Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (71 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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~ Chapter 58 ~

(Summer – 2018)


Cause and Affect


I woke the following morning with a start and found myself staring into the open eyes of Sandra Fernandez.  She must’ve been awake for some time, because her eyes were clear of the typical nighttime detritus.  Her russet hair was pulled back, tucked neat
ly behind her ears.  Her copper-colored eyes didn’t move other than to inspect mine.  Her forehead knitted slightly as she concentrated on the conscious me and no longer, the sleeping one.

I smiled and she followed suit, but stayed silent, her orbs locked in place.

I glanced around and saw we’d kicked off the blankets during the night.  Probably because it was so warm, especially with some many bodies sleeping in the same bed.  I felt sticky with old sweat, particularly in my nether regions after last nights’ escapade.  Katie was straddling the lower half of my body, her head resting on my abdomen, turned to side, a decent trickle of drool pooling in my bellybutton – again.  Ramona was spooning me, though she was doing more of the spooning than I was.  I was lying more on my back, so her large tits were pushed up against my arm.  One of her hands was slack upon my shoulder, her head next to mine.  Leda was asleep on my girlfriends’ other side, spooning her as well, her hand lolling lazily around Ramona’s waist.  We were all clothed, though I wasn’t wearing anything above the waist.  I had shed that during the night too.  The heat these girls generated was immense.

“What time is it?” I whispered to Sandy, looking back at her, seeing the focused attention hadn’t changed.  She was riveted to me it seemed.

“It’s after eight in the morning,” she susurrated, simpering lips twisting.

“Whoa!” I began a bit too loud and quickly lowered my voice.  “Did my parents leave?”  I was praying neither of them had come up and spied in bed with the girls.  One girl would’ve been enough to give my mother a conniption fit, but
  Her heart would’ve burst right there and she’d have keeled over like a tree before a lumberjack.

“They left about twenty minutes ago, making all kinds of racket like they were running around with their heads cut off,” she explained, her smirk deepening.

I frowned.  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“It does
, if you’re running late.”  Her face bloomed with a full-blown smile.  “I think your little mess-up last night might’ve had a farther reach than we first thought.”

I jerked my head back from her like she was about to spit a loogie in my face.  “What?  Why would you say that?”

“You should’ve heard them giggling and messing around down there,” she replied, the chuckled into her hand.  “I think your dad fucked the shit out of your mom last night.”

My face
curled around disgust, like I’d tasted something bad.  “Oh god, Sandy, you really think I’m that potent?”

She nodded.

“Crap, I hope I didn’t affect my brothers and sisters, because that would be…”  I was lost for words.

She grimaced then, her lips curling.  “Eewww, now that you mention it, it sounds kinda gross.”

“Kinda is like
the wrong word,” was all I had to weigh in the matter.

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” she concluded, trying to be cavalier for my sake.  It didn’t work.  The
thought of Flavia and Jolene going down on one another just didn’t sit right with me.  I mean, it was one thing if the two had a crush on one another or wanted to fulfill some wicked fantasy, but to be forced
and by me!
  Well, that was just plain nasty.  And what about Johan, alone in his room, wondering why he was frantically stroking his rod in the dead of night when he should be asleep.  Naw man, it was too fucked up to think about for any length of time.  I sure hope things hadn’t devolved to such a deplorable degree overnight.  How could I live with myself?  Knowing I’d turned my family into a bunch of sexual deviants was horrible.  I’d be stuck in confession for like two decades!  Fuck!

“You look like you’ve seen your own ghost,” commented Sandy, shattering my debauched reverie.

“If what we think is true, really happened, then I might want to be a ghost,” I said through a constricting throat. 
Where had all my spit gone?

“It’s not all that bad, Effy.  Don’t worry about it too much.”  It was solace she was attempting to convey, but it fell
like stone in my ears.  It almost hurt.

I glared at her, indignant.  “It sure seemed to bother you last night.”

Her face became serious.  “It did, but as time has passed, I kept thinking about Tirza said.  If she could be so accepting, then why can’t I.  She doesn’t even want to sleep with you.  I do.  She’s not ready for whatever this is,” she went on, motioning to the others sleeping about us.  “I am.

“I know she cares for you, but she’s not ready for intimacy.  I am.”  Her smile returned.  “Leda has been right along, you know.”

“She’s right about what?” I asked, allowing my expression to ease.

That I want you, and have for a long time.”  She uttered it like she was telling me about the weather and not something as monumentous as revealing her innermost desire.  “But, I’m not a bitch.  I would never hurt Ramona like that.  Still, it didn’t change what I felt inside…”  She inhaled hugely and exhaled slow and long.  “So, if Tirza could be cleared headed about all of it, then so should I.  After all, now that I can have you, why worry.  It would be stupid – a stupid, immature double-standard.  And, to me, it doesn’t seem like the right time for stuff like that.”

I sighed, and then felt Ramona stir.  I held my breath and I patted her back to sleep.  Since my parents had already left, there was no reason to wake her.  She should sleep in, if it was something her body needed.

“Well just the same, Sandy, I am sorry.”

She didn’t reply.  Rather, she stretched her neck, bringing herself closer to me and kissed me on the lips – a delicate, light kiss, feeling more like butterfly wings than the lips of a teenage girl.

“Ooo, can I have some too,” came a voice down around my stomach, hoarse, but subdued.  Sometimes, in the morning, Katie’s voice sounded just like Kathleen Turners’¹ - husky, rich, and undeniably sexy.

Sandy and I swiveled to peer in her direction.

“Of course,” answered Sandy.

I shook my head slowly from side to side.

Then, Katie surprised us both.  “Ah gross!”  She had seen the puddle of spit she had deposited, drowning my belly button.  “If that’s not the absolute worst body-shot I have ever seen, then I don’t what is.”  Before either of us could respond, she slid off the bottom of the bed and ran to the bathroom on the tips of her toes.

Sandy and I wrinkled our noses in her wake.  It was, after all, pretty gnarly.

Katie came back with a wad of toilet paper in her hand and quickly blotted up her saliva.  She skipped back to the bathroom, waving at Tirza, who had just sat up, groggy and sullen, but managed a thin smile and a half-hearted wave back.

The combination of movement and mental activity reached a breaking point and both Ramona and Leda grumbled in their sleep, changing position, their eyes
blinking away their dreams.

“Hey, Babe,” I said to my girlfriend, my voice upbeat with cheer and bent down to kiss her.

She promptly kissed me back, smacking her lips loudly – a thing she always did.  Our first kiss of the day
to be a loud, sloppy one.

I was leaning forward, still over Ramona when I glanced up and saw Leda was no more than a foot away.  I could see the longing in her eyes, which fired my bravado.  I made myself lean even farther, closer to her.

She caught on immediately and came forward as well, our lips meeting over my girlfriend.  She soft, thin lips felt like tissue paper beneath mine.  It was a sensual kiss, but short lived, because we were in an ungainly position.

I sat back on my haunches and saw my cousin on all-fours by my feet.  My smile was huge.  It was open invitation.  She squealed with delight and quickly scrambled up my body to give me a whopper of a smooch.  Her hands cupped my ears, my hands clutching at her hips.  I was in heaven, and so was my Johnson, who had promptly gone from hibernation to full attention in the span of seconds.  Katie felt me grow, fill, and she rocked her hips in quick succession to let me know she had noticed “him” and was her way of saying good morning to “him” and much as me.

“God, Katie, you’re such a bad girl,” crooned Ramona, pulling my cousin from me.  For a moment, I thought the mood had shattered and something bad was about to happen, but nothing of the sort transpired.

My girlfriend simply brought Katie into her arms and kissed her like she had kissed me half a minute ago.  My cousin melted like butter in her arms, and seemed to savor every ounce of Ramona’s affection.

I was breathless.  Sandy was breathing like she’d run a marathon.  Leda was biting her lip, nothing but lust in her eyes.

The two girls came apart and exploded with laughter, which was probably a good thing, because if they’d kept on
mere heartbeats longer, Tirza might’ve been witness to her first orgy.  There was no doubt in my mind, we would’ve ripped our clothes off, and dick and pussy would’ve been flying everywhere. 
Ah, to be young again!

“Come on, bitches, let’s go wash up,” urged Leda after the
initial joy of our new group’s formation had subsided.  Within a few blinks of an eye, they were gone from the bed.  All four of them chattering and giggling as they made their way to the bathroom.

I smiled after them, but when they disappeared through the threshold of the smaller room, my eyes fell to Tirza.  She hadn’t moved from her position on the bed, her face stricken, wan.  My grin faltered as her gaze found mine.  I could see she was struggling, quite mightily, with what she had just seen.

“Hey,” I waved lamely, “Mornin’.”

She stared at me for only a short time.  Then, she shook her head and let her head fall as her knees came up, her arms encircling her legs.

This dismayed me.  She had startled me once again.  Tirza wasn’t a true part of what the girls and I were forging, and yet, the same sort of protective bonds seemed to be developing within me regardless.

She looked worn
out, or maybe overwhelmed, because events kept steam-rolling her.  All the while, she stayed rooted to the events of the other night, grounded in the mire of her parents’ death.  She was stuck in the swamp of her sisters’ horrific mutation and subsequent euthanization.  I could tell our progress as a group entity was beginning to swamp her sensibilities.  She was an old fashion believer in many things, most of them rooted in the dogma of the Catholic Church, edicts and commandments that had been drummed into her since birth.  I could see how the relationship I had with my cousin would rankle her sense of how the world should’ve been.  Then, there was the fact the girls were willing to share me amongst them, which I know she wouldn’t let herself begin to understand.

Now, she’d seen two of the girls sharing each other.  I could see how this had the potential to send her screaming in the opposite direction, her hands waving madly above her head.  When I thought of it, together, as a whole, realizing its cumulative effect on her, it made me sad.  With the other girls snickering and gossiping in the small bathroom, it didn’t feel right.  Tirza had the right to be happy too, even if life had hit her big-time, upside the head.  She deserved more.

I must’ve been walking while I was thinking, because the moment my final thought crossed my mind, I found myself beside Katie’s bed, peering down at her.  She was still hugging her legs, her head hung low, resting upon her knees.

“You ok, Teezee?” I asked.  And yeah, I know, it was a retarded thing to ask, but it was the only way I could think of approaching her. 
So, go suck a dick!

She lifted her head slowly, her eyes were bloodshot, and her nose was runny.  She had been crying the whole time I
’d been striding across the room.  Her face was warped with pain, desolation.

I had never felt so guilty in my life.  Here I was holding a love-in with four chicks, while she was lamenting the death of her family.  I’ve always been such a limp-dick when it came to things like this!  How come I couldn’t be more attuned god dammit?!?

I rushed over to one of the nightstands and pulled a Kleenex from its box, not pausing, as I knee-walked across the bed and wiped Tirza’s nose as if she were a toddler.

She didn’t move a muscle, though her gaze followed me.

I peered back at a loss.  I had no idea what to do.  “Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked like a fat man walking on thin ice.

She didn’t speak or gesture with her hands, or even nod her head, for that matter.  She simply shifted her legs, leaned forward and hugged me around the chest, not unlike she had in the past when she was hurting inside.

I reached up and stroked her hair, saying the only thing I could think to say at time like this: “I’m sorry, Tirza.  I’m so sorry.”  I said it so many times, I lost count.

She said nothing, but wept against me – huge wracking sobs shaking her tiny body as if she was being riddled with bullets.

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