sides of the tub.

Lily shrieked, the sound swiftly cut off when Ian covered her mouth with his own. She offered no resistance, her tongue slipping through his lips to mate with his as he settled her more comfortably atop his lap.

Lily sank into the warm water and Ian’s embrace, until she lay draped over him, her legs about his lean waist.

His kiss alone was pure seduction, his tongue thrusting and taunting, drawing her deeper into the dark, whirling pool of his desire. He drew his hand slowly up her stomach and captured her breast, toying with the nipple and sending a bolt of fire to her very core.

She was content, now, to share the power in this battle.

A low moan rising from her throat, Lily sank deeper into the water, tightening her legs around Ian until the welcome heat of his manhood pressed against her aching flesh. He tore his mouth from hers, soothing her loss by nipping at her lower lip.

“You make me burn, sweeting,” he murmured. Easing back slightly, he took her hand in his and dragged it down his chest until she encountered his arousal.

“Feel how I want you.” He closed her fingers about his flesh, hissing through his teeth when she slowly caressed him.

He was like silk beneath her touch, smooth and warm, pulsating with life. The water embraced her, intensifying her awareness of Iah’s touch. It suddenly struck her that he intended to make love to her in the tub.

She found the idea appealing, although she wasn’t certain it was possible. But as Ian continued to lavish attention on her aching breasts, stoking the flames smoldering within her, Lily became impatient.

“Shouldn’t we get out of here?” she asked, moaning against his neck as he slipped his hand over her stomach to the pool of heat between her legs.

“Are you trying to drive me mad?”

“Aye.” He took her mouth at the same moment he slid his fingers into her, her body arching into his at the sudden onslaught of pleasure.

“I want to make you forget that anything exists but me. I want to hear the sounds you make when I give you joy, see it reflected in your eyes—” he nipped at her earlobe “—feel you melt around me when we become one.”

Shifting beneath her, Ian grasped her about the waist and impaled her with his shaft.

“Still want to leave?” he asked, his breath coming in short gasps.

Lily’s aching body accepted him eagerly, rippling around his flesh in a spasm of pleasure. Her eyes opened wide, and she stared into his.

“Never,” she moaned. The possession in his eyes sent another bolt of fire searing through her to pool where they were joined.

“Never leave me, Ian.”

His hands still firm about her, he helped her move in a languid rhythm, while continuing to stare into her eyes.

The water lapped about her breasts, its delicate caress intensifying everything she felt until her entire body became a pleasure point, every brush of sensation adding to her desire.

Ian slowed the rhythm of his thrusts, moving within her with a maddening languor.

“Take me, Lily,” he whispered, his breath against her ear weakening her grasp on reality.

“I am.”

“Nay. Not just my body. Take me. Everything I want to give you.” He maintained his leisurely movements.

“I’ll give you happiness, if you let me. A child of our bodies–” he thrust harder “—if ‘tis what you desire.”

His words pushed Lily closer to the edge of the peak.

Fire searing her veins, she gazed into his face, still reluctant to believe.

“But you must give me yourself. AH of you.” He leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers.

“Please,” he whispered, “give me my heart’s desire.”

Lily had no strength to resist the sincerity in his eyes.

He lured her into the unknown depths with the promise of trust, of excitement–of love. How could she defy such a challenge? Throwing caution to the winds, she let her body welcome everything Ian offered.

“Yes.” Her lips curled into a shaky smile.

“Yes,” she moaned as her body soared free.

The awareness that Ian watched her face as the spasms shook her sent Lily into a deeper realm of pleasure. And he waited until her eyes were fixed upon him before giving in to his own.

The intimacy of the gesture sent renewed heat shimmering through her. Gasping, they slumped together in the water.

As the blinding pleasure faded, Ian became aware of Lily draped limply over him, her hair floating in the now cool water.

“I cannot move,” Lily mumbled against his cheek.

“What?” Had she come to harm from their lovemaking?

Gathering himself, Ian pushed up against the side of the tub and lifted her so that he could see her face.

“Is something wrong Her eyes opened slowly.

“Not a thing,” she said, her voice a raspy purr. Her lips curled into a smile that was pure seduction. ““Tis just that you turned all my bones to mush.”

She had the look of a thoroughly satisfied woman. Ian had never realized how arousing it could be, to know he’d put that look on her face, that hum of pleasure in her voice. His manhood began to stir. Impossible! he thought.

But he couldn’t deny that he wanted her again.

However, she’d been exhausted when she came into the room. He was greedy for her, ‘twas true, but surely he could restrain himself long enough to allow her some well-earned rest.

And they needed to talk. Ian would never have believed he’d think such a thing. Discussing feelings and emotions was a woman’s province. But they had gone deeply into something important, though they’d said barely a word about where they were headed.

He wanted to know what his wife felt for him.

The best thing would be to get out of the tub and dressed. Perhaps that would lessen the temptation to drag Lily beneath him and have his way with her. He looked at her again, keeping his gaze above her neck, but it didn’t matter. He still wanted her.

Seeing the circles of weariness beneath her eyes, he knew he wouldn’t try to take her.

Ian picked Lily up and climbed from the tub, then set her back in the water.

“What are you doing?” Her hand trailed lingeringly along his arm.

“You should finish your bath and rest now,” he said.

Picking up a clump of sweet-scented soap and a washrag, Ian knelt beside the tub.

“Ian … I thought you wished to bathe, too.” Lily looked at him in confusion.

“If I get into that tub, there will be precious little bathing going on,” he said shortly. Reaching into the water for her hand, he lifted her arm and began tomb the soapy cloth vigorously over her arm, then moved up to scrub at her upper chest and the column of her neck.

“But—” Letting the rag fall into the water, Ian took her by the shoulders.

“I want you again—now—but you need to rest. See what you do to me?” He glanced down at his manhood, jutting out from his thighs.

“I’m becoming a rutting beast, wife,” he said with disgust.

Lily’s face colored slightly, but she continued to gaze at him. His body reacted accordingly, swelling his arousal even more. She reached out and cupped him in her palm.

“I’m not that tired,” she said, meeting his eyes with a searing look.

“By Christ, Lily. You’ll drive me mad.” Closing his eyes, he savored her touch. Her fingers cherished him, smoothing over his heated flesh until he was aware of little save the driving need to join with her again.

“Are you sure?” he asked, bending to rinse the soap from her glistening skin, then scooping her into his arms.

She nodded, looping her arms about his neck and nuzzling at his throat.

There would be time for bathing and talking—later.

Three strides took him to the bed. Capturing her lips, he fell across the mattress and made her his once again.

They dozed for a while, but eventually neither could pretend to be asleep any longer. Ian rolled onto his side and looked down at Lily’s beautiful face.

BOOK: Sharon Schulze - L'eau Clair Chronicles 03
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