Shared Too (15 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Menage

BOOK: Shared Too
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She smiled.

He frowned. His eyes had glazed with lust.

I snatched in a breath.

“You all right?” Liam asked.

“Yes.” I tightened my grip on his thigh. “I think so.” She moved to the desk, picked up the box of condoms and plucked out a red-wrapped square. With her teeth she tore the foil. Quinn’s cock bobbed again and the outline of his shoulders rounded as he pulled against the belt shackling him to the antique chair. His feet moved on the floor as though he wanted to get up and claim control of the situation.

She rested a placating hand on his right shoulder. He stilled and his mouth parted, dragging in air.

She held the condom between her thumb and forefinger and knelt before him.

Quinn spoke and jerked farther forward. The chair legs did move this time and I heard 115

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them scraping on the other side of the ceiling. I knew what it felt like to be out of control, to be restrained and needing a touch, a release. He’d tied me up often enough.

But I’d never imprisoned
. Never made
beg me to touch and tease. He always claimed control and I was sure this must be twisting his soul, screwing with his mind.

She reached out and gripped his cock. Took it in her fist and rubbed her thumb over the head. His whole body jerked before he became completely motionless. She placed the condom over the head and tipped forward. Her hair fell about his thighs in long blonde curtains and I didn’t need to be able to see to know she was rolling the condom down his shaft with her mouth.

Quinn’s head tipped toward the ceiling, his neck stretched and his Adam’s apple prominent in profile. He sank his teeth into his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut, his bound hands balled into harsh, white-knuckle fists.

She took her time, bobbing her head in his lap with her hands resting on his thighs and her long legs folded beneath her. My pussy quivered. I was getting wetter by the minute watching their show. I adored taking Quinn in my mouth and I was utterly riveted watching his face and body movements as he was sucked off. I couldn’t normally see him like this, I was too busy. He held himself tense with his spine rod straight and his toes curled up from the floor. It was as though every nerve he owned had homed in on the sensations in his cock.

Suddenly Eve straightened. Flicked her hair over her shoulders and stepped back.

Quinn’s cock was sheathed and engorged, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He hadn’t been far from coming. I could tell. Plus I knew a blowjob did for Quinn’s stamina what boiling water did to an ice cube—it melted it right away, every time.

She spoke and stroked her hands down her body, over her breasts, into the dip of her waist and over her slim hips.

Quinn responded, his eyes desperate, his words, I suspected, matched.

She poked her fingers into the lacy waistband of her panties and slowly rolled them down, bending slightly before kicking them off to expose a pale triangle of pubic hair.


Shared Too

“She’s a natural blonde then,” Liam whispered and switched his attention to my other nipple.

I didn’t answer. I was totally absorbed imagining Quinn’s needs. I could feel his desire radiating from the screen. It harnessed all my attention, and with Liam caressing me, squeezing me close, I too was buzzing with an unexpected and heady lust of my own.

Eve continued to trace her body with her palms. Her long, flowing limbs were as beautiful as her face—pale and almost ethereal, her bones delicate. She slid them over her breasts, tweaked her nipples then moved down to the juncture of her thighs. She dipped one finger into the slit, fluttered shut her eyes for a second and lifted her breasts as she breathed deep.

Quinn said something. It was loud because the deep timbre of his voice made it down to the living room, though I couldn’t make the words out.

She moved quickly up to him. Head shaking but smiling, she pressed the finger she’d just dipped into her pussy against his lips. With a snap of his head he caught it in his mouth, sucked her finger deep as he stared into her eyes.

She tipped her head back, laughed and ran her other hand through his messy hair.

She allowed him to feed on her flavor for a few long seconds then pulled her finger from his mouth, bent her head so her lips were a whisper from his and spoke.

He nodded, stretched his neck and caught her mouth in a kiss. She allowed it, in fact she fell into it. Her whole body seemed to sink downward and as she did so she straddled the chair so she had one long leg placed on either side of his thighs, her pussy hovering above his cock.

Liam pressed a kiss to my head. “You holding up?” he murmured.

“Yeah, I think so.”

Quinn was about to be fucked by another woman. It didn’t feel right, but it didn’t feel awful either. In fact it was sexy. Hell, it was wildly erotic and not only that, I felt I had some kind of control. If I wanted it to stop I could march up there and demand she 117

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leave. But more importantly I knew that afterward I wouldn’t have to imagine a thing, I would know every tiny, little detail of what they had done.

Placing one hand on Quinn’s shoulders and still kissing him, Eve sent her other hand between their bodies, as if guiding him to her entrance. Then she sank down, deep and slow.

Their kiss tore apart as her taut butt hit his thighs. She arched her spine and threw back her head, both her hands scrabbling for purchase around Quinn’s neck. He dipped his head, managed to latch on to her breast as her chest flew upward.

“Oh god, he’s inside her,” I gasped.

“That was always the plan,” Liam whispered.

“I know, but―”

“It’s okay, it’s just sex,” Liam said, squeezing me close. “It’s just sex, they’re not making love, just sex.”

I nodded and swallowed. My pussy was contracting around nothing, as though it was expecting to find Quinn’s cock there to grip. My clit was humming against my panties. I wanted sex too. I wanted Quinn or Liam inside me. But I couldn’t tear my attention from the screen. Eve was picking up the pace, riding Quinn as if she were a rodeo girl, her hips not lifting up and down but rocking on him, hard and fast, moving the chair legs on the wooden floor. Quinn let go of her breast and stared downward. I knew he’d be able to see her pale mound rubbing against his wiry black pubes. The contrast must be shocking.

His hands were still fisted behind his back and his heels had lifted from the floor as well as his toes so just the balls of his feet were pressing down. He had no control—she was in charge, setting the pace, the depth, the timing. Quinn was at her mercy.

The rhythmic banging of their fucking filtered down through the floorboards, a muted clacking and thumping. I wanted it to stop. I wanted it to go on. My heart was racing, my own breaths quickened. I wanted to see them climax, I wanted to see their faces, their bodies, as they reached the pinnacle of human physical sensation.


Shared Too

I didn’t have to wait long because Eve suddenly froze, her mouth open and her eyes shut tight, then she slumped into Quinn, her cheek pressing on his shoulder and facing away from me. Her foot nearest the camera curled around the back leg of the chair. She wrapped her arms tight around him as her body juddered and trembled.

Quinn dropped his head back, the tendons on his neck standing out like ropes holding a ship in a storm. The muscles in his arms tensed so each sinewy strip was visible. He was coming, coming high inside Eve as her pussy pulsated around his cock and she clung to his body with her willowy arms and legs.

Suddenly Quinn flopped onto Eve as far as his constraints would allow. It was as if all his bones had turned to dust and he stilled against her, in her. His head hung low, his shoulders rounded and his feet flattened to the floor.

Liam and I were silent and still. So were they.

“It’s over,” Liam said in a quiet voice.

Eventually Eve rose up from Quinn. She wiped her brow with her fingers and pushed her hair over her shoulders, walked behind him and stooped to undo the belt wound around his wrists.

“Liam,” I said, turning to face him. My body was on fire with desire. “Make love to me, please, now. I need to.”

“Baby, I got to get to the office, I’m on Taiwanese time, remember?”

“I’ll be quick,” I said. And I knew I would be. I was buzzing. It was as if the first seeds of an orgasm were already tugging at my clit. If he didn’t get inside me soon, I’d combust with frustration.

Liam pressed a kiss to my mouth, pulled his hand from my top and cupped my cheek. “It’ll have to be really bloody quick, I’m already late.” He gave a lopsided grin.

Suddenly a familiar beeping tinkled down the stairs. We snapped our attention to the screen again. Eve was half-dressed, her jeans and bra already on as she delved into 119

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her bag. Quinn was behind her, still naked but untied. She withdrew a small black pager and spoke as she reached for her top.

“It’s not Quinn’s pager,” I said. “It’s hers.”

“Yeah,” Liam agreed. “Maybe she’s gotta go.”

My heart flipped and sank, pleased that she was going but also sagging with regret.

She was sexy and beautiful, mesmerizing and seductive. I hadn’t particularly enjoyed seeing her with Quinn, but there was something about their sex that had awakened a part of me I didn’t even know existed. Voyeuristic? I wasn’t sure that was it. I’d been fascinated by her, aroused at seeing her nymphlike naked body handling a dominant man so assertively. And watching Quinn accept instructions and letting her tie him up had been incredibly revealing. Was he missing that from me? He was always in charge, he liked to spank me, handcuff me to our wrought iron headboard and fuck me. Did he look at me lying there, bound, blindfolded, gagged sometimes, and wish it was him harnessed by cuffs? I was always having such a great time that it had never occurred to me to ask him if he wanted to switch places.

My mind was dragged back to reality as Eve exited the screen and rapid footsteps sounded on the wooden staircase. Liam scrabbled forward, grabbed the remote and switched channels to a late-night chat show just as her head appeared in the living room doorway.

“I’ve got to go into work,” she said breathlessly. “The power has gone in trauma orthopedic and the backup generator is all they’ve got. I need to supervise the staff and equipment switch to the ENT operating theatre.” She shook her head. “Why do these things always happen at the bloody weekend?” Her cheeks were flushed, her pink lipstick gone. Her hair, although still sleek and straight, had lifted around her forehead as though she’d pushed it back with a damp palm. But her eyes were clear and held mine steadily, as if gauging my reaction now she’d fucked my husband. “No rest for the wicked, eh?”

“I guess not,” I said, straightening my top and forcing my lips into a stiff smile.


Shared Too

She paused for a second then said, “Thanks for dinner and the, you know…” I tilted my brows, encouraging her to go on.

“Thanks for the loan of your man. So much better than the damn vibrator.”

“Yeah, he is.” I swallowed tightly and went to stand.

“No,” she said, “please, don’t get up, Ariane, I’ll let myself out. See you, Liam.” She threw a wave into the air and disappeared. Her heels trapped through the kitchen, the back door slammed and the house fell silent.


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Chapter Nine

I turned to Liam, emotions and lust pinging inside me like bullets in a barrel. My heart was pounding, mind racing and my pussy demanded attention. She was gone, it was over. It was me and my men again.

“Perfect timing,” I said, coiling my hands around his neck and stretching up.

“Seriously, babe, it’s not perfect timing. I’m already running late. Perfect timing would be about ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, they won’t notice if you’re late.” I pressed my lips to his, desperate to convince him. “And I really can’t wait until morning.”

“They will notice. I’m supposed to be chairing an emergency conference call with Yoni’s U.S. suppliers.” He wrapped his fingers around my wrists and plucked them from his neck. “In twelve hours, I’m all yours. But for now I have to get to my office.” He stood and bent over me. “Go check on Quinn.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I think you should,” he said quietly.

I nodded.

Liam half smiled and walked from the room, pushing his hand through his floppy hair and rubbing his brow.

I stared at the dying embers and rested my hand over my breast. My nipple was a tight point at my palm, my breasts achy with desire. I stood and climbed the stairs, looked into the spare room and saw Quinn sitting naked on the bed, staring at the chair still set in the middle of the room.

“Are you coming to bed?” I asked from the doorway.

He didn’t turn. “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”


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I thought about going to him, but something about his tense posture and tight voice made me walk away. I knew what it was like when the person you were with disappeared when the pager sounded. It was something I’d had to cope with often enough. It was strange, the sudden empty space, and I didn’t think it would do Quinn any harm to experience what I went through.

I undressed, brushed my teeth and snuggled into our big shared bed. The sheets were cool on my bare body and outside the owl hooted. Drake barked from his kennel, just once, probably at a fox in the paddock he was too sleepy to chase.

After half an hour of lying alone with my thoughts and my unquenched desire, Quinn’s weight finally dipped the mattress.

“You still awake?” he whispered.

The scent of his shower gel filtered toward me.

“Yes,” I said, searching out his dark silhouette sitting on the side of the bed. “Are you okay?”

He was silent.


“I feel strange, like I’ve been unfaithful.”

“You haven’t, I gave you permission.”

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