Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2)
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Marcus threw his head back and howled as Selene was stroking him. He wasn’t going to last if she kept it up. Just when he was going to pull her to him, he felt her tongue lick the head of his cock and he lost all thought.

Selene circled her tongue around the tip of his cock and then opening her mouth she slowly started to take him in, and inch at a time until she felt him hit the back of her throat. She swallowed, which brought out another howl from Marcus. Pulling back, she then played with the very tip of his erection with her tongue, and when she wrapped her mouth around him once again, she hummed lightly, grinning up at him. She thought that little move would drive him crazy. She was right.

Marcus was lost. He dug his hands into blanket beside him, trying to grab anything he could. Selene’s mouth was going to be the death of him. ‘
But what a way to go
’, he thought. He knew he had to stop her before he exploded in her mouth. He wanted to come inside her, not in her mouth. With the last of his control he reached for her and pulled her up until she straddled him.

Selene reached down to guide him inside her entrance; she lowered herself onto him, gasping as she felt the full length of his erection inside her.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back and moaned, enjoying every pleasurable sensation she was experiencing along with his immense pleasure. Being emotionally linked like they were really had its perks.

Breathing heavily, Selene leaned toward him and whispered huskily in his ear, “Fuck me hard, baby.”

Marcus grinned at her and growled in response. He flipped her over, never breaking the connection as he came down on top of her while laying her down on the blanket.

She wrapped her legs around his back, and he began to thrust hard and fast within her. She pulled herself toward him, meeting his hard thrusts with force. She could feel every inch of him as he hammered into her. She was approaching her climax fast. She leaned up and bit his nipple and that drove him wild. He growled and reached back, taking her calves in his hands and hooking her legs over his forearms. He leaned in putting his hands flat on the ground by her shoulders. In this position, she could feel the pull in her thighs as he had her spread wide. She felt a bite of pain but nothing like the pleasure he was bringing her. When he started thrusting into her again, it was without pause, and she felt him touch her womb with every thrust he made. When she reached her breaking point, she screamed his name, closing her eyes tight while she tried to hold onto her momentary high.

Only seconds later, between the sound of her screams and the feeling of her tightening around him, he reached his climax as well, bathing her insides with the warmth of his essence. He threw his head back and let out a howl that rang through the woods. Leaning down, his lips met hers in a sweet, loving kiss. Exhausted, for the moment anyway, he collapsed by her side and pulled her close. They lay there for a little while, listening to the sound of each other’s slowing breaths and the fire crackling softly in the background.

“I think I blacked out for a second. That was amazing, once again,” she said, grinning.

“Always is.” He grinned back. “And what do you mean, ‘

Selene giggled wildly as Marcus rolled on top of her again, kissing and nipping at her neck playfully.

“I’ve had you fast and hard. This time it will be agonizingly slow,” he whispered huskily in her ear as he slid inside her once again.

“How? I thought men needed recovery time?” She asked.

“Werewolf, baby,” he said with a chuckle.

Selene wasn’t giggling anymore. She was never happier that she was a werewolf than at that moment. A human having sex with a werewolf? That would certainly be frightening for the human. She was happy to have found Marcus, someone she could completely relate to. He was her equal.

This camping trip was definitely turning out to be quite the adventure for the both of them.

~ Chapter Fourteen ~


At first, Selene didn’t know why she woke up, but as she started to slowly open her eyes, she heard rustling outside the tent. She looked over at Marcus and saw that he was still fast asleep. She didn’t want to bother him, so she quietly unzipped the tent and stepped outside.

The sky was very dimly lit; she guessed sunrise would be in about an hour. She scanned the area for any intruders and didn’t see any. Brushing it off as possibly a deer or other animal, she knelt down to unzip the tent and heard the rustling again. This time it was further into the woods. Just like she had done during her hunt, she slowly and silently stepped toward where the noise had come from. Somehow, whatever it was had sensed her there and moved. That part of the forest was thick with tree growth and brush, so it made sense that she couldn’t see it move, and perhaps it could see her a little.

She continued on, determined to find out what the creature was that made the noise. Little by little, the creature’s pace sped up, so she sped up along with it. Finally, it broke into a run, and she chased after it. To her surprise, she was barely able to keep up with it. Whatever it was, it was fast.

Soon, she found herself in the middle of a field. She looked around and the creature was nowhere in sight. ‘
Am I really that bad of a hunter?
’ she thought, as she studied her surroundings. Then she noticed she wasn’t in a field at all; it was a plateau. She slowly and cautiously approached the drop-off, thinking, ‘
Perhaps the creature jumped or climbed down the side.
’ When she got to the very edge, she stared down at the steep drop-off, almost getting a little dizzy at the sight of it. It was at least a hundred-foot drop, and at the bottom were what appeared to be large, jagged-edged rocks that led to a creek. No, there was no way the creature had jumped this far or even attempted to climb down.

“Hello, Selene,” said an eerily familiar male voice.

She whirled around, and only fifty feet in front of her was her worst nightmare; the man who had attacked her and killed all those innocent people. The first thing that came to mind was, how the hell did he find her out here? “What do you want from me?”

“Like I said before, you were supposed to die. You escaped death twice. You’re not getting away alive this time.”

“What is your name?” She tried to delay the imminent fight by asking him some questions. She slowly inched toward him, away from the cliff’s edge.

“My name?
you want to know my name?”

“Yes, for when I report your death to my boyfriend, who is an NYPD detective.”

He laughed; it was a cold and cruel laugh, one that sent shivers down her spine. “Well, my name is Brian, but it is not my death that’ll be reported. It’ll be yours.”

He charged at her, and when he was within inches of her, she moved, dodging the attack. Before she could perform a counterattack, he was on his feet again. He tried to punch her, but she grabbed his arm, twisted it around so far that she heard a painful crack, and he yelled in pain. Then she slammed her palm upward against his nose with all her force, sending him flying backwards to the very edge of the cliff. For a split second, she thought he would go a little further and fall to his death, but he stopped just in time. She knew not to attack him when he was so close to the edge; he would most likely try to throw her over the edge. She waited until he got up and charged at her again. He tried to shove her down to the ground, but she caught both his arms this time, gripping his wrists hard as she forced his arms out to his sides and kneed him in the groin. He fell to his knees, yelling in pain. She kicked him in the face, sending him flying backwards again. Then she lunged at him, changing to wolf form in midair, and landed on his chest. Before he could react, she brutally sank her teeth into his throat and tore his flesh open, blood instantly pouring from the wound.

He stared at her, wide-eyed in panic and shock, as he held his throat. He knew he was going to die.

“Now, you’ll never hurt or kill anyone ever again,” she said with a growl. She stared into his eyes until they went blank, and he became still and lifeless.

She sighed and fell to her knees, in complete shock at what she had just done. She had just fought and killed the man who had murdered so many people and almost killed her twice. Not only that, but she didn’t have a single scratch on her. The realization that she had taken someone’s life hit her hard. Yes, he was cruel and heartless, but still, she had never killed anyone before and had no idea what it would feel like until now. At that moment, she realized exactly how cruel and heartless this beast must have been; to take so many lives and get some kind of sick, twisted enjoyment out of it. He was evil,
pure evil
, and she was glad he was dead. The world was better off without a man like that.

She got to her feet again, and as she turned away from him to go back to the tent, only twenty feet away from her stood Sam, the man the
Black Wolf Agency
captured, thinking was the killer, but turned out to be someone who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Sam? What are you doing here?” asked Selene.

“Well, I heard all the noise and wanted to see what was going on,” he said innocently, but his eyes suggested otherwise.

In her short time as a werewolf, Selene was learning to read people well. Sam wasn’t here because he was concerned. There was another reason. She suspected he was somehow involved in this. “How did you get all the way out here, though?”

“I followed you.” He slowly stepped closer to her, and with each step he took; she absentmindedly took a small step backwards.

“But, why?”

“I’m infatuated with you, Selene. First, you escape death and become one of us. Then, you escape death once again that night when Brian attacked you. Now, you’re able to kill him without even a single scratch? I want to know how you did it.”

“I don’t think that’s any of your concern.”

“Oh, yes, it is. You see, I trained Brian. He’s one of the best fighters out there. Don’t you realize, if you beat him, you are quite possibly the most powerful werewolf in New York City? Maybe even the world?”

Selene had no idea what Sam was getting at. However, the look in his eyes frightened her, even more than the evil look Brian had in his eyes when he was trying to kill her. “I highly doubt that.”

“I don’t. That night, when I bit you, I had no idea you would become this. You were supposed to die, like all the rest. I’ve created many werewolves during my life, but you are certainly unique.”

Finally, the truth comes out. He was the one who attacked her. She knew it the instant she had first looked into his eyes when he was detained at the agency. “You were the one who bit me after all. You were the one who killed all those people.”

“I’ve done lots of things I shouldn’t be too proud of, but think about it for a minute. If I hadn’t attacked you that night, you wouldn’t be the powerful creature you are today. You would still be a frail human. You never would have met Marcus.”

“Leave Marcus out of this!” she growled.

“Oh, no, you see, Marcus was a part of this all along. Back when I was a young werewolf, only about fifteen or so, I started wandering away from my pack. I would go out at night and stalk people and lure them into the woods. At first, it was just a game. My pack warned me to stop.

“Then, one day, I lured a little boy into the woods and bit him. One of my pack members saw me. I ran off, abandoning the boy deep in the forest. I lied to them; told them it never happened and that my pack member was making up stories. But they chose to believe him over me. Because I had violated the werewolf pact by biting a human against their will, they condemned me to death.

“The night before my execution date, I was able to escape. I went to live in the city, and have been there ever since, scavenging for any food I could find, converting anyone who was willing and teaching them to fight. Most of them abandoned me, saying that what I was doing was wrong. After a while, all but one left me: Brian. He stayed loyal to me all this time.”

Selene couldn’t believe what he had just told her. Everything made sense. Sam was the werewolf that converted both her and Marcus. That explained the emotional link between them; they were converted by the same werewolf, which technically made them blood-related in a way. Not in a sense that suggested they shouldn’t be mates, though. She was glad about that. No, because she and Marcus shared a similar fate, they were bonded in a way that very few others were. It was a gift.

As Selene stared into Sam’s cold, dark eyes, she realized she was faced with a threat unlike any other. She needed help, and fast. Keeping her eyes on her enemy, she let her mind wander away from her present state for a moment, concentrating on Marcus, calling him in her mind.

“I have an offer for you,” said Sam, breaking the silence and Selene’s concentration.

“What?” she growled, never taking her eyes off him.

“Come with me, join me in my quest. If you do that, I’ll let you live. Not only that, but I’ll take care of you and treat you as a queen would be treated. You can be my queen.”

“I’d rather die than become your mate!”

“Fine, as you wish,” he said one last time before he changed to his brown wolf form and snarled viciously at her.

Startled, she jumped backwards a little, finding herself dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. She slipped and almost lost her balance, falling forward to her knees as Sam lunged at her.

Then, out of nowhere, a streak of black whooshed by, knocking Sam through the air. Then, standing before her was the wolf form of Marcus, firmly standing his ground between her and their enemy.

Sam sprung up, snarled, and charged at Marcus. Marcus snarled in return. Then, just as Sam lunged at him, Marcus reared up on his hind legs and met his opponent with a sharp bite to the shoulder. Sam yelped as he snapped repeatedly at Marcus’ ear, missing every time. Marcus shoved Sam to the ground, releasing his grip a bit in the process. Sam slipped from his jaw’s grasp and sank his teeth into Marcus’ leg. Marcus then bit into the scruff of his neck, rolled them both over, and shoved him off.

Marcus sprung up in a hurry as to not be vulnerable to attack. But it wasn’t soon enough. Sam leapt at him, knocking him to the ground and landing on top of him, intending on killing him.

Then, Sam felt a hard blow to his shoulder as he was sent flying off Marcus, landing several feet away. Selene, now in her white wolf form, raced toward him, and as he rolled over to get up, she landed on his back and sank her teeth into the back of his neck. He cowered just in time so her jaw couldn’t grasp onto his spine, instead only tearing into his fur.

Sam tried to shake her off, but was unsuccessful. Then, in a final attempt to get her off, eyeing the edge of the cliff just a couple feet away, he rolled and threw her off of his back in that direction. She skidded across the ground and her back feet went off the edge. She changed back to her human form just in time and her hand gripped a small tree on the very edge of the cliff before she was sent all the way off the edge.

She got a glimpse of Sam coming toward her just before he was knocked to the ground by Marcus. Selene pulled herself back up onto stable ground quickly and with ease and looked up to see Sam brutally shove Marcus, sending him flying through the air, in the opposite direction as her. Then, in a rage, he charged at Selene, snarling. She changed back to wolf form, prepared to fight, but as he leapt through the air toward her, she realized there was only one thing she could do to defeat him, once and for all. She rolled onto her side just in time to meet his impact, grabbing him with her paws as she rolled over all the way, toward the edge of the cliff. As she felt her body leave the ground, she let go of Sam, throwing him off the edge of the cliff as well.

As she realized that she was also going to fall, she changed back to human form, reaching up and trying to grasp at anything she could. A hand reached down and grabbed hers during her desperate attempt to stay alive.

“Hold on, Selene!” shouted Marcus, as he grabbed her other hand and pulled her up to safety.

She took a moment to recover from the adrenaline rush from her near-death experience and then got to her knees, looking into the eyes of her lover. She grabbed his face and kissed him in a way she had never kissed him before; the passion in her kiss was filled with overwhelming feelings of love and gratitude.

“You saved me again,” she whispered.

“And I’ll continue to save you until my heart stops beating,” he whispered back. He smiled, gazing into her eyes.

They both carefully peered over the edge of the cliff and saw Sam’s contorted body lying on the rocks below. The back of his head had impacted on the sharp edge of one of the rocks and blood poured from the wound. Selene could just barely make out the sight of his lifeless eyes staring upward. Everything came crashing on her all at once.

She got up, running away from the edge of the cliff to safer ground. She fell to her knees, burying her face in her hands as she began to cry.

“Don’t cry, Selene. It’s all over. He’s dead. He won’t ever hurt you or anyone else ever again,” he assured her, as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

She cried on his shoulder for a moment. Then, looking up at him, she said, “Let’s go home, Marcus.”

BOOK: Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2)
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