Shadow Snatcher (2 page)

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Authors: Lou Kuenzler

BOOK: Shadow Snatcher
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“But Eva didn't die,” I said. “She got better.”

After three weeks, the doctors told us there was nothing wrong with her any more.

But there was something wrong.

I noticed it in the park one day. Eva was playing in the sun.

“Look!” I said to Mum. “Eva doesn't have a shadow!”

“Don't be silly!” Mum said. “Everyone has a shadow. It's just the way the sun is shining.”

But whatever way we moved, it made no difference. Mum and I saw our own shadows on the ground. But Eva didn't make a shadow.

The doctors did tests, but they couldn't find anything wrong.

Nobody knew why she didn't have a shadow. They told us it wasn't important.

But it
important. And now Death had come to collect the little girl who got away.

“I kept Eva's shadow when I let the rest of her go,” said Death.

He ran his bony fingers down his cloak. The mist moved. Like shadows.

At that moment, Eva came into the hall.

“Was it Max Sounds at the door?” she called. “Does he want to …”

Eva didn't finish her sentence. Her eyes grew wide. She stared up at Death in his long black cloak. Then she smiled.

“Uncle Tony!” she said. “Is that you?”

There was a flash of light. Death's hand shot out from his shadowy cloak.

“No!” I screamed. “It's not Uncle Tony, Eva. Run!”

Chapter 4
Hide and Seek

Eva ran up the stairs.

“Not that way!” I yelled. “We've got to escape.”

But it was too late. Eva was already at the top of the stairs. I had to follow her.

We hid behind her toy basket. I could hear Death coming up the stairs after us. I thought about jumping out the window. But Eva's room is too high up.

“I'm coming! Ready or not,” called Death.

For him this was just a horrible game!

“I'm going to throw something at him,” I said to Eva.

I looked in the toy basket, but it was full of soft toys. I found a bright pink plastic box.

“My Max Sounds Singing Machine,” cried Eva. “You can't throw that!” Her big brown eyes were full of tears. She grabbed the toy and wouldn't let go.

Instead, I picked up a doll from the floor.

“No! Not Baby Polly!” yelled Eva.

Death was right outside.

“When he comes in,” I said, “I am going to throw the doll at him. You have to run, Eva. Run downstairs. Get help. Understand?”

Eva nodded her head. She was too scared to speak.

The door swung open.

“Hide and seek?” said Death. “I'll count to ten.”

He turned away from us. His hooded head was hidden in his hands. He really was counting.

“One …” he said.

“Two …”

Eva grabbed me tightly. Her fingers dug into my skin.

“Three … Four …”

I let go of Eva's hand.

“Five …”

“Go!” I hissed.

With one hand I pushed Eva towards the open door. With the other hand I threw the doll. I aimed right at Death's head.


A bolt of light shot across the room.

Eva hadn't taken a step. She was still right beside me.

“Baby Polly!” screamed Eva.

The doll lay on the floor.

Her plastic head was on one side of the room. Her body was on the other.

Death laughed.

“That could have been Eva,” I thought. “She could have been torn in half as easily as a doll.”

“Did you think you could hurt me?” asked Death.

“Maybe I can't hurt you,” I said. “But I bet I can beat you!”

“Really?” Death sounded interested.

I was thinking fast.

I thought about how Death had laughed as he came up the stairs. This was all just a game to him. Maybe Death was a bit like Uncle Tony after all. Uncle Tony can never say no to a bet or a dare.

“Yes!” I said to Death again. “I bet I can beat you in a game!”

“I will take the bet,” said Death. “If you win, Eva will live a long life. But if I win, she will die today.”

Eva sobbed.

“She hasn't even got a shadow,” said Death. “She has nothing to protect herself from me.”

Chapter 5
The Contest

Death looked down at the pink plastic microphone in my hand.

It belonged to Eva's Max Sounds Singing Machine.

“I bet I can beat you at singing,” I said.

“Singing?” Death hissed. “You want me to sing?”

“Yes!” I nodded. “That's the game. You have to win a singing contest.”

“But,” growled Death. “I can't …”

“Can't what?” I asked. “What can't you do?”

Death's voice was quieter than ever. “I can't sing!” he hissed.

“Too bad!” I handed him the microphone and looked through the list of songs on the Max Sounds Singing Machine.

At last, I found the perfect song. Minnie Pink! Eva's favourite.

I looked at the screen on the machine. This is where the scores flash up. Eva has made me play this game with her a million times. She always wins.

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