Shadow of the Wolf (6 page)

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Authors: Anastacia Kelley

BOOK: Shadow of the Wolf
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     Trevor fingered the strap on her flowered dress.  “I like your dress.  But I’d rather you not have anything on underneath.”

Serenitee gave him a coy smile and pulled up her dress and removed her panties.

     Trevor kicked them out o
f his way and removed his own clothes.  He grabbed Serenitee by the waist and picked her up.  “Wrap you legs tightly around me.”

     She felt the tip of his erection on her inner thigh as she happily complied.

     Trevor walked into the living room and over to the back of the large sofa and set Serenitee down.  He pointed to the rounded part of the chair, where one’s neck usually rested.  “Turn around and lay forward for me.”

     Serenitee rested her stomach on the soft cushion of the chair and felt Trevor move behind her and lift her dress.  The sight of her bent over made him crazy with lust and passion.  He lifted her dress further up, exposing her bare back.  He ran his nails down her spine.  She arched and moaned low in her throat.  Next, he bent down, closed his eyes and placed the tip of his nose to the back of her neck.  He breathed in her heady scent and glided his nose down her backbone and back up again, relishing in the essence
her skin gave off.   He nipped at her shoulder, her neck, her hip and finally her buttocks. 

     Serenitee let out a surprised gasp.

     “You like that, don’t you?” he murmured in her ear.


     “And you want more.”

     “Ah-h, yes.  Please, Trevor.  Take me.”

     Trevor pulled her up from her bent position, turned her around and lifted her dress over her head.  Both completely devoid of clothing, Trevor coaxed her to the floor.  He settled over her as she opened her legs to him.  

     His hips were nestled between her smooth thighs. 
He slipped into her silky curls as his lips sought hers.  His tongue glided over her lips, tasting her sweetness.  Serenitee let her fingers softly run over his back as her tongue slipped inside his warm mouth.

     Trevor lifted up onto his elbows and drove his hips deeper into hers.  Serenitee lifted up to meet his thrusts. 
Higher and higher, they climbed to reach their climax.  Serenitee locked her ankles around Trevor’s waist and held him inside her.

     Trevor lay stil
l.  He felt her warmth spread around him as he pulsed inside her.  It only lasted a moment before Trevor began to move again, this time more frantic, wanting to hear Serenitee’s cry of pleasure in his ears.

     Trevor could feel Serenitee tighten around him,
grabbing his manhood as he slid in and out of her moist heat.  He raised himself from his elbows enough to grab both of Serenitee’s hands, and held them gently against the rug.  Serenitee let her feet rest on the floor, letting her legs fall open to receive as much of Trevor as she could.  He snapped his hips harder into her.  Serenitee lifted high off the floor, rotating her hips in fast circles.

     Trevor’s throat rumbled, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps as he buried himself deeper and deeper. 

     Serenitee could barely catch her breath.  Her plea came out as a soft whisper.  “Trevor.”

     “Yes,” he ground out.  He let go of her hands, lowered himself and wrapped his arms around her.

     Serenitee held onto him as the ride took her higher.  Sweat mingled, making their chests slick as they rubbed against each other.  Her taut nipples were pushed into his hard chest.  She could feel the hair teasing them playfully, making them pebble even more.

Serenitee wrapped her arms tightly around Trevor, pulling her knees until they met his shoulders.  She opened her mouth and gingerly bit at his shoulder.

     Trevor growled low in his throat.  He heard Serenitee moan and coil tighter.  Her inner muscles clenched down on him.  Her legs trembled against his waist.  He could feel his own body shudder. 

     With a loud cry of release, Serenitee let herself go just as Trevor’s body jerked.  He let the sweet fire of passion consume him.  He shouted her name as his passions spilled into her.

     They lay in each other’s arms limply, waiting for the onslaught of their powerful love making to pass.

Chapter Seven

     Soon, the autumn leaves were gone.  The trees were bared for a cold winter.  Halloween had come and gone.  She and Trevor had
gone to a costume party.  He agreed since he could easily hide himself with no one but Serenitee being the wiser.  Serenitee couldn’t understand why people were jumpy around Trevor.  He was intimidating but harmless.  People could really exaggerate the small stuff.

     Since he was in full costume, no one was suspicious of him.  They all assumed he would be at home
, alone, while they danced the night away. 

     Serenitee decided to remain anonymous since it was clear that she and Trevor became close.  It was obvious to anyone with a pulse. 

     They stayed until midnight but as soon as they made it to Trevor’s house, he made love to her, costume and all, against the door right after he’d closed it. 

     Who knew that it would be so much
fun to make love as Frankenstein’s monster with his bride?


     Serenitee sat at a booth beside the window at Rue’s café, enjoying her hot chocolate laced with mint and topped with mini marshmallows. The light dusting of snow had settled onto the sleepy little southern town of Holden, Alabama.  Children, bundled head to toe, laughed as they sent tiny snowballs flying, eager to hit their targets.  Serenitee waved a hand on the window to remove the vapor that had settled there. 

Serenitee had wanted to spend Thanksgiving alone much to the dismay of Rue.  Now, Christmas was a few short weeks away.  This time of year used to be Serenitee’s favorite.  Her parents had hosted big parties and served the best food. 

They would’ve had the tree lit in the living room next to a window.  They kept the blinds open so everyone could enjoy its beauty.        

There would’ve been presents aplenty under the massive tree and a fragrant fire burning in the fireplace.  There would be several punches, finger foods, and turkey with all the trimmings sitting on the dining room table.  Cakes and pies would be resting on the kitchen counter, waiting to be gobbled up.  The beautiful smells of cinnamon, sage, roast turkey and sweet potatoes would permeate the whole house in comfort.  Christmas music would play through the speakers; red and green candles would have been lit and set in various places throughout the living room and dining room.

     For the past thirteen years, after she
’d lost her parents, Christmas no longer held its appeal.  The light in her heart was no longer lit.  It no longer felt like home because hers had been broken.

     She sighed and took another sip of her hot chocolate. 

     Rue set a steaming platter of roast chicken, fried green tomatoes, stewed squash and cornbread in front of her.  Serenitee didn’t feel hungry.  Her heart and stomach were too heavy with the sadness of the past.

     “Something eatin’ at you, honey?” Rue asked when she saw the despair cloud
ing her new friend’s eyes.

     Serenitee looked up from her food.  “It always does during this time of year, Rue.”

     Rue sat across from her and patted her hand.  “Want to tell me about it?”

     Serenitee smiled gratefull
y and explained why she was feeling so down in the dumps.

     Rue made a sympathetic noise.  “It’s gotta be hard on you.  You were just a young thing when your parents passed away.  I won’t pretend to understand.  I really can’t.  My parents are gone, too, but I got to enjoy their company until I turned sixty.”

     “That would’ve been nice to have that kind of opportunity,” Serenitee admitted.

     Rue had a light in her eyes.  “Well, I won’t have you alone this Christmas.
  I let you off the hook for Thanksgiving.  You will come over to our house for Christmas dinner.  My husband, Charles, loves a big spread.  The more, the merrier, I always say.  A lot of the townspeople come over and bring a dish if they want to.”  She leaned in.  “And to also show off their southern skills.”  She winked.

     Serenitee laughed.  “Okay. 
On one condition.”

     “What’s that?”

     “I bring a dish.”

     Rue pretended to think it over.  “All righty.  Whatcha gonna bring?”

     “Well, I’m not what you call a ‘great southern cook’.  But my mom taught me to make pies.  I can do a mean pecan pie.”

     Rue chuckled.  “Oh, me.  Just wa
it until my husband finds out you’re bringin’ a pecan pie.”

     Serenitee furrowed her brows.  “Why?  He doesn’t like them?”

     “Are you kiddin’ me?  Pecan pie’s practically a religion ‘round here, much like the sweet tea. I’ll be surprised if Charles only eats one slice.  Sweet potato and pecan are his two favorite pies.  That’s why I only make them on very special occasions.”

     They laughed.  It felt good to laugh at Christmastime.  Serenitee couldn’t remember the last time she did.  She had Rue to thank for that. 

     Serenitee turned serious.  “Rue, I need to ask a big favor of you.”

     “Sure, h
on,” she said with a wide smile

May I bring Trevor with me to the dinner?”

s smile faltered a bit when she heard this. 

     Serenitee explained.  “You said yourself he’s been through so much.  People may show sympathy but do they lift a hand to help him?  No.  They turn their backs on him.  Why
feel sorry for his tragedies but do nothing to ease his pain?”

     Rue nodded.  “You’re absolutely right.
  We folks should be ashamed of ourselves for carryin’ on about it.  I can see as plain as the nose on my face that you’re takin’ with him.  And it don’t take no crystal ball to know he feels the same for you.”

     Serenitee leaned a bit closer and lowered her voice.  “To tell the truth, Rue, I think I’m falling in love with him.  I wasn’t expecting to feel this
way so quickly.”  It certainly transcended anything she’s ever felt before.  But, she still didn’t know how Trevor felt.  He made no mention of love.  Not that she expected him to talk about love this early on.

     “Love’ll do that to you.  You’ll see it right in front of your face but still don’t realize it’s there until it smacks you.”

     “You couldn’t be more correct than that, Rue.”

     “Well, then.  Bring Trevor, too.  It’s about time he deserved more from us than pity.  He could use a social life.
  And if people don’t like it, heck, it’s my house.  Everyone’s welcome.”

     Serenitee smiled, her appetite suddenly returning.
  She began eating and Rue got up to take care of her customers.


     Trevor entered Serenitee’s house, finding her stringing lights on a small Christmas tree.  He watched her as she whistled
“Jingle Bells”
and started hanging the red, green and gold ball ornaments.  She looked happy, content.  His heart swelled and his breath caught.  He swallowed the lump in his throat. 

     Was that love?  Heaven help him if it was.  He didn’t need that kind of complication.  It would only make things worse in the end.  He couldn’t be with her for very long before she found out his grisly secret.  He was pretty sure she would be able to walk away from him without a backwards glance.
  Maybe he should just tell her so he could save them both a lot of heartache. 

     But looking at her so happy in her work, he couldn’t bring himself to do so just yet. 
He cleared his throat.

     Serenitee turned from her decorations and grinned.  “Hey, Trevor.”  She pointed to the tree.  “How does it look so far?”

     Trevor walked up to the tree and wrapped his arms around her.  “Beautiful.”  He kissed her neck.  “And the tree’s nice, too.”

     She laughed and turned around in his arms and gave him a soft kiss on his scruffy cheek.

     “Now, we can do better than that,” he admonished playfully.

     She gave him
a Cheshire cat grin, held his face in her hands and gave him the hot kiss he was asking for.

They broke apart, breathless.

     “How about that?”

     “Much better.” 

Serenitee hugged him close.  “I have something to ask you.  You don’t have to give an answer now.  You can think on it for about a week.”

     Trevor eyed her.  “Oh?  And what might that be?”

     “Rue invited us to the Christmas dinner party she and her husband are throwing.”  She looked up at him.  “I want you to come with me,” she said brazenly.

Trevor stiffened.  “Where does the question part come in?” 

     Serenitee smiled sheepishly.  “You have a point.  Will you go with me to the Greene’s Christmas party?”

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