Lover Bear (Paranormal Werebear Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Lover Bear (Paranormal Werebear Erotic Romance)
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Lover Bear


(Paranormal Werebear Erotic Romance)


By Jessica Swallow




Copyright 2014 Jessica Swallow

All rights reserved.


Lover Bear

(Paranormal Werebear Erotic Romance)


Book design by Jessica Swallow

I missed the feeling of flying. Running had always been my drug and I excelled at it. In high school, I had been a track star and I earned myself a nice hefty scholarship to my first choice college. But here I was, two years out of college and I couldn’t even remember the last time I had gone on a run. My high stress job and the lack of a team to run with, made me lose my desire to go on early morning sprints. But the itch started again and was growing more intense. I needed a release and running was the only way I knew. So, on a cool Saturday morning, I sat down at my computer and signed up for a marathon.  I then laced up my bright new neon running shoes and went out to explore the running trails near my house.

Luckily, I lived right by a state park and there were plenty of trails to explore. I whipped my long blonde hair up into a ponytail as I approached the entrance to the park. I felt the familiar surge of excitement and adrenaline as I stretched out. Soon I would be weightless as my feet flew through the air and pounded down quickly onto the packed dirt trail. I would feel the wind on my face and the strength of my muscles. I started to run and it felt glorious, but also strangely difficult.

I knew that it would be hard to get back into the habit after so long, but I wasn’t prepared for my body’s lack of conditioning. Still, I pushed myself to run faster as I wound down the deserted trail and marveled in the beauty of nature. After about forty minutes, my body was starting to fatigue. I decided to stop and drink some water before continuing, so I sat down on a fallen tree trunk by the side of the trail. A cool breeze hit my face and I gulped down my water.

Just as I was about to get up, I heard footsteps pounding down the trail towards me. I turned and saw a man running so fast that he was almost a blur, with a strength and agility I couldn’t even imagine possessing. As he approached me, he slowed down and then stopped. I noticed his bulging muscles glistening with sweat and his bright eyes that seemed to encompass too many different colors to be real. The attractive stranger flashed me a smile.

“You going for a run on these trails?” he asked me. I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m starting my training for a marathon. I used to run all the time but I’m out of practice.” The man plopped down on the trunk next to me.

“You know, I could use a running partner. Not many people come running on these trails and it would be great to have a friend for company and motivation.” I felt a flutter in my stomach at his words. A running partner was exactly what I needed and it would give me a chance to get closer to this incredibly attractive man. It had been a while since I broke up with my last boyfriend and I hadn’t been on a date since then.

“I would love that,” I replied.

“Great!” he said with enthusiasm and a smile that spread all the way to his eyes. “See you at the entrance tomorrow at 8:00?” I nodded and he ran off again, seemingly not at all winded. I finished my run and went home to shower and revel in my excitement. I had forgotten the feeling of butterflies in my stomach when a cute boy smiled at me, and this man was the sexiest man I had ever met. I knew that being running partners wasn’t exactly the same thing as going on a date, but it was still a great way to get to know him.

The next morning, I woke up early and put on my cutest running outfit. It wasn’t much, but the flattering fit and bright colors did make me feel more confident. I drove out to the park and walked to the entrance to the trails right at 8:00. The attractive stranger was already there waiting for me.

“Good morning!” he called out as I jogged over. “You look nice. It’s a shame we are about to get all gross and sweaty. By the way, my name is Mark.” I smiled and shook his hand.

“I’m Carrie. Nice to meet you.” We continued to chat while we stretched out and then we were off, running down the trails in sync with each other. I really pushed myself, willing my legs to run faster and my lungs to keep pulling in ragged breaths. I was running as fast and as hard as I had ever run in my track days, but I was still barely keeping up with Mark. He was making sure to stay with me, but I got the feeling he could go a lot faster without me next to him. Given how fast we were going for such an extended period of time, I wasn’t sure how that was possible. Still, he seemed to be enjoying himself and I was greatly enjoying watching the stretch and pull of his large muscles as he ran. At the end of our run, I was sweaty and winded, but Mark somehow still looked perfect. He walked me to my car like a real gentleman too.

“This was great,” he said as we walked through the parking lot. “I can’t do tomorrow or the next day, but how about we meet again in three days?”

“Sure,” I agreed. “I might take the next two days to train so I can catch up to your abilities.” He laughed.

“You are really a great runner, but I totally respect your desire to get even better. Just make sure to train during daylight hours only. It isn’t safe here at dark, especially on your own.” I nodded. We had reached my car and it was time to say goodbye.  I felt unreasonably sad that I wouldn’t be seeing him again for two days, but Mark leaned over and gave me a quick hug, despite the fact that I was dripping with sweat. My heart skipped a beat and I could barely mumble out a farewell before blushing and ducking into my car.

I spent that night dreaming about Mark. In my dream, we were in the woods running. He was running so impossibly fast and I needed to catch him. I ran faster and faster until I was flying, soaring over the treetops. I found him in a clearing and he flew up to meet me and kissed me in the clouds. I woke up feeling sweaty and turned on and realized that I had slept through my alarm clock. There was no time for me to go running this morning, so I would have to go after work.

The day dragged on slowly, and it was even harder knowing that I still had more than a day before I could run with Mark again. I was relieved when the clock hit five o’clock and I could finally leave. I drove home and quickly changed into my running clothes before heading to the park. I still had almost an hour left of daylight so I could fit a decent run in before heading home. I started out slow, jogging up the trails and taking in the natural scenery as I went. My muscles were finally feeling the effects of pushing myself so hard the day before, and it took a while for them to warm up and be ready to push. When they finally did limber up, I decided to really push myself and run as hard and fast as I could. I ran further than we had the day before, pounding the packed dirt trail as I would my way through the woods. I lost track of time until I realized that it was slowly starting to get darker. I paused and glanced at my watch. I had somehow been running for over an hour and I hadn’t yet turned back. There was no way I would make it back to my car before dark at this point. I heard Mark’s warning in my head, but quickly reminded myself that he was just being sweet and cautious and that there was really nothing to worry about. There was no one else around, and I could outrun almost any attacker.

I turned around and started running back down the trail towards the park entrance. I was trying to race the sun, but quickly losing. Within half an hour, the sun had set and I was alone in the dark. I used the light on my watch the guide my way, but I could no longer run because I couldn’t make out the rocks, branches, and roots that blocked my way in the dark. I was making slow progress down the path when I heard a sound. I stopped to listen. The noise was faint and muffled by distance, but it sounded like a chorus of growls. A shiver ran down my spine. Maybe wild animals were the real reason Mark had told me to be careful at night. I really wished he had been more specific. I hurried my steps and tried to convince myself that there was no way for any large animals to get to me. I was sure the park would not be open to the public if large predatory animals were just wandering around. Just as I was starting to calm myself down, I heard the howls again, and this time they were closer. I started to run, tripping over rocks and branches as I pushed along, but the bears were gaining on me. Every few minutes I would hear their howls get closer and closer.

My foot slammed into a root and I lost my balance, falling hard on my ass. I cried out in pain and struggled to get up, but it was too late. I could see the bright gleam of multiple eyes staring at me through the trees. The bears had caught up to me. Their large brown bodies lumbered out of the woods slowly, looking at me hungrily. I screamed out loudly, praying that someone, anyone would hear.

Then suddenly, one bear jumped forward. I cowered, raising my hand out to block the force, but he didn’t bite me. I looked up and saw that the bear was facing the rest of the animals. And as I watched, he started to shift, growing upright and shedding his thick fur. A human man was now standing in front of me. He turned and I saw that it was Mark standing before me, completely naked. The rest of the bears started to change as well, and finally a group of naked men surrounded me.

“This is the woman I told you about,” Mark said to the group. “This is Carrie and I have claimed her for mine. She is under my protection.” The group seemed to understand and nodded wordlessly. As I watched, they all transformed back into bears and ran back into the forest. All of them, except for Mark. He turned to me with an apologetic look.

“Carrie, I am so sorry. I know this must be a shock. I meant to tell you about who I am eventually, but I was hoping you would heed my warning and wouldn’t have to find out like this.” I stared at him, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he was a werebear.

“Who are you, Mark?” I asked him.

“I’m the leader of the northern pack of bears. I’m a werebear, Carrie. But you are under my protection and no one in my pack will ever harm you. I will never harm you. Something about you called to me since I first saw you. I am so attracted to you Carrie.” I couldn’t believe he felt the same way that I did. But I looked at him and saw that his cock was huge and hard, sticking straight out at me.

“I…I want you.” I whispered.

“I want you too. Will you trust me completely?” Mark asked. I bit my lower lip and nodded.

The look he gave me caused my juices to drip out of my cunt and down my slender thighs.

Mark pushed me roughly to the ground and pulled my legs apart, sticking his head between my thighs and eagerly lapping up all my creamy wetness. Once my thighs were licked clean his nibbled them gently, then less gently as he worked his way up to my cunt. After he reached my sopping wet pussy he dove right in, licking it ferociously with a hunger that could not be satisfied. His warm tongue explored my depths and pulsed rapidly over my small swollen clit.

While he ate my pussy, his strong hands were gripping my round hips, his nails digging into my soft flesh and creating little pinpricks of blood. The sharp pain only added to my mounting pleasure as I alternated between loud moans and incoherent screams as he brought me quickly to the edge. Right as I was about to reach my orgasm, Mark drew his head out of my lap and pulled backwards.

“No! Please don’t stop,” I cried out to him desperately, gripping at the broken branches next to me. Anger boiled up in me at having so much pleasure at then having it snatched away at the last moment. Mark looked at me with an intensely animalistic and lustful gaze and I knew he was not done with me yet. He stood up and I saw his cock had grown harder and rigid, sticking straight out at me. His already large cock grow even bigger than before and I could feel my wetness filling me again as I looked at the magnificent veined shaft. I reached up to touch it, amazed by how the girth filled my hands.

I needed to taste him and from the primal look in Mark’s eyes, I could tell that that was what he wanted too. I knelt in front of him and placed my soft lips around the head of his huge cock. It was so big it stretched my mouth all the way open. Mark groaned and gripped the back of my hair, pulling my head towards him. He was completely uninhibited and acting on his animalistic urges. The thought turned me on so much that I could feel my own wetness dripping down my thighs again. His long, thick shaft pushed deep into my mouth and Mark kept pushing until his cock entered into my throat. I had never deep throated a cock before, and this one was huge. It filled up my entire mouth and throat and I had to suck and gulp at it to even get any air.

Mark pulled his hips back, drawing his cock out of my throat and then thrust forward again. He made animalistic grunts as he continued to fuck my mouth, gripping my hair tightly. His cock tasted strong and salty, more primal and sexual than anything I had ever tasted. I moaned onto his cock and the vibrations made him dig his claws into my shoulder as he groaned loudly. He finally pulled his cock out of my mouth and grabbed my waist. I gasped in surprise as he spun me around and pushed me down on all fours. He got on his knees behind me and gripped my hips so tightly that his claws pierced my skin. I didn’t even have time to register the pain before he slammed his cock into my hungry cunt. I cried out as his cock filled my cunt more than it had ever been filled before. Mark didn’t stop to caress me like usual, instead he immediately pulled back and thrust hard into me again, his cock shooting deep into my depths. He pumped his shaft into my pussy over and over, slamming into my G-spot with every stroke. I cried out senseless words as he took me close to my climax again. As I approached my orgasm, he once again withdrew my pleasure from me. He pulled his throbbing cock from my cunt and pulled me up by my arm.

“No, don’t,” I protested weakly. He pulled me to a standing position and pushed me hard against the closest tree. I looked at him and saw his primal passion flaring in his eyes. He reached out one hand and raked his claws lightly down my soft body, leaving small pink lines behind it. He then gripped the base of his enormous beast cock and pushed it into my dripping cunt.

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