Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)

BOOK: Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)
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Book four


The Kingsmen MC series









This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. February 25, 2014


Copyright c. 2015 Tara Oakes


Written by Tara Oakes


Published by Twelve Oakes Publishing



Book Cover: Image from Tatiana Vila,






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The hardest part of writing any book, for me at least, is writing up the acknowledgement page. I save it for last, just before a book is published because I somehow think it will be easier that way.

It never is.

BITTER SWEET DECEPTION, will be the fifth book that
ve released and there are simply too many people to thank.
ve come across so many people along this journey that have helped me navigate my way through all of this, that
m terrified
ll forget someone in even the smallest capacity.

Many of these names are the same, book after book, and that is a testament to the loyalty and friendships that have been forged in this crazy industry.
ve also learned the valuable lesson that sometimes these names
and tha
s OK, too.

To my editor, Laura; once again, another tight deadline and you pulled through like a champ.
m so happy to have you on my team. Now that things have really taken off,
m eternally grateful to have a core group around me that has in fact been there from day one. You are one of those people.

To my assistant Alicia; thank you so much for every single thing that you manage to fit in your already crazy schedule. I do
t know how you manage to do it, but I am in awe. Nobody can multitask like you, kiddo. From your daily reminders (because I am
scatterbrained), to your cracking the whip (because I have a habit of procrastinating), you work wonders. You handle everything I throw your way and seem to always be able to make room for more. Cheers.

To my dear friend and street team extrodinaire, Des. I
s been a crazy road and yo
ve helped steer the car for a bit when I did
t know how to drive it. Now yo
ve got your own set of wheels and I know yo
re gonna do fantastic. Just remember to wear your
, and to write the books you would want to read. The rest will fall into place.

Thanks to my street team, and some special women over there. CB
. no words, chica. Just tons and tons of thanks. To my Bet
s; Christy and Ana, thanks for putting up with me doling this book out with an eyedropper. I hope I kept you on your toes.

Thanks so much to all the readers wh
ve welcomed the Kingsmen MC into your lives. I hope this book finds a place in it just like the others have.

So without further adie
Book 4 in the Kingsmen MC series, BITTER SWEET DECEPTION.






The life of a biker, although foreign to most of us, is a very intriguing subculture with its own laws, rules, language, and traditions.  Hopefully this reference will help the rest of us get to know a bit more about them before we take a peek into the lives of Lil's and Jay, two people born and raised in the secret world of the M.C., full of passion, loyalty, fierce family bonds and... danger.




1%er -

The small population of biker clubs that consider themselves outside the law. They often run operations in gambling, guns, prostitution, smuggling, paid protection, drugs, and more. They are considered to be the baddest of the bad, and the roughest of the rough.


Brother -

Club members within the same club refer to each other a
They have made a vow to protect and take care of each other as family.



An automobile, usually a van.



A club meeting to be attended by patched brothers only. Most clubs run as a democracy and important matters are voted on during meetings.


Club Mam

Women who regularly attend events and interact with the M.C. They may aspire to become an Ol' Lady one day but do not yet have a patch holder. They may spend time with many different bikers within a club but have loyalty to the club first before a man. They are considered to be a little bit more respected than
Sweet But


Cut -

Refers to the the leather vest worn by most bikers in a club.



Acronym for Motorcycle Club.


Ol' Lad

A term of affection used for the main woman, or wife of a club member. She is given his protection and is considered off limits to any other biker. Women are not considered club members, but rather have associations to the club through their ol' man, or their patch holder.



A member of an MC that is currently without a specific charter. They are still considered a brother but they choose not to offer specific allegiance to a designated charter; instead they are loyal to the club organization on the whole.



Patched i

When a prospect completes his initiation period and is voted in to become a full-fledged club member, or



The cloth patches or embroidered designs added to biker
’ vests, or cuts, that identify which club  he belongs to, the location of their specific charter, and their position in it. Other patches can be added to signify milestone events. Example: If the member has ever served prison time for his club, or killed for it.



A gun.


Pig -

A law enforcement officer.




Those who desire to become full fledged patched members must complete an initiation period as a prospect before a final vote is taken as to whether or not they can fully join. Prospects usually are given the worst assignments and must prove their loyalty and worth to the club.



Another term for a leather vest, or cut, but worn by a woman, given to her by her ol' man to signify that she is his

and is off limits. An ol' lady's rag does not usually bear the club name, logo or charter as she is not a club member. It simply states
Property of____


Sweet But

A term used to describe a woman who is
” by members in a club. They are usually welcome at club parties, or
Brother onl

parties, but they are never allowed at family events. It is a derogatory term and there is very little respect for these ladies by club members.



A tattoo. Full-fledged club members, or brothers, often have the club patches permanently tattooed on their bodies to signify they are members even if the
re not wearing their cuts. An ol' lady will usually have a tattoo to honor her ol' man to signify that she is his property even if she is not wearing her rag.





Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes stare at the monitor as if they expect to see something other than the same white peeking points that
ve been fixed on for the last half hour. The screen changes slightly as the minutes pass, the blood-pressure reading varying one or two digits in either direction, the blood oxygen levels teetering and the pulse rate hovering just close enough for the average person to consider the patient stable.

But I know better.

I know that given his condition and prognosis, those single-digit fluctuations mean a whole world of difference. He sleeps soundly, the meds being pumped through his IV line working their magic. The lights are dimmed, other than the white electronic glow from the monitor screens and the soft wattage from the hallway creeping in through the opened door.

The clipboard attached to the end of his bed lays undisturbed.
ve studied it, poured over its pages, searching for something, anything, that might have been missed. Something to answer the prayers of his loved-ones who sit bedside hour after hour, awaiting news from his doctors. They did
t easily agree to finally leave him tonight. It had taken a great deal of gentle persuasion to get them to take a much needed break, wash-up, change clothes, and force a few bites of food.

But they had finally agreed to g
because they trust me.

They trust me to sit here, watching over him, as if that will magically keep him from continuing his course, keep his body from failing on him. I know my presence does nothing to change the odds in either direction. Hell, he probably does
t even know
m here. But, I sit and watch. Not for him. Never for him. This man is owed nothing from me.

I stay for them.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I close my eyes and wrestle with my conscience. I tell myself he deserves this. This is the life he chos
to live hard, and be damned with the consequences. Hatred boils deep within, as I realize that I am a consequence of that life.

ve waited for any other option to present itself to save his life. One that does
t include me. It did
t come, and I hate him for it. I hate that, because of him, I have no choice other than to expose myself for who I really am. A liar, a pretender. I know they will see me as both of those things and more.

ve tried to hide the truth from them, to convince myself that the circumstances that brought me into their lives had changed.
m not the same person I was all those months ago. I had fooled myself, as well as them, into thinking that I could have it all, thinking I could have the family, the lov

and the man. Clink.

But, I know better now. No matter how hard I try to make something good for myself, it always comes back to the person lying in the bed before me. He is the source of everything negative in my life, and tha
s why I came her

to ruin him.

The insecurities, anger, lack of trus

it all came from him. It was his legacy, the only thing he ever gave me. And now,
m going to throw everything away, to save him. But not for hi
never for him. I
s for them.

I may not need him in my life, but I know they do.
ll never be able to live with myself, knowing that I could have possibly spared them the pain of losing him.

I already lost him, a long time ago. The day I was born, actually.

I slow my breathing, stretching out the moment, the seconds, before I move forward with what I know I must do. Savoring every last drop of time before I lose it all. For him, dear old dad.

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